blob: b8806bc5cc51d5e0600de936c29a626912604aa3 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection' show IterableMixin;
import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:ui' show Vertices;
import 'package:flutter/material.dart' hide Gradient;
import 'package:vector_math/vector_math_64.dart' show Vector3;
// The entire state of the hex board and abstraction to get information about
// it. Iterable so that all BoardPoints on the board can be iterated over.
class Board extends Object with IterableMixin<BoardPoint?> {
required this.boardRadius,
required this.hexagonRadius,
required this.hexagonMargin,
List<BoardPoint>? boardPoints,
}) : assert(boardRadius > 0),
assert(hexagonRadius > 0),
assert(hexagonMargin >= 0) {
// Set up the positions for the center hexagon where the entire board is
// centered on the origin.
// Start point of hexagon (top vertex).
final Point<double> hexStart = Point<double>(0, -hexagonRadius);
final double hexagonRadiusPadded = hexagonRadius - hexagonMargin;
final double centerToFlat = sqrt(3) / 2 * hexagonRadiusPadded;
Offset(hexStart.x, hexStart.y),
Offset(hexStart.x + centerToFlat, hexStart.y + 0.5 * hexagonRadiusPadded),
Offset(hexStart.x + centerToFlat, hexStart.y + 1.5 * hexagonRadiusPadded),
Offset(hexStart.x + centerToFlat, hexStart.y + 1.5 * hexagonRadiusPadded),
Offset(hexStart.x, hexStart.y + 2 * hexagonRadiusPadded),
Offset(hexStart.x, hexStart.y + 2 * hexagonRadiusPadded),
Offset(hexStart.x - centerToFlat, hexStart.y + 1.5 * hexagonRadiusPadded),
Offset(hexStart.x - centerToFlat, hexStart.y + 1.5 * hexagonRadiusPadded),
Offset(hexStart.x - centerToFlat, hexStart.y + 0.5 * hexagonRadiusPadded),
if (boardPoints != null) {
} else {
// Generate boardPoints for a fresh board.
BoardPoint? boardPoint = _getNextBoardPoint(null);
while (boardPoint != null) {
boardPoint = _getNextBoardPoint(boardPoint);
final int boardRadius; // Number of hexagons from center to edge.
final double hexagonRadius; // Pixel radius of a hexagon (center to vertex).
final double hexagonMargin; // Margin between hexagons.
final List<Offset> positionsForHexagonAtOrigin = <Offset>[];
final BoardPoint? selected;
final List<BoardPoint> _boardPoints = <BoardPoint>[];
Iterator<BoardPoint?> get iterator => _BoardIterator(_boardPoints);
// For a given q axial coordinate, get the range of possible r values
// See the definition of BoardPoint for more information about hex grids and
// axial coordinates.
_Range _getRRangeForQ(int q) {
int rStart;
int rEnd;
if (q <= 0) {
rStart = -boardRadius - q;
rEnd = boardRadius;
} else {
rEnd = boardRadius - q;
rStart = -boardRadius;
return _Range(rStart, rEnd);
// Get the BoardPoint that comes after the given BoardPoint. If given null,
// returns the origin BoardPoint. If given BoardPoint is the last, returns
// null.
BoardPoint? _getNextBoardPoint (BoardPoint? boardPoint) {
// If before the first element.
if (boardPoint == null) {
return BoardPoint(-boardRadius, 0);
final _Range rRange = _getRRangeForQ(boardPoint.q);
// If at or after the last element.
if (boardPoint.q >= boardRadius && boardPoint.r >= rRange.max) {
return null;
// If wrapping from one q to the next.
if (boardPoint.r >= rRange.max) {
return BoardPoint(boardPoint.q + 1, _getRRangeForQ(boardPoint.q + 1).min);
// Otherwise we're just incrementing r.
return BoardPoint(boardPoint.q, boardPoint.r + 1);
// Check if the board point is actually on the board.
bool _validateBoardPoint(BoardPoint boardPoint) {
const BoardPoint center = BoardPoint(0, 0);
final int distanceFromCenter = getDistance(center, boardPoint);
return distanceFromCenter <= boardRadius;
// Get the distance between two BoardPoins.
static int getDistance(BoardPoint a, BoardPoint b) {
final Vector3 a3 = a.cubeCoordinates;
final Vector3 b3 = b.cubeCoordinates;
((a3.x - b3.x).abs() + (a3.y - b3.y).abs() + (a3.z - b3.z).abs()) ~/ 2;
// Return the q,r BoardPoint for a point in the scene, where the origin is in
// the center of the board in both coordinate systems. If no BoardPoint at the
// location, return null.
BoardPoint? pointToBoardPoint(Offset point) {
final BoardPoint boardPoint = BoardPoint(
((sqrt(3) / 3 * point.dx - 1 / 3 * point.dy) / hexagonRadius).round(),
((2 / 3 * point.dy) / hexagonRadius).round(),
if (!_validateBoardPoint(boardPoint)) {
return null;
return _boardPoints.firstWhere((BoardPoint boardPointI) {
return boardPointI.q == boardPoint.q && boardPointI.r == boardPoint.r;
// Return a scene point for the center of a hexagon given its q,r point.
Point<double> boardPointToPoint(BoardPoint boardPoint) {
return Point<double>(
sqrt(3) * hexagonRadius * boardPoint.q + sqrt(3) / 2 * hexagonRadius * boardPoint.r,
1.5 * hexagonRadius * boardPoint.r,
// Get Vertices that can be drawn to a Canvas for the given BoardPoint.
Vertices getVerticesForBoardPoint(BoardPoint boardPoint, Color color) {
final Point<double> centerOfHexZeroCenter = boardPointToPoint(boardPoint);
final List<Offset> positions = offset) {
return offset.translate(centerOfHexZeroCenter.x, centerOfHexZeroCenter.y);
return Vertices(
colors: List<Color>.filled(positions.length, color),
// Return a new board with the given BoardPoint selected.
Board copyWithSelected(BoardPoint? boardPoint) {
if (selected == boardPoint) {
return this;
final Board nextBoard = Board(
boardRadius: boardRadius,
hexagonRadius: hexagonRadius,
hexagonMargin: hexagonMargin,
selected: boardPoint,
boardPoints: _boardPoints,
return nextBoard;
// Return a new board where boardPoint has the given color.
Board copyWithBoardPointColor(BoardPoint boardPoint, Color color) {
final BoardPoint nextBoardPoint = boardPoint.copyWithColor(color);
final int boardPointIndex = _boardPoints.indexWhere((BoardPoint boardPointI) =>
boardPointI.q == boardPoint.q && boardPointI.r == boardPoint.r
if (elementAt(boardPointIndex) == boardPoint && boardPoint.color == color) {
return this;
final List<BoardPoint> nextBoardPoints = List<BoardPoint>.from(_boardPoints);
nextBoardPoints[boardPointIndex] = nextBoardPoint;
final BoardPoint? selectedBoardPoint = boardPoint == selected
? nextBoardPoint
: selected;
return Board(
boardRadius: boardRadius,
hexagonRadius: hexagonRadius,
hexagonMargin: hexagonMargin,
selected: selectedBoardPoint,
boardPoints: nextBoardPoints,
class _BoardIterator extends Iterator<BoardPoint?> {
final List<BoardPoint> boardPoints;
int? currentIndex;
BoardPoint? current;
bool moveNext() {
final int? index = currentIndex;
if (index == null) {
currentIndex = 0;
} else {
currentIndex = index + 1;
if (currentIndex! >= boardPoints.length) {
current = null;
return false;
current = boardPoints[currentIndex!];
return true;
// A range of q/r board coordinate values.
class _Range {
const _Range(this.min, this.max)
: assert(min <= max);
final int min;
final int max;
final Set<Color> boardPointColors = <Color>{
// A location on the board in axial coordinates.
// Axial coordinates use two integers, q and r, to locate a hexagon on a grid.
class BoardPoint {
const BoardPoint(this.q, this.r, {
this.color = Colors.grey,
final int q;
final int r;
final Color color;
String toString() {
return 'BoardPoint($q, $r, $color)';
// Only compares by location.
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) {
return false;
return other is BoardPoint
&& other.q == q
&& other.r == r;
int get hashCode => hashValues(q, r);
BoardPoint copyWithColor(Color nextColor) => BoardPoint(q, r, color: nextColor);
// Convert from q,r axial coords to x,y,z cube coords.
Vector3 get cubeCoordinates {
return Vector3(
(-q - r).toDouble(),