blob: 317ed0131b2e12e73b5ea12b2b7f15218ec18117 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart';
import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';
import 'package:flutter/scheduler.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:vector_math/vector_math_64.dart';
import 'actions.dart';
import 'basic.dart';
import 'context_menu_button_item.dart';
import 'debug.dart';
import 'focus_manager.dart';
import 'focus_scope.dart';
import 'framework.dart';
import 'gesture_detector.dart';
import 'magnifier.dart';
import 'media_query.dart';
import 'overlay.dart';
import 'platform_selectable_region_context_menu.dart';
import 'selection_container.dart';
import 'text_editing_intents.dart';
import 'text_selection.dart';
import 'text_selection_toolbar_anchors.dart';
// Examples can assume:
// FocusNode _focusNode = FocusNode();
// late GlobalKey key;
const Set<PointerDeviceKind> _kLongPressSelectionDevices = <PointerDeviceKind>{
// In practice some selectables like widgetspan shift several pixels. So when
// the vertical position diff is within the threshold, compare the horizontal
// position to make the compareScreenOrder function more robust.
const double _kSelectableVerticalComparingThreshold = 3.0;
/// A widget that introduces an area for user selections.
/// Flutter widgets are not selectable by default. Wrapping a widget subtree
/// with a [SelectableRegion] widget enables selection within that subtree (for
/// example, [Text] widgets automatically look for selectable regions to enable
/// selection). The wrapped subtree can be selected by users using mouse or
/// touch gestures, e.g. users can select widgets by holding the mouse
/// left-click and dragging across widgets, or they can use long press gestures
/// to select words on touch devices.
/// A [SelectableRegion] widget requires configuration; in particular specific
/// [selectionControls] must be provided.
/// The [SelectionArea] widget from the [material] library configures a
/// [SelectableRegion] in a platform-specific manner (e.g. using a Material
/// toolbar on Android, a Cupertino toolbar on iOS), and it may therefore be
/// simpler to use that widget rather than using [SelectableRegion] directly.
/// ## An overview of the selection system.
/// Every [Selectable] under the [SelectableRegion] can be selected. They form a
/// selection tree structure to handle the selection.
/// The [SelectableRegion] is a wrapper over [SelectionContainer]. It listens to
/// user gestures and sends corresponding [SelectionEvent]s to the
/// [SelectionContainer] it creates.
/// A [SelectionContainer] is a single [Selectable] that handles
/// [SelectionEvent]s on behalf of child [Selectable]s in the subtree. It
/// creates a [SelectionRegistrarScope] with its [SelectionContainer.delegate]
/// to collect child [Selectable]s and sends the [SelectionEvent]s it receives
/// from the parent [SelectionRegistrar] to the appropriate child [Selectable]s.
/// It creates an abstraction for the parent [SelectionRegistrar] as if it is
/// interacting with a single [Selectable].
/// The [SelectionContainer] created by [SelectableRegion] is the root node of a
/// selection tree. Each non-leaf node in the tree is a [SelectionContainer],
/// and the leaf node is a leaf widget whose render object implements
/// [Selectable]. They are connected through [SelectionRegistrarScope]s created
/// by [SelectionContainer]s.
/// Both [SelectionContainer]s and the leaf [Selectable]s need to register
/// themselves to the [SelectionRegistrar] from the
/// [SelectionContainer.maybeOf] if they want to participate in the
/// selection.
/// An example selection tree will look like:
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// MaterialApp(
/// home: SelectableRegion(
/// selectionControls: materialTextSelectionControls,
/// focusNode: _focusNode, // initialized to FocusNode()
/// child: Scaffold(
/// appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('Flutter Code Sample')),
/// body: ListView(
/// children: const <Widget>[
/// Text('Item 0', style: TextStyle(fontSize: 50.0)),
/// Text('Item 1', style: TextStyle(fontSize: 50.0)),
/// ],
/// ),
/// ),
/// ),
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// SelectionContainer
/// (SelectableRegion)
/// / \
/// / \
/// / \
/// Selectable \
/// ("Flutter Code Sample") \
/// \
/// SelectionContainer
/// (ListView)
/// / \
/// / \
/// / \
/// Selectable Selectable
/// ("Item 0") ("Item 1")
/// ## Making a widget selectable
/// Some leaf widgets, such as [Text], have all of the selection logic wired up
/// automatically and can be selected as long as they are under a
/// [SelectableRegion].
/// To make a custom selectable widget, its render object needs to mix in
/// [Selectable] and implement the required APIs to handle [SelectionEvent]s
/// as well as paint appropriate selection highlights.
/// The render object also needs to register itself to a [SelectionRegistrar].
/// For the most cases, one can use [SelectionRegistrant] to auto-register
/// itself with the register returned from [SelectionContainer.maybeOf] as
/// seen in the example below.
/// {@tool dartpad}
/// This sample demonstrates how to create an adapter widget that makes any
/// child widget selectable.
/// ** See code in examples/api/lib/material/selectable_region/selectable_region.0.dart **
/// {@end-tool}
/// ## Complex layout
/// By default, the screen order is used as the selection order. If a group of
/// [Selectable]s needs to select differently, consider wrapping them with a
/// [SelectionContainer] to customize its selection behavior.
/// {@tool dartpad}
/// This sample demonstrates how to create a [SelectionContainer] that only
/// allows selecting everything or nothing with no partial selection.
/// ** See code in examples/api/lib/material/selection_container/selection_container.0.dart **
/// {@end-tool}
/// In the case where a group of widgets should be excluded from selection under
/// a [SelectableRegion], consider wrapping that group of widgets using
/// [SelectionContainer.disabled].
/// {@tool dartpad}
/// This sample demonstrates how to disable selection for a Text in a Column.
/// ** See code in examples/api/lib/material/selection_container/selection_container_disabled.0.dart **
/// {@end-tool}
/// To create a separate selection system from its parent selection area,
/// wrap part of the subtree with another [SelectableRegion]. The selection of the
/// child selection area can not extend past its subtree, and the selection of
/// the parent selection area can not extend inside the child selection area.
/// ## Tests
/// In a test, a region can be selected either by faking drag events (e.g. using
/// [WidgetTester.dragFrom]) or by sending intents to a widget inside the region
/// that has been given a [GlobalKey], e.g.:
/// ```dart
/// Actions.invoke(key.currentContext!, const SelectAllTextIntent(SelectionChangedCause.keyboard));
/// ```
/// See also:
/// * [SelectionArea], which creates a [SelectableRegion] with
/// platform-adaptive selection controls.
/// * [SelectionHandler], which contains APIs to handle selection events from the
/// [SelectableRegion].
/// * [Selectable], which provides API to participate in the selection system.
/// * [SelectionRegistrar], which [Selectable] needs to subscribe to receive
/// selection events.
/// * [SelectionContainer], which collects selectable widgets in the subtree
/// and provides api to dispatch selection event to the collected widget.
class SelectableRegion extends StatefulWidget {
/// Create a new [SelectableRegion] widget.
/// The [selectionControls] are used for building the selection handles and
/// toolbar for mobile devices.
const SelectableRegion({
required this.focusNode,
required this.selectionControls,
required this.child,
this.magnifierConfiguration = TextMagnifierConfiguration.disabled,
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.magnifier.TextMagnifierConfiguration.intro}
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.magnifier.intro}
/// By default, [SelectableRegion]'s [TextMagnifierConfiguration] is disabled.
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.magnifier.TextMagnifierConfiguration.details}
final TextMagnifierConfiguration magnifierConfiguration;
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.Focus.focusNode}
final FocusNode focusNode;
/// The child widget this selection area applies to.
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.ProxyWidget.child}
final Widget child;
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.EditableText.contextMenuBuilder}
final SelectableRegionContextMenuBuilder? contextMenuBuilder;
/// The delegate to build the selection handles and toolbar for mobile
/// devices.
/// The [emptyTextSelectionControls] global variable provides a default
/// [TextSelectionControls] implementation with no controls.
final TextSelectionControls selectionControls;
/// Called when the selected content changes.
final ValueChanged<SelectedContent?>? onSelectionChanged;
/// Returns the [ContextMenuButtonItem]s representing the buttons in this
/// platform's default selection menu.
/// For example, [SelectableRegion] uses this to generate the default buttons
/// for its context menu.
/// See also:
/// * [SelectableRegionState.contextMenuButtonItems], which gives the
/// [ContextMenuButtonItem]s for a specific SelectableRegion.
/// * [EditableText.getEditableButtonItems], which performs a similar role but
/// for content that is both selectable and editable.
/// * [AdaptiveTextSelectionToolbar], which builds the toolbar itself, and can
/// take a list of [ContextMenuButtonItem]s with
/// [AdaptiveTextSelectionToolbar.buttonItems].
/// * [AdaptiveTextSelectionToolbar.getAdaptiveButtons], which builds the button
/// Widgets for the current platform given [ContextMenuButtonItem]s.
static List<ContextMenuButtonItem> getSelectableButtonItems({
required final SelectionGeometry selectionGeometry,
required final VoidCallback onCopy,
required final VoidCallback onSelectAll,
}) {
final bool canCopy = selectionGeometry.status == SelectionStatus.uncollapsed;
final bool canSelectAll = selectionGeometry.hasContent;
// Determine which buttons will appear so that the order and total number is
// known. A button's position in the menu can slightly affect its
// appearance.
return <ContextMenuButtonItem>[
if (canCopy)
onPressed: onCopy,
type: ContextMenuButtonType.copy,
if (canSelectAll)
onPressed: onSelectAll,
type: ContextMenuButtonType.selectAll,
State<StatefulWidget> createState() => SelectableRegionState();
/// State for a [SelectableRegion].
class SelectableRegionState extends State<SelectableRegion> with TextSelectionDelegate implements SelectionRegistrar {
late final Map<Type, Action<Intent>> _actions = <Type, Action<Intent>>{
SelectAllTextIntent: _makeOverridable(_SelectAllAction(this)),
CopySelectionTextIntent: _makeOverridable(_CopySelectionAction(this)),
ExtendSelectionToNextWordBoundaryOrCaretLocationIntent: _makeOverridable(_GranularlyExtendSelectionAction<ExtendSelectionToNextWordBoundaryOrCaretLocationIntent>(this, granularity: TextGranularity.word)),
ExpandSelectionToDocumentBoundaryIntent: _makeOverridable(_GranularlyExtendSelectionAction<ExpandSelectionToDocumentBoundaryIntent>(this, granularity: TextGranularity.document)),
ExpandSelectionToLineBreakIntent: _makeOverridable(_GranularlyExtendSelectionAction<ExpandSelectionToLineBreakIntent>(this, granularity: TextGranularity.line)),
ExtendSelectionByCharacterIntent: _makeOverridable(_GranularlyExtendCaretSelectionAction<ExtendSelectionByCharacterIntent>(this, granularity: TextGranularity.character)),
ExtendSelectionToNextWordBoundaryIntent: _makeOverridable(_GranularlyExtendCaretSelectionAction<ExtendSelectionToNextWordBoundaryIntent>(this, granularity: TextGranularity.word)),
ExtendSelectionToLineBreakIntent: _makeOverridable(_GranularlyExtendCaretSelectionAction<ExtendSelectionToLineBreakIntent>(this, granularity: TextGranularity.line)),
ExtendSelectionVerticallyToAdjacentLineIntent: _makeOverridable(_DirectionallyExtendCaretSelectionAction<ExtendSelectionVerticallyToAdjacentLineIntent>(this)),
ExtendSelectionToDocumentBoundaryIntent: _makeOverridable(_GranularlyExtendCaretSelectionAction<ExtendSelectionToDocumentBoundaryIntent>(this, granularity: TextGranularity.document)),
final Map<Type, GestureRecognizerFactory> _gestureRecognizers = <Type, GestureRecognizerFactory>{};
SelectionOverlay? _selectionOverlay;
final LayerLink _startHandleLayerLink = LayerLink();
final LayerLink _endHandleLayerLink = LayerLink();
final LayerLink _toolbarLayerLink = LayerLink();
final _SelectableRegionContainerDelegate _selectionDelegate = _SelectableRegionContainerDelegate();
// there should only ever be one selectable, which is the SelectionContainer.
Selectable? _selectable;
bool get _hasSelectionOverlayGeometry => _selectionDelegate.value.startSelectionPoint != null
|| _selectionDelegate.value.endSelectionPoint != null;
Orientation? _lastOrientation;
SelectedContent? _lastSelectedContent;
/// {@macro flutter.rendering.RenderEditable.lastSecondaryTapDownPosition}
Offset? lastSecondaryTapDownPosition;
/// The [SelectionOverlay] that is currently visible on the screen.
/// Can be null if there is no visible [SelectionOverlay].
SelectionOverlay? get selectionOverlay => _selectionOverlay;
void initState() {
// Taps and right clicks.
_gestureRecognizers[TapGestureRecognizer] = GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers<TapGestureRecognizer>(
() => TapGestureRecognizer(debugOwner: this),
(TapGestureRecognizer instance) {
instance.onTapUp = (TapUpDetails details) {
if (defaultTargetPlatform == TargetPlatform.iOS && _positionIsOnActiveSelection(globalPosition: details.globalPosition)) {
// On iOS when the tap occurs on the previous selection, instead of
// moving the selection, the context menu will be toggled.
final bool toolbarIsVisible = _selectionOverlay?.toolbarIsVisible ?? false;
if (toolbarIsVisible) {
} else {
_showToolbar(location: details.globalPosition);
} else {
_collapseSelectionAt(offset: details.globalPosition);
instance.onSecondaryTapDown = _handleRightClickDown;
void didChangeDependencies() {
switch (defaultTargetPlatform) {
case TargetPlatform.iOS:
case TargetPlatform.fuchsia:
case TargetPlatform.linux:
case TargetPlatform.macOS:
// Hide the text selection toolbar on mobile when orientation changes.
final Orientation orientation = MediaQuery.orientationOf(context);
if (_lastOrientation == null) {
_lastOrientation = orientation;
if (orientation != _lastOrientation) {
_lastOrientation = orientation;
hideToolbar(defaultTargetPlatform ==;
void didUpdateWidget(SelectableRegion oldWidget) {
if (widget.focusNode != oldWidget.focusNode) {
if (widget.focusNode.hasFocus != oldWidget.focusNode.hasFocus) {
Action<T> _makeOverridable<T extends Intent>(Action<T> defaultAction) {
return Action<T>.overridable(context: context, defaultAction: defaultAction);
void _handleFocusChanged() {
if (!widget.focusNode.hasFocus) {
if (kIsWeb) {
if (kIsWeb) {
void _updateSelectionStatus() {
final TextSelection selection;
final SelectionGeometry geometry = _selectionDelegate.value;
switch (geometry.status) {
case SelectionStatus.uncollapsed:
case SelectionStatus.collapsed:
selection = const TextSelection(baseOffset: 0, extentOffset: 1);
case SelectionStatus.none:
selection = const TextSelection.collapsed(offset: 1);
textEditingValue = TextEditingValue(text: '__', selection: selection);
if (_hasSelectionOverlayGeometry) {
} else {
_selectionOverlay = null;
// gestures.
// Converts the details.consecutiveTapCount from a TapAndDrag*Details object,
// which can grow to be infinitely large, to a value between 1 and the supported
// max consecutive tap count. The value that the raw count is converted to is
// based on the default observed behavior on the native platforms.
// This method should be used in all instances when details.consecutiveTapCount
// would be used.
static int _getEffectiveConsecutiveTapCount(int rawCount) {
const int maxConsecutiveTap = 2;
switch (defaultTargetPlatform) {
case TargetPlatform.fuchsia:
case TargetPlatform.linux:
// From observation, these platforms reset their tap count to 0 when
// the number of consecutive taps exceeds the max consecutive tap supported.
// For example on Debian Linux with GTK, when going past a triple click,
// on the fourth click the selection is moved to the precise click
// position, on the fifth click the word at the position is selected, and
// on the sixth click the paragraph at the position is selected.
return rawCount <= maxConsecutiveTap ? rawCount : (rawCount % maxConsecutiveTap == 0 ? maxConsecutiveTap : rawCount % maxConsecutiveTap);
case TargetPlatform.iOS:
case TargetPlatform.macOS:
// From observation, these platforms either hold their tap count at the max
// consecutive tap supported. For example on macOS, when going past a triple
// click, the selection should be retained at the paragraph that was first
// selected on triple click.
return min(rawCount, maxConsecutiveTap);
void _initMouseGestureRecognizer() {
_gestureRecognizers[TapAndPanGestureRecognizer] = GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers<TapAndPanGestureRecognizer>(
() => TapAndPanGestureRecognizer(debugOwner:this, supportedDevices: <PointerDeviceKind>{ PointerDeviceKind.mouse }),
(TapAndPanGestureRecognizer instance) {
..onTapDown = _startNewMouseSelectionGesture
..onTapUp = _handleMouseTapUp
..onDragStart = _handleMouseDragStart
..onDragUpdate = _handleMouseDragUpdate
..onDragEnd = _handleMouseDragEnd
..onCancel = _clearSelection
..dragStartBehavior = DragStartBehavior.down;
void _initTouchGestureRecognizer() {
_gestureRecognizers[LongPressGestureRecognizer] = GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers<LongPressGestureRecognizer>(
() => LongPressGestureRecognizer(debugOwner: this, supportedDevices: _kLongPressSelectionDevices),
(LongPressGestureRecognizer instance) {
..onLongPressStart = _handleTouchLongPressStart
..onLongPressMoveUpdate = _handleTouchLongPressMoveUpdate
..onLongPressEnd = _handleTouchLongPressEnd;
void _startNewMouseSelectionGesture(TapDragDownDetails details) {
switch (_getEffectiveConsecutiveTapCount(details.consecutiveTapCount)) {
case 1:
switch (defaultTargetPlatform) {
case TargetPlatform.fuchsia:
case TargetPlatform.iOS:
// On mobile platforms the selection is set on tap up.
case TargetPlatform.macOS:
case TargetPlatform.linux:
_collapseSelectionAt(offset: details.globalPosition);
case 2:
_selectWordAt(offset: details.globalPosition);
void _handleMouseDragStart(TapDragStartDetails details) {
switch (_getEffectiveConsecutiveTapCount(details.consecutiveTapCount)) {
case 1:
_selectStartTo(offset: details.globalPosition);
void _handleMouseDragUpdate(TapDragUpdateDetails details) {
switch (_getEffectiveConsecutiveTapCount(details.consecutiveTapCount)) {
case 1:
_selectEndTo(offset: details.globalPosition, continuous: true);
case 2:
_selectEndTo(offset: details.globalPosition, continuous: true, textGranularity: TextGranularity.word);
void _handleMouseDragEnd(TapDragEndDetails details) {
void _handleMouseTapUp(TapDragUpDetails details) {
switch (_getEffectiveConsecutiveTapCount(details.consecutiveTapCount)) {
case 1:
switch (defaultTargetPlatform) {
case TargetPlatform.fuchsia:
case TargetPlatform.iOS:
_collapseSelectionAt(offset: details.globalPosition);
case TargetPlatform.macOS:
case TargetPlatform.linux:
// On desktop platforms the selection is set on tap down.
void _updateSelectedContentIfNeeded() {
if (_lastSelectedContent?.plainText != _selectable?.getSelectedContent()?.plainText) {
_lastSelectedContent = _selectable?.getSelectedContent();
void _handleTouchLongPressStart(LongPressStartDetails details) {
_selectWordAt(offset: details.globalPosition);
// Platforms besides Android will show the text selection handles when
// the long press is initiated. Android shows the text selection handles when
// the long press has ended, usually after a pointer up event is received.
if (defaultTargetPlatform != {
void _handleTouchLongPressMoveUpdate(LongPressMoveUpdateDetails details) {
_selectEndTo(offset: details.globalPosition, textGranularity: TextGranularity.word);
void _handleTouchLongPressEnd(LongPressEndDetails details) {
if (defaultTargetPlatform == {
bool _positionIsOnActiveSelection({required Offset globalPosition}) {
for (final Rect selectionRect in _selectionDelegate.value.selectionRects) {
final Matrix4 transform = _selectable!.getTransformTo(null);
final Rect globalRect = MatrixUtils.transformRect(transform, selectionRect);
if (globalRect.contains(globalPosition)) {
return true;
return false;
void _handleRightClickDown(TapDownDetails details) {
final Offset? previousSecondaryTapDownPosition = lastSecondaryTapDownPosition;
final bool toolbarIsVisible = _selectionOverlay?.toolbarIsVisible ?? false;
lastSecondaryTapDownPosition = details.globalPosition;
switch (defaultTargetPlatform) {
case TargetPlatform.fuchsia:
// If lastSecondaryTapDownPosition is within the current selection then
// keep the current selection, if not then collapse it.
final bool lastSecondaryTapDownPositionWasOnActiveSelection = _positionIsOnActiveSelection(globalPosition: details.globalPosition);
if (!lastSecondaryTapDownPositionWasOnActiveSelection) {
_collapseSelectionAt(offset: lastSecondaryTapDownPosition!);
_showToolbar(location: lastSecondaryTapDownPosition);
case TargetPlatform.iOS:
_selectWordAt(offset: lastSecondaryTapDownPosition!);
_showToolbar(location: lastSecondaryTapDownPosition);
case TargetPlatform.macOS:
if (previousSecondaryTapDownPosition == lastSecondaryTapDownPosition && toolbarIsVisible) {
_selectWordAt(offset: lastSecondaryTapDownPosition!);
_showToolbar(location: lastSecondaryTapDownPosition);
case TargetPlatform.linux:
if (toolbarIsVisible) {
// If lastSecondaryTapDownPosition is within the current selection then
// keep the current selection, if not then collapse it.
final bool lastSecondaryTapDownPositionWasOnActiveSelection = _positionIsOnActiveSelection(globalPosition: details.globalPosition);
if (!lastSecondaryTapDownPositionWasOnActiveSelection) {
_collapseSelectionAt(offset: lastSecondaryTapDownPosition!);
_showToolbar(location: lastSecondaryTapDownPosition);
// Selection update helper methods.
Offset? _selectionEndPosition;
bool get _userDraggingSelectionEnd => _selectionEndPosition != null;
bool _scheduledSelectionEndEdgeUpdate = false;
/// Sends end [SelectionEdgeUpdateEvent] to the selectable subtree.
/// If the selectable subtree returns a [SelectionResult.pending], this method
/// continues to send [SelectionEdgeUpdateEvent]s every frame until the result
/// is not pending or users end their gestures.
void _triggerSelectionEndEdgeUpdate({TextGranularity? textGranularity}) {
// This method can be called when the drag is not in progress. This can
// happen if the child scrollable returns SelectionResult.pending, and
// the selection area scheduled a selection update for the next frame, but
// the drag is lifted before the scheduled selection update is run.
if (_scheduledSelectionEndEdgeUpdate || !_userDraggingSelectionEnd) {
if (_selectable?.dispatchSelectionEvent(
SelectionEdgeUpdateEvent.forEnd(globalPosition: _selectionEndPosition!, granularity: textGranularity)) == SelectionResult.pending) {
_scheduledSelectionEndEdgeUpdate = true;
SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((Duration timeStamp) {
if (!_scheduledSelectionEndEdgeUpdate) {
_scheduledSelectionEndEdgeUpdate = false;
_triggerSelectionEndEdgeUpdate(textGranularity: textGranularity);
}, debugLabel: 'SelectableRegion.endEdgeUpdate');
void _onAnyDragEnd(DragEndDetails details) {
if (widget.selectionControls is! TextSelectionHandleControls) {
} else {
context: context,
contextMenuBuilder: (BuildContext context) {
return widget.contextMenuBuilder!(context, this);
void _stopSelectionEndEdgeUpdate() {
_scheduledSelectionEndEdgeUpdate = false;
_selectionEndPosition = null;
Offset? _selectionStartPosition;
bool get _userDraggingSelectionStart => _selectionStartPosition != null;
bool _scheduledSelectionStartEdgeUpdate = false;
/// Sends start [SelectionEdgeUpdateEvent] to the selectable subtree.
/// If the selectable subtree returns a [SelectionResult.pending], this method
/// continues to send [SelectionEdgeUpdateEvent]s every frame until the result
/// is not pending or users end their gestures.
void _triggerSelectionStartEdgeUpdate({TextGranularity? textGranularity}) {
// This method can be called when the drag is not in progress. This can
// happen if the child scrollable returns SelectionResult.pending, and
// the selection area scheduled a selection update for the next frame, but
// the drag is lifted before the scheduled selection update is run.
if (_scheduledSelectionStartEdgeUpdate || !_userDraggingSelectionStart) {
if (_selectable?.dispatchSelectionEvent(
SelectionEdgeUpdateEvent.forStart(globalPosition: _selectionStartPosition!, granularity: textGranularity)) == SelectionResult.pending) {
_scheduledSelectionStartEdgeUpdate = true;
SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((Duration timeStamp) {
if (!_scheduledSelectionStartEdgeUpdate) {
_scheduledSelectionStartEdgeUpdate = false;
_triggerSelectionStartEdgeUpdate(textGranularity: textGranularity);
}, debugLabel: 'SelectableRegion.startEdgeUpdate');
void _stopSelectionStartEdgeUpdate() {
_scheduledSelectionStartEdgeUpdate = false;
_selectionEndPosition = null;
// SelectionOverlay helper methods.
late Offset _selectionStartHandleDragPosition;
late Offset _selectionEndHandleDragPosition;
void _handleSelectionStartHandleDragStart(DragStartDetails details) {
assert(_selectionDelegate.value.startSelectionPoint != null);
final Offset localPosition = _selectionDelegate.value.startSelectionPoint!.localPosition;
final Matrix4 globalTransform = _selectable!.getTransformTo(null);
_selectionStartHandleDragPosition = MatrixUtils.transformPoint(globalTransform, localPosition);
void _handleSelectionStartHandleDragUpdate(DragUpdateDetails details) {
_selectionStartHandleDragPosition = _selectionStartHandleDragPosition +;
// The value corresponds to the paint origin of the selection handle.
// Offset it to the center of the line to make it feel more natural.
_selectionStartPosition = _selectionStartHandleDragPosition - Offset(0, _selectionDelegate.value.startSelectionPoint!.lineHeight / 2);
void _handleSelectionEndHandleDragStart(DragStartDetails details) {
assert(_selectionDelegate.value.endSelectionPoint != null);
final Offset localPosition = _selectionDelegate.value.endSelectionPoint!.localPosition;
final Matrix4 globalTransform = _selectable!.getTransformTo(null);
_selectionEndHandleDragPosition = MatrixUtils.transformPoint(globalTransform, localPosition);
void _handleSelectionEndHandleDragUpdate(DragUpdateDetails details) {
_selectionEndHandleDragPosition = _selectionEndHandleDragPosition +;
// The value corresponds to the paint origin of the selection handle.
// Offset it to the center of the line to make it feel more natural.
_selectionEndPosition = _selectionEndHandleDragPosition - Offset(0, _selectionDelegate.value.endSelectionPoint!.lineHeight / 2);
MagnifierInfo _buildInfoForMagnifier(Offset globalGesturePosition, SelectionPoint selectionPoint) {
final Vector3 globalTransform = _selectable!.getTransformTo(null).getTranslation();
final Offset globalTransformAsOffset = Offset(globalTransform.x, globalTransform.y);
final Offset globalSelectionPointPosition = selectionPoint.localPosition + globalTransformAsOffset;
final Rect caretRect = Rect.fromLTWH(
globalSelectionPointPosition.dy - selectionPoint.lineHeight,
return MagnifierInfo(
globalGesturePosition: globalGesturePosition,
caretRect: caretRect,
fieldBounds: globalTransformAsOffset & _selectable!.size,
currentLineBoundaries: globalTransformAsOffset & _selectable!.size,
void _createSelectionOverlay() {
if (_selectionOverlay != null) {
final SelectionPoint? start = _selectionDelegate.value.startSelectionPoint;
final SelectionPoint? end = _selectionDelegate.value.endSelectionPoint;
_selectionOverlay = SelectionOverlay(
context: context,
debugRequiredFor: widget,
startHandleType: start?.handleType ?? TextSelectionHandleType.left,
lineHeightAtStart: start?.lineHeight ?? end!.lineHeight,
onStartHandleDragStart: _handleSelectionStartHandleDragStart,
onStartHandleDragUpdate: _handleSelectionStartHandleDragUpdate,
onStartHandleDragEnd: _onAnyDragEnd,
endHandleType: end?.handleType ?? TextSelectionHandleType.right,
lineHeightAtEnd: end?.lineHeight ?? start!.lineHeight,
onEndHandleDragStart: _handleSelectionEndHandleDragStart,
onEndHandleDragUpdate: _handleSelectionEndHandleDragUpdate,
onEndHandleDragEnd: _onAnyDragEnd,
selectionEndpoints: selectionEndpoints,
selectionControls: widget.selectionControls,
selectionDelegate: this,
clipboardStatus: null,
startHandleLayerLink: _startHandleLayerLink,
endHandleLayerLink: _endHandleLayerLink,
toolbarLayerLink: _toolbarLayerLink,
magnifierConfiguration: widget.magnifierConfiguration
void _updateSelectionOverlay() {
if (_selectionOverlay == null) {
final SelectionPoint? start = _selectionDelegate.value.startSelectionPoint;
final SelectionPoint? end = _selectionDelegate.value.endSelectionPoint;
..startHandleType = start?.handleType ?? TextSelectionHandleType.left
..lineHeightAtStart = start?.lineHeight ?? end!.lineHeight
..endHandleType = end?.handleType ?? TextSelectionHandleType.right
..lineHeightAtEnd = end?.lineHeight ?? start!.lineHeight
..selectionEndpoints = selectionEndpoints;
/// Shows the selection handles.
/// Returns true if the handles are shown, false if the handles can't be
/// shown.
bool _showHandles() {
if (_selectionOverlay != null) {
return true;
if (!_hasSelectionOverlayGeometry) {
return false;
return true;
/// Shows the text selection toolbar.
/// If the parameter `location` is set, the toolbar will be shown at the
/// location. Otherwise, the toolbar location will be calculated based on the
/// handles' locations. The `location` is in the coordinates system of the
/// [Overlay].
/// Returns true if the toolbar is shown, false if the toolbar can't be shown.
bool _showToolbar({Offset? location}) {
if (!_hasSelectionOverlayGeometry && _selectionOverlay == null) {
return false;
// Web is using native dom elements to enable clipboard functionality of the
// context menu: copy, paste, select, cut. It might also provide additional
// functionality depending on the browser (such as translate). Due to this,
// we should not show a Flutter toolbar for the editable text elements
// unless the browser's context menu is explicitly disabled.
if (kIsWeb && BrowserContextMenu.enabled) {
return false;
if (_selectionOverlay == null) {
_selectionOverlay!.toolbarLocation = location;
if (widget.selectionControls is! TextSelectionHandleControls) {
return true;
context: context,
contextMenuBuilder: (BuildContext context) {
return widget.contextMenuBuilder!(context, this);
return true;
/// Sets or updates selection end edge to the `offset` location.
/// A selection always contains a select start edge and selection end edge.
/// They can be created by calling both [_selectStartTo] and [_selectEndTo], or
/// use other selection APIs, such as [_selectWordAt] or [selectAll].
/// This method sets or updates the selection end edge by sending
/// [SelectionEdgeUpdateEvent]s to the child [Selectable]s.
/// If `continuous` is set to true and the update causes scrolling, the
/// method will continue sending the same [SelectionEdgeUpdateEvent]s to the
/// child [Selectable]s every frame until the scrolling finishes or a
/// [_finalizeSelection] is called.
/// The `continuous` argument defaults to false.
/// The `offset` is in global coordinates.
/// Provide the `textGranularity` if the selection should not move by the default
/// [TextGranularity.character]. Only [TextGranularity.character] and
/// [TextGranularity.word] are currently supported.
/// See also:
/// * [_selectStartTo], which sets or updates selection start edge.
/// * [_finalizeSelection], which stops the `continuous` updates.
/// * [_clearSelection], which clears the ongoing selection.
/// * [_selectWordAt], which selects a whole word at the location.
/// * [_collapseSelectionAt], which collapses the selection at the location.
/// * [selectAll], which selects the entire content.
void _selectEndTo({required Offset offset, bool continuous = false, TextGranularity? textGranularity}) {
if (!continuous) {
_selectable?.dispatchSelectionEvent(SelectionEdgeUpdateEvent.forEnd(globalPosition: offset, granularity: textGranularity));
if (_selectionEndPosition != offset) {
_selectionEndPosition = offset;
_triggerSelectionEndEdgeUpdate(textGranularity: textGranularity);
/// Sets or updates selection start edge to the `offset` location.
/// A selection always contains a select start edge and selection end edge.
/// They can be created by calling both [_selectStartTo] and [_selectEndTo], or
/// use other selection APIs, such as [_selectWordAt] or [selectAll].
/// This method sets or updates the selection start edge by sending
/// [SelectionEdgeUpdateEvent]s to the child [Selectable]s.
/// If `continuous` is set to true and the update causes scrolling, the
/// method will continue sending the same [SelectionEdgeUpdateEvent]s to the
/// child [Selectable]s every frame until the scrolling finishes or a
/// [_finalizeSelection] is called.
/// The `continuous` argument defaults to false.
/// The `offset` is in global coordinates.
/// Provide the `textGranularity` if the selection should not move by the default
/// [TextGranularity.character]. Only [TextGranularity.character] and
/// [TextGranularity.word] are currently supported.
/// See also:
/// * [_selectEndTo], which sets or updates selection end edge.
/// * [_finalizeSelection], which stops the `continuous` updates.
/// * [_clearSelection], which clears the ongoing selection.
/// * [_selectWordAt], which selects a whole word at the location.
/// * [_collapseSelectionAt], which collapses the selection at the location.
/// * [selectAll], which selects the entire content.
void _selectStartTo({required Offset offset, bool continuous = false, TextGranularity? textGranularity}) {
if (!continuous) {
_selectable?.dispatchSelectionEvent(SelectionEdgeUpdateEvent.forStart(globalPosition: offset, granularity: textGranularity));
if (_selectionStartPosition != offset) {
_selectionStartPosition = offset;
_triggerSelectionStartEdgeUpdate(textGranularity: textGranularity);
/// Collapses the selection at the given `offset` location.
/// See also:
/// * [_selectStartTo], which sets or updates selection start edge.
/// * [_selectEndTo], which sets or updates selection end edge.
/// * [_finalizeSelection], which stops the `continuous` updates.
/// * [_clearSelection], which clears the ongoing selection.
/// * [_selectWordAt], which selects a whole word at the location.
/// * [selectAll], which selects the entire content.
void _collapseSelectionAt({required Offset offset}) {
_selectStartTo(offset: offset);
_selectEndTo(offset: offset);
/// Selects a whole word at the `offset` location.
/// If the whole word is already in the current selection, selection won't
/// change. One call [_clearSelection] first if the selection needs to be
/// updated even if the word is already covered by the current selection.
/// One can also use [_selectEndTo] or [_selectStartTo] to adjust the selection
/// edges after calling this method.
/// See also:
/// * [_selectStartTo], which sets or updates selection start edge.
/// * [_selectEndTo], which sets or updates selection end edge.
/// * [_finalizeSelection], which stops the `continuous` updates.
/// * [_clearSelection], which clears the ongoing selection.
/// * [_collapseSelectionAt], which collapses the selection at the location.
/// * [selectAll], which selects the entire content.
void _selectWordAt({required Offset offset}) {
// There may be other selection ongoing.
_selectable?.dispatchSelectionEvent(SelectWordSelectionEvent(globalPosition: offset));
/// Stops any ongoing selection updates.
/// This method is different from [_clearSelection] that it does not remove
/// the current selection. It only stops the continuous updates.
/// A continuous update can happen as result of calling [_selectStartTo] or
/// [_selectEndTo] with `continuous` sets to true which causes a [Selectable]
/// to scroll. Calling this method will stop the update as well as the
/// scrolling.
void _finalizeSelection() {
/// Removes the ongoing selection.
void _clearSelection() {
_directionalHorizontalBaseline = null;
_adjustingSelectionEnd = null;
_selectable?.dispatchSelectionEvent(const ClearSelectionEvent());
Future<void> _copy() async {
final SelectedContent? data = _selectable?.getSelectedContent();
if (data == null) {
await Clipboard.setData(ClipboardData(text: data.plainText));
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.EditableText.getAnchors}
/// See also:
/// * [contextMenuButtonItems], which provides the [ContextMenuButtonItem]s
/// for the default context menu buttons.
TextSelectionToolbarAnchors get contextMenuAnchors {
if (lastSecondaryTapDownPosition != null) {
return TextSelectionToolbarAnchors(
primaryAnchor: lastSecondaryTapDownPosition!,
final RenderBox renderBox = context.findRenderObject()! as RenderBox;
return TextSelectionToolbarAnchors.fromSelection(
renderBox: renderBox,
startGlyphHeight: startGlyphHeight,
endGlyphHeight: endGlyphHeight,
selectionEndpoints: selectionEndpoints,
bool? _adjustingSelectionEnd;
bool _determineIsAdjustingSelectionEnd(bool forward) {
if (_adjustingSelectionEnd != null) {
return _adjustingSelectionEnd!;
final bool isReversed;
final SelectionPoint start = _selectionDelegate.value
final SelectionPoint end = _selectionDelegate.value.endSelectionPoint!;
if (start.localPosition.dy > end.localPosition.dy) {
isReversed = true;
} else if (start.localPosition.dy < end.localPosition.dy) {
isReversed = false;
} else {
isReversed = start.localPosition.dx > end.localPosition.dx;
// Always move the selection edge that increases the selection range.
return _adjustingSelectionEnd = forward != isReversed;
void _granularlyExtendSelection(TextGranularity granularity, bool forward) {
_directionalHorizontalBaseline = null;
if (!_selectionDelegate.value.hasSelection) {
forward: forward,
isEnd: _determineIsAdjustingSelectionEnd(forward),
granularity: granularity,
double? _directionalHorizontalBaseline;
void _directionallyExtendSelection(bool forward) {
if (!_selectionDelegate.value.hasSelection) {
final bool adjustingSelectionExtend = _determineIsAdjustingSelectionEnd(forward);
final SelectionPoint baseLinePoint = adjustingSelectionExtend
? _selectionDelegate.value.endSelectionPoint!
: _selectionDelegate.value.startSelectionPoint!;
_directionalHorizontalBaseline ??= baseLinePoint.localPosition.dx;
final Offset globalSelectionPointOffset = MatrixUtils.transformPoint(context.findRenderObject()!.getTransformTo(null), Offset(_directionalHorizontalBaseline!, 0));
isEnd: _adjustingSelectionEnd!,
direction: forward ? SelectionExtendDirection.nextLine : SelectionExtendDirection.previousLine,
dx: globalSelectionPointOffset.dx,
// [TextSelectionDelegate] overrides.
/// Returns the [ContextMenuButtonItem]s representing the buttons in this
/// platform's default selection menu.
/// See also:
/// * [SelectableRegion.getSelectableButtonItems], which performs a similar role,
/// but for any selectable text, not just specifically SelectableRegion.
/// * [EditableTextState.contextMenuButtonItems], which performs a similar role
/// but for content that is not just selectable but also editable.
/// * [contextMenuAnchors], which provides the anchor points for the default
/// context menu.
/// * [AdaptiveTextSelectionToolbar], which builds the toolbar itself, and can
/// take a list of [ContextMenuButtonItem]s with
/// [AdaptiveTextSelectionToolbar.buttonItems].
/// * [AdaptiveTextSelectionToolbar.getAdaptiveButtons], which builds the
/// button Widgets for the current platform given [ContextMenuButtonItem]s.
List<ContextMenuButtonItem> get contextMenuButtonItems {
return SelectableRegion.getSelectableButtonItems(
selectionGeometry: _selectionDelegate.value,
onCopy: () {
// In Android copy should clear the selection.
switch (defaultTargetPlatform) {
case TargetPlatform.fuchsia:
case TargetPlatform.iOS:
case TargetPlatform.linux:
case TargetPlatform.macOS:
onSelectAll: () {
switch (defaultTargetPlatform) {
case TargetPlatform.iOS:
case TargetPlatform.fuchsia:
case TargetPlatform.linux:
case TargetPlatform.macOS:
/// The line height at the start of the current selection.
double get startGlyphHeight {
return _selectionDelegate.value.startSelectionPoint!.lineHeight;
/// The line height at the end of the current selection.
double get endGlyphHeight {
return _selectionDelegate.value.endSelectionPoint!.lineHeight;
/// Returns the local coordinates of the endpoints of the current selection.
List<TextSelectionPoint> get selectionEndpoints {
final SelectionPoint? start = _selectionDelegate.value.startSelectionPoint;
final SelectionPoint? end = _selectionDelegate.value.endSelectionPoint;
late List<TextSelectionPoint> points;
final Offset startLocalPosition = start?.localPosition ?? end!.localPosition;
final Offset endLocalPosition = end?.localPosition ?? start!.localPosition;
if (startLocalPosition.dy > endLocalPosition.dy) {
points = <TextSelectionPoint>[
TextSelectionPoint(endLocalPosition, TextDirection.ltr),
TextSelectionPoint(startLocalPosition, TextDirection.ltr),
} else {
points = <TextSelectionPoint>[
TextSelectionPoint(startLocalPosition, TextDirection.ltr),
TextSelectionPoint(endLocalPosition, TextDirection.ltr),
return points;
// [TextSelectionDelegate] overrides.
// TODO(justinmc): After deprecations have been removed, remove
// TextSelectionDelegate from this class.
'Use `contextMenuBuilder` instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.3.0-0.5.pre.',
bool get cutEnabled => false;
'Use `contextMenuBuilder` instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.3.0-0.5.pre.',
bool get pasteEnabled => false;
void hideToolbar([bool hideHandles = true]) {
if (hideHandles) {
void selectAll([SelectionChangedCause? cause]) {
_selectable?.dispatchSelectionEvent(const SelectAllSelectionEvent());
if (cause == SelectionChangedCause.toolbar) {
'Use `contextMenuBuilder` instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.3.0-0.5.pre.',
void copySelection(SelectionChangedCause cause) {
'Use `contextMenuBuilder` instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.3.0-0.5.pre.',
TextEditingValue textEditingValue = const TextEditingValue(text: '_');
'Use `contextMenuBuilder` instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.3.0-0.5.pre.',
void bringIntoView(TextPosition position) {/* SelectableRegion must be in view at this point. */}
'Use `contextMenuBuilder` instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.3.0-0.5.pre.',
void cutSelection(SelectionChangedCause cause) {
'Use `contextMenuBuilder` instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.3.0-0.5.pre.',
void userUpdateTextEditingValue(TextEditingValue value, SelectionChangedCause cause) {/* SelectableRegion maintains its own state */}
'Use `contextMenuBuilder` instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.3.0-0.5.pre.',
Future<void> pasteText(SelectionChangedCause cause) async {
// [SelectionRegistrar] override.
void add(Selectable selectable) {
assert(_selectable == null);
_selectable = selectable;
_selectable!.pushHandleLayers(_startHandleLayerLink, _endHandleLayerLink);
void remove(Selectable selectable) {
assert(_selectable == selectable);
_selectable!.pushHandleLayers(null, null);
_selectable = null;
void dispose() {
_selectable?.pushHandleLayers(null, null);
// In case dispose was triggered before gesture end, remove the magnifier
// so it doesn't remain stuck in the overlay forever.
_selectionOverlay = null;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
Widget result = SelectionContainer(
registrar: this,
delegate: _selectionDelegate,
child: widget.child,
if (kIsWeb) {
result = PlatformSelectableRegionContextMenu(
child: result,
return CompositedTransformTarget(
link: _toolbarLayerLink,
child: RawGestureDetector(
gestures: _gestureRecognizers,
behavior: HitTestBehavior.translucent,
excludeFromSemantics: true,
child: Actions(
actions: _actions,
child: Focus(
includeSemantics: false,
focusNode: widget.focusNode,
child: result,
/// An action that does not override any [Action.overridable] in the subtree.
/// If this action is invoked by an [Action.overridable], it will immediately
/// invoke the [Action.overridable] and do nothing else. Otherwise, it will call
/// [invokeAction].
abstract class _NonOverrideAction<T extends Intent> extends ContextAction<T> {
Object? invokeAction(T intent, [BuildContext? context]);
Object? invoke(T intent, [BuildContext? context]) {
if (callingAction != null) {
return callingAction!.invoke(intent);
return invokeAction(intent, context);
class _SelectAllAction extends _NonOverrideAction<SelectAllTextIntent> {
final SelectableRegionState state;
void invokeAction(SelectAllTextIntent intent, [BuildContext? context]) {
class _CopySelectionAction extends _NonOverrideAction<CopySelectionTextIntent> {
final SelectableRegionState state;
void invokeAction(CopySelectionTextIntent intent, [BuildContext? context]) {
class _GranularlyExtendSelectionAction<T extends DirectionalTextEditingIntent> extends _NonOverrideAction<T> {
_GranularlyExtendSelectionAction(this.state, {required this.granularity});
final SelectableRegionState state;
final TextGranularity granularity;
void invokeAction(T intent, [BuildContext? context]) {
state._granularlyExtendSelection(granularity, intent.forward);
class _GranularlyExtendCaretSelectionAction<T extends DirectionalCaretMovementIntent> extends _NonOverrideAction<T> {
_GranularlyExtendCaretSelectionAction(this.state, {required this.granularity});
final SelectableRegionState state;
final TextGranularity granularity;
void invokeAction(T intent, [BuildContext? context]) {
if (intent.collapseSelection) {
// Selectable region never collapses selection.
state._granularlyExtendSelection(granularity, intent.forward);
class _DirectionallyExtendCaretSelectionAction<T extends DirectionalCaretMovementIntent> extends _NonOverrideAction<T> {
final SelectableRegionState state;
void invokeAction(T intent, [BuildContext? context]) {
if (intent.collapseSelection) {
// Selectable region never collapses selection.
class _SelectableRegionContainerDelegate extends MultiSelectableSelectionContainerDelegate {
final Set<Selectable> _hasReceivedStartEvent = <Selectable>{};
final Set<Selectable> _hasReceivedEndEvent = <Selectable>{};
Offset? _lastStartEdgeUpdateGlobalPosition;
Offset? _lastEndEdgeUpdateGlobalPosition;
void remove(Selectable selectable) {
void _updateLastEdgeEventsFromGeometries() {
if (currentSelectionStartIndex != -1 && selectables[currentSelectionStartIndex].value.hasSelection) {
final Selectable start = selectables[currentSelectionStartIndex];
final Offset localStartEdge = start.value.startSelectionPoint!.localPosition +
Offset(0, - start.value.startSelectionPoint!.lineHeight / 2);
_lastStartEdgeUpdateGlobalPosition = MatrixUtils.transformPoint(start.getTransformTo(null), localStartEdge);
if (currentSelectionEndIndex != -1 && selectables[currentSelectionEndIndex].value.hasSelection) {
final Selectable end = selectables[currentSelectionEndIndex];
final Offset localEndEdge = end.value.endSelectionPoint!.localPosition +
Offset(0, -end.value.endSelectionPoint!.lineHeight / 2);
_lastEndEdgeUpdateGlobalPosition = MatrixUtils.transformPoint(end.getTransformTo(null), localEndEdge);
SelectionResult handleSelectAll(SelectAllSelectionEvent event) {
final SelectionResult result = super.handleSelectAll(event);
for (final Selectable selectable in selectables) {
// Synthesize last update event so the edge updates continue to work.
return result;
/// Selects a word in a selectable at the location
/// [SelectWordSelectionEvent.globalPosition].
SelectionResult handleSelectWord(SelectWordSelectionEvent event) {
final SelectionResult result = super.handleSelectWord(event);
if (currentSelectionStartIndex != -1) {
if (currentSelectionEndIndex != -1) {
return result;
SelectionResult handleClearSelection(ClearSelectionEvent event) {
final SelectionResult result = super.handleClearSelection(event);
_lastStartEdgeUpdateGlobalPosition = null;
_lastEndEdgeUpdateGlobalPosition = null;
return result;
SelectionResult handleSelectionEdgeUpdate(SelectionEdgeUpdateEvent event) {
if (event.type == SelectionEventType.endEdgeUpdate) {
_lastEndEdgeUpdateGlobalPosition = event.globalPosition;
} else {
_lastStartEdgeUpdateGlobalPosition = event.globalPosition;
return super.handleSelectionEdgeUpdate(event);
void dispose() {
SelectionResult dispatchSelectionEventToChild(Selectable selectable, SelectionEvent event) {
switch (event.type) {
case SelectionEventType.startEdgeUpdate:
case SelectionEventType.endEdgeUpdate:
case SelectionEventType.clear:
case SelectionEventType.selectAll:
case SelectionEventType.selectWord:
case SelectionEventType.granularlyExtendSelection:
case SelectionEventType.directionallyExtendSelection:
return super.dispatchSelectionEventToChild(selectable, event);
void ensureChildUpdated(Selectable selectable) {
if (_lastEndEdgeUpdateGlobalPosition != null && _hasReceivedEndEvent.add(selectable)) {
final SelectionEdgeUpdateEvent synthesizedEvent = SelectionEdgeUpdateEvent.forEnd(
globalPosition: _lastEndEdgeUpdateGlobalPosition!,
if (currentSelectionEndIndex == -1) {
if (_lastStartEdgeUpdateGlobalPosition != null && _hasReceivedStartEvent.add(selectable)) {
final SelectionEdgeUpdateEvent synthesizedEvent = SelectionEdgeUpdateEvent.forStart(
globalPosition: _lastStartEdgeUpdateGlobalPosition!,
if (currentSelectionStartIndex == -1) {
void didChangeSelectables() {
if (_lastEndEdgeUpdateGlobalPosition != null) {
globalPosition: _lastEndEdgeUpdateGlobalPosition!,
if (_lastStartEdgeUpdateGlobalPosition != null) {
globalPosition: _lastStartEdgeUpdateGlobalPosition!,
final Set<Selectable> selectableSet = selectables.toSet();
_hasReceivedEndEvent.removeWhere((Selectable selectable) => !selectableSet.contains(selectable));
_hasReceivedStartEvent.removeWhere((Selectable selectable) => !selectableSet.contains(selectable));
/// An abstract base class for updating multiple selectable children.
/// This class provide basic [SelectionEvent] handling and child [Selectable]
/// updating. The subclass needs to implement [ensureChildUpdated] to ensure
/// child [Selectable] is updated properly.
/// This class optimize the selection update by keeping track of the
/// [Selectable]s that currently contain the selection edges.
abstract class MultiSelectableSelectionContainerDelegate extends SelectionContainerDelegate with ChangeNotifier {
/// Creates an instance of [MultiSelectableSelectionContainerDelegate].
MultiSelectableSelectionContainerDelegate() {
if (kFlutterMemoryAllocationsEnabled) {
/// Gets the list of selectables this delegate is managing.
List<Selectable> selectables = <Selectable>[];
/// The number of additional pixels added to the selection handle drawable
/// area.
/// Selection handles that are outside of the drawable area will be hidden.
/// That logic prevents handles that get scrolled off the viewport from being
/// drawn on the screen.
/// The drawable area = current rectangle of [SelectionContainer] +
/// _kSelectionHandleDrawableAreaPadding on each side.
/// This was an eyeballed value to create smooth user experiences.
static const double _kSelectionHandleDrawableAreaPadding = 5.0;
/// The current selectable that contains the selection end edge.
int currentSelectionEndIndex = -1;
/// The current selectable that contains the selection start edge.
int currentSelectionStartIndex = -1;
LayerLink? _startHandleLayer;
Selectable? _startHandleLayerOwner;
LayerLink? _endHandleLayer;
Selectable? _endHandleLayerOwner;
bool _isHandlingSelectionEvent = false;
bool _scheduledSelectableUpdate = false;
bool _selectionInProgress = false;
Set<Selectable> _additions = <Selectable>{};
bool _extendSelectionInProgress = false;
void add(Selectable selectable) {
void remove(Selectable selectable) {
if (_additions.remove(selectable)) {
// The same selectable was added in the same frame and is not yet
// incorporated into the selectables.
// Removing such selectable doesn't require selection geometry update.
/// Notifies this delegate that layout of the container has changed.
void layoutDidChange() {
void _scheduleSelectableUpdate() {
if (!_scheduledSelectableUpdate) {
_scheduledSelectableUpdate = true;
void runScheduledTask([Duration? duration]) {
if (!_scheduledSelectableUpdate) {
_scheduledSelectableUpdate = false;
if (SchedulerBinding.instance.schedulerPhase == SchedulerPhase.postFrameCallbacks) {
// A new task can be scheduled as a result of running the scheduled task
// from another MultiSelectableSelectionContainerDelegate. This can
// happen if nesting two SelectionContainers. The selectable can be
// safely updated in the same frame in this case.
} else {
debugLabel: 'SelectionContainer.runScheduledTask',
void _updateSelectables() {
// Remove offScreen selectable.
if (_additions.isNotEmpty) {
void _flushAdditions() {
final List<Selectable> mergingSelectables = _additions.toList()..sort(compareOrder);
final List<Selectable> existingSelectables = selectables;
selectables = <Selectable>[];
int mergingIndex = 0;
int existingIndex = 0;
int selectionStartIndex = currentSelectionStartIndex;
int selectionEndIndex = currentSelectionEndIndex;
// Merge two sorted lists.
while (mergingIndex < mergingSelectables.length || existingIndex < existingSelectables.length) {
if (mergingIndex >= mergingSelectables.length ||
(existingIndex < existingSelectables.length &&
compareOrder(existingSelectables[existingIndex], mergingSelectables[mergingIndex]) < 0)) {
if (existingIndex == currentSelectionStartIndex) {
selectionStartIndex = selectables.length;
if (existingIndex == currentSelectionEndIndex) {
selectionEndIndex = selectables.length;
existingIndex += 1;
// If the merging selectable falls in the selection range, their selection
// needs to be updated.
final Selectable mergingSelectable = mergingSelectables[mergingIndex];
if (existingIndex < max(currentSelectionStartIndex, currentSelectionEndIndex) &&
existingIndex > min(currentSelectionStartIndex, currentSelectionEndIndex)) {
mergingIndex += 1;
assert(mergingIndex == mergingSelectables.length &&
existingIndex == existingSelectables.length &&
selectables.length == existingIndex + mergingIndex);
assert(selectionStartIndex >= -1 || selectionStartIndex < selectables.length);
assert(selectionEndIndex >= -1 || selectionEndIndex < selectables.length);
// selection indices should not be set to -1 unless they originally were.
assert((currentSelectionStartIndex == -1) == (selectionStartIndex == -1));
assert((currentSelectionEndIndex == -1) == (selectionEndIndex == -1));
currentSelectionEndIndex = selectionEndIndex;
currentSelectionStartIndex = selectionStartIndex;
_additions = <Selectable>{};
void _removeSelectable(Selectable selectable) {
assert(selectables.contains(selectable), 'The selectable is not in this registrar.');
final int index = selectables.indexOf(selectable);
if (index <= currentSelectionEndIndex) {
currentSelectionEndIndex -= 1;
if (index <= currentSelectionStartIndex) {
currentSelectionStartIndex -= 1;
/// Called when this delegate finishes updating the selectables.
void didChangeSelectables() {
SelectionGeometry get value => _selectionGeometry;
SelectionGeometry _selectionGeometry = const SelectionGeometry(
hasContent: false,
status: SelectionStatus.none,
/// Updates the [value] in this class and notifies listeners if necessary.
void _updateSelectionGeometry() {
final SelectionGeometry newValue = getSelectionGeometry();
if (_selectionGeometry != newValue) {
_selectionGeometry = newValue;
/// The compare function this delegate used for determining the selection
/// order of the selectables.
/// Defaults to screen order.
Comparator<Selectable> get compareOrder => _compareScreenOrder;
int _compareScreenOrder(Selectable a, Selectable b) {
final Rect rectA = MatrixUtils.transformRect(
Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, a.size.width, a.size.height),
final Rect rectB = MatrixUtils.transformRect(
Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, b.size.width, b.size.height),
final int result = _compareVertically(rectA, rectB);
if (result != 0) {
return result;
return _compareHorizontally(rectA, rectB);
/// Compares two rectangles in the screen order solely by their vertical
/// positions.
/// Returns positive if a is lower, negative if a is higher, 0 if their
/// order can't be determine solely by their vertical position.
static int _compareVertically(Rect a, Rect b) {
if (( - < _kSelectableVerticalComparingThreshold && a.bottom - b.bottom > - _kSelectableVerticalComparingThreshold) ||
( - < _kSelectableVerticalComparingThreshold && b.bottom - a.bottom > - _kSelectableVerticalComparingThreshold)) {
return 0;
if (( - > _kSelectableVerticalComparingThreshold) {
return > ? 1 : -1;
return a.bottom > b.bottom ? 1 : -1;
/// Compares two rectangles in the screen order by their horizontal positions
/// assuming one of the rectangles enclose the other rect vertically.
/// Returns positive if a is lower, negative if a is higher.
static int _compareHorizontally(Rect a, Rect b) {
// a encloses b.
if (a.left - b.left < precisionErrorTolerance && a.right - b.right > - precisionErrorTolerance) {
// b ends before a.
if (a.right - b.right > precisionErrorTolerance) {
return 1;
return -1;
// b encloses a.
if (b.left - a.left < precisionErrorTolerance && b.right - a.right > - precisionErrorTolerance) {
// a ends before b.
if (b.right - a.right > precisionErrorTolerance) {
return -1;
return 1;
if ((a.left - b.left).abs() > precisionErrorTolerance) {
return a.left > b.left ? 1 : -1;
return a.right > b.right ? 1 : -1;
void _handleSelectableGeometryChange() {
// Geometries of selectable children may change multiple times when handling
// selection events. Ignore these updates since the selection geometry of
// this delegate will be updated after handling the selection events.
if (_isHandlingSelectionEvent) {
/// Gets the combined selection geometry for child selectables.
SelectionGeometry getSelectionGeometry() {
if (currentSelectionEndIndex == -1 ||
currentSelectionStartIndex == -1 ||
selectables.isEmpty) {
// There is no valid selection.
return SelectionGeometry(
status: SelectionStatus.none,
hasContent: selectables.isNotEmpty,
if (!_extendSelectionInProgress) {
currentSelectionStartIndex = _adjustSelectionIndexBasedOnSelectionGeometry(
currentSelectionEndIndex = _adjustSelectionIndexBasedOnSelectionGeometry(
// Need to find the non-null start selection point.
SelectionGeometry startGeometry = selectables[currentSelectionStartIndex].value;
final bool forwardSelection = currentSelectionEndIndex >= currentSelectionStartIndex;
int startIndexWalker = currentSelectionStartIndex;
while (startIndexWalker != currentSelectionEndIndex && startGeometry.startSelectionPoint == null) {
startIndexWalker += forwardSelection ? 1 : -1;
startGeometry = selectables[startIndexWalker].value;
SelectionPoint? startPoint;
if (startGeometry.startSelectionPoint != null) {
final Matrix4 startTransform = getTransformFrom(selectables[startIndexWalker]);
final Offset start = MatrixUtils.transformPoint(startTransform, startGeometry.startSelectionPoint!.localPosition);
// It can be NaN if it is detached or off-screen.
if (start.isFinite) {
startPoint = SelectionPoint(
localPosition: start,
lineHeight: startGeometry.startSelectionPoint!.lineHeight,
handleType: startGeometry.startSelectionPoint!.handleType,
// Need to find the non-null end selection point.
SelectionGeometry endGeometry = selectables[currentSelectionEndIndex].value;
int endIndexWalker = currentSelectionEndIndex;
while (endIndexWalker != currentSelectionStartIndex && endGeometry.endSelectionPoint == null) {
endIndexWalker += forwardSelection ? -1 : 1;
endGeometry = selectables[endIndexWalker].value;
SelectionPoint? endPoint;
if (endGeometry.endSelectionPoint != null) {
final Matrix4 endTransform = getTransformFrom(selectables[endIndexWalker]);
final Offset end = MatrixUtils.transformPoint(endTransform, endGeometry.endSelectionPoint!.localPosition);
// It can be NaN if it is detached or off-screen.
if (end.isFinite) {
endPoint = SelectionPoint(
localPosition: end,
lineHeight: endGeometry.endSelectionPoint!.lineHeight,
handleType: endGeometry.endSelectionPoint!.handleType,
// Need to collect selection rects from selectables ranging from the
// currentSelectionStartIndex to the currentSelectionEndIndex.
final List<Rect> selectionRects = <Rect>[];
final Rect? drawableArea = hasSize ? Rect
.fromLTWH(0, 0, containerSize.width, containerSize.height) : null;
for (int index = currentSelectionStartIndex; index <= currentSelectionEndIndex; index++) {
final List<Rect> currSelectableSelectionRects = selectables[index].value.selectionRects;
final List<Rect> selectionRectsWithinDrawableArea = selectionRect) {
final Matrix4 transform = getTransformFrom(selectables[index]);
final Rect localRect = MatrixUtils.transformRect(transform, selectionRect);
if (drawableArea != null) {
return drawableArea.intersect(localRect);
return localRect;
}).where((Rect selectionRect) {
return selectionRect.isFinite && !selectionRect.isEmpty;
return SelectionGeometry(
startSelectionPoint: startPoint,
endSelectionPoint: endPoint,
selectionRects: selectionRects,
status: startGeometry != endGeometry
? SelectionStatus.uncollapsed
: startGeometry.status,
// Would have at least one selectable child.
hasContent: true,
// The currentSelectionStartIndex or currentSelectionEndIndex may not be
// the current index that contains selection edges. This can happen if the
// selection edge is in between two selectables. One of the selectable will
// have its selection collapsed at the index 0 or contentLength depends on
// whether the selection is reversed or not. The current selection index can
// be point to either one.
// This method adjusts the index to point to selectable with valid selection.
int _adjustSelectionIndexBasedOnSelectionGeometry(int currentIndex, int towardIndex) {
final bool forward = towardIndex > currentIndex;
while (currentIndex != towardIndex &&
selectables[currentIndex].value.status != SelectionStatus.uncollapsed) {
currentIndex += forward ? 1 : -1;
return currentIndex;
void pushHandleLayers(LayerLink? startHandle, LayerLink? endHandle) {
if (_startHandleLayer == startHandle && _endHandleLayer == endHandle) {
_startHandleLayer = startHandle;
_endHandleLayer = endHandle;
/// Pushes both handle layers to the selectables that contain selection edges.
/// This method needs to be called every time the selectables that contain the
/// selection edges change, i.e. [currentSelectionStartIndex] or
/// [currentSelectionEndIndex] changes. Otherwise, the handle may be painted
/// in the wrong place.
void _updateHandleLayersAndOwners() {
LayerLink? effectiveStartHandle = _startHandleLayer;
LayerLink? effectiveEndHandle = _endHandleLayer;
if (effectiveStartHandle != null || effectiveEndHandle != null) {
final Rect? drawableArea = hasSize ? Rect
.fromLTWH(0, 0, containerSize.width, containerSize.height)
.inflate(_kSelectionHandleDrawableAreaPadding) : null;
final bool hideStartHandle = value.startSelectionPoint == null || drawableArea == null || !drawableArea.contains(value.startSelectionPoint!.localPosition);
final bool hideEndHandle = value.endSelectionPoint == null || drawableArea == null|| !drawableArea.contains(value.endSelectionPoint!.localPosition);
effectiveStartHandle = hideStartHandle ? null : _startHandleLayer;
effectiveEndHandle = hideEndHandle ? null : _endHandleLayer;
if (currentSelectionStartIndex == -1 || currentSelectionEndIndex == -1) {
// No valid selection.
if (_startHandleLayerOwner != null) {
_startHandleLayerOwner!.pushHandleLayers(null, null);
_startHandleLayerOwner = null;
if (_endHandleLayerOwner != null) {
_endHandleLayerOwner!.pushHandleLayers(null, null);
_endHandleLayerOwner = null;
if (selectables[currentSelectionStartIndex] != _startHandleLayerOwner) {
_startHandleLayerOwner?.pushHandleLayers(null, null);
if (selectables[currentSelectionEndIndex] != _endHandleLayerOwner) {
_endHandleLayerOwner?.pushHandleLayers(null, null);
_startHandleLayerOwner = selectables[currentSelectionStartIndex];
if (currentSelectionStartIndex == currentSelectionEndIndex) {
// Selection edges is on the same selectable.
_endHandleLayerOwner = _startHandleLayerOwner;
_startHandleLayerOwner!.pushHandleLayers(effectiveStartHandle, effectiveEndHandle);
_startHandleLayerOwner!.pushHandleLayers(effectiveStartHandle, null);
_endHandleLayerOwner = selectables[currentSelectionEndIndex];
_endHandleLayerOwner!.pushHandleLayers(null, effectiveEndHandle);
/// Copies the selected contents of all selectables.
SelectedContent? getSelectedContent() {
final List<SelectedContent> selections = <SelectedContent>[];
for (final Selectable selectable in selectables) {
final SelectedContent? data = selectable.getSelectedContent();
if (data != null) {
if (selections.isEmpty) {
return null;
final StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer();
for (final SelectedContent selection in selections) {
return SelectedContent(
plainText: buffer.toString(),
// Clears the selection on all selectables not in the range of
// currentSelectionStartIndex..currentSelectionEndIndex.
// If one of the edges does not exist, then this method will clear the selection
// in all selectables except the existing edge.
// If neither of the edges exist this method immediately returns.
void _flushInactiveSelections() {
if (currentSelectionStartIndex == -1 && currentSelectionEndIndex == -1) {
if (currentSelectionStartIndex == -1 || currentSelectionEndIndex == -1) {
final int skipIndex = currentSelectionStartIndex == -1 ? currentSelectionEndIndex : currentSelectionStartIndex;
.where((Selectable target) => target != selectables[skipIndex])
.forEach((Selectable target) => dispatchSelectionEventToChild(target, const ClearSelectionEvent()));
final int skipStart = min(currentSelectionStartIndex, currentSelectionEndIndex);
final int skipEnd = max(currentSelectionStartIndex, currentSelectionEndIndex);
for (int index = 0; index < selectables.length; index += 1) {
if (index >= skipStart && index <= skipEnd) {
dispatchSelectionEventToChild(selectables[index], const ClearSelectionEvent());
/// Selects all contents of all selectables.
SelectionResult handleSelectAll(SelectAllSelectionEvent event) {
for (final Selectable selectable in selectables) {
dispatchSelectionEventToChild(selectable, event);
currentSelectionStartIndex = 0;
currentSelectionEndIndex = selectables.length - 1;
return SelectionResult.none;
/// Selects a word in a selectable at the location
/// [SelectWordSelectionEvent.globalPosition].
SelectionResult handleSelectWord(SelectWordSelectionEvent event) {
SelectionResult? lastSelectionResult;
for (int index = 0; index < selectables.length; index += 1) {
final Rect localRect = Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, selectables[index].size.width, selectables[index].size.height);
final Matrix4 transform = selectables[index].getTransformTo(null);
final Rect globalRect = MatrixUtils.transformRect(transform, localRect);
if (globalRect.contains(event.globalPosition)) {
final SelectionGeometry existingGeometry = selectables[index].value;
lastSelectionResult = dispatchSelectionEventToChild(selectables[index], event);
if (index == selectables.length - 1 && lastSelectionResult == {
if (lastSelectionResult == {
if (index == 0 && lastSelectionResult == SelectionResult.previous) {
return SelectionResult.previous;
if (selectables[index].value != existingGeometry) {
// Geometry has changed as a result of select word, need to clear the
// selection of other selectables to keep selection in sync.
.where((Selectable target) => target != selectables[index])
.forEach((Selectable target) => dispatchSelectionEventToChild(target, const ClearSelectionEvent()));
currentSelectionStartIndex = currentSelectionEndIndex = index;
return SelectionResult.end;
} else {
if (lastSelectionResult == {
currentSelectionStartIndex = currentSelectionEndIndex = index - 1;
return SelectionResult.end;
assert(lastSelectionResult == null);
return SelectionResult.end;
/// Removes the selection of all selectables this delegate manages.
SelectionResult handleClearSelection(ClearSelectionEvent event) {
for (final Selectable selectable in selectables) {
dispatchSelectionEventToChild(selectable, event);
currentSelectionEndIndex = -1;
currentSelectionStartIndex = -1;
return SelectionResult.none;
/// Extend current selection in a certain text granularity.
SelectionResult handleGranularlyExtendSelection(GranularlyExtendSelectionEvent event) {
assert((currentSelectionStartIndex == -1) == (currentSelectionEndIndex == -1));
if (currentSelectionStartIndex == -1) {
if (event.forward) {
currentSelectionStartIndex = currentSelectionEndIndex = 0;
} else {
currentSelectionStartIndex = currentSelectionEndIndex = selectables.length;
int targetIndex = event.isEnd ? currentSelectionEndIndex : currentSelectionStartIndex;
SelectionResult result = dispatchSelectionEventToChild(selectables[targetIndex], event);
if (event.forward) {
assert(result != SelectionResult.previous);
while (targetIndex < selectables.length - 1 && result == {
targetIndex += 1;
result = dispatchSelectionEventToChild(selectables[targetIndex], event);
assert(result != SelectionResult.previous);
} else {
assert(result !=;
while (targetIndex > 0 && result == SelectionResult.previous) {
targetIndex -= 1;
result = dispatchSelectionEventToChild(selectables[targetIndex], event);
assert(result !=;
if (event.isEnd) {
currentSelectionEndIndex = targetIndex;
} else {
currentSelectionStartIndex = targetIndex;
return result;
/// Extend current selection in a certain text granularity.
SelectionResult handleDirectionallyExtendSelection(DirectionallyExtendSelectionEvent event) {
assert((currentSelectionStartIndex == -1) == (currentSelectionEndIndex == -1));
if (currentSelectionStartIndex == -1) {
switch (event.direction) {
case SelectionExtendDirection.previousLine:
case SelectionExtendDirection.backward:
currentSelectionStartIndex = currentSelectionEndIndex = selectables.length;
case SelectionExtendDirection.nextLine:
case SelectionExtendDirection.forward:
currentSelectionStartIndex = currentSelectionEndIndex = 0;
int targetIndex = event.isEnd ? currentSelectionEndIndex : currentSelectionStartIndex;
SelectionResult result = dispatchSelectionEventToChild(selectables[targetIndex], event);
switch (event.direction) {
case SelectionExtendDirection.previousLine:
assert(result == SelectionResult.end || result == SelectionResult.previous);
if (result == SelectionResult.previous) {
if (targetIndex > 0) {
targetIndex -= 1;
result = dispatchSelectionEventToChild(
event.copyWith(direction: SelectionExtendDirection.backward),
assert(result == SelectionResult.end);
case SelectionExtendDirection.nextLine:
assert(result == SelectionResult.end || result ==;
if (result == {
if (targetIndex < selectables.length - 1) {
targetIndex += 1;
result = dispatchSelectionEventToChild(
event.copyWith(direction: SelectionExtendDirection.forward),
assert(result == SelectionResult.end);
case SelectionExtendDirection.forward:
case SelectionExtendDirection.backward:
assert(result == SelectionResult.end);
if (event.isEnd) {
currentSelectionEndIndex = targetIndex;
} else {
currentSelectionStartIndex = targetIndex;
return result;
/// Updates the selection edges.
SelectionResult handleSelectionEdgeUpdate(SelectionEdgeUpdateEvent event) {
if (event.type == SelectionEventType.endEdgeUpdate) {
return currentSelectionEndIndex == -1 ? _initSelection(event, isEnd: true) : _adjustSelection(event, isEnd: true);
return currentSelectionStartIndex == -1 ? _initSelection(event, isEnd: false) : _adjustSelection(event, isEnd: false);
SelectionResult dispatchSelectionEvent(SelectionEvent event) {
final bool selectionWillbeInProgress = event is! ClearSelectionEvent;
if (!_selectionInProgress && selectionWillbeInProgress) {
// Sort the selectable every time a selection start.
_selectionInProgress = selectionWillbeInProgress;
_isHandlingSelectionEvent = true;
late SelectionResult result;
switch (event.type) {
case SelectionEventType.startEdgeUpdate:
case SelectionEventType.endEdgeUpdate:
_extendSelectionInProgress = false;
result = handleSelectionEdgeUpdate(event as SelectionEdgeUpdateEvent);
case SelectionEventType.clear:
_extendSelectionInProgress = false;
result = handleClearSelection(event as ClearSelectionEvent);
case SelectionEventType.selectAll:
_extendSelectionInProgress = false;
result = handleSelectAll(event as SelectAllSelectionEvent);
case SelectionEventType.selectWord:
_extendSelectionInProgress = false;
result = handleSelectWord(event as SelectWordSelectionEvent);
case SelectionEventType.granularlyExtendSelection:
_extendSelectionInProgress = true;
result = handleGranularlyExtendSelection(event as GranularlyExtendSelectionEvent);
case SelectionEventType.directionallyExtendSelection:
_extendSelectionInProgress = true;
result = handleDirectionallyExtendSelection(event as DirectionallyExtendSelectionEvent);
_isHandlingSelectionEvent = false;
return result;
void dispose() {
for (final Selectable selectable in selectables) {
selectables = const <Selectable>[];
_scheduledSelectableUpdate = false;
/// Ensures the selectable child has received up to date selection event.
/// This method is called when a new [Selectable] is added to the delegate,
/// and its screen location falls into the previous selection.
/// Subclasses are responsible for updating the selection of this newly added
/// [Selectable].
void ensureChildUpdated(Selectable selectable);
/// Dispatches a selection event to a specific selectable.
/// Override this method if subclasses need to generate additional events or
/// treatments prior to sending the selection events.
SelectionResult dispatchSelectionEventToChild(Selectable selectable, SelectionEvent event) {
return selectable.dispatchSelectionEvent(event);
/// Initializes the selection of the selectable children.
/// The goal is to find the selectable child that contains the selection edge.
/// Returns [SelectionResult.end] if the selection edge ends on any of the
/// children. Otherwise, it returns [SelectionResult.previous] if the selection
/// does not reach any of its children. Returns []
/// if the selection reaches the end of its children.
/// Ideally, this method should only be called twice at the beginning of the
/// drag selection, once for start edge update event, once for end edge update
/// event.
SelectionResult _initSelection(SelectionEdgeUpdateEvent event, {required bool isEnd}) {
assert((isEnd && currentSelectionEndIndex == -1) || (!isEnd && currentSelectionStartIndex == -1));
int newIndex = -1;
bool hasFoundEdgeIndex = false;
SelectionResult? result;
for (int index = 0; index < selectables.length && !hasFoundEdgeIndex; index += 1) {
final Selectable child = selectables[index];
final SelectionResult childResult = dispatchSelectionEventToChild(child, event);
switch (childResult) {
case SelectionResult.none:
newIndex = index;
case SelectionResult.end:
newIndex = index;
result = SelectionResult.end;
hasFoundEdgeIndex = true;
case SelectionResult.previous:
hasFoundEdgeIndex = true;
if (index == 0) {
newIndex = 0;
result = SelectionResult.previous;
result ??= SelectionResult.end;
case SelectionResult.pending:
newIndex = index;
result = SelectionResult.pending;
hasFoundEdgeIndex = true;
if (newIndex == -1) {
return SelectionResult.none;
if (isEnd) {
currentSelectionEndIndex = newIndex;
} else {
currentSelectionStartIndex = newIndex;
// The result can only be null if the loop went through the entire list
// without any of the selection returned end or previous. In this case, the
// caller of this method needs to find the next selectable in their list.
return result ??;
/// Adjusts the selection based on the drag selection update event if there
/// is already a selectable child that contains the selection edge.
/// This method starts by sending the selection event to the current
/// selectable that contains the selection edge, and finds forward or backward
/// if that selectable no longer contains the selection edge.
SelectionResult _adjustSelection(SelectionEdgeUpdateEvent event, {required bool isEnd}) {
assert(() {
if (isEnd) {
assert(currentSelectionEndIndex < selectables.length && currentSelectionEndIndex >= 0);
return true;
assert(currentSelectionStartIndex < selectables.length && currentSelectionStartIndex >= 0);
return true;
SelectionResult? finalResult;
// Determines if the edge being adjusted is within the current viewport.
// - If so, we begin the search for the new selection edge position at the
// currentSelectionEndIndex/currentSelectionStartIndex.
// - If not, we attempt to locate the new selection edge starting from
// the opposite end.
// - If neither edge is in the current viewport, the search for the new
// selection edge position begins at 0.
// This can happen when there is a scrollable child and the edge being adjusted
// has been scrolled out of view.
final bool isCurrentEdgeWithinViewport = isEnd ? _selectionGeometry.endSelectionPoint != null : _selectionGeometry.startSelectionPoint != null;
final bool isOppositeEdgeWithinViewport = isEnd ? _selectionGeometry.startSelectionPoint != null : _selectionGeometry.endSelectionPoint != null;
int newIndex = switch ((isEnd, isCurrentEdgeWithinViewport, isOppositeEdgeWithinViewport)) {
(true, true, true) => currentSelectionEndIndex,
(true, true, false) => currentSelectionEndIndex,
(true, false, true) => currentSelectionStartIndex,
(true, false, false) => 0,
(false, true, true) => currentSelectionStartIndex,
(false, true, false) => currentSelectionStartIndex,
(false, false, true) => currentSelectionEndIndex,
(false, false, false) => 0,
bool? forward;
late SelectionResult currentSelectableResult;
// This loop sends the selection event to one of the following to determine
// the direction of the search.
// - currentSelectionEndIndex/currentSelectionStartIndex if the current edge
// is in the current viewport.
// - The opposite edge index if the current edge is not in the current viewport.
// - Index 0 if neither edge is in the current viewport.
// If the result is ``, this loop look backward.
// Otherwise, it looks forward.
// The terminate condition are:
// 1. the selectable returns end, pending, none.
// 2. the selectable returns previous when looking forward.
// 2. the selectable returns next when looking backward.
while (newIndex < selectables.length && newIndex >= 0 && finalResult == null) {
currentSelectableResult = dispatchSelectionEventToChild(selectables[newIndex], event);
switch (currentSelectableResult) {
case SelectionResult.end:
case SelectionResult.pending:
case SelectionResult.none:
finalResult = currentSelectableResult;
if (forward == false) {
newIndex += 1;
finalResult = SelectionResult.end;
} else if (newIndex == selectables.length - 1) {
finalResult = currentSelectableResult;
} else {
forward = true;
newIndex += 1;
case SelectionResult.previous:
if (forward ?? false) {
newIndex -= 1;
finalResult = SelectionResult.end;
} else if (newIndex == 0) {
finalResult = currentSelectableResult;
} else {
forward = false;
newIndex -= 1;
if (isEnd) {
currentSelectionEndIndex = newIndex;
} else {
currentSelectionStartIndex = newIndex;
return finalResult!;
/// Signature for a widget builder that builds a context menu for the given
/// [SelectableRegionState].
/// See also:
/// * [EditableTextContextMenuBuilder], which performs the same role for
/// [EditableText].
typedef SelectableRegionContextMenuBuilder = Widget Function(
BuildContext context,
SelectableRegionState selectableRegionState,