blob: fb6296672d9ca34848719b89bc7a1079f1d34295 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:characters/characters.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'text_editing.dart';
import 'text_input.dart';
/// {@template}
/// ### [MaxLengthEnforcement.enforced] versus
/// [MaxLengthEnforcement.truncateAfterCompositionEnds]
/// Both [MaxLengthEnforcement.enforced] and
/// [MaxLengthEnforcement.truncateAfterCompositionEnds] make sure the final
/// length of the text does not exceed the max length specified. The difference
/// is that [MaxLengthEnforcement.enforced] truncates all text while
/// [MaxLengthEnforcement.truncateAfterCompositionEnds] allows composing text to
/// exceed the limit. Allowing this "placeholder" composing text to exceed the
/// limit may provide a better user experience on some platforms for entering
/// ideographic characters (e.g. CJK characters) via composing on phonetic
/// keyboards.
/// Some input methods (Gboard on Android for example) initiate text composition
/// even for Latin characters, in which case the best experience may be to
/// truncate those composing characters with [MaxLengthEnforcement.enforced].
/// In fields that strictly support only a small subset of characters, such as
/// verification code fields, [MaxLengthEnforcement.enforced] may provide the
/// best experience.
/// {@endtemplate}
/// See also:
/// * [TextField.maxLengthEnforcement] which is used in conjunction with
/// [TextField.maxLength] to limit the length of user input. [TextField] also
/// provides a character counter to provide visual feedback.
enum MaxLengthEnforcement {
/// No enforcement applied to the editing value. It's possible to exceed the
/// max length.
/// Keep the length of the text input from exceeding the max length even when
/// the text has an unfinished composing region.
/// Users can still input text if the current value is composing even after
/// reaching the max length limit. After composing ends, the value will be
/// truncated.
/// A [TextInputFormatter] can be optionally injected into an [EditableText]
/// to provide as-you-type validation and formatting of the text being edited.
/// Text modification should only be applied when text is being committed by the
/// IME and not on text under composition (i.e., only when
/// [TextEditingValue.composing] is collapsed).
/// See also the [FilteringTextInputFormatter], a subclass that
/// removes characters that the user tries to enter if they do, or do
/// not, match a given pattern (as applicable).
/// To create custom formatters, extend the [TextInputFormatter] class and
/// implement the [formatEditUpdate] method.
/// ## Handling emojis and other complex characters
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.EditableText.onChanged}
/// See also:
/// * [EditableText] on which the formatting apply.
/// * [FilteringTextInputFormatter], a provided formatter for filtering
/// characters.
abstract class TextInputFormatter {
/// Called when text is being typed or cut/copy/pasted in the [EditableText].
/// You can override the resulting text based on the previous text value and
/// the incoming new text value.
/// When formatters are chained, `oldValue` reflects the initial value of
/// [TextEditingValue] at the beginning of the chain.
TextEditingValue formatEditUpdate(
TextEditingValue oldValue,
TextEditingValue newValue,
/// A shorthand to creating a custom [TextInputFormatter] which formats
/// incoming text input changes with the given function.
static TextInputFormatter withFunction(
TextInputFormatFunction formatFunction,
) {
return _SimpleTextInputFormatter(formatFunction);
/// Function signature expected for creating custom [TextInputFormatter]
/// shorthands via [TextInputFormatter.withFunction].
typedef TextInputFormatFunction = TextEditingValue Function(
TextEditingValue oldValue,
TextEditingValue newValue,
/// Wiring for [TextInputFormatter.withFunction].
class _SimpleTextInputFormatter extends TextInputFormatter {
: assert(formatFunction != null);
final TextInputFormatFunction formatFunction;
TextEditingValue formatEditUpdate(
TextEditingValue oldValue,
TextEditingValue newValue,
) {
return formatFunction(oldValue, newValue);
// A mutable, half-open range [`base`, `extent`) within a string.
class _MutableTextRange {
_MutableTextRange(this.base, this.extent);
static _MutableTextRange? fromComposingRange(TextRange range) {
return range.isValid && !range.isCollapsed
? _MutableTextRange(range.start, range.end)
: null;
static _MutableTextRange? fromTextSelection(TextSelection selection) {
return selection.isValid
? _MutableTextRange(selection.baseOffset, selection.extentOffset)
: null;
/// The start index of the range, inclusive.
/// The value of [base] should always be greater than or equal to 0, and can
/// be larger than, smaller than, or equal to [extent].
int base;
/// The end index of the range, exclusive.
/// The value of [extent] should always be greater than or equal to 0, and can
/// be larger than, smaller than, or equal to [base].
int extent;
// The intermediate state of a [FilteringTextInputFormatter] when it's
// formatting a new user input.
class _TextEditingValueAccumulator {
: selection = _MutableTextRange.fromTextSelection(inputValue.selection),
composingRegion = _MutableTextRange.fromComposingRange(inputValue.composing);
// The original string that was sent to the [FilteringTextInputFormatter] as
// input.
final TextEditingValue inputValue;
/// The [StringBuffer] that contains the string which has already been
/// formatted.
/// In a [FilteringTextInputFormatter], typically the replacement string,
/// instead of the original string within the given range, is written to this
/// [StringBuffer].
final StringBuffer stringBuffer = StringBuffer();
/// The updated selection, as well as the original selection from the input
/// [TextEditingValue] of the [FilteringTextInputFormatter].
/// This parameter will be null if the input [TextEditingValue.selection] is
/// invalid.
final _MutableTextRange? selection;
/// The updated composing region, as well as the original composing region
/// from the input [TextEditingValue] of the [FilteringTextInputFormatter].
/// This parameter will be null if the input [TextEditingValue.composing] is
/// invalid or collapsed.
final _MutableTextRange? composingRegion;
// Whether this state object has reached its end-of-life.
bool debugFinalized = false;
TextEditingValue finalize() {
debugFinalized = true;
final _MutableTextRange? selection = this.selection;
final _MutableTextRange? composingRegion = this.composingRegion;
return TextEditingValue(
text: stringBuffer.toString(),
composing: composingRegion == null || composingRegion.base == composingRegion.extent
? TextRange.empty
: TextRange(start: composingRegion.base, end: composingRegion.extent),
selection: selection == null
? const TextSelection.collapsed(offset: -1)
: TextSelection(
baseOffset: selection.base,
extentOffset: selection.extent,
// Try to preserve the selection affinity and isDirectional. This
// may not make sense if the selection has changed.
affinity: inputValue.selection.affinity,
isDirectional: inputValue.selection.isDirectional,
/// A [TextInputFormatter] that prevents the insertion of characters
/// matching (or not matching) a particular pattern.
/// Instances of filtered characters found in the new [TextEditingValue]s
/// will be replaced with the [replacementString] which defaults to the empty
/// string.
/// Since this formatter only removes characters from the text, it attempts to
/// preserve the existing [TextEditingValue.selection] to values it would now
/// fall at with the removed characters.
class FilteringTextInputFormatter extends TextInputFormatter {
/// Creates a formatter that prevents the insertion of characters
/// based on a filter pattern.
/// If [allow] is true, then the filter pattern is an allow list,
/// and characters must match the pattern to be accepted. See also
/// the `FilteringTextInputFormatter.allow` constructor.
// TODO(goderbauer): Cannot link to the constructor because of
/// If [allow] is false, then the filter pattern is a deny list,
/// and characters that match the pattern are rejected. See also
/// the [FilteringTextInputFormatter.deny] constructor.
/// The [filterPattern], [allow], and [replacementString] arguments
/// must not be null.
this.filterPattern, {
required this.allow,
this.replacementString = '',
}) : assert(filterPattern != null),
assert(allow != null),
assert(replacementString != null);
/// Creates a formatter that only allows characters matching a pattern.
/// The [filterPattern] and [replacementString] arguments
/// must not be null.
Pattern filterPattern, {
String replacementString = '',
}) : this(filterPattern, allow: true, replacementString: replacementString);
/// Creates a formatter that blocks characters matching a pattern.
/// The [filterPattern] and [replacementString] arguments
/// must not be null.
Pattern filterPattern, {
String replacementString = '',
}) : this(filterPattern, allow: false, replacementString: replacementString);
/// A [Pattern] to match or replace in incoming [TextEditingValue]s.
/// The behavior of the pattern depends on the [allow] property. If
/// it is true, then this is an allow list, specifying a pattern that
/// characters must match to be accepted. Otherwise, it is a deny list,
/// specifying a pattern that characters must not match to be accepted.
/// {@tool snippet}
/// Typically the pattern is a regular expression, as in:
/// ```dart
/// FilteringTextInputFormatter onlyDigits = FilteringTextInputFormatter.allow(RegExp(r'[0-9]'));
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// {@tool snippet}
/// If the pattern is a single character, a pattern consisting of a
/// [String] can be used:
/// ```dart
/// FilteringTextInputFormatter noTabs = FilteringTextInputFormatter.deny('\t');
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
final Pattern filterPattern;
/// Whether the pattern is an allow list or not.
/// When true, [filterPattern] denotes an allow list: characters
/// must match the filter to be allowed.
/// When false, [filterPattern] denotes a deny list: characters
/// that match the filter are disallowed.
final bool allow;
/// String used to replace banned patterns.
/// For deny lists ([allow] is false), each match of the
/// [filterPattern] is replaced with this string. If [filterPattern]
/// can match more than one character at a time, then this can
/// result in multiple characters being replaced by a single
/// instance of this [replacementString].
/// For allow lists ([allow] is true), sequences between matches of
/// [filterPattern] are replaced as one, regardless of the number of
/// characters.
/// For example, consider a [filterPattern] consisting of just the
/// letter "o", applied to text field whose initial value is the
/// string "Into The Woods", with the [replacementString] set to
/// `*`.
/// If [allow] is true, then the result will be "*o*oo*". Each
/// sequence of characters not matching the pattern is replaced by
/// its own single copy of the replacement string, regardless of how
/// many characters are in that sequence.
/// If [allow] is false, then the result will be "Int* the W**ds".
/// Every matching sequence is replaced, and each "o" matches the
/// pattern separately.
/// If the pattern was the [RegExp] `o+`, the result would be the
/// same in the case where [allow] is true, but in the case where
/// [allow] is false, the result would be "Int* the W*ds" (with the
/// two "o"s replaced by a single occurrence of the replacement
/// string) because both of the "o"s would be matched simultaneously
/// by the pattern.
/// The filter may adjust the selection and the composing region of the text
/// after applying the text replacement, such that they still cover the same
/// text. For instance, if the pattern was `o+` and the last character "s" was
/// selected: "Into The Wood|s|", then the result will be "Into The W*d|s|",
/// with the selection still around the same character "s" despite that it is
/// now the 12th character.
/// In the case where one end point of the selection (or the composing region)
/// is strictly inside the banned pattern (for example, "Into The |Wo|ods"),
/// that endpoint will be moved to the end of the replacement string (it will
/// become "Into The |W*|ds" if the pattern was `o+` and the original text and
/// selection were "Into The |Wo|ods").
final String replacementString;
TextEditingValue formatEditUpdate(
TextEditingValue oldValue, // unused.
TextEditingValue newValue,
) {
final _TextEditingValueAccumulator formatState = _TextEditingValueAccumulator(newValue);
final Iterable<Match> matches = filterPattern.allMatches(newValue.text);
Match? previousMatch;
for (final Match match in matches) {
assert(match.end >= match.start);
// Compute the non-match region between this `Match` and the previous
// `Match`. Depending on the value of `allow`, either the match region or
// the non-match region is the banned pattern.
// The non-matching region.
_processRegion(allow, previousMatch?.end ?? 0, match.start, formatState);
// The matched region.
_processRegion(!allow, match.start, match.end, formatState);
previousMatch = match;
// Handle the last non-matching region between the last match region and the
// end of the text.
_processRegion(allow, previousMatch?.end ?? 0, newValue.text.length, formatState);
return formatState.finalize();
void _processRegion(bool isBannedRegion, int regionStart, int regionEnd, _TextEditingValueAccumulator state) {
final String replacementString = isBannedRegion
? (regionStart == regionEnd ? '' : this.replacementString)
: state.inputValue.text.substring(regionStart, regionEnd);
if (replacementString.length == regionEnd - regionStart) {
// We don't have to adjust the indices if the replaced string and the
// replacement string have the same length.
int adjustIndex(int originalIndex) {
// The length added by adding the replacementString.
final int replacedLength = originalIndex <= regionStart && originalIndex < regionEnd ? 0 : replacementString.length;
// The length removed by removing the replacementRange.
final int removedLength = originalIndex.clamp(regionStart, regionEnd) - regionStart;
return replacedLength - removedLength;
state.selection?.base += adjustIndex(state.inputValue.selection.baseOffset);
state.selection?.extent += adjustIndex(state.inputValue.selection.extentOffset);
state.composingRegion?.base += adjustIndex(state.inputValue.composing.start);
state.composingRegion?.extent += adjustIndex(state.inputValue.composing.end);
/// A [TextInputFormatter] that forces input to be a single line.
static final TextInputFormatter singleLineFormatter = FilteringTextInputFormatter.deny('\n');
/// A [TextInputFormatter] that takes in digits `[0-9]` only.
static final TextInputFormatter digitsOnly = FilteringTextInputFormatter.allow(RegExp(r'[0-9]'));
/// A [TextInputFormatter] that prevents the insertion of more characters
/// than allowed.
/// Since this formatter only prevents new characters from being added to the
/// text, it preserves the existing [TextEditingValue.selection].
/// Characters are counted as user-perceived characters using the
/// [characters]( package, so even complex
/// characters like extended grapheme clusters and surrogate pairs are counted
/// as single characters.
/// See also:
/// * [maxLength], which discusses the precise meaning of "number of
/// characters".
class LengthLimitingTextInputFormatter extends TextInputFormatter {
/// Creates a formatter that prevents the insertion of more characters than a
/// limit.
/// The [maxLength] must be null, -1 or greater than zero. If it is null or -1
/// then no limit is enforced.
this.maxLength, {
}) : assert(maxLength == null || maxLength == -1 || maxLength > 0);
/// The limit on the number of user-perceived characters that this formatter
/// will allow.
/// The value must be null or greater than zero. If it is null or -1, then no
/// limit is enforced.
/// {@template}
/// ## Characters
/// For a specific definition of what is considered a character, see the
/// [characters]( package on Pub, which is
/// what Flutter uses to delineate characters. In general, even complex
/// characters like surrogate pairs and extended grapheme clusters are
/// correctly interpreted by Flutter as each being a single user-perceived
/// character.
/// For instance, the character "ö" can be represented as '\u{006F}\u{0308}',
/// which is the letter "o" followed by a composed diaeresis "¨", or it can
/// be represented as '\u{00F6}', which is the Unicode scalar value "LATIN
/// SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS". It will be counted as a single character
/// in both cases.
/// Similarly, some emoji are represented by multiple scalar values. The
/// Unicode "THUMBS UP SIGN + MEDIUM SKIN TONE MODIFIER", "👍🏽"is counted as
/// a single character, even though it is a combination of two Unicode scalar
/// values, '\u{1F44D}\u{1F3FD}'.
/// {@endtemplate}
/// ### Composing text behaviors
/// There is no guarantee for the final value before the composing ends.
/// So while the value is composing, the constraint of [maxLength] will be
/// temporary lifted until the composing ends.
/// In addition, if the current value already reached the [maxLength],
/// composing is not allowed.
final int? maxLength;
/// Determines how the [maxLength] limit should be enforced.
/// Defaults to [MaxLengthEnforcement.enforced].
/// {@macro}
final MaxLengthEnforcement? maxLengthEnforcement;
/// Returns a [MaxLengthEnforcement] that follows the specified [platform]'s
/// convention.
/// {@template}
/// ### Platform specific behaviors
/// Different platforms follow different behaviors by default, according to
/// their native behavior.
/// * Android, Windows: [MaxLengthEnforcement.enforced]. The native behavior
/// of these platforms is enforced. The composing will be handled by the
/// IME while users are entering CJK characters.
/// * iOS: [MaxLengthEnforcement.truncateAfterCompositionEnds]. iOS has no
/// default behavior and it requires users implement the behavior
/// themselves. Allow the composition to exceed to avoid breaking CJK input.
/// * Web, macOS, linux, fuchsia:
/// [MaxLengthEnforcement.truncateAfterCompositionEnds]. These platforms
/// allow the composition to exceed by default.
/// {@endtemplate}
static MaxLengthEnforcement getDefaultMaxLengthEnforcement([
TargetPlatform? platform,
]) {
if (kIsWeb) {
return MaxLengthEnforcement.truncateAfterCompositionEnds;
} else {
switch (platform ?? defaultTargetPlatform) {
return MaxLengthEnforcement.enforced;
case TargetPlatform.iOS:
case TargetPlatform.macOS:
case TargetPlatform.linux:
case TargetPlatform.fuchsia:
return MaxLengthEnforcement.truncateAfterCompositionEnds;
/// Truncate the given TextEditingValue to maxLength user-perceived
/// characters.
/// See also:
/// * [Dart's characters package](
/// * [Dart's documentation on runes and grapheme clusters](
static TextEditingValue truncate(TextEditingValue value, int maxLength) {
final CharacterRange iterator = CharacterRange(value.text);
if (value.text.characters.length > maxLength) {
final String truncated = iterator.current;
return TextEditingValue(
text: truncated,
selection: value.selection.copyWith(
baseOffset: math.min(value.selection.start, truncated.length),
extentOffset: math.min(value.selection.end, truncated.length),
composing: !value.composing.isCollapsed && truncated.length > value.composing.start
? TextRange(
start: value.composing.start,
end: math.min(value.composing.end, truncated.length),
: TextRange.empty,
TextEditingValue formatEditUpdate(
TextEditingValue oldValue,
TextEditingValue newValue,
) {
final int? maxLength = this.maxLength;
if (maxLength == null ||
maxLength == -1 ||
newValue.text.characters.length <= maxLength) {
return newValue;
assert(maxLength > 0);
switch (maxLengthEnforcement ?? getDefaultMaxLengthEnforcement()) {
case MaxLengthEnforcement.none:
return newValue;
case MaxLengthEnforcement.enforced:
// If already at the maximum and tried to enter even more, and has no
// selection, keep the old value.
if (oldValue.text.characters.length == maxLength && oldValue.selection.isCollapsed) {
return oldValue;
// Enforced to return a truncated value.
return truncate(newValue, maxLength);
case MaxLengthEnforcement.truncateAfterCompositionEnds:
// If already at the maximum and tried to enter even more, and the old
// value is not composing, keep the old value.
if (oldValue.text.characters.length == maxLength &&
!oldValue.composing.isValid) {
return oldValue;
// Temporarily exempt `newValue` from the maxLength limit if it has a
// composing text going and no enforcement to the composing value, until
// the composing is finished.
if (newValue.composing.isValid) {
return newValue;
return truncate(newValue, maxLength);