| // Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; |
| import 'basic.dart'; |
| import 'binding.dart'; |
| import 'framework.dart'; |
| import 'implicit_animations.dart'; |
| import 'media_query.dart'; |
| import 'navigator.dart'; |
| import 'overlay.dart'; |
| import 'pages.dart'; |
| import 'routes.dart'; |
| import 'ticker_provider.dart' show TickerMode; |
| import 'transitions.dart'; |
| |
| /// Signature for a function that takes two [Rect] instances and returns a |
| /// [RectTween] that transitions between them. |
| /// |
| /// This is typically used with a [HeroController] to provide an animation for |
| /// [Hero] positions that looks nicer than a linear movement. For example, see |
| /// [MaterialRectArcTween]. |
| typedef CreateRectTween = Tween<Rect?> Function(Rect? begin, Rect? end); |
| |
| /// Signature for a function that builds a [Hero] placeholder widget given a |
| /// child and a [Size]. |
| /// |
| /// The child can optionally be part of the returned widget tree. The returned |
| /// widget should typically be constrained to [heroSize], if it doesn't do so |
| /// implicitly. |
| /// |
| /// See also: |
| /// |
| /// * [TransitionBuilder], which is similar but only takes a [BuildContext] |
| /// and a child widget. |
| typedef HeroPlaceholderBuilder = Widget Function( |
| BuildContext context, |
| Size heroSize, |
| Widget child, |
| ); |
| |
| /// A function that lets [Hero]es self supply a [Widget] that is shown during the |
| /// hero's flight from one route to another instead of default (which is to |
| /// show the destination route's instance of the Hero). |
| typedef HeroFlightShuttleBuilder = Widget Function( |
| BuildContext flightContext, |
| Animation<double> animation, |
| HeroFlightDirection flightDirection, |
| BuildContext fromHeroContext, |
| BuildContext toHeroContext, |
| ); |
| |
| typedef _OnFlightEnded = void Function(_HeroFlight flight); |
| |
| /// Direction of the hero's flight based on the navigation operation. |
| enum HeroFlightDirection { |
| /// A flight triggered by a route push. |
| /// |
| /// The animation goes from 0 to 1. |
| /// |
| /// If no custom [HeroFlightShuttleBuilder] is supplied, the top route's |
| /// [Hero] child is shown in flight. |
| push, |
| |
| /// A flight triggered by a route pop. |
| /// |
| /// The animation goes from 1 to 0. |
| /// |
| /// If no custom [HeroFlightShuttleBuilder] is supplied, the bottom route's |
| /// [Hero] child is shown in flight. |
| pop, |
| } |
| |
| /// A widget that marks its child as being a candidate for |
| /// [hero animations](https://flutter.dev/docs/development/ui/animations/hero-animations). |
| /// |
| /// When a [PageRoute] is pushed or popped with the [Navigator], the entire |
| /// screen's content is replaced. An old route disappears and a new route |
| /// appears. If there's a common visual feature on both routes then it can |
| /// be helpful for orienting the user for the feature to physically move from |
| /// one page to the other during the routes' transition. Such an animation |
| /// is called a *hero animation*. The hero widgets "fly" in the Navigator's |
| /// overlay during the transition and while they're in-flight they're, by |
| /// default, not shown in their original locations in the old and new routes. |
| /// |
| /// To label a widget as such a feature, wrap it in a [Hero] widget. When |
| /// navigation happens, the [Hero] widgets on each route are identified |
| /// by the [HeroController]. For each pair of [Hero] widgets that have the |
| /// same tag, a hero animation is triggered. |
| /// |
| /// If a [Hero] is already in flight when navigation occurs, its |
| /// flight animation will be redirected to its new destination. The |
| /// widget shown in-flight during the transition is, by default, the |
| /// destination route's [Hero]'s child. |
| /// |
| /// For a Hero animation to trigger, the Hero has to exist on the very first |
| /// frame of the new page's animation. |
| /// |
| /// Routes must not contain more than one [Hero] for each [tag]. |
| /// |
| /// {@youtube 560 315 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Be9UH1kXFDw} |
| /// |
| /// {@tool dartpad} |
| /// This sample shows a [Hero] used within a [ListTile]. |
| /// |
| /// Tapping on the Hero-wrapped rectangle triggers a hero |
| /// animation as a new [MaterialPageRoute] is pushed. Both the size |
| /// and location of the rectangle animates. |
| /// |
| /// Both widgets use the same [Hero.tag]. |
| /// |
| /// The Hero widget uses the matching tags to identify and execute this |
| /// animation. |
| /// |
| /// ** See code in examples/api/lib/widgets/heroes/hero.0.dart ** |
| /// {@end-tool} |
| /// |
| /// {@tool dartpad} |
| /// This sample shows [Hero] flight animations using default tween |
| /// and custom rect tween. |
| /// |
| /// ** See code in examples/api/lib/widgets/heroes/hero.1.dart ** |
| /// {@end-tool} |
| /// |
| /// ## Discussion |
| /// |
| /// Heroes and the [Navigator]'s [Overlay] [Stack] must be axis-aligned for |
| /// all this to work. The top left and bottom right coordinates of each animated |
| /// Hero will be converted to global coordinates and then from there converted |
| /// to that [Stack]'s coordinate space, and the entire Hero subtree will, for |
| /// the duration of the animation, be lifted out of its original place, and |
| /// positioned on that stack. If the [Hero] isn't axis aligned, this is going to |
| /// fail in a rather ugly fashion. Don't rotate your heroes! |
| /// |
| /// To make the animations look good, it's critical that the widget tree for the |
| /// hero in both locations be essentially identical. The widget of the *target* |
| /// is, by default, used to do the transition: when going from route A to route |
| /// B, route B's hero's widget is placed over route A's hero's widget. Additionally, |
| /// if the [Hero] subtree changes appearance based on an [InheritedWidget] (such |
| /// as [MediaQuery] or [Theme]), then the hero animation may have discontinuity |
| /// at the start or the end of the animation because route A and route B provides |
| /// different such [InheritedWidget]s. Consider providing a custom [flightShuttleBuilder] |
| /// to ensure smooth transitions. The default [flightShuttleBuilder] interpolates |
| /// [MediaQuery]'s paddings. If your [Hero] widget uses custom [InheritedWidget]s |
| /// and displays a discontinuity in the animation, try to provide custom in-flight |
| /// transition using [flightShuttleBuilder]. |
| /// |
| /// By default, both route A and route B's heroes are hidden while the |
| /// transitioning widget is animating in-flight above the 2 routes. |
| /// [placeholderBuilder] can be used to show a custom widget in their place |
| /// instead once the transition has taken flight. |
| /// |
| /// During the transition, the transition widget is animated to route B's hero's |
| /// position, and then the widget is inserted into route B. When going back from |
| /// B to A, route A's hero's widget is, by default, placed over where route B's |
| /// hero's widget was, and then the animation goes the other way. |
| /// |
| /// ### Nested Navigators |
| /// |
| /// If either or both routes contain nested [Navigator]s, only [Hero]es |
| /// contained in the top-most routes (as defined by [Route.isCurrent]) *of those |
| /// nested [Navigator]s* are considered for animation. Just like in the |
| /// non-nested case the top-most routes containing these [Hero]es in the nested |
| /// [Navigator]s have to be [PageRoute]s. |
| /// |
| /// ## Parts of a Hero Transition |
| /// |
| ///  |
| class Hero extends StatefulWidget { |
| /// Create a hero. |
| /// |
| /// The [child] parameter and all of the its descendants must not be [Hero]es. |
| const Hero({ |
| super.key, |
| required this.tag, |
| this.createRectTween, |
| this.flightShuttleBuilder, |
| this.placeholderBuilder, |
| this.transitionOnUserGestures = false, |
| required this.child, |
| }); |
| |
| /// The identifier for this particular hero. If the tag of this hero matches |
| /// the tag of a hero on a [PageRoute] that we're navigating to or from, then |
| /// a hero animation will be triggered. |
| final Object tag; |
| |
| /// Defines how the destination hero's bounds change as it flies from the starting |
| /// route to the destination route. |
| /// |
| /// A hero flight begins with the destination hero's [child] aligned with the |
| /// starting hero's child. The [Tween<Rect>] returned by this callback is used |
| /// to compute the hero's bounds as the flight animation's value goes from 0.0 |
| /// to 1.0. |
| /// |
| /// If this property is null, the default, then the value of |
| /// [HeroController.createRectTween] is used. The [HeroController] created by |
| /// [MaterialApp] creates a [MaterialRectArcTween]. |
| final CreateRectTween? createRectTween; |
| |
| /// The widget subtree that will "fly" from one route to another during a |
| /// [Navigator] push or pop transition. |
| /// |
| /// The appearance of this subtree should be similar to the appearance of |
| /// the subtrees of any other heroes in the application with the same [tag]. |
| /// Changes in scale and aspect ratio work well in hero animations, changes |
| /// in layout or composition do not. |
| /// |
| /// {@macro flutter.widgets.ProxyWidget.child} |
| final Widget child; |
| |
| /// Optional override to supply a widget that's shown during the hero's flight. |
| /// |
| /// This in-flight widget can depend on the route transition's animation as |
| /// well as the incoming and outgoing routes' [Hero] descendants' widgets and |
| /// layout. |
| /// |
| /// When both the source and destination [Hero]es provide a [flightShuttleBuilder], |
| /// the destination's [flightShuttleBuilder] takes precedence. |
| /// |
| /// If none is provided, the destination route's Hero child is shown in-flight |
| /// by default. |
| /// |
| /// ## Limitations |
| /// |
| /// If a widget built by [flightShuttleBuilder] takes part in a [Navigator] |
| /// push transition, that widget or its descendants must not have any |
| /// [GlobalKey] that is used in the source Hero's descendant widgets. That is |
| /// because both subtrees will be included in the widget tree during the Hero |
| /// flight animation, and [GlobalKey]s must be unique across the entire widget |
| /// tree. |
| /// |
| /// If the said [GlobalKey] is essential to your application, consider providing |
| /// a custom [placeholderBuilder] for the source Hero, to avoid the [GlobalKey] |
| /// collision, such as a builder that builds an empty [SizedBox], keeping the |
| /// Hero [child]'s original size. |
| final HeroFlightShuttleBuilder? flightShuttleBuilder; |
| |
| /// Placeholder widget left in place as the Hero's [child] once the flight takes |
| /// off. |
| /// |
| /// By default the placeholder widget is an empty [SizedBox] keeping the Hero |
| /// child's original size, unless this Hero is a source Hero of a [Navigator] |
| /// push transition, in which case [child] will be a descendant of the placeholder |
| /// and will be kept [Offstage] during the Hero's flight. |
| final HeroPlaceholderBuilder? placeholderBuilder; |
| |
| /// Whether to perform the hero transition if the [PageRoute] transition was |
| /// triggered by a user gesture, such as a back swipe on iOS. |
| /// |
| /// If [Hero]es with the same [tag] on both the from and the to routes have |
| /// [transitionOnUserGestures] set to true, a back swipe gesture will |
| /// trigger the same hero animation as a programmatically triggered push or |
| /// pop. |
| /// |
| /// The route being popped to or the bottom route must also have |
| /// [PageRoute.maintainState] set to true for a gesture triggered hero |
| /// transition to work. |
| /// |
| /// Defaults to false. |
| final bool transitionOnUserGestures; |
| |
| // Returns a map of all of the heroes in `context` indexed by hero tag that |
| // should be considered for animation when `navigator` transitions from one |
| // PageRoute to another. |
| static Map<Object, _HeroState> _allHeroesFor( |
| BuildContext context, |
| bool isUserGestureTransition, |
| NavigatorState navigator, |
| ) { |
| final Map<Object, _HeroState> result = <Object, _HeroState>{}; |
| |
| void inviteHero(StatefulElement hero, Object tag) { |
| assert(() { |
| if (result.containsKey(tag)) { |
| throw FlutterError.fromParts(<DiagnosticsNode>[ |
| ErrorSummary('There are multiple heroes that share the same tag within a subtree.'), |
| ErrorDescription( |
| 'Within each subtree for which heroes are to be animated (i.e. a PageRoute subtree), ' |
| 'each Hero must have a unique non-null tag.\n' |
| 'In this case, multiple heroes had the following tag: $tag', |
| ), |
| DiagnosticsProperty<StatefulElement>('Here is the subtree for one of the offending heroes', hero, linePrefix: '# ', style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.dense), |
| ]); |
| } |
| return true; |
| }()); |
| final Hero heroWidget = hero.widget as Hero; |
| final _HeroState heroState = hero.state as _HeroState; |
| if (!isUserGestureTransition || heroWidget.transitionOnUserGestures) { |
| result[tag] = heroState; |
| } else { |
| // If transition is not allowed, we need to make sure hero is not hidden. |
| // A hero can be hidden previously due to hero transition. |
| heroState.endFlight(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void visitor(Element element) { |
| final Widget widget = element.widget; |
| if (widget is Hero) { |
| final StatefulElement hero = element as StatefulElement; |
| final Object tag = widget.tag; |
| if (Navigator.of(hero) == navigator) { |
| inviteHero(hero, tag); |
| } else { |
| // The nearest navigator to the Hero is not the Navigator that is |
| // currently transitioning from one route to another. This means |
| // the Hero is inside a nested Navigator and should only be |
| // considered for animation if it is part of the top-most route in |
| // that nested Navigator and if that route is also a PageRoute. |
| final ModalRoute<Object?>? heroRoute = ModalRoute.of(hero); |
| if (heroRoute != null && heroRoute is PageRoute && heroRoute.isCurrent) { |
| inviteHero(hero, tag); |
| } |
| } |
| } else if (widget is HeroMode && !widget.enabled) { |
| return; |
| } |
| element.visitChildren(visitor); |
| } |
| |
| context.visitChildElements(visitor); |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| State<Hero> createState() => _HeroState(); |
| |
| @override |
| void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { |
| super.debugFillProperties(properties); |
| properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Object>('tag', tag)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// The [Hero] widget displays different content based on whether it is in an |
| /// animated transition ("flight"), from/to another [Hero] with the same tag: |
| /// * When [startFlight] is called, the real content of this [Hero] will be |
| /// replaced by a "placeholder" widget. |
| /// * When the flight ends, the "toHero"'s [endFlight] method must be called |
| /// by the hero controller, so the real content of that [Hero] becomes |
| /// visible again when the animation completes. |
| class _HeroState extends State<Hero> { |
| final GlobalKey _key = GlobalKey(); |
| Size? _placeholderSize; |
| // Whether the placeholder widget should wrap the hero's child widget as its |
| // own child, when `_placeholderSize` is non-null (i.e. the hero is currently |
| // in its flight animation). See `startFlight`. |
| bool _shouldIncludeChild = true; |
| |
| // The `shouldIncludeChildInPlaceholder` flag dictates if the child widget of |
| // this hero should be included in the placeholder widget as a descendant. |
| // |
| // When a new hero flight animation takes place, a placeholder widget |
| // needs to be built to replace the original hero widget. When |
| // `shouldIncludeChildInPlaceholder` is set to true and `widget.placeholderBuilder` |
| // is null, the placeholder widget will include the original hero's child |
| // widget as a descendant, allowing the original element tree to be preserved. |
| // |
| // It is typically set to true for the *from* hero in a push transition, |
| // and false otherwise. |
| void startFlight({ bool shouldIncludedChildInPlaceholder = false }) { |
| _shouldIncludeChild = shouldIncludedChildInPlaceholder; |
| assert(mounted); |
| final RenderBox box = context.findRenderObject()! as RenderBox; |
| assert(box.hasSize); |
| setState(() { |
| _placeholderSize = box.size; |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| // When `keepPlaceholder` is true, the placeholder will continue to be shown |
| // after the flight ends. Otherwise the child of the Hero will become visible |
| // and its TickerMode will be re-enabled. |
| // |
| // This method can be safely called even when this [Hero] is currently not in |
| // a flight. |
| void endFlight({ bool keepPlaceholder = false }) { |
| if (keepPlaceholder || _placeholderSize == null) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| _placeholderSize = null; |
| if (mounted) { |
| // Tell the widget to rebuild if it's mounted. _placeholderSize has already |
| // been updated. |
| setState(() {}); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| Widget build(BuildContext context) { |
| assert( |
| context.findAncestorWidgetOfExactType<Hero>() == null, |
| 'A Hero widget cannot be the descendant of another Hero widget.', |
| ); |
| |
| final bool showPlaceholder = _placeholderSize != null; |
| |
| if (showPlaceholder && widget.placeholderBuilder != null) { |
| return widget.placeholderBuilder!(context, _placeholderSize!, widget.child); |
| } |
| |
| if (showPlaceholder && !_shouldIncludeChild) { |
| return SizedBox( |
| width: _placeholderSize!.width, |
| height: _placeholderSize!.height, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| return SizedBox( |
| width: _placeholderSize?.width, |
| height: _placeholderSize?.height, |
| child: Offstage( |
| offstage: showPlaceholder, |
| child: TickerMode( |
| enabled: !showPlaceholder, |
| child: KeyedSubtree(key: _key, child: widget.child), |
| ), |
| ), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Everything known about a hero flight that's to be started or diverted. |
| @immutable |
| class _HeroFlightManifest { |
| _HeroFlightManifest({ |
| required this.type, |
| required this.overlay, |
| required this.navigatorSize, |
| required this.fromRoute, |
| required this.toRoute, |
| required this.fromHero, |
| required this.toHero, |
| required this.createRectTween, |
| required this.shuttleBuilder, |
| required this.isUserGestureTransition, |
| required this.isDiverted, |
| }) : assert(fromHero.widget.tag == toHero.widget.tag); |
| |
| final HeroFlightDirection type; |
| final OverlayState overlay; |
| final Size navigatorSize; |
| final PageRoute<dynamic> fromRoute; |
| final PageRoute<dynamic> toRoute; |
| final _HeroState fromHero; |
| final _HeroState toHero; |
| final CreateRectTween? createRectTween; |
| final HeroFlightShuttleBuilder shuttleBuilder; |
| final bool isUserGestureTransition; |
| final bool isDiverted; |
| |
| Object get tag => fromHero.widget.tag; |
| |
| Animation<double> get animation { |
| return CurvedAnimation( |
| parent: (type == HeroFlightDirection.push) ? toRoute.animation! : fromRoute.animation!, |
| curve: Curves.fastOutSlowIn, |
| reverseCurve: isDiverted ? null : Curves.fastOutSlowIn.flipped, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| Tween<Rect?> createHeroRectTween({ required Rect? begin, required Rect? end }) { |
| final CreateRectTween? createRectTween = toHero.widget.createRectTween ?? this.createRectTween; |
| return createRectTween?.call(begin, end) ?? RectTween(begin: begin, end: end); |
| } |
| |
| // The bounding box for `context`'s render object, in `ancestorContext`'s |
| // render object's coordinate space. |
| static Rect _boundingBoxFor(BuildContext context, BuildContext? ancestorContext) { |
| assert(ancestorContext != null); |
| final RenderBox box = context.findRenderObject()! as RenderBox; |
| assert(box.hasSize && box.size.isFinite); |
| return MatrixUtils.transformRect( |
| box.getTransformTo(ancestorContext?.findRenderObject()), |
| Offset.zero & box.size, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| /// The bounding box of [fromHero], in [fromRoute]'s coordinate space. |
| /// |
| /// This property should only be accessed in [_HeroFlight.start]. |
| late final Rect fromHeroLocation = _boundingBoxFor(fromHero.context, fromRoute.subtreeContext); |
| |
| /// The bounding box of [toHero], in [toRoute]'s coordinate space. |
| /// |
| /// This property should only be accessed in [_HeroFlight.start] or |
| /// [_HeroFlight.divert]. |
| late final Rect toHeroLocation = _boundingBoxFor(toHero.context, toRoute.subtreeContext); |
| |
| /// Whether this [_HeroFlightManifest] is valid and can be used to start or |
| /// divert a [_HeroFlight]. |
| /// |
| /// When starting or diverting a [_HeroFlight] with a brand new |
| /// [_HeroFlightManifest], this flag must be checked to ensure the [RectTween] |
| /// the [_HeroFlightManifest] produces does not contain coordinates that have |
| /// [double.infinity] or [double.nan]. |
| late final bool isValid = toHeroLocation.isFinite && (isDiverted || fromHeroLocation.isFinite); |
| |
| @override |
| String toString() { |
| return '_HeroFlightManifest($type tag: $tag from route: ${fromRoute.settings} ' |
| 'to route: ${toRoute.settings} with hero: $fromHero to $toHero)${isValid ? '' : ', INVALID'}'; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Builds the in-flight hero widget. |
| class _HeroFlight { |
| _HeroFlight(this.onFlightEnded) { |
| _proxyAnimation = ProxyAnimation()..addStatusListener(_handleAnimationUpdate); |
| } |
| |
| final _OnFlightEnded onFlightEnded; |
| |
| late Tween<Rect?> heroRectTween; |
| Widget? shuttle; |
| |
| Animation<double> _heroOpacity = kAlwaysCompleteAnimation; |
| late ProxyAnimation _proxyAnimation; |
| // The manifest will be available once `start` is called, throughout the |
| // flight's lifecycle. |
| late _HeroFlightManifest manifest; |
| OverlayEntry? overlayEntry; |
| bool _aborted = false; |
| |
| static final Animatable<double> _reverseTween = Tween<double>(begin: 1.0, end: 0.0); |
| |
| // The OverlayEntry WidgetBuilder callback for the hero's overlay. |
| Widget _buildOverlay(BuildContext context) { |
| shuttle ??= manifest.shuttleBuilder( |
| context, |
| manifest.animation, |
| manifest.type, |
| manifest.fromHero.context, |
| manifest.toHero.context, |
| ); |
| assert(shuttle != null); |
| |
| return AnimatedBuilder( |
| animation: _proxyAnimation, |
| child: shuttle, |
| builder: (BuildContext context, Widget? child) { |
| final Rect rect = heroRectTween.evaluate(_proxyAnimation)!; |
| final RelativeRect offsets = RelativeRect.fromSize(rect, manifest.navigatorSize); |
| return Positioned( |
| top: offsets.top, |
| right: offsets.right, |
| bottom: offsets.bottom, |
| left: offsets.left, |
| child: IgnorePointer( |
| child: FadeTransition( |
| opacity: _heroOpacity, |
| child: child, |
| ), |
| ), |
| ); |
| }, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| void _performAnimationUpdate(AnimationStatus status) { |
| if (status == AnimationStatus.completed || status == AnimationStatus.dismissed) { |
| _proxyAnimation.parent = null; |
| |
| assert(overlayEntry != null); |
| overlayEntry!.remove(); |
| overlayEntry!.dispose(); |
| overlayEntry = null; |
| // We want to keep the hero underneath the current page hidden. If |
| // [AnimationStatus.completed], toHero will be the one on top and we keep |
| // fromHero hidden. If [AnimationStatus.dismissed], the animation is |
| // triggered but canceled before it finishes. In this case, we keep toHero |
| // hidden instead. |
| manifest.fromHero.endFlight(keepPlaceholder: status == AnimationStatus.completed); |
| manifest.toHero.endFlight(keepPlaceholder: status == AnimationStatus.dismissed); |
| onFlightEnded(this); |
| _proxyAnimation.removeListener(onTick); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| bool _scheduledPerformAnimationUpdate = false; |
| void _handleAnimationUpdate(AnimationStatus status) { |
| // The animation will not finish until the user lifts their finger, so we |
| // should suppress the status update if the gesture is in progress, and |
| // delay it until the finger is lifted. |
| if (manifest.fromRoute.navigator?.userGestureInProgress != true) { |
| _performAnimationUpdate(status); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (_scheduledPerformAnimationUpdate) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| // The `navigator` must be non-null here, or the first if clause above would |
| // have returned from this method. |
| final NavigatorState navigator = manifest.fromRoute.navigator!; |
| |
| void delayedPerformAnimationUpdate() { |
| assert(!navigator.userGestureInProgress); |
| assert(_scheduledPerformAnimationUpdate); |
| _scheduledPerformAnimationUpdate = false; |
| navigator.userGestureInProgressNotifier.removeListener(delayedPerformAnimationUpdate); |
| _performAnimationUpdate(_proxyAnimation.status); |
| } |
| assert(navigator.userGestureInProgress); |
| _scheduledPerformAnimationUpdate = true; |
| navigator.userGestureInProgressNotifier.addListener(delayedPerformAnimationUpdate); |
| } |
| |
| /// Releases resources. |
| @mustCallSuper |
| void dispose() { |
| if (overlayEntry != null) { |
| overlayEntry!.remove(); |
| overlayEntry!.dispose(); |
| overlayEntry = null; |
| _proxyAnimation.parent = null; |
| _proxyAnimation.removeListener(onTick); |
| _proxyAnimation.removeStatusListener(_handleAnimationUpdate); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void onTick() { |
| final RenderBox? toHeroBox = (!_aborted && manifest.toHero.mounted) |
| ? manifest.toHero.context.findRenderObject() as RenderBox? |
| : null; |
| // Try to find the new origin of the toHero, if the flight isn't aborted. |
| final Offset? toHeroOrigin = toHeroBox != null && toHeroBox.attached && toHeroBox.hasSize |
| ? toHeroBox.localToGlobal(Offset.zero, ancestor: manifest.toRoute.subtreeContext?.findRenderObject() as RenderBox?) |
| : null; |
| |
| if (toHeroOrigin != null && toHeroOrigin.isFinite) { |
| // If the new origin of toHero is available and also paintable, try to |
| // update heroRectTween with it. |
| if (toHeroOrigin != heroRectTween.end!.topLeft) { |
| final Rect heroRectEnd = toHeroOrigin & heroRectTween.end!.size; |
| heroRectTween = manifest.createHeroRectTween(begin: heroRectTween.begin, end: heroRectEnd); |
| } |
| } else if (_heroOpacity.isCompleted) { |
| // The toHero no longer exists or it's no longer the flight's destination. |
| // Continue flying while fading out. |
| _heroOpacity = _proxyAnimation.drive( |
| _reverseTween.chain(CurveTween(curve: Interval(_proxyAnimation.value, 1.0))), |
| ); |
| } |
| // Update _aborted for the next animation tick. |
| _aborted = toHeroOrigin == null || !toHeroOrigin.isFinite; |
| } |
| |
| // The simple case: we're either starting a push or a pop animation. |
| void start(_HeroFlightManifest initialManifest) { |
| assert(!_aborted); |
| assert(() { |
| final Animation<double> initial = initialManifest.animation; |
| final HeroFlightDirection type = initialManifest.type; |
| switch (type) { |
| case HeroFlightDirection.pop: |
| return initial.value == 1.0 && initialManifest.isUserGestureTransition |
| // During user gesture transitions, the animation controller isn't |
| // driving the reverse transition, but should still be in a previously |
| // completed stage with the initial value at 1.0. |
| ? initial.status == AnimationStatus.completed |
| : initial.status == AnimationStatus.reverse; |
| case HeroFlightDirection.push: |
| return initial.value == 0.0 && initial.status == AnimationStatus.forward; |
| } |
| }()); |
| |
| manifest = initialManifest; |
| |
| final bool shouldIncludeChildInPlaceholder; |
| switch (manifest.type) { |
| case HeroFlightDirection.pop: |
| _proxyAnimation.parent = ReverseAnimation(manifest.animation); |
| shouldIncludeChildInPlaceholder = false; |
| case HeroFlightDirection.push: |
| _proxyAnimation.parent = manifest.animation; |
| shouldIncludeChildInPlaceholder = true; |
| } |
| |
| heroRectTween = manifest.createHeroRectTween(begin: manifest.fromHeroLocation, end: manifest.toHeroLocation); |
| manifest.fromHero.startFlight(shouldIncludedChildInPlaceholder: shouldIncludeChildInPlaceholder); |
| manifest.toHero.startFlight(); |
| manifest.overlay.insert(overlayEntry = OverlayEntry(builder: _buildOverlay)); |
| _proxyAnimation.addListener(onTick); |
| } |
| |
| // While this flight's hero was in transition a push or a pop occurred for |
| // routes with the same hero. Redirect the in-flight hero to the new toRoute. |
| void divert(_HeroFlightManifest newManifest) { |
| assert(manifest.tag == newManifest.tag); |
| if (manifest.type == HeroFlightDirection.push && newManifest.type == HeroFlightDirection.pop) { |
| // A push flight was interrupted by a pop. |
| assert(newManifest.animation.status == AnimationStatus.reverse); |
| assert(manifest.fromHero == newManifest.toHero); |
| assert(manifest.toHero == newManifest.fromHero); |
| assert(manifest.fromRoute == newManifest.toRoute); |
| assert(manifest.toRoute == newManifest.fromRoute); |
| |
| // The same heroRect tween is used in reverse, rather than creating |
| // a new heroRect with _doCreateRectTween(heroRect.end, heroRect.begin). |
| // That's because tweens like MaterialRectArcTween may create a different |
| // path for swapped begin and end parameters. We want the pop flight |
| // path to be the same (in reverse) as the push flight path. |
| _proxyAnimation.parent = ReverseAnimation(newManifest.animation); |
| heroRectTween = ReverseTween<Rect?>(heroRectTween); |
| } else if (manifest.type == HeroFlightDirection.pop && newManifest.type == HeroFlightDirection.push) { |
| // A pop flight was interrupted by a push. |
| assert(newManifest.animation.status == AnimationStatus.forward); |
| assert(manifest.toHero == newManifest.fromHero); |
| assert(manifest.toRoute == newManifest.fromRoute); |
| |
| _proxyAnimation.parent = newManifest.animation.drive( |
| Tween<double>( |
| begin: manifest.animation.value, |
| end: 1.0, |
| ), |
| ); |
| if (manifest.fromHero != newManifest.toHero) { |
| manifest.fromHero.endFlight(keepPlaceholder: true); |
| newManifest.toHero.startFlight(); |
| heroRectTween = manifest.createHeroRectTween(begin: heroRectTween.end, end: newManifest.toHeroLocation); |
| } else { |
| // TODO(hansmuller): Use ReverseTween here per github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/12203. |
| heroRectTween = manifest.createHeroRectTween(begin: heroRectTween.end, end: heroRectTween.begin); |
| } |
| } else { |
| // A push or a pop flight is heading to a new route, i.e. |
| // manifest.type == _HeroFlightType.push && newManifest.type == _HeroFlightType.push || |
| // manifest.type == _HeroFlightType.pop && newManifest.type == _HeroFlightType.pop |
| assert(manifest.fromHero != newManifest.fromHero); |
| assert(manifest.toHero != newManifest.toHero); |
| |
| heroRectTween = manifest.createHeroRectTween( |
| begin: heroRectTween.evaluate(_proxyAnimation), |
| end: newManifest.toHeroLocation, |
| ); |
| shuttle = null; |
| |
| if (newManifest.type == HeroFlightDirection.pop) { |
| _proxyAnimation.parent = ReverseAnimation(newManifest.animation); |
| } else { |
| _proxyAnimation.parent = newManifest.animation; |
| } |
| |
| manifest.fromHero.endFlight(keepPlaceholder: true); |
| manifest.toHero.endFlight(keepPlaceholder: true); |
| |
| // Let the heroes in each of the routes rebuild with their placeholders. |
| newManifest.fromHero.startFlight(shouldIncludedChildInPlaceholder: newManifest.type == HeroFlightDirection.push); |
| newManifest.toHero.startFlight(); |
| |
| // Let the transition overlay on top of the routes also rebuild since |
| // we cleared the old shuttle. |
| overlayEntry!.markNeedsBuild(); |
| } |
| |
| manifest = newManifest; |
| } |
| |
| void abort() { |
| _aborted = true; |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| String toString() { |
| final RouteSettings from = manifest.fromRoute.settings; |
| final RouteSettings to = manifest.toRoute.settings; |
| final Object tag = manifest.tag; |
| return 'HeroFlight(for: $tag, from: $from, to: $to ${_proxyAnimation.parent})'; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// A [Navigator] observer that manages [Hero] transitions. |
| /// |
| /// An instance of [HeroController] should be used in [Navigator.observers]. |
| /// This is done automatically by [MaterialApp]. |
| class HeroController extends NavigatorObserver { |
| /// Creates a hero controller with the given [RectTween] constructor if any. |
| /// |
| /// The [createRectTween] argument is optional. If null, the controller uses a |
| /// linear [Tween<Rect>]. |
| HeroController({ this.createRectTween }); |
| |
| /// Used to create [RectTween]s that interpolate the position of heroes in flight. |
| /// |
| /// If null, the controller uses a linear [RectTween]. |
| final CreateRectTween? createRectTween; |
| |
| // All of the heroes that are currently in the overlay and in motion. |
| // Indexed by the hero tag. |
| final Map<Object, _HeroFlight> _flights = <Object, _HeroFlight>{}; |
| |
| @override |
| void didPush(Route<dynamic> route, Route<dynamic>? previousRoute) { |
| assert(navigator != null); |
| _maybeStartHeroTransition(previousRoute, route, HeroFlightDirection.push, false); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void didPop(Route<dynamic> route, Route<dynamic>? previousRoute) { |
| assert(navigator != null); |
| // Don't trigger another flight when a pop is committed as a user gesture |
| // back swipe is snapped. |
| if (!navigator!.userGestureInProgress) { |
| _maybeStartHeroTransition(route, previousRoute, HeroFlightDirection.pop, false); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void didReplace({ Route<dynamic>? newRoute, Route<dynamic>? oldRoute }) { |
| assert(navigator != null); |
| if (newRoute?.isCurrent ?? false) { |
| // Only run hero animations if the top-most route got replaced. |
| _maybeStartHeroTransition(oldRoute, newRoute, HeroFlightDirection.push, false); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void didStartUserGesture(Route<dynamic> route, Route<dynamic>? previousRoute) { |
| assert(navigator != null); |
| _maybeStartHeroTransition(route, previousRoute, HeroFlightDirection.pop, true); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void didStopUserGesture() { |
| if (navigator!.userGestureInProgress) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| // When the user gesture ends, if the user horizontal drag gesture initiated |
| // the flight (i.e. the back swipe) didn't move towards the pop direction at |
| // all, the animation will not play and thus the status update callback |
| // _handleAnimationUpdate will never be called when the gesture finishes. In |
| // this case the initiated flight needs to be manually invalidated. |
| bool isInvalidFlight(_HeroFlight flight) { |
| return flight.manifest.isUserGestureTransition |
| && flight.manifest.type == HeroFlightDirection.pop |
| && flight._proxyAnimation.isDismissed; |
| } |
| |
| final List<_HeroFlight> invalidFlights = _flights.values |
| .where(isInvalidFlight) |
| .toList(growable: false); |
| |
| // Treat these invalidated flights as dismissed. Calling _handleAnimationUpdate |
| // will also remove the flight from _flights. |
| for (final _HeroFlight flight in invalidFlights) { |
| flight._handleAnimationUpdate(AnimationStatus.dismissed); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // If we're transitioning between different page routes, start a hero transition |
| // after the toRoute has been laid out with its animation's value at 1.0. |
| void _maybeStartHeroTransition( |
| Route<dynamic>? fromRoute, |
| Route<dynamic>? toRoute, |
| HeroFlightDirection flightType, |
| bool isUserGestureTransition, |
| ) { |
| if (toRoute == fromRoute || |
| toRoute is! PageRoute<dynamic> || |
| fromRoute is! PageRoute<dynamic>) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| final PageRoute<dynamic> from = fromRoute; |
| final PageRoute<dynamic> to = toRoute; |
| |
| // A user gesture may have already completed the pop, or we might be the initial route |
| switch (flightType) { |
| case HeroFlightDirection.pop: |
| if (from.animation!.value == 0.0) { |
| return; |
| } |
| case HeroFlightDirection.push: |
| if (to.animation!.value == 1.0) { |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // For pop transitions driven by a user gesture: if the "to" page has |
| // maintainState = true, then the hero's final dimensions can be measured |
| // immediately because their page's layout is still valid. |
| if (isUserGestureTransition && flightType == HeroFlightDirection.pop && to.maintainState) { |
| _startHeroTransition(from, to, flightType, isUserGestureTransition); |
| } else { |
| // Otherwise, delay measuring until the end of the next frame to allow |
| // the 'to' route to build and layout. |
| |
| // Putting a route offstage changes its animation value to 1.0. Once this |
| // frame completes, we'll know where the heroes in the `to` route are |
| // going to end up, and the `to` route will go back onstage. |
| to.offstage = to.animation!.value == 0.0; |
| |
| WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((Duration value) { |
| if (from.navigator == null || to.navigator == null) { |
| return; |
| } |
| _startHeroTransition(from, to, flightType, isUserGestureTransition); |
| }, debugLabel: 'HeroController.startTransition'); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Find the matching pairs of heroes in from and to and either start or a new |
| // hero flight, or divert an existing one. |
| void _startHeroTransition( |
| PageRoute<dynamic> from, |
| PageRoute<dynamic> to, |
| HeroFlightDirection flightType, |
| bool isUserGestureTransition, |
| ) { |
| // If the `to` route was offstage, then we're implicitly restoring its |
| // animation value back to what it was before it was "moved" offstage. |
| to.offstage = false; |
| |
| final NavigatorState? navigator = this.navigator; |
| final OverlayState? overlay = navigator?.overlay; |
| // If the navigator or the overlay was removed before this end-of-frame |
| // callback was called, then don't actually start a transition, and we don't |
| // have to worry about any Hero widget we might have hidden in a previous |
| // flight, or ongoing flights. |
| if (navigator == null || overlay == null) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| final RenderObject? navigatorRenderObject = navigator.context.findRenderObject(); |
| |
| if (navigatorRenderObject is! RenderBox) { |
| assert(false, 'Navigator $navigator has an invalid RenderObject type ${navigatorRenderObject.runtimeType}.'); |
| return; |
| } |
| assert(navigatorRenderObject.hasSize); |
| |
| // At this point, the toHeroes may have been built and laid out for the first time. |
| // |
| // If `fromSubtreeContext` is null, call endFlight on all toHeroes, for good measure. |
| // If `toSubtreeContext` is null abort existingFlights. |
| final BuildContext? fromSubtreeContext = from.subtreeContext; |
| final Map<Object, _HeroState> fromHeroes = fromSubtreeContext != null |
| ? Hero._allHeroesFor(fromSubtreeContext, isUserGestureTransition, navigator) |
| : const <Object, _HeroState>{}; |
| final BuildContext? toSubtreeContext = to.subtreeContext; |
| final Map<Object, _HeroState> toHeroes = toSubtreeContext != null |
| ? Hero._allHeroesFor(toSubtreeContext, isUserGestureTransition, navigator) |
| : const <Object, _HeroState>{}; |
| |
| for (final MapEntry<Object, _HeroState> fromHeroEntry in fromHeroes.entries) { |
| final Object tag = fromHeroEntry.key; |
| final _HeroState fromHero = fromHeroEntry.value; |
| final _HeroState? toHero = toHeroes[tag]; |
| final _HeroFlight? existingFlight = _flights[tag]; |
| final _HeroFlightManifest? manifest = toHero == null |
| ? null |
| : _HeroFlightManifest( |
| type: flightType, |
| overlay: overlay, |
| navigatorSize: navigatorRenderObject.size, |
| fromRoute: from, |
| toRoute: to, |
| fromHero: fromHero, |
| toHero: toHero, |
| createRectTween: createRectTween, |
| shuttleBuilder: toHero.widget.flightShuttleBuilder |
| ?? fromHero.widget.flightShuttleBuilder |
| ?? _defaultHeroFlightShuttleBuilder, |
| isUserGestureTransition: isUserGestureTransition, |
| isDiverted: existingFlight != null, |
| ); |
| |
| // Only proceed with a valid manifest. Otherwise abort the existing |
| // flight, and call endFlight when this for loop finishes. |
| if (manifest != null && manifest.isValid) { |
| toHeroes.remove(tag); |
| if (existingFlight != null) { |
| existingFlight.divert(manifest); |
| } else { |
| _flights[tag] = _HeroFlight(_handleFlightEnded)..start(manifest); |
| } |
| } else { |
| existingFlight?.abort(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // The remaining entries in toHeroes are those failed to participate in a |
| // new flight (for not having a valid manifest). |
| // |
| // This can happen in a route pop transition when a fromHero is no longer |
| // mounted, or kept alive by the [KeepAlive] mechanism but no longer visible. |
| // TODO(LongCatIsLooong): resume aborted flights: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/72947 |
| for (final _HeroState toHero in toHeroes.values) { |
| toHero.endFlight(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void _handleFlightEnded(_HeroFlight flight) { |
| _flights.remove(flight.manifest.tag); |
| } |
| |
| Widget _defaultHeroFlightShuttleBuilder( |
| BuildContext flightContext, |
| Animation<double> animation, |
| HeroFlightDirection flightDirection, |
| BuildContext fromHeroContext, |
| BuildContext toHeroContext, |
| ) { |
| final Hero toHero = toHeroContext.widget as Hero; |
| |
| final MediaQueryData? toMediaQueryData = MediaQuery.maybeOf(toHeroContext); |
| final MediaQueryData? fromMediaQueryData = MediaQuery.maybeOf(fromHeroContext); |
| |
| if (toMediaQueryData == null || fromMediaQueryData == null) { |
| return toHero.child; |
| } |
| |
| final EdgeInsets fromHeroPadding = fromMediaQueryData.padding; |
| final EdgeInsets toHeroPadding = toMediaQueryData.padding; |
| |
| return AnimatedBuilder( |
| animation: animation, |
| builder: (BuildContext context, Widget? child) { |
| return MediaQuery( |
| data: toMediaQueryData.copyWith( |
| padding: (flightDirection == HeroFlightDirection.push) |
| ? EdgeInsetsTween( |
| begin: fromHeroPadding, |
| end: toHeroPadding, |
| ).evaluate(animation) |
| : EdgeInsetsTween( |
| begin: toHeroPadding, |
| end: fromHeroPadding, |
| ).evaluate(animation), |
| ), |
| child: toHero.child); |
| }, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| /// Releases resources. |
| @mustCallSuper |
| void dispose() { |
| for (final _HeroFlight flight in _flights.values) { |
| flight.dispose(); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Enables or disables [Hero]es in the widget subtree. |
| /// |
| /// {@youtube 560 315 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaIASk2u1C0} |
| /// |
| /// When [enabled] is false, all [Hero] widgets in this subtree will not be |
| /// involved in hero animations. |
| /// |
| /// When [enabled] is true (the default), [Hero] widgets may be involved in |
| /// hero animations, as usual. |
| class HeroMode extends StatelessWidget { |
| /// Creates a widget that enables or disables [Hero]es. |
| const HeroMode({ |
| super.key, |
| required this.child, |
| this.enabled = true, |
| }); |
| |
| /// The subtree to place inside the [HeroMode]. |
| final Widget child; |
| |
| /// Whether or not [Hero]es are enabled in this subtree. |
| /// |
| /// If this property is false, the [Hero]es in this subtree will not animate |
| /// on route changes. Otherwise, they will animate as usual. |
| /// |
| /// Defaults to true. |
| final bool enabled; |
| |
| @override |
| Widget build(BuildContext context) => child; |
| |
| @override |
| void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { |
| super.debugFillProperties(properties); |
| properties.add(FlagProperty('mode', value: enabled, ifTrue: 'enabled', ifFalse: 'disabled', showName: true)); |
| } |
| } |