blob: 1424d7bef44b273b2c3224437cc4df94fb57780e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:vector_math/vector_math_64.dart' show Vector3;
import 'transformations_demo_inertial_motion.dart';
// This widget allows 2D transform interactions on its child in relation to its
// parent. The user can transform the child by dragging to pan or pinching to
// zoom and rotate. All event callbacks for GestureDetector are supported, and
// the coordinates that are given are untransformed and in relation to the
// original position of the child.
class GestureTransformable extends StatefulWidget {
const GestureTransformable({
Key? key,
// The child to perform the transformations on.
required this.child,
// The desired visible size of the widget and the area that is receptive to
// gestures. If a widget that's as big as possible is desired, then wrap
// this in a LayoutBuilder and pass
// `Size(constraints.maxWidth, constraints.maxHeight)`.
required this.size,
// The scale will be clamped to between these values. A maxScale of null has
// no bounds. minScale must be greater than zero.
this.maxScale = 2.5,
this.minScale = 0.8,
// Transforms will be limited so that the viewport can not view beyond this
// Rect. The Rect does not rotate with the rest of the scene, so it is
// always aligned with the viewport. A null boundaryRect results in no
// limits to the distance that the viewport can be transformed to see.
// Initial values for the transform can be provided.
// Any and all of the possible transformations can be disabled.
this.disableTranslation = false,
this.disableScale = false,
this.disableRotation = false,
// If set to true, this widget will animate back to its initial transform
// and call onResetEnd when done. When utilizing reset, onResetEnd should
// also be implemented, and it should set reset to false when called.
this.reset = false,
// Access to event callbacks from GestureDetector. Called with untransformed
// coordinates in an Offset.
}) : assert(minScale > 0),
!reset || onResetEnd != null,
'Must implement onResetEnd to use reset.',
super(key: key);
final Widget child;
final Size size;
final bool reset;
final GestureTapDownCallback? onTapDown;
final GestureTapUpCallback? onTapUp;
final GestureTapCallback? onTap;
final GestureTapCancelCallback? onTapCancel;
final GestureTapCallback? onDoubleTap;
final GestureLongPressCallback? onLongPress;
final GestureLongPressUpCallback? onLongPressUp;
final GestureDragDownCallback? onVerticalDragDown;
final GestureDragStartCallback? onVerticalDragStart;
final GestureDragUpdateCallback? onVerticalDragUpdate;
final GestureDragEndCallback? onVerticalDragEnd;
final GestureDragCancelCallback? onVerticalDragCancel;
final GestureDragDownCallback? onHorizontalDragDown;
final GestureDragStartCallback? onHorizontalDragStart;
final GestureDragUpdateCallback? onHorizontalDragUpdate;
final GestureDragEndCallback? onHorizontalDragEnd;
final GestureDragCancelCallback? onHorizontalDragCancel;
final GestureDragDownCallback? onPanDown;
final GestureDragStartCallback? onPanStart;
final GestureDragUpdateCallback? onPanUpdate;
final GestureDragEndCallback? onPanEnd;
final GestureDragCancelCallback? onPanCancel;
final VoidCallback? onResetEnd;
final GestureScaleStartCallback? onScaleStart;
final GestureScaleUpdateCallback? onScaleUpdate;
final GestureScaleEndCallback? onScaleEnd;
final double maxScale;
final double minScale;
final Rect? boundaryRect;
final bool disableTranslation;
final bool disableScale;
final bool disableRotation;
final Offset? initialTranslation;
final double? initialScale;
final double? initialRotation;
@override _GestureTransformableState createState() => _GestureTransformableState();
// A single user event can only represent one of these gestures. The user can't
// do multiple at the same time, which results in more precise transformations.
enum _GestureType {
// This is public only for access from a unit test.
class _GestureTransformableState extends State<GestureTransformable> with TickerProviderStateMixin {
Animation<Offset>? _animation;
late AnimationController _controller;
Animation<Matrix4>? _animationReset;
late AnimationController _controllerReset;
// The translation that will be applied to the scene (not viewport).
// A positive x offset moves the scene right, viewport left.
// A positive y offset moves the scene down, viewport up.
Offset? _translateFromScene; // Point where a single translation began.
double? _scaleStart; // Scale value at start of scaling gesture.
double? _rotationStart = 0.0; // Rotation at start of rotation gesture.
late Rect _boundaryRect;
Matrix4 _transform = Matrix4.identity();
double _currentRotation = 0.0;
_GestureType? gestureType;
// The transformation matrix that gives the initial home position.
Matrix4 get _initialTransform {
Matrix4 matrix = Matrix4.identity();
if (widget.initialTranslation != null) {
matrix = matrixTranslate(matrix, widget.initialTranslation);
if (widget.initialScale != null) {
matrix = matrixScale(matrix, widget.initialScale);
if (widget.initialRotation != null) {
matrix = matrixRotate(matrix, widget.initialRotation,;
return matrix;
// Return the scene point at the given viewport point.
static Offset fromViewport(Offset viewportPoint, Matrix4 transform) {
// On viewportPoint, perform the inverse transformation of the scene to get
// where the point would be in the scene before the transformation.
final Matrix4 inverseMatrix = Matrix4.inverted(transform);
final Vector3 untransformed = inverseMatrix.transform3(Vector3(
return Offset(untransformed.x, untransformed.y);
// Get the offset of the current widget from the global screen coordinates.
// TODO(justinmc): Protect against calling this during first build.
static Offset getOffset(BuildContext context) {
final RenderBox renderObject = context.findRenderObject()! as RenderBox;
return renderObject.localToGlobal(;
void initState() {
_boundaryRect = widget.boundaryRect ?? & widget.size;
_transform = _initialTransform;
_controller = AnimationController(
vsync: this,
_controllerReset = AnimationController(
vsync: this,
if (widget.reset) {
void didUpdateWidget(GestureTransformable oldWidget) {
if (widget.reset && !oldWidget.reset && _animationReset == null) {
} else if (!widget.reset && oldWidget.reset && _animationReset != null) {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
// A GestureDetector allows the detection of panning and zooming gestures on
// its child, which is the CustomPaint.
return GestureDetector(
behavior: HitTestBehavior.opaque, // Necessary when translating off screen
onTapDown: widget.onTapDown == null ? null : (TapDownDetails details) {
globalPosition: fromViewport(details.globalPosition - getOffset(context), _transform),
onTapUp: widget.onTapUp == null ? null : (TapUpDetails details) {
kind: details.kind,
globalPosition: fromViewport(details.globalPosition - getOffset(context), _transform),
onTap: widget.onTap,
onTapCancel: widget.onTapCancel,
onDoubleTap: widget.onDoubleTap,
onLongPress: widget.onLongPress,
onLongPressUp: widget.onLongPressUp,
onVerticalDragDown: widget.onVerticalDragDown == null ? null : (DragDownDetails details) {
globalPosition: fromViewport(details.globalPosition - getOffset(context), _transform),
onVerticalDragStart: widget.onVerticalDragStart == null ? null : (DragStartDetails details) {
globalPosition: fromViewport(details.globalPosition - getOffset(context), _transform),
onVerticalDragUpdate: widget.onVerticalDragUpdate == null ? null : (DragUpdateDetails details) {
globalPosition: fromViewport(details.globalPosition - getOffset(context), _transform),
onVerticalDragEnd: widget.onVerticalDragEnd,
onVerticalDragCancel: widget.onVerticalDragCancel,
onHorizontalDragDown: widget.onHorizontalDragDown == null ? null : (DragDownDetails details) {
globalPosition: fromViewport(details.globalPosition - getOffset(context), _transform),
onHorizontalDragStart: widget.onHorizontalDragStart == null ? null : (DragStartDetails details) {
globalPosition: fromViewport(details.globalPosition - getOffset(context), _transform),
onHorizontalDragUpdate: widget.onHorizontalDragUpdate == null ? null : (DragUpdateDetails details) {
globalPosition: fromViewport(details.globalPosition - getOffset(context), _transform),
onHorizontalDragEnd: widget.onHorizontalDragEnd,
onHorizontalDragCancel: widget.onHorizontalDragCancel,
onPanDown: widget.onPanDown == null ? null : (DragDownDetails details) {
globalPosition: fromViewport(details.globalPosition - getOffset(context), _transform),
onPanStart: widget.onPanStart == null ? null : (DragStartDetails details) {
globalPosition: fromViewport(details.globalPosition - getOffset(context), _transform),
onPanUpdate: widget.onPanUpdate == null ? null : (DragUpdateDetails details) {
globalPosition: fromViewport(details.globalPosition - getOffset(context), _transform),
onPanEnd: widget.onPanEnd,
onPanCancel: widget.onPanCancel,
onScaleEnd: _onScaleEnd,
onScaleStart: _onScaleStart,
onScaleUpdate: _onScaleUpdate,
child: ClipRect(
// The scene is panned/zoomed/rotated using this Transform widget.
child: Transform(
transform: _transform,
child: Container(
child: widget.child,
height: widget.size.height,
width: widget.size.width,
// Return a new matrix representing the given matrix after applying the given
// translation.
Matrix4 matrixTranslate(Matrix4 matrix, Offset? translation) {
if (widget.disableTranslation || translation == {
return matrix;
// Clamp translation so the viewport remains inside _boundaryRect.
final double scale = _transform.getMaxScaleOnAxis();
final Size scaledSize = widget.size / scale;
final Rect viewportBoundaries = Rect.fromLTRB(
_boundaryRect.right - scaledSize.width,
_boundaryRect.bottom - scaledSize.height,
// Translation is reversed (a positive translation moves the scene to the
// right, viewport to the left).
final Rect translationBoundaries = Rect.fromLTRB(
-scale * viewportBoundaries.right,
-scale * viewportBoundaries.bottom,
-scale * viewportBoundaries.left,
-scale *,
final Matrix4 nextMatrix = matrix.clone()..translate(
final Vector3 nextTranslationVector = nextMatrix.getTranslation();
final Offset nextTranslation = Offset(
final bool inBoundaries = translationBoundaries.contains(
Offset(nextTranslation.dx, nextTranslation.dy),
if (!inBoundaries) {
// TODO(justinmc): Instead of canceling translation when it goes out of
// bounds, stop translation at boundary.
return matrix;
return nextMatrix;
// Return a new matrix representing the given matrix after applying the given
// scale transform.
Matrix4 matrixScale(Matrix4 matrix, double? scale) {
if (widget.disableScale || scale == 1) {
return matrix;
assert(scale != 0);
// Don't allow a scale that moves the viewport outside of _boundaryRect.
final Offset tl = fromViewport(const Offset(0, 0), _transform);
final Offset tr = fromViewport(Offset(widget.size.width, 0), _transform);
final Offset bl = fromViewport(Offset(0, widget.size.height), _transform);
final Offset br = fromViewport(
Offset(widget.size.width, widget.size.height),
if (!_boundaryRect.contains(tl)
|| !_boundaryRect.contains(tr)
|| !_boundaryRect.contains(bl)
|| !_boundaryRect.contains(br)) {
return matrix;
// Don't allow a scale that results in an overall scale beyond min/max
// scale.
final double currentScale = _transform.getMaxScaleOnAxis();
final double totalScale = currentScale * scale!;
final double clampedTotalScale = totalScale.clamp(
final double clampedScale = clampedTotalScale / currentScale;
return matrix..scale(clampedScale);
// Return a new matrix representing the given matrix after applying the given
// rotation transform.
// Rotating the scene cannot cause the viewport to view beyond _boundaryRect.
Matrix4 matrixRotate(Matrix4 matrix, double? rotation, Offset focalPoint) {
if (widget.disableRotation || rotation == 0) {
return matrix;
final Offset focalPointScene = fromViewport(focalPoint, matrix);
return matrix
..translate(focalPointScene.dx, focalPointScene.dy)
..translate(-focalPointScene.dx, -focalPointScene.dy);
// Handle the start of a gesture of _GestureType.
void _onScaleStart(ScaleStartDetails details) {
if (widget.onScaleStart != null) {
if (_controller.isAnimating) {
_animation = null;
if (_controllerReset.isAnimating) {
gestureType = null;
setState(() {
_scaleStart = _transform.getMaxScaleOnAxis();
_translateFromScene = fromViewport(details.focalPoint, _transform);
_rotationStart = _currentRotation;
// Handle an update to an ongoing gesture of _GestureType.
void _onScaleUpdate(ScaleUpdateDetails details) {
double scale = _transform.getMaxScaleOnAxis();
if (widget.onScaleUpdate != null) {
focalPoint: fromViewport(details.focalPoint, _transform),
scale: details.scale,
rotation: details.rotation,
final Offset focalPointScene = fromViewport(
if (gestureType == null) {
// Decide which type of gesture this is by comparing the amount of scale
// and rotation in the gesture, if any. Scale starts at 1 and rotation
// starts at 0. Translate will have 0 scale and 0 rotation because it uses
// only one finger.
if ((details.scale - 1).abs() > details.rotation.abs()) {
gestureType = _GestureType.scale;
} else if (details.rotation != 0) {
gestureType = _GestureType.rotate;
} else {
gestureType = _GestureType.translate;
setState(() {
if (gestureType == _GestureType.scale && _scaleStart != null) {
// details.scale gives us the amount to change the scale as of the
// start of this gesture, so calculate the amount to scale as of the
// previous call to _onScaleUpdate.
final double desiredScale = _scaleStart! * details.scale;
final double scaleChange = desiredScale / scale;
_transform = matrixScale(_transform, scaleChange);
scale = _transform.getMaxScaleOnAxis();
// While scaling, translate such that the user's two fingers stay on the
// same places in the scene. That means that the focal point of the
// scale should be on the same place in the scene before and after the
// scale.
final Offset focalPointSceneNext = fromViewport(
_transform = matrixTranslate(_transform, focalPointSceneNext - focalPointScene);
} else if (gestureType == _GestureType.rotate && details.rotation != 0.0) {
final double desiredRotation = _rotationStart! + details.rotation;
_transform = matrixRotate(_transform, _currentRotation - desiredRotation, details.focalPoint);
_currentRotation = desiredRotation;
} else if (_translateFromScene != null && details.scale == 1.0) {
// Translate so that the same point in the scene is underneath the
// focal point before and after the movement.
final Offset translationChange = focalPointScene - _translateFromScene!;
_transform = matrixTranslate(_transform, translationChange);
_translateFromScene = fromViewport(details.focalPoint, _transform);
// Handle the end of a gesture of _GestureType.
void _onScaleEnd(ScaleEndDetails details) {
if (widget.onScaleEnd != null) {
setState(() {
_scaleStart = null;
_rotationStart = null;
_translateFromScene = null;
// If the scale ended with velocity, animate inertial movement
final double velocityTotal = details.velocity.pixelsPerSecond.dx.abs()
+ details.velocity.pixelsPerSecond.dy.abs();
if (velocityTotal == 0) {
final Vector3 translationVector = _transform.getTranslation();
final Offset translation = Offset(translationVector.x, translationVector.y);
final InertialMotion inertialMotion = InertialMotion(details.velocity, translation);
_animation = Tween<Offset>(
begin: translation,
end: inertialMotion.finalPosition,
_controller.duration = Duration(milliseconds: inertialMotion.duration.toInt());
// Handle inertia drag animation.
void _onAnimate() {
setState(() {
// Translate _transform such that the resulting translation is
// _animation.value.
final Vector3 translationVector = _transform.getTranslation();
final Offset translation = Offset(translationVector.x, translationVector.y);
final Offset translationScene = fromViewport(translation, _transform);
final Offset animationScene = fromViewport(_animation!.value, _transform);
final Offset translationChangeScene = animationScene - translationScene;
_transform = matrixTranslate(_transform, translationChangeScene);
if (!_controller.isAnimating) {
_animation = null;
// Handle reset to home transform animation.
void _onAnimateReset() {
setState(() {
_transform = _animationReset!.value;
if (!_controllerReset.isAnimating) {
_animationReset = null;
// Initialize the reset to home transform animation.
void _animateResetInitialize() {
_animationReset = Matrix4Tween(
begin: _transform,
end: _initialTransform,
_controllerReset.duration = const Duration(milliseconds: 400);
// Stop a running reset to home transform animation.
void _animateResetStop() {
_animationReset = null;
void dispose() {