blob: 3a4574aa0f925312bc5070cb289eeced30ed2ff0 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart' show TargetPlatform, defaultTargetPlatform;
import 'package:flutter/painting.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart'
show SpellCheckResults, SpellCheckService, SuggestionSpan, TextEditingValue;
import 'editable_text.dart' show EditableTextContextMenuBuilder;
import 'framework.dart' show immutable;
/// Controls how spell check is performed for text input.
/// This configuration determines the [SpellCheckService] used to fetch the
/// [List<SuggestionSpan>] spell check results and the [TextStyle] used to
/// mark misspelled words within text input.
class SpellCheckConfiguration {
/// Creates a configuration that specifies the service and suggestions handler
/// for spell check.
const SpellCheckConfiguration({
}) : _spellCheckEnabled = true;
/// Creates a configuration that disables spell check.
const SpellCheckConfiguration.disabled()
: _spellCheckEnabled = false,
spellCheckService = null,
spellCheckSuggestionsToolbarBuilder = null,
misspelledTextStyle = null,
misspelledSelectionColor = null;
/// The service used to fetch spell check results for text input.
final SpellCheckService? spellCheckService;
/// The color the paint the selection highlight when spell check is showing
/// suggestions for a misspelled word.
/// For example, on iOS, the selection appears red while the spell check menu
/// is showing.
final Color? misspelledSelectionColor;
/// Style used to indicate misspelled words.
/// This is nullable to allow style-specific wrappers of [EditableText]
/// to infer this, but this must be specified if this configuration is
/// provided directly to [EditableText] or its construction will fail with an
/// assertion error.
final TextStyle? misspelledTextStyle;
/// Builds the toolbar used to display spell check suggestions for misspelled
/// words.
final EditableTextContextMenuBuilder? spellCheckSuggestionsToolbarBuilder;
final bool _spellCheckEnabled;
/// Whether or not the configuration should enable or disable spell check.
bool get spellCheckEnabled => _spellCheckEnabled;
/// Returns a copy of the current [SpellCheckConfiguration] instance with
/// specified overrides.
SpellCheckConfiguration copyWith({
SpellCheckService? spellCheckService,
Color? misspelledSelectionColor,
TextStyle? misspelledTextStyle,
EditableTextContextMenuBuilder? spellCheckSuggestionsToolbarBuilder}) {
if (!_spellCheckEnabled) {
// A new configuration should be constructed to enable spell check.
return const SpellCheckConfiguration.disabled();
return SpellCheckConfiguration(
spellCheckService: spellCheckService ?? this.spellCheckService,
misspelledSelectionColor: misspelledSelectionColor ?? this.misspelledSelectionColor,
misspelledTextStyle: misspelledTextStyle ?? this.misspelledTextStyle,
spellCheckSuggestionsToolbarBuilder : spellCheckSuggestionsToolbarBuilder ?? this.spellCheckSuggestionsToolbarBuilder,
String toString() {
return '''
spell check enabled : $_spellCheckEnabled
spell check service : $spellCheckService
misspelled text style : $misspelledTextStyle
spell check suggestions toolbar builder: $spellCheckSuggestionsToolbarBuilder
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) {
return true;
return other is SpellCheckConfiguration
&& other.spellCheckService == spellCheckService
&& other.misspelledTextStyle == misspelledTextStyle
&& other.spellCheckSuggestionsToolbarBuilder == spellCheckSuggestionsToolbarBuilder
&& other._spellCheckEnabled == _spellCheckEnabled;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(spellCheckService, misspelledTextStyle, spellCheckSuggestionsToolbarBuilder, _spellCheckEnabled);
// Methods for displaying spell check results:
/// Adjusts spell check results to correspond to [newText] if the only results
/// that the handler has access to are the [results] corresponding to
/// [resultsText].
/// Used in the case where the request for the spell check results of the
/// [newText] is lagging in order to avoid display of incorrect results.
List<SuggestionSpan> _correctSpellCheckResults(
String newText, String resultsText, List<SuggestionSpan> results) {
final List<SuggestionSpan> correctedSpellCheckResults = <SuggestionSpan>[];
int spanPointer = 0;
int offset = 0;
// Assumes that the order of spans has not been jumbled for optimization
// purposes, and will only search since the previously found span.
int searchStart = 0;
while (spanPointer < results.length) {
final SuggestionSpan currentSpan = results[spanPointer];
final String currentSpanText =
resultsText.substring(currentSpan.range.start, currentSpan.range.end);
final int spanLength = currentSpan.range.end - currentSpan.range.start;
// Try finding SuggestionSpan from resultsText in new text.
final RegExp currentSpanTextRegexp = RegExp('\\b$currentSpanText\\b');
final int foundIndex = newText.substring(searchStart).indexOf(currentSpanTextRegexp);
// Check whether word was found exactly where expected or elsewhere in the newText.
final bool currentSpanFoundExactly = currentSpan.range.start == foundIndex + searchStart;
final bool currentSpanFoundExactlyWithOffset = currentSpan.range.start + offset == foundIndex + searchStart;
final bool currentSpanFoundElsewhere = foundIndex >= 0;
if (currentSpanFoundExactly || currentSpanFoundExactlyWithOffset) {
// currentSpan was found at the same index in newText and resutsText
// or at the same index with the previously calculated adjustment by
// the offset value, so apply it to new text by adding it to the list of
// corrected results.
final SuggestionSpan adjustedSpan = SuggestionSpan(
start: currentSpan.range.start + offset,
end: currentSpan.range.end + offset,
// Start search for the next misspelled word at the end of currentSpan.
searchStart = currentSpan.range.end + 1 + offset;
} else if (currentSpanFoundElsewhere) {
// Word was pushed forward but not modified.
final int adjustedSpanStart = searchStart + foundIndex;
final int adjustedSpanEnd = adjustedSpanStart + spanLength;
final SuggestionSpan adjustedSpan = SuggestionSpan(
TextRange(start: adjustedSpanStart, end: adjustedSpanEnd),
// Start search for the next misspelled word at the end of the
// adjusted currentSpan.
searchStart = adjustedSpanEnd + 1;
// Adjust offset to reflect the difference between where currentSpan
// was positioned in resultsText versus in newText.
offset = adjustedSpanStart - currentSpan.range.start;
return correctedSpellCheckResults;
/// Builds the [TextSpan] tree given the current state of the text input and
/// spell check results.
/// The [value] is the current [TextEditingValue] requested to be rendered
/// by a text input widget. The [composingWithinCurrentTextRange] value
/// represents whether or not there is a valid composing region in the
/// [value]. The [style] is the [TextStyle] to render the [value]'s text with,
/// and the [misspelledTextStyle] is the [TextStyle] to render misspelled
/// words within the [value]'s text with. The [spellCheckResults] are the
/// results of spell checking the [value]'s text.
TextSpan buildTextSpanWithSpellCheckSuggestions(
TextEditingValue value,
bool composingWithinCurrentTextRange,
TextStyle? style,
TextStyle misspelledTextStyle,
SpellCheckResults spellCheckResults) {
List<SuggestionSpan> spellCheckResultsSpans =
final String spellCheckResultsText = spellCheckResults.spellCheckedText;
if (spellCheckResultsText != value.text) {
spellCheckResultsSpans = _correctSpellCheckResults(
value.text, spellCheckResultsText, spellCheckResultsSpans);
// We will draw the TextSpan tree based on the composing region, if it is
// available.
// TODO(camsim99): The two separate stratgies for building TextSpan trees
// based on the availability of a composing region should be merged:
final bool shouldConsiderComposingRegion = defaultTargetPlatform ==;
if (shouldConsiderComposingRegion) {
return TextSpan(
style: style,
children: _buildSubtreesWithComposingRegion(
return TextSpan(
style: style,
children: _buildSubtreesWithoutComposingRegion(
/// Builds the [TextSpan] tree for spell check without considering the composing
/// region. Instead, uses the cursor to identify the word that's actively being
/// edited and shouldn't be spell checked. This is useful for platforms and IMEs
/// that don't use the composing region for the active word.
List<TextSpan> _buildSubtreesWithoutComposingRegion(
List<SuggestionSpan>? spellCheckSuggestions,
TextEditingValue value,
TextStyle? style,
TextStyle misspelledStyle,
int cursorIndex,
) {
final List<TextSpan> textSpanTreeChildren = <TextSpan>[];
int textPointer = 0;
int currentSpanPointer = 0;
int endIndex;
final String text = value.text;
final TextStyle misspelledJointStyle =
style?.merge(misspelledStyle) ?? misspelledStyle;
bool cursorInCurrentSpan = false;
// Add text interwoven with any misspelled words to the tree.
if (spellCheckSuggestions != null) {
while (textPointer < text.length &&
currentSpanPointer < spellCheckSuggestions.length) {
final SuggestionSpan currentSpan = spellCheckSuggestions[currentSpanPointer];
if (currentSpan.range.start > textPointer) {
endIndex = currentSpan.range.start < text.length
? currentSpan.range.start
: text.length;
style: style,
text: text.substring(textPointer, endIndex),
textPointer = endIndex;
} else {
endIndex =
currentSpan.range.end < text.length ? currentSpan.range.end : text.length;
cursorInCurrentSpan = currentSpan.range.start <= cursorIndex && currentSpan.range.end >= cursorIndex;
style: cursorInCurrentSpan
? style
: misspelledJointStyle,
text: text.substring(currentSpan.range.start, endIndex),
textPointer = endIndex;
// Add any remaining text to the tree if applicable.
if (textPointer < text.length) {
style: style,
text: text.substring(textPointer, text.length),
return textSpanTreeChildren;
/// Builds [TextSpan] subtree for text with misspelled words with logic based on
/// a valid composing region.
List<TextSpan> _buildSubtreesWithComposingRegion(
List<SuggestionSpan>? spellCheckSuggestions,
TextEditingValue value,
TextStyle? style,
TextStyle misspelledStyle,
bool composingWithinCurrentTextRange) {
final List<TextSpan> textSpanTreeChildren = <TextSpan>[];
int textPointer = 0;
int currentSpanPointer = 0;
int endIndex;
SuggestionSpan currentSpan;
final String text = value.text;
final TextRange composingRegion = value.composing;
final TextStyle composingTextStyle =
style?.merge(const TextStyle(decoration: TextDecoration.underline)) ??
const TextStyle(decoration: TextDecoration.underline);
final TextStyle misspelledJointStyle =
style?.merge(misspelledStyle) ?? misspelledStyle;
bool textPointerWithinComposingRegion = false;
bool currentSpanIsComposingRegion = false;
// Add text interwoven with any misspelled words to the tree.
if (spellCheckSuggestions != null) {
while (textPointer < text.length &&
currentSpanPointer < spellCheckSuggestions.length) {
currentSpan = spellCheckSuggestions[currentSpanPointer];
if (currentSpan.range.start > textPointer) {
endIndex = currentSpan.range.start < text.length
? currentSpan.range.start
: text.length;
textPointerWithinComposingRegion =
composingRegion.start >= textPointer &&
composingRegion.end <= endIndex &&
if (textPointerWithinComposingRegion) {
_addComposingRegionTextSpans(textSpanTreeChildren, text, textPointer,
composingRegion, style, composingTextStyle);
style: style,
text: text.substring(composingRegion.end, endIndex),
} else {
style: style,
text: text.substring(textPointer, endIndex),
textPointer = endIndex;
} else {
endIndex =
currentSpan.range.end < text.length ? currentSpan.range.end : text.length;
currentSpanIsComposingRegion = textPointer >= composingRegion.start &&
endIndex <= composingRegion.end &&
style: currentSpanIsComposingRegion
? composingTextStyle
: misspelledJointStyle,
text: text.substring(currentSpan.range.start, endIndex),
textPointer = endIndex;
// Add any remaining text to the tree if applicable.
if (textPointer < text.length) {
if (textPointer < composingRegion.start &&
!composingWithinCurrentTextRange) {
_addComposingRegionTextSpans(textSpanTreeChildren, text, textPointer,
composingRegion, style, composingTextStyle);
if (composingRegion.end != text.length) {
style: style,
text: text.substring(composingRegion.end, text.length),
} else {
style: style, text: text.substring(textPointer, text.length),
return textSpanTreeChildren;
/// Helper method to create [TextSpan] tree children for specified range of
/// text up to and including the composing region.
void _addComposingRegionTextSpans(
List<TextSpan> treeChildren,
String text,
int start,
TextRange composingRegion,
TextStyle? style,
TextStyle composingTextStyle) {
style: style,
text: text.substring(start, composingRegion.start),
style: composingTextStyle,
text: text.substring(composingRegion.start, composingRegion.end),