blob: fd30fdb74aea5eea05452879794e2f3d6a71dcdb [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
class TestBinding extends BindingBase { }
void main() {
test('BindingBase.debugCheckZone', () async {
final BindingBase binding = TestBinding();
BindingBase.debugZoneErrorsAreFatal = true;
Zone.current.fork().run(() {
try {
fail('expected an exception');
} catch (error) {
expect(error, isA<FlutterError>());
'Zone mismatch.\n'
'The Flutter bindings were initialized in a different zone than is now being used. '
'This will likely cause confusion and bugs as any zone-specific configuration will '
'inconsistently use the configuration of the original binding initialization zone '
'or this zone based on hard-to-predict factors such as which zone was active when '
'a particular callback was set.\n'
'It is important to use the same zone when calling `ensureInitialized` on the '
'binding as when calling `test2` later.\n'
'To make this error non-fatal, set BindingBase.debugZoneErrorsAreFatal to false '
'before the bindings are initialized (i.e. as the first statement in `void main() { }`).',
BindingBase.debugZoneErrorsAreFatal = false;
Zone.current.fork().run(() {
bool sawError = false;
final FlutterExceptionHandler? lastHandler = FlutterError.onError;
FlutterError.onError = (FlutterErrorDetails details) {
final Object error = details.exception;
expect(error, isA<FlutterError>());
'Zone mismatch.\n'
'The Flutter bindings were initialized in a different zone than is now being used. '
'This will likely cause confusion and bugs as any zone-specific configuration will '
'inconsistently use the configuration of the original binding initialization zone '
'or this zone based on hard-to-predict factors such as which zone was active when '
'a particular callback was set.\n'
'It is important to use the same zone when calling `ensureInitialized` on the '
'binding as when calling `test3` later.\n'
'To make this warning fatal, set BindingBase.debugZoneErrorsAreFatal to true '
'before the bindings are initialized (i.e. as the first statement in `void main() { }`).',
sawError = true;
expect(sawError, isTrue);
FlutterError.onError = lastHandler;