blob: f424e801d0010e3f34e58a24604e128e71f2c06f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart';
import 'mouse_cursor.dart';
/// Signature for listening to [PointerEnterEvent] events.
/// Used by [MouseTrackerAnnotation], [MouseRegion] and [RenderMouseRegion].
typedef PointerEnterEventListener = void Function(PointerEnterEvent event);
/// Signature for listening to [PointerExitEvent] events.
/// Used by [MouseTrackerAnnotation], [MouseRegion] and [RenderMouseRegion].
typedef PointerExitEventListener = void Function(PointerExitEvent event);
/// Signature for listening to [PointerHoverEvent] events.
/// Used by [MouseTrackerAnnotation], [MouseRegion] and [RenderMouseRegion].
typedef PointerHoverEventListener = void Function(PointerHoverEvent event);
/// The annotation object used to annotate regions that are interested in mouse
/// movements.
/// To use an annotation, return this object as a [HitTestEntry] in a hit test.
/// Typically this is implemented by making a [RenderBox] implement this class
/// (see [RenderMouseRegion]).
/// [MouseTracker] uses this class as a label to filter the hit test results. Hit
/// test entries that are also [MouseTrackerAnnotation]s are considered as valid
/// targets in terms of computing mouse related effects, such as enter events,
/// exit events, and mouse cursor events.
/// See also:
/// * [MouseTracker], which uses [MouseTrackerAnnotation].
class MouseTrackerAnnotation with Diagnosticable {
/// Creates an immutable [MouseTrackerAnnotation].
/// All arguments are optional. The [cursor] must not be null.
const MouseTrackerAnnotation({
this.cursor = MouseCursor.defer,
this.validForMouseTracker = true,
}) : assert(cursor != null);
/// Triggered when a mouse pointer, with or without buttons pressed, has
/// entered the region and [validForMouseTracker] is true.
/// This callback is triggered when the pointer has started to be contained by
/// the region, either due to a pointer event, or due to the movement or
/// disappearance of the region. This method is always matched by a later
/// [onExit].
/// See also:
/// * [onExit], which is triggered when a mouse pointer exits the region.
/// * [MouseRegion.onEnter], which uses this callback.
final PointerEnterEventListener? onEnter;
/// Triggered when a mouse pointer, with or without buttons pressed, has
/// exited the region and [validForMouseTracker] is true.
/// This callback is triggered when the pointer has stopped being contained
/// by the region, either due to a pointer event, or due to the movement or
/// disappearance of the region. This method always matches an earlier
/// [onEnter].
/// See also:
/// * [onEnter], which is triggered when a mouse pointer enters the region.
/// * [MouseRegion.onExit], which uses this callback, but is not triggered in
/// certain cases and does not always match its earlier [MouseRegion.onEnter].
final PointerExitEventListener? onExit;
/// The mouse cursor for mouse pointers that are hovering over the region.
/// When a mouse enters the region, its cursor will be changed to the [cursor].
/// When the mouse leaves the region, the cursor will be set by the region
/// found at the new location.
/// Defaults to [MouseCursor.defer], deferring the choice of cursor to the next
/// region behind it in hit-test order.
/// See also:
/// * [MouseRegion.cursor], which provide values to this field.
final MouseCursor cursor;
/// Whether this is included when [MouseTracker] collects the list of
/// annotations.
/// If [validForMouseTracker] is false, this object is excluded from the
/// current annotation list even if it's included in the hit test, affecting
/// mouse-related behavior such as enter events, exit events, and mouse
/// cursors. The [validForMouseTracker] does not affect hit testing.
/// The [validForMouseTracker] is true for [MouseTrackerAnnotation]s built by
/// the constructor.
final bool validForMouseTracker;
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
<String, Function?> {
'enter': onEnter,
'exit': onExit,
ifEmpty: '<none>',
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<MouseCursor>('cursor', cursor, defaultValue: MouseCursor.defer));