blob: 66d1c03c6c522d7d0878d36fa4ba831738347f0f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:ui';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'binding.dart';
import 'system_channels.dart';
export 'dart:ui' show Brightness;
/// Specifies a particular device orientation.
/// To determine which values correspond to which orientations, first position
/// the device in its default orientation (this is the orientation that the
/// system first uses for its boot logo, or the orientation in which the
/// hardware logos or markings are upright, or the orientation in which the
/// cameras are at the top). If this is a portrait orientation, then this is
/// [portraitUp]. Otherwise, it's [landscapeLeft]. As you rotate the device by
/// 90 degrees in a counter-clockwise direction around the axis that pierces the
/// screen, you step through each value in this enum in the order given.
/// For a device with a landscape default orientation, the orientation obtained
/// by rotating the device 90 degrees clockwise from its default orientation is
/// [portraitUp].
/// Used by [SystemChrome.setPreferredOrientations].
enum DeviceOrientation {
/// If the device shows its boot logo in portrait, then the boot logo is shown
/// in [portraitUp]. Otherwise, the device shows its boot logo in landscape
/// and this orientation is obtained by rotating the device 90 degrees
/// clockwise from its boot orientation.
/// The orientation that is 90 degrees clockwise from [portraitUp].
/// If the device shows its boot logo in landscape, then the boot logo is
/// shown in [landscapeLeft].
/// The orientation that is 180 degrees from [portraitUp].
/// The orientation that is 90 degrees counterclockwise from [portraitUp].
/// Specifies a description of the application that is pertinent to the
/// embedder's application switcher (also known as "recent tasks") user
/// interface.
/// Used by [SystemChrome.setApplicationSwitcherDescription].
class ApplicationSwitcherDescription {
/// Creates an ApplicationSwitcherDescription.
const ApplicationSwitcherDescription({ this.label, this.primaryColor });
/// A label and description of the current state of the application.
final String? label;
/// The application's primary color.
/// This may influence the color that the operating system uses to represent
/// the application.
final int? primaryColor;
/// Specifies a system overlay at a particular location.
/// Used by [SystemChrome.setEnabledSystemUIOverlays].
enum SystemUiOverlay {
/// The status bar provided by the embedder on the top of the application
/// surface, if any.
/// The status bar provided by the embedder on the bottom of the application
/// surface, if any.
/// Describes different display configurations for both Android and iOS.
/// These modes mimic Android-specific display setups.
/// Used by [SystemChrome.setEnabledSystemUIMode].
enum SystemUiMode {
/// Fullscreen display with status and navigation bars presentable by tapping
/// anywhere on the display.
/// Available starting at SDK 16 or Android J. Earlier versions of Android
/// will not be affected by this setting.
/// For applications running on iOS, the status bar and home indicator will be
/// hidden for a similar fullscreen experience.
/// Tapping on the screen displays overlays, this gesture is not received by
/// the application.
/// See also:
/// * [SystemUiChangeCallback], used to listen and respond to the change in
/// system overlays.
/// Fullscreen display with status and navigation bars presentable through a
/// swipe gesture at the edges of the display.
/// Available starting at SDK 19 or Android K. Earlier versions of Android
/// will not be affected by this setting.
/// For applications running on iOS, the status bar and home indicator will be
/// hidden for a similar fullscreen experience.
/// A swipe gesture from the edge of the screen displays overlays. In contrast
/// to [SystemUiMode.immersiveSticky], this gesture is not received by the
/// application.
/// See also:
/// * [SystemUiChangeCallback], used to listen and respond to the change in
/// system overlays.
/// Fullscreen display with status and navigation bars presentable through a
/// swipe gesture at the edges of the display.
/// Available starting at SDK 19 or Android K. Earlier versions of Android
/// will not be affected by this setting.
/// For applications running on iOS, the status bar and home indicator will be
/// hidden for a similar fullscreen experience.
/// A swipe gesture from the edge of the screen displays overlays. In contrast
/// to [SystemUiMode.immersive], this gesture is received by the application.
/// See also:
/// * [SystemUiChangeCallback], used to listen and respond to the change in
/// system overlays.
/// Fullscreen display with status and navigation elements rendered over the
/// application.
/// Available starting at SDK 29 or Android 10. Earlier versions of Android
/// will not be affected by this setting.
/// For applications running on iOS, the status bar and home indicator will be
/// visible.
/// The system overlays will not disappear or reappear in this mode as they
/// are permanently displayed on top of the application.
/// See also:
/// * [SystemUiOverlayStyle], can be used to configure transparent status and
/// navigation bars with or without a contrast scrim.
/// Declares manually configured [SystemUiOverlay]s.
/// When using this mode with [SystemChrome.setEnabledSystemUIMode], the
/// preferred overlays must be set by the developer.
/// When [] is enabled, the status bar will remain visible
/// on all platforms. Omitting this overlay will hide the status bar on iOS &
/// Android.
/// When [SystemUiOverlay.bottom] is enabled, the navigation bar and home
/// indicator of Android and iOS applications will remain visible. Omitting this
/// overlay will hide them.
/// Omitting both overlays will result in the same configuration as
/// [SystemUiMode.leanBack].
/// Specifies a preference for the style of the system overlays.
/// Used by [SystemChrome.setSystemUIOverlayStyle].
class SystemUiOverlayStyle {
/// Creates a new [SystemUiOverlayStyle].
const SystemUiOverlayStyle({
/// The color of the system bottom navigation bar.
/// Only honored in Android versions O and greater.
final Color? systemNavigationBarColor;
/// The color of the divider between the system's bottom navigation bar and the app's content.
/// Only honored in Android versions P and greater.
final Color? systemNavigationBarDividerColor;
/// The brightness of the system navigation bar icons.
/// Only honored in Android versions O and greater.
/// When set to [Brightness.light], the system navigation bar icons are light.
/// When set to [Brightness.dark], the system navigation bar icons are dark.
final Brightness? systemNavigationBarIconBrightness;
/// Overrides the contrast enforcement when setting a transparent navigation
/// bar.
/// When setting a transparent navigation bar in SDK 29+, or Android 10 and up,
/// a translucent body scrim may be applied behind the button navigation bar
/// to ensure contrast with buttons and the background of the application.
/// SDK 28-, or Android P and lower, will not apply this body scrim.
/// Setting this to false overrides the default body scrim.
/// See also:
/// * [SystemUiOverlayStyle.systemNavigationBarColor], which is overridden
/// when transparent to enforce this contrast policy.
final bool? systemNavigationBarContrastEnforced;
/// The color of top status bar.
/// Only honored in Android version M and greater.
final Color? statusBarColor;
/// The brightness of top status bar.
/// Only honored in iOS.
final Brightness? statusBarBrightness;
/// The brightness of the top status bar icons.
/// Only honored in Android version M and greater.
final Brightness? statusBarIconBrightness;
/// Overrides the contrast enforcement when setting a transparent status
/// bar.
/// When setting a transparent status bar in SDK 29+, or Android 10 and up,
/// a translucent body scrim may be applied to ensure contrast with icons and
/// the background of the application.
/// SDK 28-, or Android P and lower, will not apply this body scrim.
/// Setting this to false overrides the default body scrim.
/// See also:
/// * [SystemUiOverlayStyle.statusBarColor], which is overridden
/// when transparent to enforce this contrast policy.
final bool? systemStatusBarContrastEnforced;
/// System overlays should be drawn with a light color. Intended for
/// applications with a dark background.
static const SystemUiOverlayStyle light = SystemUiOverlayStyle(
systemNavigationBarColor: Color(0xFF000000),
systemNavigationBarIconBrightness: Brightness.light,
statusBarIconBrightness: Brightness.light,
statusBarBrightness: Brightness.dark,
/// System overlays should be drawn with a dark color. Intended for
/// applications with a light background.
static const SystemUiOverlayStyle dark = SystemUiOverlayStyle(
systemNavigationBarColor: Color(0xFF000000),
systemNavigationBarIconBrightness: Brightness.light,
statusBarIconBrightness: Brightness.dark,
statusBarBrightness: Brightness.light,
/// Convert this event to a map for serialization.
Map<String, dynamic> _toMap() {
return <String, dynamic>{
'systemNavigationBarColor': systemNavigationBarColor?.value,
'systemNavigationBarDividerColor': systemNavigationBarDividerColor?.value,
'systemStatusBarContrastEnforced': systemStatusBarContrastEnforced,
'statusBarColor': statusBarColor?.value,
'statusBarBrightness': statusBarBrightness?.toString(),
'statusBarIconBrightness': statusBarIconBrightness?.toString(),
'systemNavigationBarIconBrightness': systemNavigationBarIconBrightness?.toString(),
'systemNavigationBarContrastEnforced': systemNavigationBarContrastEnforced,
String toString() => '${objectRuntimeType(this, 'SystemUiOverlayStyle')}(${_toMap()})';
/// Creates a copy of this theme with the given fields replaced with new values.
SystemUiOverlayStyle copyWith({
Color? systemNavigationBarColor,
Color? systemNavigationBarDividerColor,
bool? systemNavigationBarContrastEnforced,
Color? statusBarColor,
Brightness? statusBarBrightness,
Brightness? statusBarIconBrightness,
bool? systemStatusBarContrastEnforced,
Brightness? systemNavigationBarIconBrightness,
}) {
return SystemUiOverlayStyle(
systemNavigationBarColor: systemNavigationBarColor ?? this.systemNavigationBarColor,
systemNavigationBarDividerColor: systemNavigationBarDividerColor ?? this.systemNavigationBarDividerColor,
systemNavigationBarContrastEnforced: systemNavigationBarContrastEnforced ?? this.systemNavigationBarContrastEnforced,
statusBarColor: statusBarColor ?? this.statusBarColor,
statusBarIconBrightness: statusBarIconBrightness ?? this.statusBarIconBrightness,
statusBarBrightness: statusBarBrightness ?? this.statusBarBrightness,
systemStatusBarContrastEnforced: systemStatusBarContrastEnforced ?? this.systemStatusBarContrastEnforced,
systemNavigationBarIconBrightness: systemNavigationBarIconBrightness ?? this.systemNavigationBarIconBrightness,
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType)
return false;
return other is SystemUiOverlayStyle
&& other.systemNavigationBarColor == systemNavigationBarColor
&& other.systemNavigationBarDividerColor == systemNavigationBarDividerColor
&& other.systemNavigationBarContrastEnforced == systemNavigationBarContrastEnforced
&& other.statusBarColor == statusBarColor
&& other.statusBarIconBrightness == statusBarIconBrightness
&& other.statusBarBrightness == statusBarBrightness
&& other.systemStatusBarContrastEnforced == systemStatusBarContrastEnforced
&& other.systemNavigationBarIconBrightness == systemNavigationBarIconBrightness;
List<String> _stringify(List<dynamic> list) => <String>[
for (final dynamic item in list) item.toString(),
/// Controls specific aspects of the operating system's graphical interface and
/// how it interacts with the application.
class SystemChrome {
// This class is not meant to be instantiated or extended; this constructor
// prevents instantiation and extension.
/// Specifies the set of orientations the application interface can
/// be displayed in.
/// The `orientation` argument is a list of [DeviceOrientation] enum values.
/// The empty list causes the application to defer to the operating system
/// default.
/// ## Limitations
/// This setting will only be respected on iPad if multitasking is disabled.
/// You can decide to opt out of multitasking on iPad, then
/// setPreferredOrientations will work but your app will not
/// support Slide Over and Split View multitasking anymore.
/// Should you decide to opt out of multitasking you can do this by
/// setting "Requires full screen" to true in the Xcode Deployment Info.
static Future<void> setPreferredOrientations(List<DeviceOrientation> orientations) async {
await SystemChannels.platform.invokeMethod<void>(
/// Specifies the description of the current state of the application as it
/// pertains to the application switcher (also known as "recent tasks").
/// Any part of the description that is unsupported on the current platform
/// will be ignored.
static Future<void> setApplicationSwitcherDescription(ApplicationSwitcherDescription description) async {
await SystemChannels.platform.invokeMethod<void>(
<String, dynamic>{
'label': description.label,
'primaryColor': description.primaryColor,
/// Specifies the set of system overlays to have visible when the application
/// is running.
/// The `overlays` argument is a list of [SystemUiOverlay] enum values
/// denoting the overlays to show.
/// If a particular overlay is unsupported on the platform, enabling or
/// disabling that overlay will be ignored.
/// The settings here can be overridden by the platform when System UI becomes
/// necessary for functionality.
/// For example, on Android, when the keyboard becomes visible, it will enable the
/// navigation bar and status bar system UI overlays. When the keyboard is closed,
/// Android will not restore the previous UI visibility settings, and the UI
/// visibility cannot be changed until 1 second after the keyboard is closed to
/// prevent malware locking users from navigation buttons.
/// To regain "fullscreen" after text entry, the UI overlays should be set again
/// after a delay of 1 second. This can be achieved through [restoreSystemUIOverlays]
/// or calling this again. Otherwise, the original UI overlay settings will be
/// automatically restored only when the application loses and regains focus.
'Migrate to setEnabledSystemUIMode. '
'This feature was deprecated after v2.3.0-17.0.pre.'
static Future<void> setEnabledSystemUIOverlays(List<SystemUiOverlay> overlays) async {
await setEnabledSystemUIMode(SystemUiMode.manual, overlays: overlays);
/// Specifies the [SystemUiMode] to have visible when the application
/// is running.
/// The `overlays` argument is a list of [SystemUiOverlay] enum values
/// denoting the overlays to show when configured with [SystemUiMode.manual].
/// If a particular mode is unsupported on the platform, enabling or
/// disabling that mode will be ignored.
/// The settings here can be overridden by the platform when System UI becomes
/// necessary for functionality.
/// For example, on Android, when the keyboard becomes visible, it will enable the
/// navigation bar and status bar system UI overlays. When the keyboard is closed,
/// Android will not restore the previous UI visibility settings, and the UI
/// visibility cannot be changed until 1 second after the keyboard is closed to
/// prevent malware locking users from navigation buttons.
/// To regain "fullscreen" after text entry, the UI overlays can be set again
/// after a delay of at least 1 second through [restoreSystemUIOverlays] or
/// calling this again. Otherwise, the original UI overlay settings will be
/// automatically restored only when the application loses and regains focus.
/// Alternatively, a [SystemUiChangeCallback] can be provided to respond to
/// changes in the System UI. This will be called, for example, when in
/// [SystemUiMode.leanBack] and the user taps the screen to bring up the
/// system overlays. The callback provides a boolean to represent if the
/// application is currently in a fullscreen mode or not, so that the
/// application can respond to these changes. When `systemOverlaysAreVisible`
/// is true, the application is not fullscreen. See
/// [SystemChrome.setSystemUIChangeCallback] to respond to these changes in a
/// fullscreen application.
static Future<void> setEnabledSystemUIMode(SystemUiMode mode, { List<SystemUiOverlay>? overlays }) async {
if (mode != SystemUiMode.manual) {
await SystemChannels.platform.invokeMethod<void>(
} else {
assert(mode == SystemUiMode.manual && overlays != null);
await SystemChannels.platform.invokeMethod<void>(
/// Sets the callback method for responding to changes in the system UI.
/// This is relevant when using [SystemUiMode.leanBack]
/// and [SystemUiMode.immersive] and [SystemUiMode.immersiveSticky] on Android
/// platforms, where the [SystemUiOverlay]s can appear and disappear based on
/// user interaction.
/// This will be called, for example, when in [SystemUiMode.leanBack] and the
/// user taps the screen to bring up the system overlays. The callback
/// provides a boolean to represent if the application is currently in a
/// fullscreen mode or not, so that the application can respond to these
/// changes. When `systemOverlaysAreVisible` is true, the application is not
/// fullscreen.
/// When using [SystemUiMode.edgeToEdge], system overlays are always visible
/// and do not change. When manually configuring [SystemUiOverlay]s with
/// [SystemUiMode.manual], this callback will only be triggered when all
/// overlays have been disabled. This results in the same behavior as
/// [SystemUiMode.leanBack].
static Future<void> setSystemUIChangeCallback(SystemUiChangeCallback? callback) async {
// Skip setting up the listener if there is no callback.
if (callback != null) {
await SystemChannels.platform.invokeMethod<void>(
/// Restores the system overlays to the last settings provided via
/// [setEnabledSystemUIOverlays]. May be used when the platform force enables/disables
/// UI elements.
/// For example, when the Android keyboard disables hidden status and navigation bars,
/// this can be called to re-disable the bars when the keyboard is closed.
/// On Android, the system UI cannot be changed until 1 second after the previous
/// change. This is to prevent malware from permanently hiding navigation buttons.
static Future<void> restoreSystemUIOverlays() async {
await SystemChannels.platform.invokeMethod<void>(
/// Specifies the style to use for the system overlays that are visible (if
/// any).
/// This method will schedule the embedder update to be run in a microtask.
/// Any subsequent calls to this method during the current event loop will
/// overwrite the pending value, such that only the last specified value takes
/// effect.
/// Call this API in code whose lifecycle matches that of the desired
/// system UI styles. For instance, to change the system UI style on a new
/// page, consider calling when pushing/popping a new [PageRoute].
/// However, the [AppBar] widget automatically sets the system overlay style
/// based on its [AppBar.brightness], so configure that instead of calling
/// this method directly. Likewise, do the same for [CupertinoNavigationBar]
/// via [CupertinoNavigationBar.backgroundColor].
/// If a particular style is not supported on the platform, selecting it will
/// have no effect.
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// @override
/// Widget build(BuildContext context) {
/// SystemChrome.setSystemUIOverlayStyle(SystemUiOverlayStyle.dark);
/// return const Placeholder();
/// }
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// For more complex control of the system overlay styles, consider using
/// an [AnnotatedRegion] widget instead of calling [setSystemUIOverlayStyle]
/// directly. This widget places a value directly into the layer tree where
/// it can be hit-tested by the framework. On every frame, the framework will
/// hit-test and select the annotated region it finds under the status and
/// navigation bar and synthesize them into a single style. This can be used
/// to configure the system styles when an app bar is not used.
/// {@tool sample}
/// The following example creates a widget that changes the status bar color
/// to a random value on Android.
/// ** See code in examples/api/lib/services/system_chrome/system_chrome.set_system_u_i_overlay_style.1.dart **
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [AnnotatedRegion], the widget used to place data into the layer tree.
static void setSystemUIOverlayStyle(SystemUiOverlayStyle style) {
assert(style != null);
if (_pendingStyle != null) {
// The microtask has already been queued; just update the pending value.
_pendingStyle = style;
if (style == _latestStyle) {
// Trivial success: no microtask has been queued and the given style is
// already in effect, so no need to queue a microtask.
_pendingStyle = style;
scheduleMicrotask(() {
assert(_pendingStyle != null);
if (_pendingStyle != _latestStyle) {
_latestStyle = _pendingStyle;
_pendingStyle = null;
static SystemUiOverlayStyle? _pendingStyle;
/// The last style that was set using [SystemChrome.setSystemUIOverlayStyle].
static SystemUiOverlayStyle? get latestStyle => _latestStyle;
static SystemUiOverlayStyle? _latestStyle;