blob: 9bc8c6aa6e77b5b8672a768732ad0c30aeb1483d [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
/// Signature for callbacks that report that an underlying value has changed.
/// See also:
/// * [ValueSetter], for callbacks that report that a value has been set.
typedef ValueChanged<T> = void Function(T value);
/// Signature for callbacks that report that a value has been set.
/// This is the same signature as [ValueChanged], but is used when the
/// callback is called even if the underlying value has not changed.
/// For example, service extensions use this callback because they
/// call the callback whenever the extension is called with a
/// value, regardless of whether the given value is new or not.
/// See also:
/// * [ValueGetter], the getter equivalent of this signature.
/// * [AsyncValueSetter], an asynchronous version of this signature.
typedef ValueSetter<T> = void Function(T value);
/// Signature for callbacks that are to report a value on demand.
/// See also:
/// * [ValueSetter], the setter equivalent of this signature.
/// * [AsyncValueGetter], an asynchronous version of this signature.
typedef ValueGetter<T> = T Function();
/// Signature for callbacks that filter an iterable.
typedef IterableFilter<T> = Iterable<T> Function(Iterable<T> input);
/// Signature of callbacks that have no arguments and return no data, but that
/// return a [Future] to indicate when their work is complete.
/// See also:
/// * [VoidCallback], a synchronous version of this signature.
/// * [AsyncValueGetter], a signature for asynchronous getters.
/// * [AsyncValueSetter], a signature for asynchronous setters.
typedef AsyncCallback = Future<void> Function();
/// Signature for callbacks that report that a value has been set and return a
/// [Future] that completes when the value has been saved.
/// See also:
/// * [ValueSetter], a synchronous version of this signature.
/// * [AsyncValueGetter], the getter equivalent of this signature.
typedef AsyncValueSetter<T> = Future<void> Function(T value);
/// Signature for callbacks that are to asynchronously report a value on demand.
/// See also:
/// * [ValueGetter], a synchronous version of this signature.
/// * [AsyncValueSetter], the setter equivalent of this signature.
typedef AsyncValueGetter<T> = Future<T> Function();
/// A lazy caching version of [Iterable].
/// This iterable is efficient in the following ways:
/// * It will not walk the given iterator more than you ask for.
/// * If you use it twice (e.g. you check [isNotEmpty], then
/// use [single]), it will only walk the given iterator
/// once. This caching will even work efficiently if you are
/// running two side-by-side iterators on the same iterable.
/// * [toList] uses its EfficientLength variant to create its
/// list quickly.
/// It is inefficient in the following ways:
/// * The first iteration through has caching overhead.
/// * It requires more memory than a non-caching iterator.
/// * The [length] and [toList] properties immediately pre-cache the
/// entire list. Using these fields therefore loses the laziness of
/// the iterable. However, it still gets cached.
/// The caching behavior is propagated to the iterators that are
/// created by [map], [where], [expand], [take], [takeWhile], [skip],
/// and [skipWhile], and is used by the built-in methods that use an
/// iterator like [isNotEmpty] and [single].
/// Because a CachingIterable only walks the underlying data once, it
/// cannot be used multiple times with the underlying data changing
/// between each use. You must create a new iterable each time. This
/// also applies to any iterables derived from this one, e.g. as
/// returned by `where`.
class CachingIterable<E> extends IterableBase<E> {
/// Creates a CachingIterable using the given [Iterator] as the
/// source of data. The iterator must be non-null and must not throw
/// exceptions.
/// Since the argument is an [Iterator], not an [Iterable], it is
/// guaranteed that the underlying data set will only be walked
/// once. If you have an [Iterable], you can pass its [iterator]
/// field as the argument to this constructor.
/// You can this with an existing `sync*` function as follows:
/// ```dart
/// Iterable<int> range(int start, int end) sync* {
/// for (int index = start; index <= end; index += 1) {
/// yield index;
/// }
/// }
/// Iterable<int> i = CachingIterable<int>(range(1, 5).iterator);
/// print(i.length); // walks the list
/// print(i.length); // efficient
/// ```
/// Beware that this will eagerly evaluate the `range` iterable, and because
/// of that it would be better to just implement `range` as something that
/// returns a `List` to begin with if possible.
final Iterator<E> _prefillIterator;
final List<E> _results = <E>[];
Iterator<E> get iterator {
return _LazyListIterator<E>(this);
Iterable<T> map<T>(T Function(E e) toElement) {
return CachingIterable<T>(<T>(toElement).iterator);
Iterable<E> where(bool Function(E element) test) {
return CachingIterable<E>(super.where(test).iterator);
Iterable<T> expand<T>(Iterable<T> Function(E element) toElements) {
return CachingIterable<T>(super.expand<T>(toElements).iterator);
Iterable<E> take(int count) {
return CachingIterable<E>(super.take(count).iterator);
Iterable<E> takeWhile(bool Function(E value) test) {
return CachingIterable<E>(super.takeWhile(test).iterator);
Iterable<E> skip(int count) {
return CachingIterable<E>(super.skip(count).iterator);
Iterable<E> skipWhile(bool Function(E value) test) {
return CachingIterable<E>(super.skipWhile(test).iterator);
int get length {
return _results.length;
List<E> toList({ bool growable = true }) {
return List<E>.of(_results, growable: growable);
void _precacheEntireList() {
while (_fillNext()) { }
bool _fillNext() {
if (!_prefillIterator.moveNext()) {
return false;
return true;
class _LazyListIterator<E> implements Iterator<E> {
_LazyListIterator(this._owner) : _index = -1;
final CachingIterable<E> _owner;
int _index;
E get current {
assert(_index >= 0); // called "current" before "moveNext()"
if (_index < 0 || _index == _owner._results.length) {
throw StateError('current can not be call after moveNext has returned false');
return _owner._results[_index];
bool moveNext() {
if (_index >= _owner._results.length) {
return false;
_index += 1;
if (_index == _owner._results.length) {
return _owner._fillNext();
return true;
/// A factory interface that also reports the type of the created objects.
class Factory<T> {
/// Creates a new factory.
/// The `constructor` parameter must not be null.
const Factory(this.constructor);
/// Creates a new object of type T.
final ValueGetter<T> constructor;
/// The type of the objects created by this factory.
Type get type => T;
String toString() {
return 'Factory(type: $type)';
/// Linearly interpolate between two `Duration`s.
Duration lerpDuration(Duration a, Duration b, double t) {
return Duration(
microseconds: (a.inMicroseconds + (b.inMicroseconds - a.inMicroseconds) * t).round(),