blob: 2fadbd844ed667f3d02124368fc8c5de5431e1d5 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/painting.dart';
/// Defines a single color as well a color swatch with ten shades of the color.
/// The color's shades are referred to by index. The greater the index, the
/// darker the color. There are 10 valid indices: 50, 100, 200, ..., 900.
/// The value of this color should the same the value of index 500 and [shade500].
/// ## Updating to [ColorScheme]
/// The [ColorScheme] is preferred for
/// representing colors in applications that are configured
/// for Material 3 (see [ThemeData.useMaterial3]).
/// For more information on colors in Material 3 see
/// the spec at <>.
///{@template flutter.material.colors.colorRoles}
/// In Material 3, colors are represented using color roles and
/// corresponding tokens. Each property in the [ColorScheme] class
/// represents one color role as defined in the spec above.
/// {@endtemplate}
/// ### Material 3 Colors in Flutter
///{@template flutter.material.colors.settingColors}
/// Flutter's Material widgets can be assigned colors at the widget level
/// using widget properties,
/// or at the app level using theme classes.
/// For example, you can set the background of the [AppBar] by
/// setting the [AppBar.backgroundColor] to a specific [Color] value.
/// To globally set the AppBar background color for your app, you
/// can set the [ThemeData.appBarTheme] property for your [MaterialApp]
/// using the [ThemeData] class. You can also override
/// the default appearance of all the [AppBar]s in a widget subtree by
/// placing the [AppBarTheme] at the root of the subtree.
/// Alternatively, you can set the [ThemeData.colorScheme] property
/// to a custom [ColorScheme]. This creates a unified [ColorScheme] to be
/// used across the app. The [AppBar.backgroundColor] uses the
/// [ColorScheme.surface] by default.
/// ### Migrating from [MaterialColor] to [ColorScheme]
/// In most cases, there are new properties in Flutter widgets that
/// accept a [ColorScheme] instead of a [MaterialColor].
/// For example, you may have previously constructed a [ThemeData]
/// using a primarySwatch:
/// ```dart
/// ThemeData(
/// primarySwatch: Colors.amber,
/// )
/// ```
/// In Material 3, you can use the [ColorScheme] class to
/// construct a [ThemeData] with the same color palette
/// by using the [ColorScheme.fromSeed] constructor:
/// ```dart
/// ThemeData(
/// colorScheme: ColorScheme.fromSeed(seedColor: Colors.amber),
/// )
/// ```
/// The [ColorScheme.fromSeed] constructor
/// will generate a set of tonal palettes,
/// which are used to create the color scheme.
/// Alternatively you can use the [ColorScheme.fromSwatch] constructor:
/// ```dart
/// ThemeData(
/// colorScheme: ColorScheme.fromSwatch(primarySwatch: Colors.amber),
/// )
/// ```
/// The [ColorScheme.fromSwatch] constructor will
/// create the color scheme directly from the specific
/// color values used in the [MaterialColor].
/// See also:
/// * [Colors], which defines all of the standard material colors.
class MaterialColor extends ColorSwatch<int> {
/// Creates a color swatch with a variety of shades.
/// The `primary` argument should be the 32 bit ARGB value of one of the
/// values in the swatch, as would be passed to the [] constructor
/// for that same color, and as is exposed by [value]. (This is distinct from
/// the specific index of the color in the swatch.)
const MaterialColor(super.primary,;
/// The lightest shade.
Color get shade50 => this[50]!;
/// The second lightest shade.
Color get shade100 => this[100]!;
/// The third lightest shade.
Color get shade200 => this[200]!;
/// The fourth lightest shade.
Color get shade300 => this[300]!;
/// The fifth lightest shade.
Color get shade400 => this[400]!;
/// The default shade.
Color get shade500 => this[500]!;
/// The fourth darkest shade.
Color get shade600 => this[600]!;
/// The third darkest shade.
Color get shade700 => this[700]!;
/// The second darkest shade.
Color get shade800 => this[800]!;
/// The darkest shade.
Color get shade900 => this[900]!;
/// Defines a single accent color as well a swatch of four shades of the
/// accent color.
/// The color's shades are referred to by index, the colors with smaller
/// indices are lighter, larger indices are darker. There are four valid
/// indices: 100, 200, 400, and 700. The value of this color should be the
/// same as the value of index 200 and [shade200].
/// See also:
/// * [Colors], which defines all of the standard material colors.
/// * <>
class MaterialAccentColor extends ColorSwatch<int> {
/// Creates a color swatch with a variety of shades appropriate for accent
/// colors.
const MaterialAccentColor(super.primary,;
/// The lightest shade.
Color get shade100 => this[100]!;
/// The default shade.
Color get shade200 => this[200]!;
/// The second darkest shade.
Color get shade400 => this[400]!;
/// The darkest shade.
Color get shade700 => this[700]!;
/// [Color] and [ColorSwatch] constants which represent Material design's
/// [color palette](
/// Instead of using an absolute color from these palettes, consider using
/// [Theme.of] to obtain the local [ThemeData.colorScheme], which defines
/// the colors that most of the Material components use by default.
/// Most swatches have colors from 100 to 900 in increments of one hundred, plus
/// the color 50. The smaller the number, the more pale the color. The greater
/// the number, the darker the color. The accent swatches (e.g. [redAccent]) only
/// have the values 100, 200, 400, and 700.
/// In addition, a series of blacks and whites with common opacities are
/// available. For example, [black54] is a pure black with 54% opacity.
/// {@tool snippet}
/// To select a specific color from one of the swatches, index into the swatch
/// using an integer for the specific color desired, as follows:
/// ```dart
/// Color selection =[400]!; // Selects a mid-range green.
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// {@tool snippet}
/// Each [ColorSwatch] constant is a color and can used directly. For example:
/// ```dart
/// Container(
/// color:, // same as[500] or
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// ## Color palettes
/// ![](
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/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
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/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
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/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
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/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ## Blacks and whites
/// These colors are identified by their transparency. The low transparency
/// levels (e.g. [Colors.white12] and [Colors.white10]) are very hard to see and
/// should be avoided in general. They are intended for very subtle effects.
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// The [Colors.transparent] color isn't shown here because it is entirely
/// invisible!
/// See also:
/// * Cookbook: [Use themes to share colors and font styles](
abstract final class Colors {
/// Completely invisible.
static const Color transparent = Color(0x00000000);
/// Completely opaque black.
/// ![](
/// See also:
/// * [black87], [black54], [black45], [black38], [black26], [black12], which
/// are variants on this color but with different opacities.
/// * [white], a solid white color.
/// * [transparent], a fully-transparent color.
static const Color black = Color(0xFF000000);
/// Black with 87% opacity.
/// This is a good contrasting color for text in light themes.
/// ![](
/// See also:
/// * [], which uses this color for its text styles.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
/// * [black], [black54], [black45], [black38], [black26], [black12], which
/// are variants on this color but with different opacities.
static const Color black87 = Color(0xDD000000);
/// Black with 54% opacity.
/// This is a color commonly used for headings in light themes. It's also used
/// as the mask color behind dialogs.
/// ![](
/// See also:
/// * [], which uses this color for its text styles.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
/// * [black], [black87], [black45], [black38], [black26], [black12], which
/// are variants on this color but with different opacities.
static const Color black54 = Color(0x8A000000);
/// Black with 45% opacity.
/// ![](
/// See also:
/// * [black], [black87], [black54], [black38], [black26], [black12], which
/// are variants on this color but with different opacities.
static const Color black45 = Color(0x73000000);
/// Black with 38% opacity.
/// For light themes, i.e. when the Theme's [ThemeData.brightness] is
/// [Brightness.light], this color is used for disabled icons and for
/// placeholder text in [DataTable].
/// ![](
/// See also:
/// * [black], [black87], [black54], [black45], [black26], [black12], which
/// are variants on this color but with different opacities.
static const Color black38 = Color(0x61000000);
/// Black with 26% opacity.
/// Used for disabled radio buttons and the text of disabled flat buttons in light themes.
/// ![](
/// See also:
/// * [ThemeData.disabledColor], which uses this color by default in light themes.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
/// * [black], [black87], [black54], [black45], [black38], [black12], which
/// are variants on this color but with different opacities.
static const Color black26 = Color(0x42000000);
/// Black with 12% opacity.
/// ![](
/// Used for the background of disabled raised buttons in light themes.
/// See also:
/// * [black], [black87], [black54], [black45], [black38], [black26], which
/// are variants on this color but with different opacities.
static const Color black12 = Color(0x1F000000);
/// Completely opaque white.
/// This is a good contrasting color for the [ThemeData.primaryColor] in the
/// dark theme. See [ThemeData.brightness].
/// ![](
/// See also:
/// * [Typography.white], which uses this color for its text styles.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
/// * [white70], [white60], [white54], [white38], [white30], [white12],
/// [white10], which are variants on this color but with different
/// opacities.
/// * [black], a solid black color.
/// * [transparent], a fully-transparent color.
static const Color white = Color(0xFFFFFFFF);
/// White with 70% opacity.
/// This is a color commonly used for headings in dark themes.
/// ![](
/// See also:
/// * [Typography.white], which uses this color for its text styles.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
/// * [white], [white60], [white54], [white38], [white30], [white12],
/// [white10], which are variants on this color but with different
/// opacities.
static const Color white70 = Color(0xB3FFFFFF);
/// White with 60% opacity.
/// Used for medium-emphasis text and hint text when [ThemeData.brightness] is
/// set to [Brightness.dark].
/// ![](
/// See also:
/// * [ExpandIcon], which uses this color for dark themes.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
/// * [white], [white54], [white30], [white38], [white12], [white10], which
/// are variants on this color but with different opacities.
static const Color white60 = Color(0x99FFFFFF);
/// White with 54% opacity.
/// ![](
/// See also:
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
/// * [white], [white60], [white38], [white30], [white12], [white10], which
/// are variants on this color but with different opacities.
static const Color white54 = Color(0x8AFFFFFF);
/// White with 38% opacity.
/// Used for disabled radio buttons and the text of disabled flat buttons in dark themes.
/// ![](
/// See also:
/// * [ThemeData.disabledColor], which uses this color by default in dark themes.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
/// * [white], [white60], [white54], [white70], [white30], [white12],
/// [white10], which are variants on this color but with different
/// opacities.
static const Color white38 = Color(0x62FFFFFF);
/// White with 30% opacity.
/// ![](
/// See also:
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
/// * [white], [white60], [white54], [white70], [white38], [white12],
/// [white10], which are variants on this color but with different
/// opacities.
static const Color white30 = Color(0x4DFFFFFF);
/// White with 24% opacity.
/// ![](
/// Used for the splash color for filled buttons.
/// See also:
/// * [white], [white60], [white54], [white70], [white38], [white30],
/// [white10], which are variants on this color
/// but with different opacities.
static const Color white24 = Color(0x3DFFFFFF);
/// White with 12% opacity.
/// ![](
/// Used for the background of disabled raised buttons in dark themes.
/// See also:
/// * [white], [white60], [white54], [white70], [white38], [white30],
/// [white10], which are variants on this color but with different
/// opacities.
static const Color white12 = Color(0x1FFFFFFF);
/// White with 10% opacity.
/// ![](
/// See also:
/// * [white], [white60], [white54], [white70], [white38], [white30],
/// [white12], which are variants on this color
/// but with different opacities.
/// * [transparent], a fully-transparent color, not far from this one.
static const Color white10 = Color(0x1AFFFFFF);
/// The red primary color and swatch.
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// Icon(
/// Icons.widgets,
/// color:[400],
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [redAccent], the corresponding accent colors.
/// * [deepOrange] and [pink], similar colors.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
static const MaterialColor red = MaterialColor(
<int, Color>{
50: Color(0xFFFFEBEE),
100: Color(0xFFFFCDD2),
200: Color(0xFFEF9A9A),
300: Color(0xFFE57373),
400: Color(0xFFEF5350),
500: Color(_redPrimaryValue),
600: Color(0xFFE53935),
700: Color(0xFFD32F2F),
800: Color(0xFFC62828),
900: Color(0xFFB71C1C),
static const int _redPrimaryValue = 0xFFF44336;
/// The red accent swatch.
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// Icon(
/// Icons.widgets,
/// color: Colors.redAccent[400],
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [red], the corresponding primary colors.
/// * [deepOrangeAccent] and [pinkAccent], similar colors.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
static const MaterialAccentColor redAccent = MaterialAccentColor(
<int, Color>{
100: Color(0xFFFF8A80),
200: Color(_redAccentValue),
400: Color(0xFFFF1744),
700: Color(0xFFD50000),
static const int _redAccentValue = 0xFFFF5252;
/// The pink primary color and swatch.
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// Icon(
/// Icons.widgets,
/// color:[400],
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [pinkAccent], the corresponding accent colors.
/// * [red] and [purple], similar colors.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
static const MaterialColor pink = MaterialColor(
<int, Color>{
50: Color(0xFFFCE4EC),
100: Color(0xFFF8BBD0),
200: Color(0xFFF48FB1),
300: Color(0xFFF06292),
400: Color(0xFFEC407A),
500: Color(_pinkPrimaryValue),
600: Color(0xFFD81B60),
700: Color(0xFFC2185B),
800: Color(0xFFAD1457),
900: Color(0xFF880E4F),
static const int _pinkPrimaryValue = 0xFFE91E63;
/// The pink accent color swatch.
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// Icon(
/// Icons.widgets,
/// color: Colors.pinkAccent[400],
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [pink], the corresponding primary colors.
/// * [redAccent] and [purpleAccent], similar colors.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
static const MaterialAccentColor pinkAccent = MaterialAccentColor(
<int, Color>{
100: Color(0xFFFF80AB),
200: Color(_pinkAccentPrimaryValue),
400: Color(0xFFF50057),
700: Color(0xFFC51162),
static const int _pinkAccentPrimaryValue = 0xFFFF4081;
/// The purple primary color and swatch.
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// Icon(
/// Icons.widgets,
/// color: Colors.purple[400],
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [purpleAccent], the corresponding accent colors.
/// * [deepPurple] and [pink], similar colors.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
static const MaterialColor purple = MaterialColor(
<int, Color>{
50: Color(0xFFF3E5F5),
100: Color(0xFFE1BEE7),
200: Color(0xFFCE93D8),
300: Color(0xFFBA68C8),
400: Color(0xFFAB47BC),
500: Color(_purplePrimaryValue),
600: Color(0xFF8E24AA),
700: Color(0xFF7B1FA2),
800: Color(0xFF6A1B9A),
900: Color(0xFF4A148C),
static const int _purplePrimaryValue = 0xFF9C27B0;
/// The purple accent color and swatch.
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// Icon(
/// Icons.widgets,
/// color: Colors.purpleAccent[400],
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [purple], the corresponding primary colors.
/// * [deepPurpleAccent] and [pinkAccent], similar colors.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
static const MaterialAccentColor purpleAccent = MaterialAccentColor(
<int, Color>{
100: Color(0xFFEA80FC),
200: Color(_purpleAccentPrimaryValue),
400: Color(0xFFD500F9),
700: Color(0xFFAA00FF),
static const int _purpleAccentPrimaryValue = 0xFFE040FB;
/// The deep purple primary color and swatch.
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// Icon(
/// Icons.widgets,
/// color: Colors.deepPurple[400],
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [deepPurpleAccent], the corresponding accent colors.
/// * [purple] and [indigo], similar colors.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
static const MaterialColor deepPurple = MaterialColor(
<int, Color>{
50: Color(0xFFEDE7F6),
100: Color(0xFFD1C4E9),
200: Color(0xFFB39DDB),
300: Color(0xFF9575CD),
400: Color(0xFF7E57C2),
500: Color(_deepPurplePrimaryValue),
600: Color(0xFF5E35B1),
700: Color(0xFF512DA8),
800: Color(0xFF4527A0),
900: Color(0xFF311B92),
static const int _deepPurplePrimaryValue = 0xFF673AB7;
/// The deep purple accent color and swatch.
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// Icon(
/// Icons.widgets,
/// color: Colors.deepPurpleAccent[400],
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [deepPurple], the corresponding primary colors.
/// * [purpleAccent] and [indigoAccent], similar colors.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
static const MaterialAccentColor deepPurpleAccent = MaterialAccentColor(
<int, Color>{
100: Color(0xFFB388FF),
200: Color(_deepPurpleAccentPrimaryValue),
400: Color(0xFF651FFF),
700: Color(0xFF6200EA),
static const int _deepPurpleAccentPrimaryValue = 0xFF7C4DFF;
/// The indigo primary color and swatch.
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// Icon(
/// Icons.widgets,
/// color: Colors.indigo[400],
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [indigoAccent], the corresponding accent colors.
/// * [blue] and [deepPurple], similar colors.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
static const MaterialColor indigo = MaterialColor(
<int, Color>{
50: Color(0xFFE8EAF6),
100: Color(0xFFC5CAE9),
200: Color(0xFF9FA8DA),
300: Color(0xFF7986CB),
400: Color(0xFF5C6BC0),
500: Color(_indigoPrimaryValue),
600: Color(0xFF3949AB),
700: Color(0xFF303F9F),
800: Color(0xFF283593),
900: Color(0xFF1A237E),
static const int _indigoPrimaryValue = 0xFF3F51B5;
/// The indigo accent color and swatch.
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// Icon(
/// Icons.widgets,
/// color: Colors.indigoAccent[400],
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [indigo], the corresponding primary colors.
/// * [blueAccent] and [deepPurpleAccent], similar colors.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
static const MaterialAccentColor indigoAccent = MaterialAccentColor(
<int, Color>{
100: Color(0xFF8C9EFF),
200: Color(_indigoAccentPrimaryValue),
400: Color(0xFF3D5AFE),
700: Color(0xFF304FFE),
static const int _indigoAccentPrimaryValue = 0xFF536DFE;
/// The blue primary color and swatch.
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// Icon(
/// Icons.widgets,
/// color:[400],
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [blueAccent], the corresponding accent colors.
/// * [indigo], [lightBlue], and [blueGrey], similar colors.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
static const MaterialColor blue = MaterialColor(
<int, Color>{
50: Color(0xFFE3F2FD),
100: Color(0xFFBBDEFB),
200: Color(0xFF90CAF9),
300: Color(0xFF64B5F6),
400: Color(0xFF42A5F5),
500: Color(_bluePrimaryValue),
600: Color(0xFF1E88E5),
700: Color(0xFF1976D2),
800: Color(0xFF1565C0),
900: Color(0xFF0D47A1),
static const int _bluePrimaryValue = 0xFF2196F3;
/// The blue accent color and swatch.
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// Icon(
/// Icons.widgets,
/// color: Colors.blueAccent[400],
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [blue], the corresponding primary colors.
/// * [indigoAccent] and [lightBlueAccent], similar colors.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
static const MaterialAccentColor blueAccent = MaterialAccentColor(
<int, Color>{
100: Color(0xFF82B1FF),
200: Color(_blueAccentPrimaryValue),
400: Color(0xFF2979FF),
700: Color(0xFF2962FF),
static const int _blueAccentPrimaryValue = 0xFF448AFF;
/// The light blue primary color and swatch.
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// Icon(
/// Icons.widgets,
/// color: Colors.lightBlue[400],
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [lightBlueAccent], the corresponding accent colors.
/// * [blue] and [cyan], similar colors.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
static const MaterialColor lightBlue = MaterialColor(
<int, Color>{
50: Color(0xFFE1F5FE),
100: Color(0xFFB3E5FC),
200: Color(0xFF81D4FA),
300: Color(0xFF4FC3F7),
400: Color(0xFF29B6F6),
500: Color(_lightBluePrimaryValue),
600: Color(0xFF039BE5),
700: Color(0xFF0288D1),
800: Color(0xFF0277BD),
900: Color(0xFF01579B),
static const int _lightBluePrimaryValue = 0xFF03A9F4;
/// The light blue accent swatch.
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// Icon(
/// Icons.widgets,
/// color: Colors.lightBlueAccent[400],
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [lightBlue], the corresponding primary colors.
/// * [blueAccent] and [cyanAccent], similar colors.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
static const MaterialAccentColor lightBlueAccent = MaterialAccentColor(
<int, Color>{
100: Color(0xFF80D8FF),
200: Color(_lightBlueAccentPrimaryValue),
400: Color(0xFF00B0FF),
700: Color(0xFF0091EA),
static const int _lightBlueAccentPrimaryValue = 0xFF40C4FF;
/// The cyan primary color and swatch.
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// Icon(
/// Icons.widgets,
/// color: Colors.cyan[400],
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [cyanAccent], the corresponding accent colors.
/// * [lightBlue], [teal], and [blueGrey], similar colors.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
static const MaterialColor cyan = MaterialColor(
<int, Color>{
50: Color(0xFFE0F7FA),
100: Color(0xFFB2EBF2),
200: Color(0xFF80DEEA),
300: Color(0xFF4DD0E1),
400: Color(0xFF26C6DA),
500: Color(_cyanPrimaryValue),
600: Color(0xFF00ACC1),
700: Color(0xFF0097A7),
800: Color(0xFF00838F),
900: Color(0xFF006064),
static const int _cyanPrimaryValue = 0xFF00BCD4;
/// The cyan accent color and swatch.
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// Icon(
/// Icons.widgets,
/// color: Colors.cyanAccent[400],
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [cyan], the corresponding primary colors.
/// * [lightBlueAccent] and [tealAccent], similar colors.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
static const MaterialAccentColor cyanAccent = MaterialAccentColor(
<int, Color>{
100: Color(0xFF84FFFF),
200: Color(_cyanAccentPrimaryValue),
400: Color(0xFF00E5FF),
700: Color(0xFF00B8D4),
static const int _cyanAccentPrimaryValue = 0xFF18FFFF;
/// The teal primary color and swatch.
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// Icon(
/// Icons.widgets,
/// color: Colors.teal[400],
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [tealAccent], the corresponding accent colors.
/// * [green] and [cyan], similar colors.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
static const MaterialColor teal = MaterialColor(
<int, Color>{
50: Color(0xFFE0F2F1),
100: Color(0xFFB2DFDB),
200: Color(0xFF80CBC4),
300: Color(0xFF4DB6AC),
400: Color(0xFF26A69A),
500: Color(_tealPrimaryValue),
600: Color(0xFF00897B),
700: Color(0xFF00796B),
800: Color(0xFF00695C),
900: Color(0xFF004D40),
static const int _tealPrimaryValue = 0xFF009688;
/// The teal accent color and swatch.
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// Icon(
/// Icons.widgets,
/// color: Colors.tealAccent[400],
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [teal], the corresponding primary colors.
/// * [greenAccent] and [cyanAccent], similar colors.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
static const MaterialAccentColor tealAccent = MaterialAccentColor(
<int, Color>{
100: Color(0xFFA7FFEB),
200: Color(_tealAccentPrimaryValue),
400: Color(0xFF1DE9B6),
700: Color(0xFF00BFA5),
static const int _tealAccentPrimaryValue = 0xFF64FFDA;
/// The green primary color and swatch.
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// Icon(
/// Icons.widgets,
/// color:[400],
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [greenAccent], the corresponding accent colors.
/// * [teal], [lightGreen], and [lime], similar colors.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
static const MaterialColor green = MaterialColor(
<int, Color>{
50: Color(0xFFE8F5E9),
100: Color(0xFFC8E6C9),
200: Color(0xFFA5D6A7),
300: Color(0xFF81C784),
400: Color(0xFF66BB6A),
500: Color(_greenPrimaryValue),
600: Color(0xFF43A047),
700: Color(0xFF388E3C),
800: Color(0xFF2E7D32),
900: Color(0xFF1B5E20),
static const int _greenPrimaryValue = 0xFF4CAF50;
/// The green accent color and swatch.
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// Icon(
/// Icons.widgets,
/// color: Colors.greenAccent[400],
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [green], the corresponding primary colors.
/// * [tealAccent], [lightGreenAccent], and [limeAccent], similar colors.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
static const MaterialAccentColor greenAccent = MaterialAccentColor(
<int, Color>{
100: Color(0xFFB9F6CA),
200: Color(_greenAccentPrimaryValue),
400: Color(0xFF00E676),
700: Color(0xFF00C853),
static const int _greenAccentPrimaryValue = 0xFF69F0AE;
/// The light green primary color and swatch.
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// Icon(
/// Icons.widgets,
/// color: Colors.lightGreen[400],
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [lightGreenAccent], the corresponding accent colors.
/// * [green] and [lime], similar colors.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
static const MaterialColor lightGreen = MaterialColor(
<int, Color>{
50: Color(0xFFF1F8E9),
100: Color(0xFFDCEDC8),
200: Color(0xFFC5E1A5),
300: Color(0xFFAED581),
400: Color(0xFF9CCC65),
500: Color(_lightGreenPrimaryValue),
600: Color(0xFF7CB342),
700: Color(0xFF689F38),
800: Color(0xFF558B2F),
900: Color(0xFF33691E),
static const int _lightGreenPrimaryValue = 0xFF8BC34A;
/// The light green accent color and swatch.
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// Icon(
/// Icons.widgets,
/// color: Colors.lightGreenAccent[400],
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [lightGreen], the corresponding primary colors.
/// * [greenAccent] and [limeAccent], similar colors.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
static const MaterialAccentColor lightGreenAccent = MaterialAccentColor(
<int, Color>{
100: Color(0xFFCCFF90),
200: Color(_lightGreenAccentPrimaryValue),
400: Color(0xFF76FF03),
700: Color(0xFF64DD17),
static const int _lightGreenAccentPrimaryValue = 0xFFB2FF59;
/// The lime primary color and swatch.
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// Icon(
/// Icons.widgets,
/// color: Colors.lime[400],
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [limeAccent], the corresponding accent colors.
/// * [lightGreen] and [yellow], similar colors.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
static const MaterialColor lime = MaterialColor(
<int, Color>{
50: Color(0xFFF9FBE7),
100: Color(0xFFF0F4C3),
200: Color(0xFFE6EE9C),
300: Color(0xFFDCE775),
400: Color(0xFFD4E157),
500: Color(_limePrimaryValue),
600: Color(0xFFC0CA33),
700: Color(0xFFAFB42B),
800: Color(0xFF9E9D24),
900: Color(0xFF827717),
static const int _limePrimaryValue = 0xFFCDDC39;
/// The lime accent primary color and swatch.
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// Icon(
/// Icons.widgets,
/// color: Colors.limeAccent[400],
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [lime], the corresponding primary colors.
/// * [lightGreenAccent] and [yellowAccent], similar colors.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
static const MaterialAccentColor limeAccent = MaterialAccentColor(
<int, Color>{
100: Color(0xFFF4FF81),
200: Color(_limeAccentPrimaryValue),
400: Color(0xFFC6FF00),
700: Color(0xFFAEEA00),
static const int _limeAccentPrimaryValue = 0xFFEEFF41;
/// The yellow primary color and swatch.
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// Icon(
/// Icons.widgets,
/// color: Colors.yellow[400],
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [yellowAccent], the corresponding accent colors.
/// * [lime] and [amber], similar colors.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
static const MaterialColor yellow = MaterialColor(
<int, Color>{
50: Color(0xFFFFFDE7),
100: Color(0xFFFFF9C4),
200: Color(0xFFFFF59D),
300: Color(0xFFFFF176),
400: Color(0xFFFFEE58),
500: Color(_yellowPrimaryValue),
600: Color(0xFFFDD835),
700: Color(0xFFFBC02D),
800: Color(0xFFF9A825),
900: Color(0xFFF57F17),
static const int _yellowPrimaryValue = 0xFFFFEB3B;
/// The yellow accent color and swatch.
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// Icon(
/// Icons.widgets,
/// color: Colors.yellowAccent[400],
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [yellow], the corresponding primary colors.
/// * [limeAccent] and [amberAccent], similar colors.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
static const MaterialAccentColor yellowAccent = MaterialAccentColor(
<int, Color>{
100: Color(0xFFFFFF8D),
200: Color(_yellowAccentPrimaryValue),
400: Color(0xFFFFEA00),
700: Color(0xFFFFD600),
static const int _yellowAccentPrimaryValue = 0xFFFFFF00;
/// The amber primary color and swatch.
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// Icon(
/// Icons.widgets,
/// color: Colors.amber[400],
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [amberAccent], the corresponding accent colors.
/// * [yellow] and [orange], similar colors.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
static const MaterialColor amber = MaterialColor(
<int, Color>{
50: Color(0xFFFFF8E1),
100: Color(0xFFFFECB3),
200: Color(0xFFFFE082),
300: Color(0xFFFFD54F),
400: Color(0xFFFFCA28),
500: Color(_amberPrimaryValue),
600: Color(0xFFFFB300),
700: Color(0xFFFFA000),
800: Color(0xFFFF8F00),
900: Color(0xFFFF6F00),
static const int _amberPrimaryValue = 0xFFFFC107;
/// The amber accent color and swatch.
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// Icon(
/// Icons.widgets,
/// color: Colors.amberAccent[400],
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [amber], the corresponding primary colors.
/// * [yellowAccent] and [orangeAccent], similar colors.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
static const MaterialAccentColor amberAccent = MaterialAccentColor(
<int, Color>{
100: Color(0xFFFFE57F),
200: Color(_amberAccentPrimaryValue),
400: Color(0xFFFFC400),
700: Color(0xFFFFAB00),
static const int _amberAccentPrimaryValue = 0xFFFFD740;
/// The orange primary color and swatch.
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// Icon(
/// Icons.widgets,
/// color:[400],
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [orangeAccent], the corresponding accent colors.
/// * [amber], [deepOrange], and [brown], similar colors.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
static const MaterialColor orange = MaterialColor(
<int, Color>{
50: Color(0xFFFFF3E0),
100: Color(0xFFFFE0B2),
200: Color(0xFFFFCC80),
300: Color(0xFFFFB74D),
400: Color(0xFFFFA726),
500: Color(_orangePrimaryValue),
600: Color(0xFFFB8C00),
700: Color(0xFFF57C00),
800: Color(0xFFEF6C00),
900: Color(0xFFE65100),
static const int _orangePrimaryValue = 0xFFFF9800;
/// The orange accent color and swatch.
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// Icon(
/// Icons.widgets,
/// color: Colors.orangeAccent[400],
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [orange], the corresponding primary colors.
/// * [amberAccent] and [deepOrangeAccent], similar colors.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
static const MaterialAccentColor orangeAccent = MaterialAccentColor(
<int, Color>{
100: Color(0xFFFFD180),
200: Color(_orangeAccentPrimaryValue),
400: Color(0xFFFF9100),
700: Color(0xFFFF6D00),
static const int _orangeAccentPrimaryValue = 0xFFFFAB40;
/// The deep orange primary color and swatch.
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// Icon(
/// Icons.widgets,
/// color: Colors.deepOrange[400],
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [deepOrangeAccent], the corresponding accent colors.
/// * [orange], [red], and [brown], similar colors.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
static const MaterialColor deepOrange = MaterialColor(
<int, Color>{
50: Color(0xFFFBE9E7),
100: Color(0xFFFFCCBC),
200: Color(0xFFFFAB91),
300: Color(0xFFFF8A65),
400: Color(0xFFFF7043),
500: Color(_deepOrangePrimaryValue),
600: Color(0xFFF4511E),
700: Color(0xFFE64A19),
800: Color(0xFFD84315),
900: Color(0xFFBF360C),
static const int _deepOrangePrimaryValue = 0xFFFF5722;
/// The deep orange accent color and swatch.
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// Icon(
/// Icons.widgets,
/// color: Colors.deepOrangeAccent[400],
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [deepOrange], the corresponding primary colors.
/// * [orangeAccent] [redAccent], similar colors.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
static const MaterialAccentColor deepOrangeAccent = MaterialAccentColor(
<int, Color>{
100: Color(0xFFFF9E80),
200: Color(_deepOrangeAccentPrimaryValue),
400: Color(0xFFFF3D00),
700: Color(0xFFDD2C00),
static const int _deepOrangeAccentPrimaryValue = 0xFFFF6E40;
/// The brown primary color and swatch.
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// This swatch has no corresponding accent color and swatch.
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// Icon(
/// Icons.widgets,
/// color: Colors.brown[400],
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [orange] and [blueGrey], vaguely similar colors.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
static const MaterialColor brown = MaterialColor(
<int, Color>{
50: Color(0xFFEFEBE9),
100: Color(0xFFD7CCC8),
200: Color(0xFFBCAAA4),
300: Color(0xFFA1887F),
400: Color(0xFF8D6E63),
500: Color(_brownPrimaryValue),
600: Color(0xFF6D4C41),
700: Color(0xFF5D4037),
800: Color(0xFF4E342E),
900: Color(0xFF3E2723),
static const int _brownPrimaryValue = 0xFF795548;
/// The grey primary color and swatch.
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// This swatch has no corresponding accent swatch.
/// This swatch, in addition to the values 50 and 100 to 900 in 100
/// increments, also features the special values 350 and 850. The 350 value is
/// used for raised button while pressed in light themes, and 850 is used for
/// the background color of the dark theme. See [ThemeData.brightness].
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// Icon(
/// Icons.widgets,
/// color: Colors.grey[400],
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [blueGrey] and [brown], somewhat similar colors.
/// * [black], [black87], [black54], [black45], [black38], [black26], [black12], which
/// provide a different approach to showing shades of grey.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
static const MaterialColor grey = MaterialColor(
<int, Color>{
50: Color(0xFFFAFAFA),
100: Color(0xFFF5F5F5),
200: Color(0xFFEEEEEE),
300: Color(0xFFE0E0E0),
350: Color(0xFFD6D6D6), // only for raised button while pressed in light theme
400: Color(0xFFBDBDBD),
500: Color(_greyPrimaryValue),
600: Color(0xFF757575),
700: Color(0xFF616161),
800: Color(0xFF424242),
850: Color(0xFF303030), // only for background color in dark theme
900: Color(0xFF212121),
static const int _greyPrimaryValue = 0xFF9E9E9E;
/// The blue-grey primary color and swatch.
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// This swatch has no corresponding accent swatch.
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// Icon(
/// Icons.widgets,
/// color: Colors.blueGrey[400],
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [grey], [cyan], and [blue], similar colors.
/// * [Theme.of], which allows you to select colors from the current theme
/// rather than hard-coding colors in your build methods.
static const MaterialColor blueGrey = MaterialColor(
<int, Color>{
50: Color(0xFFECEFF1),
100: Color(0xFFCFD8DC),
200: Color(0xFFB0BEC5),
300: Color(0xFF90A4AE),
400: Color(0xFF78909C),
500: Color(_blueGreyPrimaryValue),
600: Color(0xFF546E7A),
700: Color(0xFF455A64),
800: Color(0xFF37474F),
900: Color(0xFF263238),
static const int _blueGreyPrimaryValue = 0xFF607D8B;
/// The Material Design primary color swatches, excluding grey.
static const List<MaterialColor> primaries = <MaterialColor>[
// The grey swatch is intentionally omitted because when picking a color
// randomly from this list to colorize an application, picking grey suddenly
// makes the app look disabled.
/// The Material Design accent color swatches.
static const List<MaterialAccentColor> accents = <MaterialAccentColor>[