Animated GIFs are useful for documentating animations. Here’s how to make them:

Capturing video of an Android device

  • This feature is available on KitKat and later.

  • Make sure to launch the app using flutter run --release for faster performance.

  • Start recording video by running this command on the command line:

    adb shell screenrecord /sdcard/recording.mp4

  • Interact with the app. When you are done you can terminate the recording with CTRL+c.

  • Pull the recording off the device and onto your local hard drive:

    adb pull /sdcard/recording.mp4 ~/Downloads/

Capturing video of the iOS simulator

  • Move the iOS simulator above your other applications
  • Launch the “QuickTime Player” app
  • Select “New Screen Recording” from the File menu
  • Draw a box around the Simulator and click “Start Recording”
  • When you're finished, click on Stop Recording on the Menu Bar.
  • If needed, trim your recording using “Trim” from the “Edit” menu.
  • Save the recording

Converting the recording to GIF

  • Go to and upload the video.
  • If further trimming is needed, select the start and end times for your GIF.
  • Select an appropriately small size for the GIF (recommended: 320xAUTO).
  • Select a high framerate for the GIF (the max is 20) for smoothest animation
  • Convert to GIF and download the GIF file


Example Animated GIF