blob: 2e418588dce663e279eeaf34d9703d10b9f8ca12 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:ui' as ui show Paragraph, Image;
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'recording_canvas.dart';
/// Matches objects or functions that paint a display list that matches the
/// canvas calls described by the pattern.
/// Specifically, this can be applied to [RenderObject]s, [Finder]s that
/// correspond to a single [RenderObject], and functions that have either of the
/// following signatures:
/// ```dart
/// void function(PaintingContext context, Offset offset);
/// void function(Canvas canvas);
/// ```
/// In the case of functions that take a [PaintingContext] and an [Offset], the
/// [paints] matcher will always pass a zero offset.
/// To specify the pattern, call the methods on the returned object. For example:
/// ```dart
/// expect(myRenderObject, 10.0) 20.0));
/// ```
/// This particular pattern would verify that the render object `myRenderObject`
/// paints, among other things, two circles of radius 10.0 and 20.0 (in that
/// order).
/// See [PaintPattern] for a discussion of the semantics of paint patterns.
/// To match something which paints nothing, see [paintsNothing].
/// To match something which asserts instead of painting, see [paintsAssertion].
PaintPattern get paints => _TestRecordingCanvasPatternMatcher();
/// Matches objects or functions that does not paint anything on the canvas.
Matcher get paintsNothing => _TestRecordingCanvasPaintsNothingMatcher();
/// Matches objects or functions that assert when they try to paint.
Matcher get paintsAssertion => _TestRecordingCanvasPaintsAssertionMatcher();
/// Matches objects or functions that draw `methodName` exactly `count` number of times.
Matcher paintsExactlyCountTimes(Symbol methodName, int count) {
return _TestRecordingCanvasPaintsCountMatcher(methodName, count);
/// Signature for the [PaintPattern.something] and [PaintPattern.everything]
/// predicate argument.
/// Used by the [paints] matcher.
/// The `methodName` argument is a [Symbol], and can be compared with the symbol
/// literal syntax, for example:
/// ```dart
/// if (methodName == #drawCircle) { ... }
/// ```
typedef PaintPatternPredicate = bool Function(Symbol methodName, List<dynamic> arguments);
/// The signature of [RenderObject.paint] functions.
typedef _ContextPainterFunction = void Function(PaintingContext context, Offset offset);
/// The signature of functions that paint directly on a canvas.
typedef _CanvasPainterFunction = void Function(Canvas canvas);
/// Builder interface for patterns used to match display lists (canvas calls).
/// The [paints] matcher returns a [PaintPattern] so that you can build the
/// pattern in the [expect] call.
/// Patterns are subset matches, meaning that any calls not described by the
/// pattern are ignored. This allows, for instance, transforms to be skipped.
abstract class PaintPattern {
/// Indicates that a transform is expected next.
/// Calls are skipped until a call to [Canvas.transform] is found. The call's
/// arguments are compared to those provided here. If any fail to match, or if
/// no call to [Canvas.transform] is found, then the matcher fails.
/// Dynamic so matchers can be more easily passed in.
/// The `matrix4` argument is dynamic so it can be either a [Matcher], or a
/// [Float64List] of [double]s. If it is a [Float64List] of [double]s then
/// each value in the matrix must match in the expected matrix. A deep
/// matching [Matcher] such as [equals] can be used to test each value in the
/// matrix with utilities such as [moreOrLessEquals].
void transform({ dynamic matrix4 });
/// Indicates that a translation transform is expected next.
/// Calls are skipped until a call to [Canvas.translate] is found. The call's
/// arguments are compared to those provided here. If any fail to match, or if
/// no call to [Canvas.translate] is found, then the matcher fails.
void translate({ double? x, double? y });
/// Indicates that a scale transform is expected next.
/// Calls are skipped until a call to [Canvas.scale] is found. The call's
/// arguments are compared to those provided here. If any fail to match, or if
/// no call to [Canvas.scale] is found, then the matcher fails.
void scale({ double? x, double? y });
/// Indicates that a rotate transform is expected next.
/// Calls are skipped until a call to [Canvas.rotate] is found. If the `angle`
/// argument is provided here, the call's argument is compared to it. If that
/// fails to match, or if no call to [Canvas.rotate] is found, then the
/// matcher fails.
void rotate({ double? angle });
/// Indicates that a save is expected next.
/// Calls are skipped until a call to [] is found. If none is
/// found, the matcher fails.
/// See also:
/// * [restore], which indicates that a restore is expected next.
/// * [saveRestore], which indicates that a matching pair of save/restore
/// calls is expected next.
void save();
/// Indicates that a restore is expected next.
/// Calls are skipped until a call to [Canvas.restore] is found. If none is
/// found, the matcher fails.
/// See also:
/// * [save], which indicates that a save is expected next.
/// * [saveRestore], which indicates that a matching pair of save/restore
/// calls is expected next.
void restore();
/// Indicates that a matching pair of save/restore calls is expected next.
/// Calls are skipped until a call to [] is found, then, calls are
/// skipped until the matching [Canvas.restore] call is found. If no matching
/// pair of calls could be found, the matcher fails.
/// See also:
/// * [save], which indicates that a save is expected next.
/// * [restore], which indicates that a restore is expected next.
void saveRestore();
/// Indicates that a rectangular clip is expected next.
/// The next rectangular clip is examined. Any arguments that are passed to
/// this method are compared to the actual [Canvas.clipRect] call's argument
/// and any mismatches result in failure.
/// If no call to [Canvas.clipRect] was made, then this results in failure.
/// Any calls made between the last matched call (if any) and the
/// [Canvas.clipRect] call are ignored.
void clipRect({ Rect? rect });
/// Indicates that a path clip is expected next.
/// The next path clip is examined.
/// The path that is passed to the actual [Canvas.clipPath] call is matched
/// using [pathMatcher].
/// If no call to [Canvas.clipPath] was made, then this results in failure.
/// Any calls made between the last matched call (if any) and the
/// [Canvas.clipPath] call are ignored.
void clipPath({ Matcher? pathMatcher });
/// Indicates that a rectangle is expected next.
/// The next rectangle is examined. Any arguments that are passed to this
/// method are compared to the actual [Canvas.drawRect] call's arguments
/// and any mismatches result in failure.
/// If no call to [Canvas.drawRect] was made, then this results in failure.
/// Any calls made between the last matched call (if any) and the
/// [Canvas.drawRect] call are ignored.
/// The [Paint]-related arguments (`color`, `strokeWidth`, `hasMaskFilter`,
/// `style`) are compared against the state of the [Paint] object after the
/// painting has completed, not at the time of the call. If the same [Paint]
/// object is reused multiple times, then this may not match the actual
/// arguments as they were seen by the method.
void rect({ Rect? rect, Color? color, double? strokeWidth, bool? hasMaskFilter, PaintingStyle? style });
/// Indicates that a rounded rectangle clip is expected next.
/// The next rounded rectangle clip is examined. Any arguments that are passed
/// to this method are compared to the actual [Canvas.clipRRect] call's
/// argument and any mismatches result in failure.
/// If no call to [Canvas.clipRRect] was made, then this results in failure.
/// Any calls made between the last matched call (if any) and the
/// [Canvas.clipRRect] call are ignored.
void clipRRect({ RRect? rrect });
/// Indicates that a rounded rectangle is expected next.
/// The next rounded rectangle is examined. Any arguments that are passed to
/// this method are compared to the actual [Canvas.drawRRect] call's arguments
/// and any mismatches result in failure.
/// If no call to [Canvas.drawRRect] was made, then this results in failure.
/// Any calls made between the last matched call (if any) and the
/// [Canvas.drawRRect] call are ignored.
/// The [Paint]-related arguments (`color`, `strokeWidth`, `hasMaskFilter`,
/// `style`) are compared against the state of the [Paint] object after the
/// painting has completed, not at the time of the call. If the same [Paint]
/// object is reused multiple times, then this may not match the actual
/// arguments as they were seen by the method.
void rrect({ RRect? rrect, Color? color, double? strokeWidth, bool? hasMaskFilter, PaintingStyle? style });
/// Indicates that a rounded rectangle outline is expected next.
/// The next call to [Canvas.drawRRect] is examined. Any arguments that are
/// passed to this method are compared to the actual [Canvas.drawRRect] call's
/// arguments and any mismatches result in failure.
/// If no call to [Canvas.drawRRect] was made, then this results in failure.
/// Any calls made between the last matched call (if any) and the
/// [Canvas.drawRRect] call are ignored.
/// The [Paint]-related arguments (`color`, `strokeWidth`, `hasMaskFilter`,
/// `style`) are compared against the state of the [Paint] object after the
/// painting has completed, not at the time of the call. If the same [Paint]
/// object is reused multiple times, then this may not match the actual
/// arguments as they were seen by the method.
void drrect({ RRect? outer, RRect? inner, Color? color, double strokeWidth, bool hasMaskFilter, PaintingStyle style });
/// Indicates that a circle is expected next.
/// The next circle is examined. Any arguments that are passed to this method
/// are compared to the actual [Canvas.drawCircle] call's arguments and any
/// mismatches result in failure.
/// If no call to [Canvas.drawCircle] was made, then this results in failure.
/// Any calls made between the last matched call (if any) and the
/// [Canvas.drawCircle] call are ignored.
/// The [Paint]-related arguments (`color`, `strokeWidth`, `hasMaskFilter`,
/// `style`) are compared against the state of the [Paint] object after the
/// painting has completed, not at the time of the call. If the same [Paint]
/// object is reused multiple times, then this may not match the actual
/// arguments as they were seen by the method.
void circle({ double? x, double? y, double? radius, Color? color, double? strokeWidth, bool? hasMaskFilter, PaintingStyle? style });
/// Indicates that a path is expected next.
/// The next path is examined. Any arguments that are passed to this method
/// are compared to the actual [Canvas.drawPath] call's `paint` argument, and
/// any mismatches result in failure.
/// To introspect the Path object (as it stands after the painting has
/// completed), the `includes` and `excludes` arguments can be provided to
/// specify points that should be considered inside or outside the path
/// (respectively).
/// If no call to [Canvas.drawPath] was made, then this results in failure.
/// Any calls made between the last matched call (if any) and the
/// [Canvas.drawPath] call are ignored.
/// The [Paint]-related arguments (`color`, `strokeWidth`, `hasMaskFilter`,
/// `style`) are compared against the state of the [Paint] object after the
/// painting has completed, not at the time of the call. If the same [Paint]
/// object is reused multiple times, then this may not match the actual
/// arguments as they were seen by the method.
void path({ Iterable<Offset>? includes, Iterable<Offset>? excludes, Color? color, double? strokeWidth, bool? hasMaskFilter, PaintingStyle? style });
/// Indicates that a line is expected next.
/// The next line is examined. Any arguments that are passed to this method
/// are compared to the actual [Canvas.drawLine] call's `p1`, `p2`, and
/// `paint` arguments, and any mismatches result in failure.
/// If no call to [Canvas.drawLine] was made, then this results in failure.
/// Any calls made between the last matched call (if any) and the
/// [Canvas.drawLine] call are ignored.
/// The [Paint]-related arguments (`color`, `strokeWidth`, `hasMaskFilter`,
/// `style`) are compared against the state of the [Paint] object after the
/// painting has completed, not at the time of the call. If the same [Paint]
/// object is reused multiple times, then this may not match the actual
/// arguments as they were seen by the method.
void line({ Offset? p1, Offset? p2, Color? color, double? strokeWidth, bool? hasMaskFilter, PaintingStyle? style });
/// Indicates that an arc is expected next.
/// The next arc is examined. Any arguments that are passed to this method
/// are compared to the actual [Canvas.drawArc] call's `paint` argument, and
/// any mismatches result in failure.
/// If no call to [Canvas.drawArc] was made, then this results in failure.
/// Any calls made between the last matched call (if any) and the
/// [Canvas.drawArc] call are ignored.
/// The [Paint]-related arguments (`color`, `strokeWidth`, `hasMaskFilter`,
/// `style`) are compared against the state of the [Paint] object after the
/// painting has completed, not at the time of the call. If the same [Paint]
/// object is reused multiple times, then this may not match the actual
/// arguments as they were seen by the method.
void arc({ Color? color, double? strokeWidth, bool? hasMaskFilter, PaintingStyle? style });
/// Indicates that a paragraph is expected next.
/// Calls are skipped until a call to [Canvas.drawParagraph] is found. Any
/// arguments that are passed to this method are compared to the actual
/// [Canvas.drawParagraph] call's argument, and any mismatches result in failure.
/// The `offset` argument can be either an [Offset] or a [Matcher]. If it is
/// an [Offset] then the actual value must match the expected offset
/// precisely. If it is a [Matcher] then the comparison is made according to
/// the semantics of the [Matcher]. For example, [within] can be used to
/// assert that the actual offset is within a given distance from the expected
/// offset.
/// If no call to [Canvas.drawParagraph] was made, then this results in failure.
void paragraph({ ui.Paragraph? paragraph, dynamic offset });
/// Indicates that a shadow is expected next.
/// The next shadow is examined. Any arguments that are passed to this method
/// are compared to the actual [Canvas.drawShadow] call's `paint` argument,
/// and any mismatches result in failure.
/// In tests, shadows from framework features such as [BoxShadow] or
/// [Material] are disabled by default, and thus this predicate would not
/// match. The [debugDisableShadows] flag controls this.
/// To introspect the Path object (as it stands after the painting has
/// completed), the `includes` and `excludes` arguments can be provided to
/// specify points that should be considered inside or outside the path
/// (respectively).
/// If no call to [Canvas.drawShadow] was made, then this results in failure.
/// Any calls made between the last matched call (if any) and the
/// [Canvas.drawShadow] call are ignored.
void shadow({ Iterable<Offset>? includes, Iterable<Offset>? excludes, Color? color, double? elevation, bool? transparentOccluder });
/// Indicates that an image is expected next.
/// The next call to [Canvas.drawImage] is examined, and its arguments
/// compared to those passed to _this_ method.
/// If no call to [Canvas.drawImage] was made, then this results in
/// failure.
/// Any calls made between the last matched call (if any) and the
/// [Canvas.drawImage] call are ignored.
/// The [Paint]-related arguments (`color`, `strokeWidth`, `hasMaskFilter`,
/// `style`) are compared against the state of the [Paint] object after the
/// painting has completed, not at the time of the call. If the same [Paint]
/// object is reused multiple times, then this may not match the actual
/// arguments as they were seen by the method.
void image({ ui.Image? image, double? x, double? y, Color? color, double? strokeWidth, bool? hasMaskFilter, PaintingStyle? style });
/// Indicates that an image subsection is expected next.
/// The next call to [Canvas.drawImageRect] is examined, and its arguments
/// compared to those passed to _this_ method.
/// If no call to [Canvas.drawImageRect] was made, then this results in
/// failure.
/// Any calls made between the last matched call (if any) and the
/// [Canvas.drawImageRect] call are ignored.
/// The [Paint]-related arguments (`color`, `strokeWidth`, `hasMaskFilter`,
/// `style`) are compared against the state of the [Paint] object after the
/// painting has completed, not at the time of the call. If the same [Paint]
/// object is reused multiple times, then this may not match the actual
/// arguments as they were seen by the method.
void drawImageRect({ ui.Image? image, Rect? source, Rect? destination, Color? color, double? strokeWidth, bool? hasMaskFilter, PaintingStyle? style });
/// Provides a custom matcher.
/// Each method call after the last matched call (if any) will be passed to
/// the given predicate, along with the values of its (positional) arguments.
/// For each one, the predicate must either return a boolean or throw a [String].
/// If the predicate returns true, the call is considered a successful match
/// and the next step in the pattern is examined. If this was the last step,
/// then any calls that were not yet matched are ignored and the [paints]
/// [Matcher] is considered a success.
/// If the predicate returns false, then the call is considered uninteresting
/// and the predicate will be called again for the next [Canvas] call that was
/// made by the [RenderObject] under test. If this was the last call, then the
/// [paints] [Matcher] is considered to have failed.
/// If the predicate throws a [String], then the [paints] [Matcher] is
/// considered to have failed. The thrown string is used in the message
/// displayed from the test framework and should be complete sentence
/// describing the problem.
void something(PaintPatternPredicate predicate);
/// Provides a custom matcher.
/// Each method call after the last matched call (if any) will be passed to
/// the given predicate, along with the values of its (positional) arguments.
/// For each one, the predicate must either return a boolean or throw a [String].
/// The predicate will be applied to each [Canvas] call until it returns false
/// or all of the method calls have been tested.
/// If the predicate throws a [String], then the [paints] [Matcher] is
/// considered to have failed. The thrown string is used in the message
/// displayed from the test framework and should be complete sentence
/// describing the problem.
void everything(PaintPatternPredicate predicate);
/// Matches a [Path] that contains (as defined by [Path.contains]) the given
/// `includes` points and does not contain the given `excludes` points.
Matcher isPathThat({
Iterable<Offset> includes = const <Offset>[],
Iterable<Offset> excludes = const <Offset>[],
}) {
return _PathMatcher(includes.toList(), excludes.toList());
class _PathMatcher extends Matcher {
_PathMatcher(this.includes, this.excludes);
List<Offset> includes;
List<Offset> excludes;
bool matches(Object? object, Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState) {
if (object is! Path) {
matchState[this] = 'The given object ($object) was not a Path.';
return false;
final Path path = object;
final List<String> errors = <String>[
for (final Offset offset in includes)
if (!path.contains(offset))
'Offset $offset should be inside the path, but is not.',
for (final Offset offset in excludes)
if (path.contains(offset))
'Offset $offset should be outside the path, but is not.',
if (errors.isEmpty)
return true;
matchState[this] = 'Not all the given points were inside or outside the path as expected:\n ${errors.join("\n ")}';
return false;
Description describe(Description description) {
String points(List<Offset> list) {
final int count = list.length;
if (count == 1)
return 'one particular point';
return '$count particular points';
return description.add('A Path that contains ${points(includes)} but does not contain ${points(excludes)}.');
Description describeMismatch(
dynamic item,
Description description,
Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState,
bool verbose,
) {
return description.add(matchState[this] as String);
class _MismatchedCall {
const _MismatchedCall(this.message, this.callIntroduction, : assert(call != null);
final String message;
final String callIntroduction;
final RecordedInvocation call;
bool _evaluatePainter(Object? object, Canvas canvas, PaintingContext context) {
if (object is _ContextPainterFunction) {
final _ContextPainterFunction function = object;
} else if (object is _CanvasPainterFunction) {
final _CanvasPainterFunction function = object;
} else {
if (object is Finder) {
final Finder finder = object;
object = finder.evaluate().single.renderObject;
if (object is RenderObject) {
final RenderObject renderObject = object;
} else {
return false;
return true;
abstract class _TestRecordingCanvasMatcher extends Matcher {
bool matches(Object? object, Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState) {
final TestRecordingCanvas canvas = TestRecordingCanvas();
final TestRecordingPaintingContext context = TestRecordingPaintingContext(canvas);
final StringBuffer description = StringBuffer();
String prefixMessage = 'unexpectedly failed.';
bool result = false;
try {
if (!_evaluatePainter(object, canvas, context)) {
matchState[this] = 'was not one of the supported objects for the "paints" matcher.';
return false;
result = _evaluatePredicates(canvas.invocations, description);
if (!result)
prefixMessage = 'did not match the pattern.';
} catch (error, stack) {
prefixMessage = 'threw the following exception:';
result = false;
if (!result) {
if (canvas.invocations.isNotEmpty) {
description.write('The complete display list was:');
for (final RecordedInvocation call in canvas.invocations)
description.write('\n * $call');
matchState[this] = '$prefixMessage\n$description';
return result;
bool _evaluatePredicates(Iterable<RecordedInvocation> calls, StringBuffer description);
Description describeMismatch(
dynamic item,
Description description,
Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState,
bool verbose,
) {
return description.add(matchState[this] as String);
class _TestRecordingCanvasPaintsCountMatcher extends _TestRecordingCanvasMatcher {
_TestRecordingCanvasPaintsCountMatcher(Symbol methodName, int count)
: _methodName = methodName,
_count = count;
final Symbol _methodName;
final int _count;
Description describe(Description description) {
return description.add('Object or closure painting $_methodName exactly $_count times');
bool _evaluatePredicates(Iterable<RecordedInvocation> calls, StringBuffer description) {
int count = 0;
for (final RecordedInvocation call in calls) {
if (call.invocation.isMethod && call.invocation.memberName == _methodName) {
if (count != _count) {
description.write('It painted $_methodName $count times instead of $_count times.');
return count == _count;
class _TestRecordingCanvasPaintsNothingMatcher extends _TestRecordingCanvasMatcher {
Description describe(Description description) {
return description.add('An object or closure that paints nothing.');
bool _evaluatePredicates(Iterable<RecordedInvocation> calls, StringBuffer description) {
final Iterable<RecordedInvocation> paintingCalls = _filterCanvasCalls(calls);
if (paintingCalls.isEmpty)
return true;
'painted something, the first call having the following stack:\n'
'${paintingCalls.first.stackToString(indent: " ")}\n',
return false;
static const List<Symbol> _nonPaintingOperations = <Symbol> [
// Filters out canvas calls that are not painting anything.
static Iterable<RecordedInvocation> _filterCanvasCalls(Iterable<RecordedInvocation> canvasCalls) {
return canvasCalls.where((RecordedInvocation canvasCall) =>
class _TestRecordingCanvasPaintsAssertionMatcher extends Matcher {
bool matches(Object? object, Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState) {
final TestRecordingCanvas canvas = TestRecordingCanvas();
final TestRecordingPaintingContext context = TestRecordingPaintingContext(canvas);
final StringBuffer description = StringBuffer();
String prefixMessage = 'unexpectedly failed.';
bool result = false;
try {
if (!_evaluatePainter(object, canvas, context)) {
matchState[this] = 'was not one of the supported objects for the "paints" matcher.';
return false;
prefixMessage = 'did not assert.';
} on AssertionError {
result = true;
} catch (error, stack) {
prefixMessage = 'threw the following exception:';
result = false;
if (!result) {
if (canvas.invocations.isNotEmpty) {
description.write('The complete display list was:');
for (final RecordedInvocation call in canvas.invocations)
description.write('\n * $call');
matchState[this] = '$prefixMessage\n$description';
return result;
Description describe(Description description) {
return description.add('An object or closure that asserts when it tries to paint.');
Description describeMismatch(
dynamic item,
Description description,
Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState,
bool verbose,
) {
return description.add(matchState[this] as String);
class _TestRecordingCanvasPatternMatcher extends _TestRecordingCanvasMatcher implements PaintPattern {
final List<_PaintPredicate> _predicates = <_PaintPredicate>[];
void transform({ dynamic matrix4 }) {
_predicates.add(_FunctionPaintPredicate(#transform, <dynamic>[matrix4]));
void translate({ double? x, double? y }) {
_predicates.add(_FunctionPaintPredicate(#translate, <dynamic>[x, y]));
void scale({ double? x, double? y }) {
_predicates.add(_FunctionPaintPredicate(#scale, <dynamic>[x, y]));
void rotate({ double? angle }) {
_predicates.add(_FunctionPaintPredicate(#rotate, <dynamic>[angle]));
void save() {
_predicates.add(_FunctionPaintPredicate(#save, <dynamic>[]));
void restore() {
_predicates.add(_FunctionPaintPredicate(#restore, <dynamic>[]));
void saveRestore() {
void clipRect({ Rect? rect }) {
_predicates.add(_FunctionPaintPredicate(#clipRect, <dynamic>[rect]));
void clipPath({ Matcher? pathMatcher }) {
_predicates.add(_FunctionPaintPredicate(#clipPath, <dynamic>[pathMatcher]));
void rect({ Rect? rect, Color? color, double? strokeWidth, bool? hasMaskFilter, PaintingStyle? style }) {
_predicates.add(_RectPaintPredicate(rect: rect, color: color, strokeWidth: strokeWidth, hasMaskFilter: hasMaskFilter, style: style));
void clipRRect({ RRect? rrect }) {
_predicates.add(_FunctionPaintPredicate(#clipRRect, <dynamic>[rrect]));
void rrect({ RRect? rrect, Color? color, double? strokeWidth, bool? hasMaskFilter, PaintingStyle? style }) {
_predicates.add(_RRectPaintPredicate(rrect: rrect, color: color, strokeWidth: strokeWidth, hasMaskFilter: hasMaskFilter, style: style));
void drrect({ RRect? outer, RRect? inner, Color? color, double? strokeWidth, bool? hasMaskFilter, PaintingStyle? style }) {
_predicates.add(_DRRectPaintPredicate(outer: outer, inner: inner, color: color, strokeWidth: strokeWidth, hasMaskFilter: hasMaskFilter, style: style));
void circle({ double? x, double? y, double? radius, Color? color, double? strokeWidth, bool? hasMaskFilter, PaintingStyle? style }) {
_predicates.add(_CirclePaintPredicate(x: x, y: y, radius: radius, color: color, strokeWidth: strokeWidth, hasMaskFilter: hasMaskFilter, style: style));
void path({ Iterable<Offset>? includes, Iterable<Offset>? excludes, Color? color, double? strokeWidth, bool? hasMaskFilter, PaintingStyle? style }) {
_predicates.add(_PathPaintPredicate(includes: includes, excludes: excludes, color: color, strokeWidth: strokeWidth, hasMaskFilter: hasMaskFilter, style: style));
void line({ Offset? p1, Offset? p2, Color? color, double? strokeWidth, bool? hasMaskFilter, PaintingStyle? style }) {
_predicates.add(_LinePaintPredicate(p1: p1, p2: p2, color: color, strokeWidth: strokeWidth, hasMaskFilter: hasMaskFilter, style: style));
void arc({ Color? color, double? strokeWidth, bool? hasMaskFilter, PaintingStyle? style }) {
_predicates.add(_ArcPaintPredicate(color: color, strokeWidth: strokeWidth, hasMaskFilter: hasMaskFilter, style: style));
void paragraph({ ui.Paragraph? paragraph, dynamic offset }) {
_predicates.add(_FunctionPaintPredicate(#drawParagraph, <dynamic>[paragraph, offset]));
void shadow({ Iterable<Offset>? includes, Iterable<Offset>? excludes, Color? color, double? elevation, bool? transparentOccluder }) {
_predicates.add(_ShadowPredicate(includes: includes, excludes: excludes, color: color, elevation: elevation, transparentOccluder: transparentOccluder));
void image({ ui.Image? image, double? x, double? y, Color? color, double? strokeWidth, bool? hasMaskFilter, PaintingStyle? style }) {
_predicates.add(_DrawImagePaintPredicate(image: image, x: x, y: y, color: color, strokeWidth: strokeWidth, hasMaskFilter: hasMaskFilter, style: style));
void drawImageRect({ ui.Image? image, Rect? source, Rect? destination, Color? color, double? strokeWidth, bool? hasMaskFilter, PaintingStyle? style }) {
_predicates.add(_DrawImageRectPaintPredicate(image: image, source: source, destination: destination, color: color, strokeWidth: strokeWidth, hasMaskFilter: hasMaskFilter, style: style));
void something(PaintPatternPredicate predicate) {
void everything(PaintPatternPredicate predicate) {
Description describe(Description description) {
if (_predicates.isEmpty)
return description.add('An object or closure and a paint pattern.');
description.add('Object or closure painting:\n');
return description.addAll(
'', '\n', '',<String>((_PaintPredicate predicate) => predicate.toString()),
bool _evaluatePredicates(Iterable<RecordedInvocation> calls, StringBuffer description) {
if (calls.isEmpty) {
description.writeln('It painted nothing.');
return false;
if (_predicates.isEmpty) {
'It painted something, but you must now add a pattern to the paints matcher '
'in the test to verify that it matches the important parts of the following.',
return false;
final Iterator<_PaintPredicate> predicate = _predicates.iterator;
final Iterator<RecordedInvocation> call = calls.iterator..moveNext();
try {
while (predicate.moveNext()) {
// We allow painting more than expected.
} on _MismatchedCall catch (data) {
description.writeln( ' '));
return false;
} on String catch (s) {
description.write('The stack of the offending call was:\n${call.current.stackToString(indent: " ")}\n');
return false;
return true;
abstract class _PaintPredicate {
void match(Iterator<RecordedInvocation> call);
void checkMethod(Iterator<RecordedInvocation> call, Symbol symbol) {
int others = 0;
final RecordedInvocation firstCall = call.current;
while (!call.current.invocation.isMethod || call.current.invocation.memberName != symbol) {
others += 1;
if (!call.moveNext())
throw _MismatchedCall(
'It called $others other method${ others == 1 ? "" : "s" } on the canvas, '
'the first of which was $firstCall, but did not '
'call ${_symbolName(symbol)}() at the time where $this was expected.',
'The first method that was called when the call to ${_symbolName(symbol)}() '
'was expected, $firstCall, was called with the following stack:',
String toString() {
throw FlutterError('$runtimeType does not implement toString.');
abstract class _DrawCommandPaintPredicate extends _PaintPredicate {
this.paintArgumentIndex, {
final Symbol symbol;
final String name;
final int argumentCount;
final int paintArgumentIndex;
final Color? color;
final double? strokeWidth;
final bool? hasMaskFilter;
final PaintingStyle? style;
String get methodName => _symbolName(symbol);
void match(Iterator<RecordedInvocation> call) {
checkMethod(call, symbol);
final int actualArgumentCount = call.current.invocation.positionalArguments.length;
if (actualArgumentCount != argumentCount)
throw 'It called $methodName with $actualArgumentCount argument${actualArgumentCount == 1 ? "" : "s"}; expected $argumentCount.';
void verifyArguments(List<dynamic> arguments) {
final Paint paintArgument = arguments[paintArgumentIndex] as Paint;
if (color != null && paintArgument.color != color)
throw 'It called $methodName with a paint whose color, ${paintArgument.color}, was not exactly the expected color ($color).';
if (strokeWidth != null && paintArgument.strokeWidth != strokeWidth)
throw 'It called $methodName with a paint whose strokeWidth, ${paintArgument.strokeWidth}, was not exactly the expected strokeWidth ($strokeWidth).';
if (hasMaskFilter != null && (paintArgument.maskFilter != null) != hasMaskFilter) {
if (hasMaskFilter!)
throw 'It called $methodName with a paint that did not have a mask filter, despite expecting one.';
throw 'It called $methodName with a paint that did have a mask filter, despite not expecting one.';
if (style != null && != style)
throw 'It called $methodName with a paint whose style, ${}, was not exactly the expected style ($style).';
String toString() {
final List<String> description = <String>[];
String result = name;
if (description.isNotEmpty)
result += ' with ${description.join(", ")}';
return result;
void debugFillDescription(List<String> description) {
if (color != null)
if (strokeWidth != null)
description.add('strokeWidth: $strokeWidth');
if (hasMaskFilter != null)
description.add(hasMaskFilter! ? 'a mask filter' : 'no mask filter');
if (style != null)
class _OneParameterPaintPredicate<T> extends _DrawCommandPaintPredicate {
Symbol symbol,
String name, {
required this.expected,
required Color? color,
required double? strokeWidth,
required bool? hasMaskFilter,
required PaintingStyle? style,
}) : super(
color: color,
strokeWidth: strokeWidth,
hasMaskFilter: hasMaskFilter,
style: style,
final T? expected;
void verifyArguments(List<dynamic> arguments) {
final T actual = arguments[0] as T;
if (expected != null && actual != expected)
throw 'It called $methodName with $T, $actual, which was not exactly the expected $T ($expected).';
void debugFillDescription(List<String> description) {
if (expected != null) {
if (expected.toString().contains(T.toString())) {
} else {
description.add('$T: $expected');
class _TwoParameterPaintPredicate<T1, T2> extends _DrawCommandPaintPredicate {
Symbol symbol,
String name, {
required this.expected1,
required this.expected2,
required Color? color,
required double? strokeWidth,
required bool? hasMaskFilter,
required PaintingStyle? style,
}) : super(
color: color,
strokeWidth: strokeWidth,
hasMaskFilter: hasMaskFilter,
style: style,
final T1? expected1;
final T2? expected2;
void verifyArguments(List<dynamic> arguments) {
final T1 actual1 = arguments[0] as T1;
if (expected1 != null && actual1 != expected1)
throw 'It called $methodName with its first argument (a $T1), $actual1, which was not exactly the expected $T1 ($expected1).';
final T2 actual2 = arguments[1] as T2;
if (expected2 != null && actual2 != expected2)
throw 'It called $methodName with its second argument (a $T2), $actual2, which was not exactly the expected $T2 ($expected2).';
void debugFillDescription(List<String> description) {
if (expected1 != null) {
if (expected1.toString().contains(T1.toString())) {
} else {
description.add('$T1: $expected1');
if (expected2 != null) {
if (expected2.toString().contains(T2.toString())) {
} else {
description.add('$T2: $expected2');
class _RectPaintPredicate extends _OneParameterPaintPredicate<Rect> {
_RectPaintPredicate({ Rect? rect, Color? color, double? strokeWidth, bool? hasMaskFilter, PaintingStyle? style }) : super(
'a rectangle',
expected: rect,
color: color,
strokeWidth: strokeWidth,
hasMaskFilter: hasMaskFilter,
style: style,
class _RRectPaintPredicate extends _DrawCommandPaintPredicate {
_RRectPaintPredicate({ this.rrect, Color? color, double? strokeWidth, bool? hasMaskFilter, PaintingStyle? style }) : super(
'a rounded rectangle',
color: color,
strokeWidth: strokeWidth,
hasMaskFilter: hasMaskFilter,
style: style,
final RRect? rrect;
void verifyArguments(List<dynamic> arguments) {
const double eps = .0001;
final RRect actual = arguments[0] as RRect;
if (rrect != null &&
((actual.left - rrect!.left).abs() > eps ||
(actual.right - rrect!.right).abs() > eps ||
( - rrect!.top).abs() > eps ||
(actual.bottom - rrect!.bottom).abs() > eps ||
(actual.blRadiusX - rrect!.blRadiusX).abs() > eps ||
(actual.blRadiusY - rrect!.blRadiusY).abs() > eps ||
(actual.brRadiusX - rrect!.brRadiusX).abs() > eps ||
(actual.brRadiusY - rrect!.brRadiusY).abs() > eps ||
(actual.tlRadiusX - rrect!.tlRadiusX).abs() > eps ||
(actual.tlRadiusY - rrect!.tlRadiusY).abs() > eps ||
(actual.trRadiusX - rrect!.trRadiusX).abs() > eps ||
(actual.trRadiusY - rrect!.trRadiusY).abs() > eps)) {
throw 'It called $methodName with RRect, $actual, which was not exactly the expected RRect ($rrect).';
void debugFillDescription(List<String> description) {
if (rrect != null) {
description.add('RRect: $rrect');
class _DRRectPaintPredicate extends _TwoParameterPaintPredicate<RRect, RRect> {
_DRRectPaintPredicate({ RRect? inner, RRect? outer, Color? color, double? strokeWidth, bool? hasMaskFilter, PaintingStyle? style }) : super(
'a rounded rectangle outline',
expected1: outer,
expected2: inner,
color: color,
strokeWidth: strokeWidth,
hasMaskFilter: hasMaskFilter,
style: style,
class _CirclePaintPredicate extends _DrawCommandPaintPredicate {
_CirclePaintPredicate({ this.x, this.y, this.radius, Color? color, double? strokeWidth, bool? hasMaskFilter, PaintingStyle? style }) : super(
#drawCircle, 'a circle', 3, 2, color: color, strokeWidth: strokeWidth, hasMaskFilter: hasMaskFilter, style: style,
final double? x;
final double? y;
final double? radius;
void verifyArguments(List<dynamic> arguments) {
final Offset pointArgument = arguments[0] as Offset;
if (x != null && y != null) {
final Offset point = Offset(x!, y!);
if (point != pointArgument)
throw 'It called $methodName with a center coordinate, $pointArgument, which was not exactly the expected coordinate ($point).';
} else {
if (x != null && pointArgument.dx != x)
throw 'It called $methodName with a center coordinate, $pointArgument, whose x-coordinate not exactly the expected coordinate (${x!.toStringAsFixed(1)}).';
if (y != null && pointArgument.dy != y)
throw 'It called $methodName with a center coordinate, $pointArgument, whose y-coordinate not exactly the expected coordinate (${y!.toStringAsFixed(1)}).';
final double radiusArgument = arguments[1] as double;
if (radius != null && radiusArgument != radius)
throw 'It called $methodName with radius, ${radiusArgument.toStringAsFixed(1)}, which was not exactly the expected radius (${radius!.toStringAsFixed(1)}).';
void debugFillDescription(List<String> description) {
if (x != null && y != null) {
description.add('point ${Offset(x!, y!)}');
} else {
if (x != null)
description.add('x-coordinate ${x!.toStringAsFixed(1)}');
if (y != null)
description.add('y-coordinate ${y!.toStringAsFixed(1)}');
if (radius != null)
description.add('radius ${radius!.toStringAsFixed(1)}');
class _PathPaintPredicate extends _DrawCommandPaintPredicate {
_PathPaintPredicate({ this.includes, this.excludes, Color? color, double? strokeWidth, bool? hasMaskFilter, PaintingStyle? style }) : super(
#drawPath, 'a path', 2, 1, color: color, strokeWidth: strokeWidth, hasMaskFilter: hasMaskFilter, style: style,
final Iterable<Offset>? includes;
final Iterable<Offset>? excludes;
void verifyArguments(List<dynamic> arguments) {
final Path pathArgument = arguments[0] as Path;
if (includes != null) {
for (final Offset offset in includes!) {
if (!pathArgument.contains(offset))
throw 'It called $methodName with a path that unexpectedly did not contain $offset.';
if (excludes != null) {
for (final Offset offset in excludes!) {
if (pathArgument.contains(offset))
throw 'It called $methodName with a path that unexpectedly contained $offset.';
void debugFillDescription(List<String> description) {
if (includes != null && excludes != null) {
description.add('that contains $includes and does not contain $excludes');
} else if (includes != null) {
description.add('that contains $includes');
} else if (excludes != null) {
description.add('that does not contain $excludes');
// TODO(ianh): add arguments to test the length, angle, that kind of thing
class _LinePaintPredicate extends _DrawCommandPaintPredicate {
_LinePaintPredicate({ this.p1, this.p2, Color? color, double? strokeWidth, bool? hasMaskFilter, PaintingStyle? style }) : super(
#drawLine, 'a line', 3, 2, color: color, strokeWidth: strokeWidth, hasMaskFilter: hasMaskFilter, style: style,
final Offset? p1;
final Offset? p2;
void verifyArguments(List<dynamic> arguments) {
super.verifyArguments(arguments); // Checks the 3rd argument, a Paint
if (arguments.length != 3)
throw 'It called $methodName with ${arguments.length} arguments; expected 3.';
final Offset p1Argument = arguments[0] as Offset;
final Offset p2Argument = arguments[1] as Offset;
if (p1 != null && p1Argument != p1) {
throw 'It called $methodName with p1 endpoint, $p1Argument, which was not exactly the expected endpoint ($p1).';
if (p2 != null && p2Argument != p2) {
throw 'It called $methodName with p2 endpoint, $p2Argument, which was not exactly the expected endpoint ($p2).';
void debugFillDescription(List<String> description) {
if (p1 != null)
description.add('end point p1: $p1');
if (p2 != null)
description.add('end point p2: $p2');
class _ArcPaintPredicate extends _DrawCommandPaintPredicate {
_ArcPaintPredicate({ Color? color, double? strokeWidth, bool? hasMaskFilter, PaintingStyle? style }) : super(
#drawArc, 'an arc', 5, 4, color: color, strokeWidth: strokeWidth, hasMaskFilter: hasMaskFilter, style: style,
class _ShadowPredicate extends _PaintPredicate {
_ShadowPredicate({ this.includes, this.excludes, this.color, this.elevation, this.transparentOccluder });
final Iterable<Offset>? includes;
final Iterable<Offset>? excludes;
final Color? color;
final double? elevation;
final bool? transparentOccluder;
static const Symbol symbol = #drawShadow;
String get methodName => _symbolName(symbol);
void verifyArguments(List<dynamic> arguments) {
if (arguments.length != 4)
throw 'It called $methodName with ${arguments.length} arguments; expected 4.';
final Path pathArgument = arguments[0] as Path;
if (includes != null) {
for (final Offset offset in includes!) {
if (!pathArgument.contains(offset))
throw 'It called $methodName with a path that unexpectedly did not contain $offset.';
if (excludes != null) {
for (final Offset offset in excludes!) {
if (pathArgument.contains(offset))
throw 'It called $methodName with a path that unexpectedly contained $offset.';
final Color actualColor = arguments[1] as Color;
if (color != null && actualColor != color)
throw 'It called $methodName with a color, $actualColor, which was not exactly the expected color ($color).';
final double actualElevation = arguments[2] as double;
if (elevation != null && actualElevation != elevation)
throw 'It called $methodName with an elevation, $actualElevation, which was not exactly the expected value ($elevation).';
final bool actualTransparentOccluder = arguments[3] as bool;
if (transparentOccluder != null && actualTransparentOccluder != transparentOccluder)
throw 'It called $methodName with a transparentOccluder value, $actualTransparentOccluder, which was not exactly the expected value ($transparentOccluder).';
void match(Iterator<RecordedInvocation> call) {
checkMethod(call, symbol);
void debugFillDescription(List<String> description) {
if (includes != null && excludes != null) {
description.add('that contains $includes and does not contain $excludes');
} else if (includes != null) {
description.add('that contains $includes');
} else if (excludes != null) {
description.add('that does not contain $excludes');
if (color != null)
if (elevation != null)
description.add('elevation: $elevation');
if (transparentOccluder != null)
description.add('transparentOccluder: $transparentOccluder');
String toString() {
final List<String> description = <String>[];
String result = methodName;
if (description.isNotEmpty)
result += ' with ${description.join(", ")}';
return result;
class _DrawImagePaintPredicate extends _DrawCommandPaintPredicate {
_DrawImagePaintPredicate({ this.image, this.x, this.y, Color? color, double? strokeWidth, bool? hasMaskFilter, PaintingStyle? style }) : super(
#drawImage, 'an image', 3, 2, color: color, strokeWidth: strokeWidth, hasMaskFilter: hasMaskFilter, style: style,
final ui.Image? image;
final double? x;
final double? y;
void verifyArguments(List<dynamic> arguments) {
final ui.Image imageArgument = arguments[0] as ui.Image;
if (image != null && !image!.isCloneOf(imageArgument))
throw 'It called $methodName with an image, $imageArgument, which was not exactly the expected image ($image).';
final Offset pointArgument = arguments[0] as Offset;
if (x != null && y != null) {
final Offset point = Offset(x!, y!);
if (point != pointArgument)
throw 'It called $methodName with an offset coordinate, $pointArgument, which was not exactly the expected coordinate ($point).';
} else {
if (x != null && pointArgument.dx != x)
throw 'It called $methodName with an offset coordinate, $pointArgument, whose x-coordinate not exactly the expected coordinate (${x!.toStringAsFixed(1)}).';
if (y != null && pointArgument.dy != y)
throw 'It called $methodName with an offset coordinate, $pointArgument, whose y-coordinate not exactly the expected coordinate (${y!.toStringAsFixed(1)}).';
void debugFillDescription(List<String> description) {
if (image != null)
description.add('image $image');
if (x != null && y != null) {
description.add('point ${Offset(x!, y!)}');
} else {
if (x != null)
description.add('x-coordinate ${x!.toStringAsFixed(1)}');
if (y != null)
description.add('y-coordinate ${y!.toStringAsFixed(1)}');
class _DrawImageRectPaintPredicate extends _DrawCommandPaintPredicate {
_DrawImageRectPaintPredicate({ this.image, this.source, this.destination, Color? color, double? strokeWidth, bool? hasMaskFilter, PaintingStyle? style }) : super(
#drawImageRect, 'an image', 4, 3, color: color, strokeWidth: strokeWidth, hasMaskFilter: hasMaskFilter, style: style,
final ui.Image? image;
final Rect? source;
final Rect? destination;
void verifyArguments(List<dynamic> arguments) {
final ui.Image imageArgument = arguments[0] as ui.Image;
if (image != null && !image!.isCloneOf(imageArgument))
throw 'It called $methodName with an image, $imageArgument, which was not exactly the expected image ($image).';
final Rect sourceArgument = arguments[1] as Rect;
if (source != null && sourceArgument != source)
throw 'It called $methodName with a source rectangle, $sourceArgument, which was not exactly the expected rectangle ($source).';
final Rect destinationArgument = arguments[2] as Rect;
if (destination != null && destinationArgument != destination)
throw 'It called $methodName with a destination rectangle, $destinationArgument, which was not exactly the expected rectangle ($destination).';
void debugFillDescription(List<String> description) {
if (image != null)
description.add('image $image');
if (source != null)
description.add('source $source');
if (destination != null)
description.add('destination $destination');
class _SomethingPaintPredicate extends _PaintPredicate {
final PaintPatternPredicate predicate;
void match(Iterator<RecordedInvocation> call) {
assert(predicate != null);
RecordedInvocation currentCall;
do {
currentCall = call.current;
if (!currentCall.invocation.isMethod)
throw 'It called $currentCall, which was not a method, when the paint pattern expected a method call';
} while (!_runPredicate(currentCall.invocation.memberName, currentCall.invocation.positionalArguments));
bool _runPredicate(Symbol methodName, List<dynamic> arguments) {
try {
return predicate(methodName, arguments);
} on String catch (s) {
throw 'It painted something that the predicate passed to a "something" step '
'in the paint pattern considered incorrect:\n $s\n ';
String toString() => 'a "something" step';
class _EverythingPaintPredicate extends _PaintPredicate {
final PaintPatternPredicate predicate;
void match(Iterator<RecordedInvocation> call) {
assert(predicate != null);
while (call.moveNext()) {
final RecordedInvocation currentCall = call.current;
if (!currentCall.invocation.isMethod)
throw 'It called $currentCall, which was not a method, when the paint pattern expected a method call';
if (!_runPredicate(currentCall.invocation.memberName, currentCall.invocation.positionalArguments))
bool _runPredicate(Symbol methodName, List<dynamic> arguments) {
try {
return predicate(methodName, arguments);
} on String catch (s) {
throw 'It painted something that the predicate passed to an "everything" step '
'in the paint pattern considered incorrect:\n $s\n ';
String toString() => 'an "everything" step';
class _FunctionPaintPredicate extends _PaintPredicate {
_FunctionPaintPredicate(this.symbol, this.arguments);
final Symbol symbol;
final List<dynamic> arguments;
void match(Iterator<RecordedInvocation> call) {
checkMethod(call, symbol);
if (call.current.invocation.positionalArguments.length != arguments.length)
throw 'It called ${_symbolName(symbol)} with ${call.current.invocation.positionalArguments.length} arguments; expected ${arguments.length}.';
for (int index = 0; index < arguments.length; index += 1) {
final dynamic actualArgument = call.current.invocation.positionalArguments[index];
final dynamic desiredArgument = arguments[index];
if (desiredArgument is Matcher) {
expect(actualArgument, desiredArgument);
} else if (desiredArgument != null && desiredArgument != actualArgument) {
throw 'It called ${_symbolName(symbol)} with argument $index having value ${_valueName(actualArgument)} when ${_valueName(desiredArgument)} was expected.';
String toString() {
final List<String> adjectives = <String>[
for (int index = 0; index < arguments.length; index += 1)
arguments[index] != null ? _valueName(arguments[index]) : '...',
return '${_symbolName(symbol)}(${adjectives.join(", ")})';
class _SaveRestorePairPaintPredicate extends _PaintPredicate {
void match(Iterator<RecordedInvocation> call) {
checkMethod(call, #save);
int depth = 1;
while (depth > 0) {
if (!call.moveNext())
throw 'It did not have a matching restore() for the save() that was found where $this was expected.';
if (call.current.invocation.isMethod) {
if (call.current.invocation.memberName == #save)
depth += 1;
else if (call.current.invocation.memberName == #restore)
depth -= 1;
String toString() => 'a matching save/restore pair';
String _valueName(Object? value) {
if (value is double)
return value.toStringAsFixed(1);
return value.toString();
// Workaround for
String _symbolName(Symbol symbol) {
// WARNING: Assumes a fixed format for Symbol.toString which is *not*
// guaranteed anywhere.
final String s = '$symbol';
return s.substring(8, s.length - 2);