blob: 22cde8eb0bd3bc3042d9ff5de9d25692f91af3bb [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'text_input.dart';
/// A collection of commonly used autofill hint strings on different platforms.
/// Each hint is pre-defined on at least one supported platform. See their
/// documentation for their availability on each platform, and the platform
/// values each autofill hint corresponds to.
class AutofillHints {
// This class is not meant to be instantiated or extended; this constructor
// prevents instantiation and extension.
/// The input field expects an address locality (city/town).
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * iOS: [addressCity](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String addressCity = 'addressCity';
/// The input field expects a city name combined with a state name.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * iOS: [addressCityAndState](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String addressCityAndState = 'addressCityAndState';
/// The input field expects a region/state.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * iOS: [addressState](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String addressState = 'addressState';
/// The input field expects a person's full birth date.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * web: ["bday"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String birthday = 'birthday';
/// The input field expects a person's birth day(of the month).
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * web: ["bday-day"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String birthdayDay = 'birthdayDay';
/// The input field expects a person's birth month.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * web: ["bday-month"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String birthdayMonth = 'birthdayMonth';
/// The input field expects a person's birth year.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * web: ["bday-year"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String birthdayYear = 'birthdayYear';
/// The input field expects an
/// [ISO 3166-1-alpha-2]( country code.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * web: ["country"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String countryCode = 'countryCode';
/// The input field expects a country name.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * iOS: [countryName](
/// * web: ["country-name"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String countryName = 'countryName';
/// The input field expects a credit card expiration date.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * web: ["cc-exp"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String creditCardExpirationDate = 'creditCardExpirationDate';
/// The input field expects a credit card expiration day.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String creditCardExpirationDay = 'creditCardExpirationDay';
/// The input field expects a credit card expiration month.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * web: ["cc-exp-month"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String creditCardExpirationMonth = 'creditCardExpirationMonth';
/// The input field expects a credit card expiration year.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * web: ["cc-exp-year"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String creditCardExpirationYear = 'creditCardExpirationYear';
/// The input field expects the holder's last/family name as given on a credit
/// card.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * web: ["cc-family-name"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String creditCardFamilyName = 'creditCardFamilyName';
/// The input field expects the holder's first/given name as given on a credit
/// card.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * web: ["cc-given-name"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String creditCardGivenName = 'creditCardGivenName';
/// The input field expects the holder's middle name as given on a credit
/// card.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * web: ["cc-additional-name"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String creditCardMiddleName = 'creditCardMiddleName';
/// The input field expects the holder's full name as given on a credit card.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * web: ["cc-name"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String creditCardName = 'creditCardName';
/// The input field expects a credit card number.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * iOS: [creditCardNumber](
/// * web: ["cc-number"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String creditCardNumber = 'creditCardNumber';
/// The input field expects a credit card security code.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * web: ["cc-csc"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String creditCardSecurityCode = 'creditCardSecurityCode';
/// The input field expects the type of a credit card, for example "Visa".
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * web: ["cc-type"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String creditCardType = 'creditCardType';
/// The input field expects an email address.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * iOS: [emailAddress](
/// * web: ["email"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String email = 'email';
/// The input field expects a person's last/family name.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * iOS: [familyName](
/// * web: ["family-name"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String familyName = 'familyName';
/// The input field expects a street address that fully identifies a location.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * iOS: [fullStreetAddress](
/// * web: ["street-address"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String fullStreetAddress = 'fullStreetAddress';
/// The input field expects a gender.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * Android: [AUTOFILL_HINT_GENDER](
/// * web: ["sex"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String gender = 'gender';
/// The input field expects a person's first/given name.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * iOS: [givenName](
/// * web: ["given-name"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String givenName = 'givenName';
/// The input field expects a URL representing an instant messaging protocol
/// endpoint.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * web: ["impp"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String impp = 'impp';
/// The input field expects a job title.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * iOS: [jobTitle](
/// * web: ["organization-title"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String jobTitle = 'jobTitle';
/// The input field expects the preferred language of the user.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * web: ["language"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String language = 'language';
/// The input field expects a location, such as a point of interest, an
/// address,or another way to identify a location.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * iOS: [location](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String location = 'location';
/// The input field expects a person's middle initial.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String middleInitial = 'middleInitial';
/// The input field expects a person's middle name.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * iOS: [middleName](
/// * web: ["additional-name"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String middleName = 'middleName';
/// The input field expects a person's full name.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * iOS: [name](
/// * web: ["name"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String name = 'name';
/// The input field expects a person's name prefix or title, such as "Dr.".
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * iOS: [namePrefix](
/// * web: ["honorific-prefix"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String namePrefix = 'namePrefix';
/// The input field expects a person's name suffix, such as "Jr.".
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * iOS: [nameSuffix](
/// * web: ["honorific-suffix"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String nameSuffix = 'nameSuffix';
/// The input field expects a newly created password for save/update.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * iOS: [newPassword](
/// * web: ["new-password"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String newPassword = 'newPassword';
/// The input field expects a newly created username for save/update.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String newUsername = 'newUsername';
/// The input field expects a nickname.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * iOS: [nickname](
/// * web: ["nickname"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String nickname = 'nickname';
/// The input field expects a SMS one-time code.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * Android: [AUTOFILL_HINT_SMS_OTP](
/// * iOS: [oneTimeCode](
/// * web: ["one-time-code"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String oneTimeCode = 'oneTimeCode';
/// The input field expects an organization name corresponding to the person,
/// address, or contact information in the other fields associated with this
/// field.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * iOS: [organizationName](
/// * web: ["organization"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String organizationName = 'organizationName';
/// The input field expects a password.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * iOS: [password](
/// * web: ["current-password"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String password = 'password';
/// The input field expects a photograph, icon, or other image corresponding
/// to the company, person, address, or contact information in the other
/// fields associated with this field.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * web: ["photo"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String photo = 'photo';
/// The input field expects a postal address.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String postalAddress = 'postalAddress';
/// The input field expects an auxiliary address details.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String postalAddressExtended = 'postalAddressExtended';
/// The input field expects an extended ZIP/POSTAL code.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String postalAddressExtendedPostalCode = 'postalAddressExtendedPostalCode';
/// The input field expects a postal code.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * iOS: [postalCode](
/// * web: ["postal-code"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String postalCode = 'postalCode';
/// The first administrative level in the address. This is typically the
/// province in which the address is located. In the United States, this would
/// be the state. In Switzerland, the canton. In the United Kingdom, the post
/// town.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * web: ["address-level1"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String streetAddressLevel1 = 'streetAddressLevel1';
/// The second administrative level, in addresses with at least two of them.
/// In countries with two administrative levels, this would typically be the
/// city, town, village, or other locality in which the address is located.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * web: ["address-level2"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String streetAddressLevel2 = 'streetAddressLevel2';
/// The third administrative level, in addresses with at least three
/// administrative levels.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * web: ["address-level3"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String streetAddressLevel3 = 'streetAddressLevel3';
/// The finest-grained administrative level, in addresses which have four
/// levels.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * web: ["address-level4"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String streetAddressLevel4 = 'streetAddressLevel4';
/// The input field expects the first line of a street address.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * iOS: [streetAddressLine1](
/// * web: ["address-line1"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String streetAddressLine1 = 'streetAddressLine1';
/// The input field expects the second line of a street address.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * iOS: [streetAddressLine2](
/// As of iOS 14.2 this hint does not trigger autofill.
/// * web: ["address-line2"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String streetAddressLine2 = 'streetAddressLine2';
/// The input field expects the third line of a street address.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * web: ["address-line3"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String streetAddressLine3 = 'streetAddressLine3';
/// The input field expects a sublocality.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * iOS: [sublocality](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String sublocality = 'sublocality';
/// The input field expects a telephone number.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * iOS: [telephoneNumber](
/// * web: ["tel"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String telephoneNumber = 'telephoneNumber';
/// The input field expects a phone number's area code, with a country
/// -internal prefix applied if applicable.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * web: ["tel-area-code"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String telephoneNumberAreaCode = 'telephoneNumberAreaCode';
/// The input field expects a phone number's country code.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * web: ["tel-country-code"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String telephoneNumberCountryCode = 'telephoneNumberCountryCode';
/// The input field expects the current device's phone number, usually for
/// Sign Up / OTP flows.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String telephoneNumberDevice = 'telephoneNumberDevice';
/// The input field expects a phone number's internal extension code.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * web: ["tel-extension"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String telephoneNumberExtension = 'telephoneNumberExtension';
/// The input field expects a phone number without the country code and area
/// code components.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * web: ["tel-local"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String telephoneNumberLocal = 'telephoneNumberLocal';
/// The input field expects the first part of the component of the telephone
/// number that follows the area code, when that component is split into two
/// components.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * web: ["tel-local-prefix"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String telephoneNumberLocalPrefix = 'telephoneNumberLocalPrefix';
/// The input field expects the second part of the component of the telephone
/// number that follows the area code, when that component is split into two
/// components.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * web: ["tel-local-suffix"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String telephoneNumberLocalSuffix = 'telephoneNumberLocalSuffix';
/// The input field expects a phone number without country code.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * web: ["tel-national"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String telephoneNumberNational = 'telephoneNumberNational';
/// The amount that the user would like for the transaction (e.g. when
/// entering a bid or sale price).
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * web: ["transaction-amount"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String transactionAmount = 'transactionAmount';
/// The currency that the user would prefer the transaction to use, in [ISO
/// 4217 currency code](
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * web: ["transaction-currency"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String transactionCurrency = 'transactionCurrency';
/// The input field expects a URL.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * iOS: [URL](
/// * web: ["url"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String url = 'url';
/// The input field expects a username or an account name.
/// This hint will be translated to the below values on different platforms:
/// * iOS: [username](
/// * web: ["username"](
/// * Otherwise, the hint string will be used as-is.
static const String username = 'username';
/// A collection of autofill related information that represents an [AutofillClient].
/// Typically used in [TextInputConfiguration.autofillConfiguration].
class AutofillConfiguration {
/// Creates autofill related configuration information that can be sent to the
/// platform.
const AutofillConfiguration({
required String uniqueIdentifier,
required List<String> autofillHints,
required TextEditingValue currentEditingValue,
String? hintText,
}) : this._(
enabled: true,
uniqueIdentifier: uniqueIdentifier,
autofillHints: autofillHints,
currentEditingValue: currentEditingValue,
hintText: hintText,
const AutofillConfiguration._({
required this.enabled,
required this.uniqueIdentifier,
this.autofillHints = const <String>[],
required this.currentEditingValue,
}) : assert(uniqueIdentifier != null),
assert(autofillHints != null);
/// An [AutofillConfiguration] that indicates the [AutofillClient] does not
/// wish to be autofilled.
static const AutofillConfiguration disabled = AutofillConfiguration._(
enabled: false,
uniqueIdentifier: '',
currentEditingValue: TextEditingValue.empty,
/// Whether autofill should be enabled for the [AutofillClient].
/// To retrieve a disabled [AutofillConfiguration], use [disabled].
final bool enabled;
/// A string that uniquely identifies the current [AutofillClient].
/// The identifier needs to be unique within the [AutofillScope] for the
/// [AutofillClient] to receive the correct autofill value.
/// Must not be null.
final String uniqueIdentifier;
/// A list of strings that helps the autofill service identify the type of the
/// [AutofillClient].
/// Must not be null.
/// {@template}
/// For the best results, hint strings need to be understood by the platform's
/// autofill service. The common values of hint strings can be found in
/// [AutofillHints], as well as their availability on different platforms.
/// If an autofillable input field needs to use a custom hint that translates to
/// different strings on different platforms, the easiest way to achieve that
/// is to return different hint strings based on the value of
/// [defaultTargetPlatform].
/// Each hint in the list, if not ignored, will be translated to the platform's
/// autofill hint type understood by its autofill services:
/// * On iOS, only the first hint in the list is accounted for. The hint will
/// be translated to a
/// [UITextContentType](
/// * On Android, all hints in the list are translated to Android hint strings.
/// * On web, only the first hint is accounted for and will be translated to
/// an "autocomplete" string.
/// Providing an autofill hint that is predefined on the platform does not
/// automatically grant the input field eligibility for autofill. Ultimately,
/// it comes down to the autofill service currently in charge to determine
/// whether an input field is suitable for autofill and what the autofill
/// candidates are.
/// See also:
/// * [AutofillHints], a list of autofill hint strings that is predefined on at
/// least one platform.
/// * [UITextContentType](,
/// the iOS equivalent.
/// * Android [autofillHints](,
/// the Android equivalent.
/// * The [autocomplete]( attribute,
/// the web equivalent.
/// {@endtemplate}
final List<String> autofillHints;
/// The current [TextEditingValue] of the [AutofillClient].
final TextEditingValue currentEditingValue;
/// The optional hint text placed on the view that typically suggests what
/// sort of input the field accepts, for example "enter your password here".
/// If the developer does not specify any [autofillHints], the [hintText] can
/// be a useful indication to the platform autofill service.
final String? hintText;
/// Returns a representation of this object as a JSON object.
Map<String, dynamic>? toJson() {
return enabled
? <String, dynamic>{
'uniqueIdentifier': uniqueIdentifier,
'hints': autofillHints,
'editingValue': currentEditingValue.toJSON(),
if (hintText != null) 'hintText': hintText,
: null;
/// An object that represents an autofillable input field in the autofill workflow.
/// An [AutofillClient] provides autofill-related information of the input field
/// it represents to the platform, and consumes autofill inputs from the platform.
abstract class AutofillClient {
/// The unique identifier of this [AutofillClient].
/// Must not be null and the identifier must not be changed.
String get autofillId;
/// The [TextInputConfiguration] that describes this [AutofillClient].
/// In order to participate in autofill, its
/// [TextInputConfiguration.autofillConfiguration] must not be null.
TextInputConfiguration get textInputConfiguration;
/// Requests this [AutofillClient] update its [TextEditingValue] to the given
/// value.
void autofill(TextEditingValue newEditingValue);
/// An ordered group within which [AutofillClient]s are logically connected.
/// {@template}
/// [AutofillClient]s within the same [AutofillScope] are isolated from other
/// input fields during autofill. That is, when an autofillable [TextInputClient]
/// gains focus, only the [AutofillClient]s within the same [AutofillScope] will
/// be visible to the autofill service, in the same order as they appear in
/// [AutofillScope.autofillClients].
/// [AutofillScope] also allows [TextInput] to redirect autofill values from the
/// platform to the [AutofillClient] with the given identifier, by calling
/// [AutofillScope.getAutofillClient].
/// An [AutofillClient] that's not tied to any [AutofillScope] will only
/// participate in autofill if the autofill is directly triggered by its own
/// [TextInputClient].
/// {@endtemplate}
abstract class AutofillScope {
/// Gets the [AutofillScope] associated with the given [autofillId], in
/// this [AutofillScope].
/// Returns null if there's no matching [AutofillClient].
AutofillClient? getAutofillClient(String autofillId);
/// The collection of [AutofillClient]s currently tied to this [AutofillScope].
/// Every [AutofillClient] in this list must have autofill enabled (i.e. its
/// [AutofillClient.textInputConfiguration] must have a non-null
/// [AutofillConfiguration].)
Iterable<AutofillClient> get autofillClients;
/// Allows a [TextInputClient] to attach to this scope. This method should be
/// called in lieu of [TextInput.attach], when the [TextInputClient] wishes to
/// participate in autofill.
TextInputConnection attach(TextInputClient trigger, TextInputConfiguration configuration);
class _AutofillScopeTextInputConfiguration extends TextInputConfiguration {
required this.allConfigurations,
required TextInputConfiguration currentClientConfiguration,
}) : assert(allConfigurations != null),
assert(currentClientConfiguration != null),
super(inputType: currentClientConfiguration.inputType,
obscureText: currentClientConfiguration.obscureText,
autocorrect: currentClientConfiguration.autocorrect,
smartDashesType: currentClientConfiguration.smartDashesType,
smartQuotesType: currentClientConfiguration.smartQuotesType,
enableSuggestions: currentClientConfiguration.enableSuggestions,
inputAction: currentClientConfiguration.inputAction,
textCapitalization: currentClientConfiguration.textCapitalization,
keyboardAppearance: currentClientConfiguration.keyboardAppearance,
actionLabel: currentClientConfiguration.actionLabel,
autofillConfiguration: currentClientConfiguration.autofillConfiguration,
final Iterable<TextInputConfiguration> allConfigurations;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final Map<String, dynamic> result = super.toJson();
result['fields'] = allConfigurations
.map((TextInputConfiguration configuration) => configuration.toJson())
.toList(growable: false);
return result;
/// A partial implementation of [AutofillScope].
/// The mixin provides a default implementation for [AutofillScope.attach].
mixin AutofillScopeMixin implements AutofillScope {
TextInputConnection attach(TextInputClient trigger, TextInputConfiguration configuration) {
assert(trigger != null);
!autofillClients.any((AutofillClient client) => !client.textInputConfiguration.autofillConfiguration.enabled),
'Every client in AutofillScope.autofillClients must enable autofill',
final TextInputConfiguration inputConfiguration = _AutofillScopeTextInputConfiguration(
allConfigurations: client) => client.textInputConfiguration),
currentClientConfiguration: configuration,
return TextInput.attach(trigger, inputConfiguration);