blob: 310ad878d8bc93fb7a92bcb5aeccff37ebc6fd9e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'keyboard_key.dart';
import 'keyboard_maps.dart';
import 'raw_keyboard.dart';
// Virtual key VK_PROCESSKEY in Win32 API.
// Key down events related to IME operations use this as keyCode.
const int _vkProcessKey = 0xe5;
/// Platform-specific key event data for Windows.
/// This object contains information about key events obtained from Windows's
/// win32 API.
/// See also:
/// * [RawKeyboard], which uses this interface to expose key data.
class RawKeyEventDataWindows extends RawKeyEventData {
/// Creates a key event data structure specific for Windows.
/// The [keyCode], [scanCode], [characterCodePoint], and [modifiers], arguments
/// must not be null.
const RawKeyEventDataWindows({
this.keyCode = 0,
this.scanCode = 0,
this.characterCodePoint = 0,
this.modifiers = 0,
}) : assert(keyCode != null),
assert(scanCode != null),
assert(characterCodePoint != null),
assert(modifiers != null);
/// The hardware key code corresponding to this key event.
/// This is the physical key that was pressed, not the Unicode character.
/// See [characterCodePoint] for the Unicode character.
final int keyCode;
/// The hardware scan code id corresponding to this key event.
/// These values are not reliable and vary from device to device, so this
/// information is mainly useful for debugging.
final int scanCode;
/// The Unicode code point represented by the key event, if any.
/// If there is no Unicode code point, this value is zero.
final int characterCodePoint;
/// A mask of the current modifiers. The modifier values must be in sync with
/// the ones defined in
final int modifiers;
String get keyLabel => characterCodePoint == 0 ? '' : String.fromCharCode(characterCodePoint);
PhysicalKeyboardKey get physicalKey => kWindowsToPhysicalKey[scanCode] ?? PhysicalKeyboardKey(LogicalKeyboardKey.windowsPlane + scanCode);
LogicalKeyboardKey get logicalKey {
// Look to see if the keyCode is a printable number pad key, so that a
// difference between regular keys (e.g. "=") and the number pad version
// (e.g. the "=" on the number pad) can be determined.
final LogicalKeyboardKey? numPadKey = kWindowsNumPadMap[keyCode];
if (numPadKey != null) {
return numPadKey;
// If it has a non-control-character label, then either return the existing
// constant, or construct a new Unicode-based key from it. Don't mark it as
// autogenerated, since the label uniquely identifies an ID from the Unicode
// plane.
if (keyLabel.isNotEmpty && !LogicalKeyboardKey.isControlCharacter(keyLabel)) {
final int keyId = LogicalKeyboardKey.unicodePlane | (characterCodePoint & LogicalKeyboardKey.valueMask);
return LogicalKeyboardKey.findKeyByKeyId(keyId) ?? LogicalKeyboardKey(keyId);
// Look to see if the keyCode is one we know about and have a mapping for.
final LogicalKeyboardKey? newKey = kWindowsToLogicalKey[keyCode];
if (newKey != null) {
return newKey;
// This is a non-printable key that we don't know about, so we mint a new
// code.
return LogicalKeyboardKey(keyCode | LogicalKeyboardKey.windowsPlane);
bool _isLeftRightModifierPressed(KeyboardSide side, int anyMask, int leftMask, int rightMask) {
if (modifiers & anyMask == 0 &&
modifiers & leftMask == 0 &&
modifiers & rightMask == 0) {
return false;
// If only the "anyMask" bit is set, then we respond true for requests of
// whether either left or right is pressed. Handles the case where Windows
// supplies just the "either" modifier flag, but not the left/right flag.
// (e.g. modifierShift but not modifierLeftShift).
final bool anyOnly = modifiers & (leftMask | rightMask | anyMask) == anyMask;
switch (side) {
case KeyboardSide.any:
return true;
case KeyboardSide.all:
return modifiers & leftMask != 0 && modifiers & rightMask != 0 || anyOnly;
case KeyboardSide.left:
return modifiers & leftMask != 0 || anyOnly;
case KeyboardSide.right:
return modifiers & rightMask != 0 || anyOnly;
bool isModifierPressed(ModifierKey key, {KeyboardSide side = KeyboardSide.any}) {
final bool result;
switch (key) {
case ModifierKey.controlModifier:
result = _isLeftRightModifierPressed(side, modifierControl, modifierLeftControl, modifierRightControl);
case ModifierKey.shiftModifier:
result = _isLeftRightModifierPressed(side, modifierShift, modifierLeftShift, modifierRightShift);
case ModifierKey.altModifier:
result = _isLeftRightModifierPressed(side, modifierAlt, modifierLeftAlt, modifierRightAlt);
case ModifierKey.metaModifier:
// Windows does not provide an "any" key for win key press.
result = _isLeftRightModifierPressed(side, modifierLeftMeta | modifierRightMeta , modifierLeftMeta, modifierRightMeta);
case ModifierKey.capsLockModifier:
result = modifiers & modifierCaps != 0;
case ModifierKey.scrollLockModifier:
result = modifiers & modifierScrollLock != 0;
case ModifierKey.numLockModifier:
result = modifiers & modifierNumLock != 0;
// The OS does not expose the Fn key to the drivers, it doesn't generate a key message.
case ModifierKey.functionModifier:
case ModifierKey.symbolModifier:
// These modifier masks are not used in Windows keyboards.
result = false;
assert(!result || getModifierSide(key) != null, "$runtimeType thinks that a modifier is pressed, but can't figure out what side it's on.");
return result;
KeyboardSide? getModifierSide(ModifierKey key) {
KeyboardSide? findSide(int leftMask, int rightMask, int anyMask) {
final int combinedMask = leftMask | rightMask;
final int combined = modifiers & combinedMask;
if (combined == leftMask) {
return KeyboardSide.left;
} else if (combined == rightMask) {
return KeyboardSide.right;
} else if (combined == combinedMask || modifiers & (combinedMask | anyMask) == anyMask) {
// Handles the case where Windows supplies just the "either" modifier
// flag, but not the left/right flag. (e.g. modifierShift but not
// modifierLeftShift).
return KeyboardSide.all;
return null;
switch (key) {
case ModifierKey.controlModifier:
return findSide(modifierLeftControl, modifierRightControl, modifierControl);
case ModifierKey.shiftModifier:
return findSide(modifierLeftShift, modifierRightShift, modifierShift);
case ModifierKey.altModifier:
return findSide(modifierLeftAlt, modifierRightAlt, modifierAlt);
case ModifierKey.metaModifier:
return findSide(modifierLeftMeta, modifierRightMeta, 0);
case ModifierKey.capsLockModifier:
case ModifierKey.numLockModifier:
case ModifierKey.scrollLockModifier:
case ModifierKey.functionModifier:
case ModifierKey.symbolModifier:
return KeyboardSide.all;
bool shouldDispatchEvent() {
// In Win32 API, down events related to IME operations use VK_PROCESSKEY as
// keyCode. This event, as well as the following key up event (which uses a
// normal keyCode), should be skipped, because the effect of IME operations
// will be handled by the text input API.
return keyCode != _vkProcessKey;
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<int>('keyCode', keyCode));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<int>('scanCode', scanCode));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<int>('characterCodePoint', characterCodePoint));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<int>('modifiers', modifiers));
bool operator==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other))
return true;
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType)
return false;
return other is RawKeyEventDataWindows
&& other.keyCode == keyCode
&& other.scanCode == scanCode
&& other.characterCodePoint == characterCodePoint
&& other.modifiers == modifiers;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
// These are not the values defined by the Windows header for each modifier. Since they
// can't be packaged into a single int, we are re-defining them here to reduce the size
// of the message from the embedder. Embedders should map these values to the native key codes.
// Keep this in sync with
/// This mask is used to check the [modifiers] field to test whether one of the
/// SHIFT modifier keys is pressed.
/// {@template}
/// Use this value if you need to decode the [modifiers] field yourself, but
/// it's much easier to use [isModifierPressed] if you just want to know if
/// a modifier is pressed.
/// {@endtemplate}
static const int modifierShift = 1 << 0;
/// This mask is used to check the [modifiers] field to test whether the left
/// SHIFT modifier key is pressed.
/// {@macro}
static const int modifierLeftShift = 1 << 1;
/// This mask is used to check the [modifiers] field to test whether the right
/// SHIFT modifier key is pressed.
/// {@macro}
static const int modifierRightShift = 1 << 2;
/// This mask is used to check the [modifiers] field to test whether one of the
/// CTRL modifier keys is pressed.
/// {@macro}
static const int modifierControl = 1 << 3;
/// This mask is used to check the [modifiers] field to test whether the left
/// CTRL modifier key is pressed.
/// {@macro}
static const int modifierLeftControl = 1 << 4;
/// This mask is used to check the [modifiers] field to test whether the right
/// CTRL modifier key is pressed.
/// {@macro}
static const int modifierRightControl = 1 << 5;
/// This mask is used to check the [modifiers] field to test whether one of the
/// ALT modifier keys is pressed.
/// {@macro}
static const int modifierAlt = 1 << 6;
/// This mask is used to check the [modifiers] field to test whether the left
/// ALT modifier key is pressed.
/// {@macro}
static const int modifierLeftAlt = 1 << 7;
/// This mask is used to check the [modifiers] field to test whether the right
/// ALT modifier key is pressed.
/// {@macro}
static const int modifierRightAlt = 1 << 8;
/// This mask is used to check the [modifiers] field to test whether the left
/// WIN modifier keys is pressed.
/// {@macro}
static const int modifierLeftMeta = 1 << 9;
/// This mask is used to check the [modifiers] field to test whether the right
/// WIN modifier keys is pressed.
/// {@macro}
static const int modifierRightMeta = 1 << 10;
/// This mask is used to check the [modifiers] field to test whether the CAPS LOCK key
/// is pressed.
/// {@macro}
static const int modifierCaps = 1 << 11;
/// This mask is used to check the [modifiers] field to test whether the NUM LOCK key
/// is pressed.
/// {@macro}
static const int modifierNumLock = 1 << 12;
/// This mask is used to check the [modifiers] field to test whether the SCROLL LOCK key
/// is pressed.
/// {@macro}
static const int modifierScrollLock = 1 << 13;