blob: dd918dd62546418ff195146f32e119437bdbe591 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:ui' as ui;
import 'assertions.dart';
import 'constants.dart';
import 'diagnostics.dart';
const bool _kMemoryAllocations = bool.fromEnvironment('flutter.memory_allocations');
/// If true, Flutter objects dispatch the memory allocation events.
/// By default, the constant is true for debug mode and false
/// for profile and release modes.
/// To enable the dispatching for release mode, pass the compilation flag
/// `--dart-define=flutter.memory_allocations=true`.
const bool kFlutterMemoryAllocationsEnabled = _kMemoryAllocations || kDebugMode;
const String _dartUiLibrary = 'dart:ui';
class _FieldNames {
static const String eventType = 'eventType';
static const String libraryName = 'libraryName';
static const String className = 'className';
/// A lifecycle event of an object.
abstract class ObjectEvent{
/// Creates an instance of [ObjectEvent].
required this.object,
/// Reference to the object.
/// The reference should not be stored in any
/// long living place as it will prevent garbage collection.
final Object object;
/// The representation of the event in a form, acceptable by a
/// pure dart library, that cannot depend on Flutter.
/// The method enables code like:
/// ```dart
/// void myDartMethod(Map<Object, Map<String, Object>> event) {}
/// MemoryAllocations.instance
/// .addListener((ObjectEvent event) => myDartMethod(event.toMap()));
/// ```
Map<Object, Map<String, Object>> toMap();
/// A listener of [ObjectEvent].
typedef ObjectEventListener = void Function(ObjectEvent);
/// An event that describes creation of an object.
class ObjectCreated extends ObjectEvent {
/// Creates an instance of [ObjectCreated].
required this.library,
required this.className,
required super.object,
/// Name of the instrumented library.
final String library;
/// Name of the instrumented class.
final String className;
Map<Object, Map<String, Object>> toMap() {
return <Object, Map<String, Object>>{object: <String, Object>{
_FieldNames.libraryName: library,
_FieldNames.className: className,
_FieldNames.eventType: 'created',
/// An event that describes disposal of an object.
class ObjectDisposed extends ObjectEvent {
/// Creates an instance of [ObjectDisposed].
required super.object,
Map<Object, Map<String, Object>> toMap() {
return <Object, Map<String, Object>>{object: <String, Object>{
_FieldNames.eventType: 'disposed',
/// An interface for listening to object lifecycle events.
/// If [kFlutterMemoryAllocationsEnabled] is true,
/// [MemoryAllocations] listens to creation and disposal events
/// for disposable objects in Flutter Framework.
/// To dispatch events for other objects, invoke
/// [MemoryAllocations.dispatchObjectEvent].
/// Use this class with condition `kFlutterMemoryAllocationsEnabled`,
/// to make sure not to increase size of the application by the code
/// of the class, if memory allocations are disabled.
/// The class is optimized for massive event flow and small number of
/// added or removed listeners.
class MemoryAllocations {
/// The shared instance of [MemoryAllocations].
/// Only call this when [kFlutterMemoryAllocationsEnabled] is true.
static final MemoryAllocations instance = MemoryAllocations._();
/// List of listeners.
/// The elements are nullable, because the listeners should be removable
/// while iterating through the list.
List<ObjectEventListener?>? _listeners;
/// Register a listener that is called every time an object event is
/// dispatched.
/// Listeners can be removed with [removeListener].
/// Only call this when [kFlutterMemoryAllocationsEnabled] is true.
void addListener(ObjectEventListener listener){
if (!kFlutterMemoryAllocationsEnabled) {
if (_listeners == null) {
_listeners = <ObjectEventListener?>[];
/// Number of active notification loops.
/// When equal to zero, we can delete listeners from the list,
/// otherwise should null them.
int _activeDispatchLoops = 0;
/// If true, listeners were nulled by [removeListener].
bool _listenersContainNulls = false;
/// Stop calling the given listener every time an object event is
/// dispatched.
/// Listeners can be added with [addListener].
/// Only call this when [kFlutterMemoryAllocationsEnabled] is true.
void removeListener(ObjectEventListener listener){
if (!kFlutterMemoryAllocationsEnabled) {
final List<ObjectEventListener?>? listeners = _listeners;
if (listeners == null) {
if (_activeDispatchLoops > 0) {
// If there are active dispatch loops, listeners.remove
// should not be invoked, as it will
// break the dispatch loops correctness.
for (int i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
if (listeners[i] == listener) {
listeners[i] = null;
_listenersContainNulls = true;
} else {
listeners.removeWhere((ObjectEventListener? l) => l == listener);
void _tryDefragmentListeners() {
if (_activeDispatchLoops > 0 || !_listenersContainNulls) {
_listeners?.removeWhere((ObjectEventListener? e) => e == null);
_listenersContainNulls = false;
void _checkListenersForEmptiness() {
if (_listeners?.isEmpty ?? false) {
_listeners = null;
/// Return true if there are listeners.
/// If there is no listeners, the app can save on creating the event object.
/// Only call this when [kFlutterMemoryAllocationsEnabled] is true.
bool get hasListeners {
if (!kFlutterMemoryAllocationsEnabled) {
return false;
if (_listenersContainNulls) {
return _listeners?.firstWhere((ObjectEventListener? l) => l != null) != null;
return _listeners?.isNotEmpty ?? false;
/// Dispatch a new object event to listeners.
/// Exceptions thrown by listeners will be caught and reported using
/// [FlutterError.reportError].
/// Listeners added during an event dispatching, will start being invoked
/// for next events, but will be skipped for this event.
/// Listeners, removed during an event dispatching, will not be invoked
/// after the removal.
/// Only call this when [kFlutterMemoryAllocationsEnabled] is true.
void dispatchObjectEvent(ObjectEvent event) {
if (!kFlutterMemoryAllocationsEnabled) {
final List<ObjectEventListener?>? listeners = _listeners;
if (listeners == null || listeners.isEmpty) {
final int end = listeners.length;
for (int i = 0; i < end; i++) {
try {
} catch (exception, stack) {
final String type = event.object.runtimeType.toString();
exception: exception,
stack: stack,
library: 'foundation library',
context: ErrorDescription('MemoryAllocations while '
'dispatching notifications for $type'),
informationCollector: () => <DiagnosticsNode>[
'The $type sending notification was',
style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty,
/// Create [ObjectCreated] and invoke [dispatchObjectEvent] if there are listeners.
/// This method is more efficient than [dispatchObjectEvent] if the event object is not created yet.
void dispatchObjectCreated({
required String library,
required String className,
required Object object,
}) {
if (!hasListeners) {
library: library,
className: className,
object: object,
/// Create [ObjectDisposed] and invoke [dispatchObjectEvent] if there are listeners.
/// This method is more efficient than [dispatchObjectEvent] if the event object is not created yet.
void dispatchObjectDisposed({required Object object}) {
if (!hasListeners) {
dispatchObjectEvent(ObjectDisposed(object: object));
void _subscribeToSdkObjects() {
assert(ui.Image.onCreate == null);
assert(ui.Image.onDispose == null);
assert(ui.Picture.onCreate == null);
assert(ui.Picture.onDispose == null);
ui.Image.onCreate = _imageOnCreate;
ui.Image.onDispose = _imageOnDispose;
ui.Picture.onCreate = _pictureOnCreate;
ui.Picture.onDispose = _pictureOnDispose;
void _unSubscribeFromSdkObjects() {
assert(ui.Image.onCreate == _imageOnCreate);
assert(ui.Image.onDispose == _imageOnDispose);
assert(ui.Picture.onCreate == _pictureOnCreate);
assert(ui.Picture.onDispose == _pictureOnDispose);
ui.Image.onCreate = null;
ui.Image.onDispose = null;
ui.Picture.onCreate = null;
ui.Picture.onDispose = null;
void _imageOnCreate(ui.Image image) {
library: _dartUiLibrary,
className: '${ui.Image}',
object: image,
void _pictureOnCreate(ui.Picture picture) {
library: _dartUiLibrary,
className: '${ui.Picture}',
object: picture,
void _imageOnDispose(ui.Image image) {
object: image,
void _pictureOnDispose(ui.Picture picture) {
object: picture,