blob: 126d44b26d01edf83fa71d7e53852c04b9001586 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:typed_data';
export 'dart:io' show HttpClientResponse;
export 'dart:typed_data' show Uint8List;
/// Signature for getting notified when chunks of bytes are received while
/// consolidating the bytes of an [HttpClientResponse] into a [Uint8List].
/// The `cumulative` parameter will contain the total number of bytes received
/// thus far. If the response has been gzipped, this number will be the number
/// of compressed bytes that have been received _across the wire_.
/// The `total` parameter will contain the _expected_ total number of bytes to
/// be received across the wire (extracted from the value of the
/// `Content-Length` HTTP response header), or null if the size of the response
/// body is not known in advance (this is common for HTTP chunked transfer
/// encoding, which itself is common when a large amount of data is being
/// returned to the client and the total size of the response may not be known
/// until the request has been fully processed).
/// This is used in [consolidateHttpClientResponseBytes].
typedef BytesReceivedCallback = void Function(int cumulative, int? total);
/// Efficiently converts the response body of an [HttpClientResponse] into a
/// [Uint8List].
/// The future returned will forward any error emitted by `response`.
/// The `onBytesReceived` callback, if specified, will be invoked for every
/// chunk of bytes that is received while consolidating the response bytes.
/// If the callback throws an error, processing of the response will halt, and
/// the returned future will complete with the error that was thrown by the
/// callback. For more information on how to interpret the parameters to the
/// callback, see the documentation on [BytesReceivedCallback].
/// If the `response` is gzipped and the `autoUncompress` parameter is true,
/// this will automatically un-compress the bytes in the returned list if it
/// hasn't already been done via [HttpClient.autoUncompress]. To get compressed
/// bytes from this method (assuming the response is sending compressed bytes),
/// set both [HttpClient.autoUncompress] to false and the `autoUncompress`
/// parameter to false.
Future<Uint8List> consolidateHttpClientResponseBytes(
HttpClientResponse response, {
bool autoUncompress = true,
BytesReceivedCallback? onBytesReceived,
}) {
final Completer<Uint8List> completer = Completer<Uint8List>.sync();
final _OutputBuffer output = _OutputBuffer();
ByteConversionSink sink = output;
int? expectedContentLength = response.contentLength;
if (expectedContentLength == -1) {
expectedContentLength = null;
switch (response.compressionState) {
case HttpClientResponseCompressionState.compressed:
if (autoUncompress) {
// We need to un-compress the bytes as they come in.
sink = gzip.decoder.startChunkedConversion(output);
case HttpClientResponseCompressionState.decompressed:
// response.contentLength will not match our bytes stream, so we declare
// that we don't know the expected content length.
expectedContentLength = null;
case HttpClientResponseCompressionState.notCompressed:
// Fall-through.
int bytesReceived = 0;
late final StreamSubscription<List<int>> subscription;
subscription = response.listen((List<int> chunk) {
if (onBytesReceived != null) {
bytesReceived += chunk.length;
try {
onBytesReceived(bytesReceived, expectedContentLength);
} catch (error, stackTrace) {
completer.completeError(error, stackTrace);
}, onDone: () {
}, onError: completer.completeError, cancelOnError: true);
return completer.future;
class _OutputBuffer extends ByteConversionSinkBase {
List<List<int>>? _chunks = <List<int>>[];
int _contentLength = 0;
Uint8List? _bytes;
void add(List<int> chunk) {
assert(_bytes == null);
_contentLength += chunk.length;
void close() {
if (_bytes != null) {
// We've already been closed; this is a no-op
_bytes = Uint8List(_contentLength);
int offset = 0;
for (final List<int> chunk in _chunks!) {
_bytes!.setRange(offset, offset + chunk.length, chunk);
offset += chunk.length;
_chunks = null;
Uint8List get bytes {
assert(_bytes != null);
return _bytes!;