blob: 687238776d5409dc80fd6b82959fe8a3643fe3a4 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:process/process.dart';
import '../base/common.dart';
import '../base/logger.dart';
import '../base/process.dart';
import 'fuchsia_sdk.dart';
// Usage: device-finder <flags> <subcommand> <subcommand args>
// Subcommands:
// commands list all command names
// flags describe all known top-level flags
// help describe subcommands and their syntax
// list lists all Fuchsia devices on the network
// resolve attempts to resolve all passed Fuchsia domain names on the
// network
/// A simple wrapper for the Fuchsia SDK's 'device-finder' tool.
class FuchsiaDevFinder {
@required FuchsiaArtifacts fuchsiaArtifacts,
@required Logger logger,
@required ProcessManager processManager,
: _fuchsiaArtifacts = fuchsiaArtifacts,
_logger = logger,
_processUtils = ProcessUtils(logger: logger, processManager: processManager);
final FuchsiaArtifacts _fuchsiaArtifacts;
final Logger _logger;
final ProcessUtils _processUtils;
/// Returns a list of attached devices as a list of strings with entries
/// formatted as follows:
/// scare-cable-skip-joy
Future<List<String>> list({ Duration timeout }) async {
if (_fuchsiaArtifacts.devFinder == null ||
!_fuchsiaArtifacts.devFinder.existsSync()) {
throwToolExit('Fuchsia device-finder tool not found.');
final List<String> command = <String>[
if (timeout != null)
...<String>['-timeout', '${timeout.inMilliseconds}ms']
final RunResult result = await;
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
// No devices returns error code 1.
if (!result.stderr.contains('no devices found')) {
_logger.printError('device-finder failed: ${result.stderr}');
return null;
return result.stdout.split('\n');
/// Returns the address of the named device.
/// If local is true, then gives the address by which the device reaches the
/// host.
/// The string [deviceName] should be the name of the device from the
/// 'list' command, e.g. 'scare-cable-skip-joy'.
Future<String> resolve(String deviceName, {bool local = false}) async {
if (_fuchsiaArtifacts.devFinder == null ||
!_fuchsiaArtifacts.devFinder.existsSync()) {
throwToolExit('Fuchsia device-finder tool not found.');
final List<String> command = <String>[
if (local) '-local',
'-device-limit', '1',
final RunResult result = await;
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
_logger.printError('device-finder failed: ${result.stderr}');
return null;
return result.stdout.trim();