blob: 195b860c800acc5b2feab9c4673e9d0d849eab87 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/args.dart' as argslib;
import 'package:file/local.dart' as local;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import '../gen_l10n.dart';
import '../gen_l10n_types.dart';
import '../localizations_utils.dart';
void main(List<String> arguments) {
final argslib.ArgParser parser = argslib.ArgParser();
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false,
help: 'Print this help message.',
defaultsTo: path.join('lib', 'l10n'),
help: 'The directory where the template and translated arb files are located.',
help: 'The directory where the generated localization classes will be written. '
'The app must import the file specified in the \'output-localization-file\' '
'option from this directory. If unspecified, this defaults to the same '
'directory as the input directory specified in \'arb-dir\'.'
defaultsTo: 'app_en.arb',
help: 'The template arb file that will be used as the basis for '
'generating the Dart localization and messages files.',
defaultsTo: 'app_localizations.dart',
help: 'The filename for the output localization and localizations '
'delegate classes.',
help: 'The location of a file that describes the localization\n'
'messages have not been translated yet. Using this option will create\n'
'a JSON file at the target location, in the following format:\n\n'
'"locale": ["message_1", "message_2" ... "message_n"]\n\n'
'If this option is not specified, a summary of the messages that\n'
'have not been translated will be printed on the command line.'
defaultsTo: 'AppLocalizations',
help: 'The Dart class name to use for the output localization and '
'localizations delegate classes.',
help: 'The list of preferred supported locales for the application. '
'By default, the tool will generate the supported locales list in '
'alphabetical order. Use this flag if you would like to default to '
'a different locale. \n\n'
"For example, pass in ['en_US'] if you would like your app to "
'default to American English if a device supports it.',
help: 'The header to prepend to the generated Dart localizations '
'files. This option takes in a string. \n\n'
'For example, pass in "/// All localized files." if you would '
'like this string prepended to the generated Dart file. \n\n'
'Alternatively, see the `header-file` option to pass in a text '
'file for longer headers.'
help: 'The header to prepend to the generated Dart localizations '
'files. The value of this option is the name of the file that '
'contains the header text which will be inserted at the top '
'of each generated Dart file. \n\n'
'Alternatively, see the `header` option to pass in a string '
'for a simpler header. \n\n'
'This file should be placed in the directory specified in \'arb-dir\'.'
defaultsTo: false,
help: 'Whether to generate the Dart localization file with locales imported'
' as deferred, allowing for lazy loading of each locale in Flutter web.\n'
'This can reduce a web app’s initial startup time by decreasing the '
'size of the JavaScript bundle. When this flag is set to true, the '
'messages for a particular locale are only downloaded and loaded by the '
'Flutter app as they are needed. For projects with a lot of different '
'locales and many localization strings, it can be an performance '
'improvement to have deferred loading. For projects with a small number '
'of locales, the difference is negligible, and might slow down the start '
'up compared to bundling the localizations with the rest of the '
'Note that this flag does not affect other platforms such as mobile or '
valueHelp: 'path-to-output-directory',
help: 'When specified, the tool generates a JSON file containing the '
'tool\'s inputs and outputs named gen_l10n_inputs_and_outputs.json.'
'This can be useful for keeping track of which files of the Flutter '
'project were used when generating the latest set of localizations. '
'For example, the Flutter tool\'s build system uses this file to '
'keep track of when to call gen_l10n during hot reload.\n\n'
'The value of this option is the directory where the JSON file will be '
'When null, the JSON file will not be generated.'
final argslib.ArgResults results = parser.parse(arguments);
if (results['help'] == true) {
final String inputPathString = results['arb-dir'] as String;
final String outputPathString = results['output-dir'] as String;
final String outputFileString = results['output-localization-file'] as String;
final String templateArbFileName = results['template-arb-file'] as String;
final String untranslatedMessagesFile = results['untranslated-messages-file'] as String;
final String classNameString = results['output-class'] as String;
final String preferredSupportedLocaleString = results['preferred-supported-locales'] as String;
final String headerString = results['header'] as String;
final String headerFile = results['header-file'] as String;
final bool useDeferredLoading = results['use-deferred-loading'] as bool;
final String inputsAndOutputsListPath = results['gen-inputs-and-outputs-list'] as String;
const local.LocalFileSystem fs = local.LocalFileSystem();
final LocalizationsGenerator localizationsGenerator = LocalizationsGenerator(fs);
try {
inputPathString: inputPathString,
outputPathString: outputPathString,
templateArbFileName: templateArbFileName,
outputFileString: outputFileString,
classNameString: classNameString,
preferredSupportedLocaleString: preferredSupportedLocaleString,
headerString: headerString,
headerFile: headerFile,
useDeferredLoading: useDeferredLoading,
inputsAndOutputsListPath: inputsAndOutputsListPath,
} on FileSystemException catch (e) {
} on FormatException catch (e) {
} on L10nException catch (e) {