blob: dfc9a606a556bd6ac42df5200fdace8320ee4801 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'basic_types.dart';
import 'border_radius.dart';
import 'borders.dart';
import 'edge_insets.dart';
// Examples can assume:
// late BuildContext context;
/// The shape to use when rendering a [Border] or [BoxDecoration].
/// Consider using [ShapeBorder] subclasses directly (with [ShapeDecoration]),
/// instead of using [BoxShape] and [Border], if the shapes will need to be
/// interpolated or animated. The [Border] class cannot interpolate between
/// different shapes.
enum BoxShape {
/// An axis-aligned, 2D rectangle. May have rounded corners (described by a
/// [BorderRadius]). The edges of the rectangle will match the edges of the box
/// into which the [Border] or [BoxDecoration] is painted.
/// See also:
/// * [RoundedRectangleBorder], the equivalent [ShapeBorder].
/// A circle centered in the middle of the box into which the [Border] or
/// [BoxDecoration] is painted. The diameter of the circle is the shortest
/// dimension of the box, either the width or the height, such that the circle
/// touches the edges of the box.
/// See also:
/// * [CircleBorder], the equivalent [ShapeBorder].
// Don't add more, instead create a new ShapeBorder.
/// Base class for box borders that can paint as rectangles, circles, or rounded
/// rectangles.
/// This class is extended by [Border] and [BorderDirectional] to provide
/// concrete versions of four-sided borders using different conventions for
/// specifying the sides.
/// The only API difference that this class introduces over [ShapeBorder] is
/// that its [paint] method takes additional arguments.
/// See also:
/// * [BorderSide], which is used to describe each side of the box.
/// * [RoundedRectangleBorder], another way of describing a box's border.
/// * [CircleBorder], another way of describing a circle border.
/// * [BoxDecoration], which uses a [BoxBorder] to describe its borders.
abstract class BoxBorder extends ShapeBorder {
/// Abstract const constructor. This constructor enables subclasses to provide
/// const constructors so that they can be used in const expressions.
const BoxBorder();
/// The top side of this border.
/// This getter is available on both [Border] and [BorderDirectional]. If
/// [isUniform] is true, then this is the same style as all the other sides.
BorderSide get top;
/// The bottom side of this border.
BorderSide get bottom;
/// Whether all four sides of the border are identical. Uniform borders are
/// typically more efficient to paint.
/// A uniform border by definition has no text direction dependency and
/// therefore could be expressed as a [Border], even if it is currently a
/// [BorderDirectional]. A uniform border can also be expressed as a
/// [RoundedRectangleBorder].
bool get isUniform;
// We override this to tighten the return value, so that callers can assume
// that we'll return a [BoxBorder].
BoxBorder? add(ShapeBorder other, { bool reversed = false }) => null;
/// Linearly interpolate between two borders.
/// If a border is null, it is treated as having four [BorderSide.none]
/// borders.
/// This supports interpolating between [Border] and [BorderDirectional]
/// objects. If both objects are different types but both have sides on one or
/// both of their lateral edges (the two sides that aren't the top and bottom)
/// other than [BorderSide.none], then the sides are interpolated by reducing
/// `a`'s lateral edges to [BorderSide.none] over the first half of the
/// animation, and then bringing `b`'s lateral edges _from_ [BorderSide.none]
/// over the second half of the animation.
/// For a more flexible approach, consider [ShapeBorder.lerp], which would
/// instead [add] the two sets of sides and interpolate them simultaneously.
/// {@macro dart.ui.shadow.lerp}
static BoxBorder? lerp(BoxBorder? a, BoxBorder? b, double t) {
if (identical(a, b)) {
return a;
if ((a is Border?) && (b is Border?)) {
return Border.lerp(a, b, t);
if ((a is BorderDirectional?) && (b is BorderDirectional?)) {
return BorderDirectional.lerp(a, b, t);
if (b is Border && a is BorderDirectional) {
final BoxBorder c = b;
b = a;
a = c;
t = 1.0 - t;
// fall through to next case
if (a is Border && b is BorderDirectional) {
if (b.start == BorderSide.none && b.end == BorderSide.none) {
// The fact that b is a BorderDirectional really doesn't matter, it turns out.
return Border(
top: BorderSide.lerp(,, t),
right: BorderSide.lerp(a.right, BorderSide.none, t),
bottom: BorderSide.lerp(a.bottom, b.bottom, t),
left: BorderSide.lerp(a.left, BorderSide.none, t),
if (a.left == BorderSide.none && a.right == BorderSide.none) {
// The fact that a is a Border really doesn't matter, it turns out.
return BorderDirectional(
top: BorderSide.lerp(,, t),
start: BorderSide.lerp(BorderSide.none, b.start, t),
end: BorderSide.lerp(BorderSide.none, b.end, t),
bottom: BorderSide.lerp(a.bottom, b.bottom, t),
// Since we have to swap a visual border for a directional one,
// we speed up the horizontal sides' transitions and switch from
// one mode to the other at t=0.5.
if (t < 0.5) {
return Border(
top: BorderSide.lerp(,, t),
right: BorderSide.lerp(a.right, BorderSide.none, t * 2.0),
bottom: BorderSide.lerp(a.bottom, b.bottom, t),
left: BorderSide.lerp(a.left, BorderSide.none, t * 2.0),
return BorderDirectional(
top: BorderSide.lerp(,, t),
start: BorderSide.lerp(BorderSide.none, b.start, (t - 0.5) * 2.0),
end: BorderSide.lerp(BorderSide.none, b.end, (t - 0.5) * 2.0),
bottom: BorderSide.lerp(a.bottom, b.bottom, t),
throw FlutterError.fromParts(<DiagnosticsNode>[
ErrorSummary('BoxBorder.lerp can only interpolate Border and BorderDirectional classes.'),
'BoxBorder.lerp() was called with two objects of type ${a.runtimeType} and ${b.runtimeType}:\n'
' $a\n'
' $b\n'
'However, only Border and BorderDirectional classes are supported by this method.',
ErrorHint('For a more general interpolation method, consider using ShapeBorder.lerp instead.'),
Path getInnerPath(Rect rect, { TextDirection? textDirection }) {
assert(textDirection != null, 'The textDirection argument to $runtimeType.getInnerPath must not be null.');
return Path()
Path getOuterPath(Rect rect, { TextDirection? textDirection }) {
assert(textDirection != null, 'The textDirection argument to $runtimeType.getOuterPath must not be null.');
return Path()
void paintInterior(Canvas canvas, Rect rect, Paint paint, { TextDirection? textDirection }) {
// For `ShapeDecoration(shape: Border.all())`, a rectangle with sharp edges
// is always painted. There is no borderRadius parameter for
// ShapeDecoration or Border, only for BoxDecoration, which doesn't call
// this method.
canvas.drawRect(rect, paint);
bool get preferPaintInterior => true;
/// Paints the border within the given [Rect] on the given [Canvas].
/// This is an extension of the [ShapeBorder.paint] method. It allows
/// [BoxBorder] borders to be applied to different [BoxShape]s and with
/// different [borderRadius] parameters, without changing the [BoxBorder]
/// object itself.
/// The `shape` argument specifies the [BoxShape] to draw the border on.
/// If the `shape` is specifies a rectangular box shape
/// ([BoxShape.rectangle]), then the `borderRadius` argument describes the
/// corners of the rectangle.
/// The [getInnerPath] and [getOuterPath] methods do not know about the
/// `shape` and `borderRadius` arguments.
/// See also:
/// * [paintBorder], which is used if the border has non-uniform colors or styles and no borderRadius.
/// * [Border.paint], similar to this method, includes additional comments
/// and provides more details on each parameter than described here.
void paint(
Canvas canvas,
Rect rect, {
TextDirection? textDirection,
BoxShape shape = BoxShape.rectangle,
BorderRadius? borderRadius,
static void _paintUniformBorderWithRadius(Canvas canvas, Rect rect, BorderSide side, BorderRadius borderRadius) {
assert( != BorderStyle.none);
final Paint paint = Paint()
..color = side.color;
final double width = side.width;
if (width == 0.0) {
paint = PaintingStyle.stroke
..strokeWidth = 0.0;
canvas.drawRRect(borderRadius.toRRect(rect), paint);
} else {
final RRect borderRect = borderRadius.toRRect(rect);
final RRect inner = borderRect.deflate(side.strokeInset);
final RRect outer = borderRect.inflate(side.strokeOutset);
canvas.drawDRRect(outer, inner, paint);
static void _paintNonUniformBorder(
Canvas canvas,
Rect rect, {
required BorderRadius? borderRadius,
required BoxShape shape,
required TextDirection? textDirection,
required BorderSide left,
required BorderSide top,
required BorderSide right,
required BorderSide bottom,
}) {
final RRect borderRect;
switch (shape) {
case BoxShape.rectangle:
borderRect = (borderRadius ??
assert(borderRadius == null, 'A borderRadius cannot be given when shape is a');
borderRect = RRect.fromRectAndRadius(
Rect.fromCircle(center:, radius: rect.shortestSide / 2.0),
final Paint paint = Paint()..color = top.color;
final RRect inner = _deflateRRect(borderRect, EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(left.strokeInset, top.strokeInset, right.strokeInset, bottom.strokeInset));
final RRect outer = _inflateRRect(borderRect, EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(left.strokeOutset, top.strokeOutset, right.strokeOutset, bottom.strokeOutset));
canvas.drawDRRect(outer, inner, paint);
static RRect _inflateRRect(RRect rect, EdgeInsets insets) {
return RRect.fromLTRBAndCorners(
rect.left - insets.left, -,
rect.right + insets.right,
rect.bottom + insets.bottom,
topLeft: (rect.tlRadius + Radius.elliptical(insets.left,, // ignore_clamp_double_lint
topRight: (rect.trRadius + Radius.elliptical(insets.right,, // ignore_clamp_double_lint
bottomRight: (rect.brRadius + Radius.elliptical(insets.right, insets.bottom)).clamp(minimum:, // ignore_clamp_double_lint
bottomLeft: (rect.blRadius + Radius.elliptical(insets.left, insets.bottom)).clamp(minimum:, // ignore_clamp_double_lint
static RRect _deflateRRect(RRect rect, EdgeInsets insets) {
return RRect.fromLTRBAndCorners(
rect.left + insets.left, +,
rect.right - insets.right,
rect.bottom - insets.bottom,
topLeft: (rect.tlRadius - Radius.elliptical(insets.left,, // ignore_clamp_double_lint
topRight: (rect.trRadius - Radius.elliptical(insets.right,, // ignore_clamp_double_lint
bottomRight: (rect.brRadius - Radius.elliptical(insets.right, insets.bottom)).clamp(minimum:, // ignore_clamp_double_lint
bottomLeft:(rect.blRadius - Radius.elliptical(insets.left, insets.bottom)).clamp(minimum:, // ignore_clamp_double_lint
static void _paintUniformBorderWithCircle(Canvas canvas, Rect rect, BorderSide side) {
assert( != BorderStyle.none);
final double radius = (rect.shortestSide + side.strokeOffset) / 2;
canvas.drawCircle(, radius, side.toPaint());
static void _paintUniformBorderWithRectangle(Canvas canvas, Rect rect, BorderSide side) {
assert( != BorderStyle.none);
canvas.drawRect(rect.inflate(side.strokeOffset / 2), side.toPaint());
/// A border of a box, comprised of four sides: top, right, bottom, left.
/// The sides are represented by [BorderSide] objects.
/// {@tool snippet}
/// All four borders the same, two-pixel wide solid white:
/// ```dart
/// Border.all(width: 2.0, color: const Color(0xFFFFFFFF))
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// {@tool snippet}
/// The border for a Material Design divider:
/// ```dart
/// Border(bottom: BorderSide(color: Theme.of(context).dividerColor))
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// {@tool snippet}
/// A 1990s-era "OK" button:
/// ```dart
/// Container(
/// decoration: const BoxDecoration(
/// border: Border(
/// top: BorderSide(color: Color(0xFFFFFFFF)),
/// left: BorderSide(color: Color(0xFFFFFFFF)),
/// right: BorderSide(),
/// bottom: BorderSide(),
/// ),
/// ),
/// child: Container(
/// padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 20.0, vertical: 2.0),
/// decoration: const BoxDecoration(
/// border: Border(
/// top: BorderSide(color: Color(0xFFDFDFDF)),
/// left: BorderSide(color: Color(0xFFDFDFDF)),
/// right: BorderSide(color: Color(0xFF7F7F7F)),
/// bottom: BorderSide(color: Color(0xFF7F7F7F)),
/// ),
/// color: Color(0xFFBFBFBF),
/// ),
/// child: const Text(
/// 'OK',
/// textAlign:,
/// style: TextStyle(color: Color(0xFF000000))
/// ),
/// ),
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [BoxDecoration], which uses this class to describe its edge decoration.
/// * [BorderSide], which is used to describe each side of the box.
/// * [Theme], from the material layer, which can be queried to obtain appropriate colors
/// to use for borders in a [MaterialApp], as shown in the "divider" sample above.
/// * [paint], which explains the behavior of [BoxDecoration] parameters.
/// * <>, a package that implements
/// a Non-Uniform Border on ShapeBorder, which is used by Material Design
/// buttons and other widgets, under the "shape" field.
class Border extends BoxBorder {
/// Creates a border.
/// All the sides of the border default to [BorderSide.none].
/// The arguments must not be null.
const Border({ = BorderSide.none,
this.right = BorderSide.none,
this.bottom = BorderSide.none,
this.left = BorderSide.none,
/// Creates a border whose sides are all the same.
/// The `side` argument must not be null.
const Border.fromBorderSide(BorderSide side)
: top = side,
right = side,
bottom = side,
left = side;
/// Creates a border with symmetrical vertical and horizontal sides.
/// The `vertical` argument applies to the [left] and [right] sides, and the
/// `horizontal` argument applies to the [top] and [bottom] sides.
/// All arguments default to [BorderSide.none] and must not be null.
const Border.symmetric({
BorderSide vertical = BorderSide.none,
BorderSide horizontal = BorderSide.none,
}) : left = vertical,
top = horizontal,
right = vertical,
bottom = horizontal;
/// A uniform border with all sides the same color and width.
/// The sides default to black solid borders, one logical pixel wide.
factory Border.all({
Color color = const Color(0xFF000000),
double width = 1.0,
BorderStyle style = BorderStyle.solid,
double strokeAlign = BorderSide.strokeAlignInside,
}) {
final BorderSide side = BorderSide(color: color, width: width, style: style, strokeAlign: strokeAlign);
return Border.fromBorderSide(side);
/// Creates a [Border] that represents the addition of the two given
/// [Border]s.
/// It is only valid to call this if [BorderSide.canMerge] returns true for
/// the pairwise combination of each side on both [Border]s.
/// The arguments must not be null.
static Border merge(Border a, Border b) {
assert(BorderSide.canMerge(a.right, b.right));
assert(BorderSide.canMerge(a.bottom, b.bottom));
assert(BorderSide.canMerge(a.left, b.left));
return Border(
top: BorderSide.merge(,,
right: BorderSide.merge(a.right, b.right),
bottom: BorderSide.merge(a.bottom, b.bottom),
left: BorderSide.merge(a.left, b.left),
final BorderSide top;
/// The right side of this border.
final BorderSide right;
final BorderSide bottom;
/// The left side of this border.
final BorderSide left;
EdgeInsetsGeometry get dimensions {
if (_widthIsUniform) {
return EdgeInsets.all(top.strokeInset);
return EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(left.strokeInset, top.strokeInset, right.strokeInset, bottom.strokeInset);
bool get isUniform => _colorIsUniform && _widthIsUniform && _styleIsUniform && _strokeAlignIsUniform;
bool get _colorIsUniform {
final Color topColor = top.color;
return left.color == topColor && bottom.color == topColor && right.color == topColor;
bool get _widthIsUniform {
final double topWidth = top.width;
return left.width == topWidth && bottom.width == topWidth && right.width == topWidth;
bool get _styleIsUniform {
final BorderStyle topStyle =;
return == topStyle && == topStyle && == topStyle;
bool get _strokeAlignIsUniform {
final double topStrokeAlign = top.strokeAlign;
return left.strokeAlign == topStrokeAlign
&& bottom.strokeAlign == topStrokeAlign
&& right.strokeAlign == topStrokeAlign;
Border? add(ShapeBorder other, { bool reversed = false }) {
if (other is Border &&
BorderSide.canMerge(top, &&
BorderSide.canMerge(right, other.right) &&
BorderSide.canMerge(bottom, other.bottom) &&
BorderSide.canMerge(left, other.left)) {
return Border.merge(this, other);
return null;
Border scale(double t) {
return Border(
top: top.scale(t),
right: right.scale(t),
bottom: bottom.scale(t),
left: left.scale(t),
ShapeBorder? lerpFrom(ShapeBorder? a, double t) {
if (a is Border) {
return Border.lerp(a, this, t);
return super.lerpFrom(a, t);
ShapeBorder? lerpTo(ShapeBorder? b, double t) {
if (b is Border) {
return Border.lerp(this, b, t);
return super.lerpTo(b, t);
/// Linearly interpolate between two borders.
/// If a border is null, it is treated as having four [BorderSide.none]
/// borders.
/// {@macro dart.ui.shadow.lerp}
static Border? lerp(Border? a, Border? b, double t) {
if (identical(a, b)) {
return a;
if (a == null) {
return b!.scale(t);
if (b == null) {
return a.scale(1.0 - t);
return Border(
top: BorderSide.lerp(,, t),
right: BorderSide.lerp(a.right, b.right, t),
bottom: BorderSide.lerp(a.bottom, b.bottom, t),
left: BorderSide.lerp(a.left, b.left, t),
/// Paints the border within the given [Rect] on the given [Canvas].
/// Uniform borders and non-uniform borders with similar colors and styles
/// are more efficient to paint than more complex borders.
/// You can provide a [BoxShape] to draw the border on. If the `shape` in
/// [], there is the requirement that the border has uniform
/// color and style.
/// If you specify a rectangular box shape ([BoxShape.rectangle]), then you
/// may specify a [BorderRadius]. If a `borderRadius` is specified, there is
/// the requirement that the border has uniform color and style.
/// The [getInnerPath] and [getOuterPath] methods do not know about the
/// `shape` and `borderRadius` arguments.
/// The `textDirection` argument is not used by this paint method.
/// See also:
/// * [paintBorder], which is used if the border has non-uniform colors or styles and no borderRadius.
/// * <>, a package that implements
/// a Non-Uniform Border on ShapeBorder, which is used by Material Design
/// buttons and other widgets, under the "shape" field.
void paint(
Canvas canvas,
Rect rect, {
TextDirection? textDirection,
BoxShape shape = BoxShape.rectangle,
BorderRadius? borderRadius,
}) {
if (isUniform) {
switch ( {
case BorderStyle.none:
case BorderStyle.solid:
switch (shape) {
assert(borderRadius == null, 'A borderRadius cannot be given when shape is a');
BoxBorder._paintUniformBorderWithCircle(canvas, rect, top);
case BoxShape.rectangle:
if (borderRadius != null && borderRadius != {
BoxBorder._paintUniformBorderWithRadius(canvas, rect, top, borderRadius);
BoxBorder._paintUniformBorderWithRectangle(canvas, rect, top);
// Allow painting non-uniform borders if the color and style are uniform.
if (_colorIsUniform && _styleIsUniform) {
switch ( {
case BorderStyle.none:
case BorderStyle.solid:
BoxBorder._paintNonUniformBorder(canvas, rect,
shape: shape,
borderRadius: borderRadius,
textDirection: textDirection,
left: left,
top: top,
right: right,
bottom: bottom);
assert(() {
if (borderRadius != null) {
throw FlutterError.fromParts(<DiagnosticsNode>[
ErrorSummary('A borderRadius can only be given on borders with uniform colors and styles.'),
ErrorDescription('The following is not uniform:'),
if (!_colorIsUniform) ErrorDescription('BorderSide.color'),
if (!_styleIsUniform) ErrorDescription(''),
return true;
assert(() {
if (shape != BoxShape.rectangle) {
throw FlutterError.fromParts(<DiagnosticsNode>[
ErrorSummary('A Border can only be drawn as a circle on borders with uniform colors and styles.'),
ErrorDescription('The following is not uniform:'),
if (!_colorIsUniform) ErrorDescription('BorderSide.color'),
if (!_styleIsUniform) ErrorDescription(''),
return true;
assert(() {
if (!_strokeAlignIsUniform || top.strokeAlign != BorderSide.strokeAlignInside) {
throw FlutterError.fromParts(<DiagnosticsNode>[
ErrorSummary('A Border can only draw strokeAlign different than BorderSide.strokeAlignInside on borders with uniform colors and styles.'),
return true;
paintBorder(canvas, rect, top: top, right: right, bottom: bottom, left: left);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) {
return true;
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) {
return false;
return other is Border
&& == top
&& other.right == right
&& other.bottom == bottom
&& other.left == left;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(top, right, bottom, left);
String toString() {
if (isUniform) {
return '${objectRuntimeType(this, 'Border')}.all($top)';
final List<String> arguments = <String>[
if (top != BorderSide.none) 'top: $top',
if (right != BorderSide.none) 'right: $right',
if (bottom != BorderSide.none) 'bottom: $bottom',
if (left != BorderSide.none) 'left: $left',
return '${objectRuntimeType(this, 'Border')}(${arguments.join(", ")})';
/// A border of a box, comprised of four sides, the lateral sides of which
/// flip over based on the reading direction.
/// The lateral sides are called [start] and [end]. When painted in
/// left-to-right environments, the [start] side will be painted on the left and
/// the [end] side on the right; in right-to-left environments, it is the
/// reverse. The other two sides are [top] and [bottom].
/// The sides are represented by [BorderSide] objects.
/// If the [start] and [end] sides are the same, then it is slightly more
/// efficient to use a [Border] object rather than a [BorderDirectional] object.
/// See also:
/// * [BoxDecoration], which uses this class to describe its edge decoration.
/// * [BorderSide], which is used to describe each side of the box.
/// * [Theme], from the material layer, which can be queried to obtain appropriate colors
/// to use for borders in a [MaterialApp], as shown in the "divider" sample above.
/// * <>, a package that implements
/// a Non-Uniform Border on ShapeBorder, which is used by Material Design
/// buttons and other widgets, under the "shape" field.
class BorderDirectional extends BoxBorder {
/// Creates a border.
/// The [start] and [end] sides represent the horizontal sides; the start side
/// is on the leading edge given the reading direction, and the end side is on
/// the trailing edge. They are resolved during [paint].
/// All the sides of the border default to [BorderSide.none].
/// The arguments must not be null.
const BorderDirectional({ = BorderSide.none,
this.start = BorderSide.none,
this.end = BorderSide.none,
this.bottom = BorderSide.none,
/// Creates a [BorderDirectional] that represents the addition of the two
/// given [BorderDirectional]s.
/// It is only valid to call this if [BorderSide.canMerge] returns true for
/// the pairwise combination of each side on both [BorderDirectional]s.
/// The arguments must not be null.
static BorderDirectional merge(BorderDirectional a, BorderDirectional b) {
assert(BorderSide.canMerge(a.start, b.start));
assert(BorderSide.canMerge(a.end, b.end));
assert(BorderSide.canMerge(a.bottom, b.bottom));
return BorderDirectional(
top: BorderSide.merge(,,
start: BorderSide.merge(a.start, b.start),
end: BorderSide.merge(a.end, b.end),
bottom: BorderSide.merge(a.bottom, b.bottom),
final BorderSide top;
/// The start side of this border.
/// This is the side on the left in left-to-right text and on the right in
/// right-to-left text.
/// See also:
/// * [TextDirection], which is used to describe the reading direction.
final BorderSide start;
/// The end side of this border.
/// This is the side on the right in left-to-right text and on the left in
/// right-to-left text.
/// See also:
/// * [TextDirection], which is used to describe the reading direction.
final BorderSide end;
final BorderSide bottom;
EdgeInsetsGeometry get dimensions {
if (isUniform) {
return EdgeInsetsDirectional.all(top.strokeInset);
return EdgeInsetsDirectional.fromSTEB(start.strokeInset, top.strokeInset, end.strokeInset, bottom.strokeInset);
bool get isUniform => _colorIsUniform && _widthIsUniform && _styleIsUniform && _strokeAlignIsUniform;
bool get _colorIsUniform {
final Color topColor = top.color;
return start.color == topColor && bottom.color == topColor && end.color == topColor;
bool get _widthIsUniform {
final double topWidth = top.width;
return start.width == topWidth && bottom.width == topWidth && end.width == topWidth;
bool get _styleIsUniform {
final BorderStyle topStyle =;
return == topStyle && == topStyle && == topStyle;
bool get _strokeAlignIsUniform {
final double topStrokeAlign = top.strokeAlign;
return start.strokeAlign == topStrokeAlign
&& bottom.strokeAlign == topStrokeAlign
&& end.strokeAlign == topStrokeAlign;
BoxBorder? add(ShapeBorder other, { bool reversed = false }) {
if (other is BorderDirectional) {
final BorderDirectional typedOther = other;
if (BorderSide.canMerge(top, &&
BorderSide.canMerge(start, typedOther.start) &&
BorderSide.canMerge(end, typedOther.end) &&
BorderSide.canMerge(bottom, typedOther.bottom)) {
return BorderDirectional.merge(this, typedOther);
return null;
if (other is Border) {
final Border typedOther = other;
if (!BorderSide.canMerge(, top) ||
!BorderSide.canMerge(typedOther.bottom, bottom)) {
return null;
if (start != BorderSide.none ||
end != BorderSide.none) {
if (typedOther.left != BorderSide.none ||
typedOther.right != BorderSide.none) {
return null;
assert(typedOther.left == BorderSide.none);
assert(typedOther.right == BorderSide.none);
return BorderDirectional(
top: BorderSide.merge(, top),
start: start,
end: end,
bottom: BorderSide.merge(typedOther.bottom, bottom),
assert(start == BorderSide.none);
assert(end == BorderSide.none);
return Border(
top: BorderSide.merge(, top),
right: typedOther.right,
bottom: BorderSide.merge(typedOther.bottom, bottom),
left: typedOther.left,
return null;
BorderDirectional scale(double t) {
return BorderDirectional(
top: top.scale(t),
start: start.scale(t),
end: end.scale(t),
bottom: bottom.scale(t),
ShapeBorder? lerpFrom(ShapeBorder? a, double t) {
if (a is BorderDirectional) {
return BorderDirectional.lerp(a, this, t);
return super.lerpFrom(a, t);
ShapeBorder? lerpTo(ShapeBorder? b, double t) {
if (b is BorderDirectional) {
return BorderDirectional.lerp(this, b, t);
return super.lerpTo(b, t);
/// Linearly interpolate between two borders.
/// If a border is null, it is treated as having four [BorderSide.none]
/// borders.
/// {@macro dart.ui.shadow.lerp}
static BorderDirectional? lerp(BorderDirectional? a, BorderDirectional? b, double t) {
if (identical(a, b)) {
return a;
if (a == null) {
return b!.scale(t);
if (b == null) {
return a.scale(1.0 - t);
return BorderDirectional(
top: BorderSide.lerp(,, t),
end: BorderSide.lerp(a.end, b.end, t),
bottom: BorderSide.lerp(a.bottom, b.bottom, t),
start: BorderSide.lerp(a.start, b.start, t),
/// Paints the border within the given [Rect] on the given [Canvas].
/// Uniform borders are more efficient to paint than more complex borders.
/// You can provide a [BoxShape] to draw the border on. If the `shape` in
/// [], there is the requirement that the border [isUniform].
/// If you specify a rectangular box shape ([BoxShape.rectangle]), then you
/// may specify a [BorderRadius]. If a `borderRadius` is specified, there is
/// the requirement that the border [isUniform].
/// The [getInnerPath] and [getOuterPath] methods do not know about the
/// `shape` and `borderRadius` arguments.
/// The `textDirection` argument is used to determine which of [start] and
/// [end] map to the left and right. For [TextDirection.ltr], the [start] is
/// the left and the [end] is the right; for [TextDirection.rtl], it is the
/// reverse.
/// See also:
/// * [paintBorder], which is used if the border has non-uniform colors or styles and no borderRadius.
void paint(
Canvas canvas,
Rect rect, {
TextDirection? textDirection,
BoxShape shape = BoxShape.rectangle,
BorderRadius? borderRadius,
}) {
if (isUniform) {
switch ( {
case BorderStyle.none:
case BorderStyle.solid:
switch (shape) {
assert(borderRadius == null, 'A borderRadius cannot be given when shape is a');
BoxBorder._paintUniformBorderWithCircle(canvas, rect, top);
case BoxShape.rectangle:
if (borderRadius != null && borderRadius != {
BoxBorder._paintUniformBorderWithRadius(canvas, rect, top, borderRadius);
BoxBorder._paintUniformBorderWithRectangle(canvas, rect, top);
final BorderSide left, right;
assert(textDirection != null, 'Non-uniform BorderDirectional objects require a TextDirection when painting.');
switch (textDirection!) {
case TextDirection.rtl:
left = end;
right = start;
case TextDirection.ltr:
left = start;
right = end;
// Allow painting non-uniform borders if the color and style are uniform.
if (_colorIsUniform && _styleIsUniform) {
switch ( {
case BorderStyle.none:
case BorderStyle.solid:
BoxBorder._paintNonUniformBorder(canvas, rect,
shape: shape,
borderRadius: borderRadius,
textDirection: textDirection,
left: left,
top: top,
right: right,
bottom: bottom);
assert(borderRadius == null, 'A borderRadius can only be given for borders with uniform colors and styles.');
assert(shape == BoxShape.rectangle, 'A Border can only be drawn as a circle on borders with uniform colors and styles.');
assert(_strokeAlignIsUniform && top.strokeAlign == BorderSide.strokeAlignInside, 'A Border can only draw strokeAlign different than strokeAlignInside on borders with uniform colors and styles.');
paintBorder(canvas, rect, top: top, left: left, bottom: bottom, right: right);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) {
return true;
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) {
return false;
return other is BorderDirectional
&& == top
&& other.start == start
&& other.end == end
&& other.bottom == bottom;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(top, start, end, bottom);
String toString() {
final List<String> arguments = <String>[
if (top != BorderSide.none) 'top: $top',
if (start != BorderSide.none) 'start: $start',
if (end != BorderSide.none) 'end: $end',
if (bottom != BorderSide.none) 'bottom: $bottom',
return '${objectRuntimeType(this, 'BorderDirectional')}(${arguments.join(", ")})';