blob: b6e00827b7272e0ce72515e7dd075e44bd81552f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'material_localizations.dart';
/// Utility functions for working with dates.
abstract final class DateUtils {
/// Returns a [DateTime] with the date of the original, but time set to
/// midnight.
static DateTime dateOnly(DateTime date) {
return DateTime(date.year, date.month,;
/// Returns a [DateTimeRange] with the dates of the original, but with times
/// set to midnight.
/// See also:
/// * [dateOnly], which does the same thing for a single date.
static DateTimeRange datesOnly(DateTimeRange range) {
return DateTimeRange(start: dateOnly(range.start), end: dateOnly(range.end));
/// Returns true if the two [DateTime] objects have the same day, month, and
/// year, or are both null.
static bool isSameDay(DateTime? dateA, DateTime? dateB) {
dateA?.year == dateB?.year &&
dateA?.month == dateB?.month &&
dateA?.day == dateB?.day;
/// Returns true if the two [DateTime] objects have the same month and
/// year, or are both null.
static bool isSameMonth(DateTime? dateA, DateTime? dateB) {
dateA?.year == dateB?.year &&
dateA?.month == dateB?.month;
/// Determines the number of months between two [DateTime] objects.
/// For example:
/// ```dart
/// DateTime date1 = DateTime(2019, 6, 15);
/// DateTime date2 = DateTime(2020, 1, 15);
/// int delta = DateUtils.monthDelta(date1, date2);
/// ```
/// The value for `delta` would be `7`.
static int monthDelta(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate) {
return (endDate.year - startDate.year) * 12 + endDate.month - startDate.month;
/// Returns a [DateTime] that is [monthDate] with the added number
/// of months and the day set to 1 and time set to midnight.
/// For example:
/// ```dart
/// DateTime date = DateTime(2019, 1, 15);
/// DateTime futureDate = DateUtils.addMonthsToMonthDate(date, 3);
/// ```
/// `date` would be January 15, 2019.
/// `futureDate` would be April 1, 2019 since it adds 3 months.
static DateTime addMonthsToMonthDate(DateTime monthDate, int monthsToAdd) {
return DateTime(monthDate.year, monthDate.month + monthsToAdd);
/// Returns a [DateTime] with the added number of days and time set to
/// midnight.
static DateTime addDaysToDate(DateTime date, int days) {
return DateTime(date.year, date.month, + days);
/// Computes the offset from the first day of the week that the first day of
/// the [month] falls on.
/// For example, September 1, 2017 falls on a Friday, which in the calendar
/// localized for United States English appears as:
/// S M T W T F S
/// _ _ _ _ _ 1 2
/// The offset for the first day of the months is the number of leading blanks
/// in the calendar, i.e. 5.
/// The same date localized for the Russian calendar has a different offset,
/// because the first day of week is Monday rather than Sunday:
/// M T W T F S S
/// _ _ _ _ 1 2 3
/// So the offset is 4, rather than 5.
/// This code consolidates the following:
/// - [DateTime.weekday] provides a 1-based index into days of week, with 1
/// falling on Monday.
/// - [MaterialLocalizations.firstDayOfWeekIndex] provides a 0-based index
/// into the [MaterialLocalizations.narrowWeekdays] list.
/// - [MaterialLocalizations.narrowWeekdays] list provides localized names of
/// days of week, always starting with Sunday and ending with Saturday.
static int firstDayOffset(int year, int month, MaterialLocalizations localizations) {
// 0-based day of week for the month and year, with 0 representing Monday.
final int weekdayFromMonday = DateTime(year, month).weekday - 1;
// 0-based start of week depending on the locale, with 0 representing Sunday.
int firstDayOfWeekIndex = localizations.firstDayOfWeekIndex;
// firstDayOfWeekIndex recomputed to be Monday-based, in order to compare with
// weekdayFromMonday.
firstDayOfWeekIndex = (firstDayOfWeekIndex - 1) % 7;
// Number of days between the first day of week appearing on the calendar,
// and the day corresponding to the first of the month.
return (weekdayFromMonday - firstDayOfWeekIndex) % 7;
/// Returns the number of days in a month, according to the proleptic
/// Gregorian calendar.
/// This applies the leap year logic introduced by the Gregorian reforms of
/// 1582. It will not give valid results for dates prior to that time.
static int getDaysInMonth(int year, int month) {
if (month == DateTime.february) {
final bool isLeapYear = (year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0) || (year % 400 == 0);
return isLeapYear ? 29 : 28;
const List<int> daysInMonth = <int>[31, -1, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
return daysInMonth[month - 1];
/// Mode of date entry method for the date picker dialog.
/// In [calendar] mode, a calendar grid is displayed and the user taps the
/// day they wish to select. In [input] mode a TextField] is displayed and
/// the user types in the date they wish to select.
/// [calendarOnly] and [inputOnly] are variants of the above that don't
/// allow the user to change to the mode.
/// See also:
/// * [showDatePicker] and [showDateRangePicker], which use this to control
/// the initial entry mode of their dialogs.
enum DatePickerEntryMode {
/// User picks a date from calendar grid. Can switch to [input] by activating
/// a mode button in the dialog.
/// User can input the date by typing it into a text field.
/// Can switch to [calendar] by activating a mode button in the dialog.
/// User can only pick a date from calendar grid.
/// There is no user interface to switch to another mode.
/// User can only input the date by typing it into a text field.
/// There is no user interface to switch to another mode.
/// Initial display of a calendar date picker.
/// Either a grid of available years or a monthly calendar.
/// See also:
/// * [showDatePicker], which shows a dialog that contains a Material Design
/// date picker.
/// * [CalendarDatePicker], widget which implements the Material Design date picker.
enum DatePickerMode {
/// Choosing a month and day.
/// Choosing a year.
/// Signature for predicating dates for enabled date selections.
/// See [showDatePicker], which has a [SelectableDayPredicate] parameter used
/// to specify allowable days in the date picker.
typedef SelectableDayPredicate = bool Function(DateTime day);
/// Encapsulates a start and end [DateTime] that represent the range of dates.
/// The range includes the [start] and [end] dates. The [start] and [end] dates
/// may be equal to indicate a date range of a single day. The [start] date must
/// not be after the [end] date.
/// See also:
/// * [showDateRangePicker], which displays a dialog that allows the user to
/// select a date range.
class DateTimeRange {
/// Creates a date range for the given start and end [DateTime].
required this.start,
required this.end,
}) : assert(!start.isAfter(end));
/// The start of the range of dates.
final DateTime start;
/// The end of the range of dates.
final DateTime end;
/// Returns a [Duration] of the time between [start] and [end].
/// See [DateTime.difference] for more details.
Duration get duration => end.difference(start);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) {
return false;
return other is DateTimeRange
&& other.start == start
&& other.end == end;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(start, end);
String toString() => '$start - $end';