Marks Windows_arm64 run_debug_test_windows to be unflaky (#137219)

<!-- meta-tags: To be used by the automation script only, DO NOT MODIFY.
  "name": "Windows_arm64 run_debug_test_windows"
The issue has been closed, and the test has been passing for [50 consecutive runs](
This test can be marked as unflaky.
diff --git a/.ci.yaml b/.ci.yaml
index fbb324f..fa8a256 100644
--- a/.ci.yaml
+++ b/.ci.yaml
@@ -4970,7 +4970,6 @@
   - name: Windows_arm64 run_debug_test_windows
     recipe: devicelab/devicelab_drone
-    bringup: true #
     presubmit: false
     timeout: 60