blob: d82651e011c70520222b9f98f92d8f992caff304 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'dart:ui' as ui show Image, ImageFilter, TextHeightBehavior;
import 'package:flutter/animation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart';
import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'binding.dart';
import 'debug.dart';
import 'framework.dart';
import 'localizations.dart';
import 'widget_span.dart';
export 'package:flutter/animation.dart';
export 'package:flutter/foundation.dart' show
export 'package:flutter/painting.dart';
export 'package:flutter/rendering.dart' show
export 'package:flutter/services.dart' show
// Examples can assume:
// class TestWidget extends StatelessWidget { const TestWidget({super.key}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) => const Placeholder(); }
// late WidgetTester tester;
// late bool _visible;
// class Sky extends CustomPainter { @override void paint(Canvas c, Size s) {} @override bool shouldRepaint(Sky s) => false; }
// late BuildContext context;
// String userAvatarUrl = '';
/// An [InheritedElement] that has hundreds of dependencies but will
/// infrequently change. This provides a performance tradeoff where building
/// the [Widget]s is faster but performing updates is slower.
/// | | _UbiquitousInheritedElement | InheritedElement |
/// |---------------------|------------------------------|------------------|
/// | insert (best case) | O(1) | O(1) |
/// | insert (worst case) | O(1) | O(n) |
/// | search (best case) | O(n) | O(1) |
/// | search (worst case) | O(n) | O(n) |
/// Insert happens when building the [Widget] tree, search happens when updating
/// [Widget]s.
class _UbiquitousInheritedElement extends InheritedElement {
/// Creates an element that uses the given widget as its configuration.
void setDependencies(Element dependent, Object? value) {
// This is where the cost of [InheritedElement] is incurred during build
// time of the widget tree. Omitting this bookkeeping is where the
// performance savings come from.
assert(value == null);
Object? getDependencies(Element dependent) {
return null;
void notifyClients(InheritedWidget oldWidget) {
_recurseChildren(this, (Element element) {
if (element.doesDependOnInheritedElement(this)) {
notifyDependent(oldWidget, element);
static void _recurseChildren(Element element, ElementVisitor visitor) {
element.visitChildren((Element child) {
_recurseChildren(child, visitor);
/// See also:
/// * [_UbiquitousInheritedElement], the [Element] for [_UbiquitousInheritedWidget].
abstract class _UbiquitousInheritedWidget extends InheritedWidget {
const _UbiquitousInheritedWidget({super.key, required super.child});
InheritedElement createElement() => _UbiquitousInheritedElement(this);
/// A widget that determines the ambient directionality of text and
/// text-direction-sensitive render objects.
/// For example, [Padding] depends on the [Directionality] to resolve
/// [EdgeInsetsDirectional] objects into absolute [EdgeInsets] objects.
class Directionality extends _UbiquitousInheritedWidget {
/// Creates a widget that determines the directionality of text and
/// text-direction-sensitive render objects.
/// The [textDirection] and [child] arguments must not be null.
const Directionality({
required this.textDirection,
required super.child,
}) : assert(textDirection != null),
assert(child != null);
/// The text direction for this subtree.
final TextDirection textDirection;
/// The text direction from the closest instance of this class that encloses
/// the given context.
/// If there is no [Directionality] ancestor widget in the tree at the given
/// context, then this will throw a descriptive [FlutterError] in debug mode
/// and an exception in release mode.
/// Typical usage is as follows:
/// ```dart
/// TextDirection textDirection = Directionality.of(context);
/// ```
/// See also:
/// * [maybeOf], which will return null if no [Directionality] ancestor
/// widget is in the tree.
static TextDirection of(BuildContext context) {
final Directionality widget = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<Directionality>()!;
return widget.textDirection;
/// The text direction from the closest instance of this class that encloses
/// the given context.
/// If there is no [Directionality] ancestor widget in the tree at the given
/// context, then this will return null.
/// Typical usage is as follows:
/// ```dart
/// TextDirection? textDirection = Directionality.maybeOf(context);
/// ```
/// See also:
/// * [of], which will throw if no [Directionality] ancestor widget is in the
/// tree.
static TextDirection? maybeOf(BuildContext context) {
final Directionality? widget = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<Directionality>();
return widget?.textDirection;
bool updateShouldNotify(Directionality oldWidget) => textDirection != oldWidget.textDirection;
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(EnumProperty<TextDirection>('textDirection', textDirection));
/// A widget that makes its child partially transparent.
/// This class paints its child into an intermediate buffer and then blends the
/// child back into the scene partially transparent.
/// For values of opacity other than 0.0 and 1.0, this class is relatively
/// expensive because it requires painting the child into an intermediate
/// buffer. For the value 0.0, the child is simply not painted at all. For the
/// value 1.0, the child is painted immediately without an intermediate buffer.
/// The presence of the intermediate buffer which has a transparent background
/// by default may cause some child widgets to behave differently. For example
/// a [BackdropFilter] child will only be able to apply its filter to the content
/// between this widget and the backdrop child and may require adjusting the
/// [BackdropFilter.blendMode] property to produce the desired results.
/// {@youtube 560 315}
/// {@tool snippet}
/// This example shows some [Text] when the `_visible` member field is true, and
/// hides it when it is false:
/// ```dart
/// Opacity(
/// opacity: _visible ? 1.0 : 0.0,
/// child: const Text("Now you see me, now you don't!"),
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// This is more efficient than adding and removing the child widget from the
/// tree on demand.
/// ## Performance considerations for opacity animation
/// Animating an [Opacity] widget directly causes the widget (and possibly its
/// subtree) to rebuild each frame, which is not very efficient. Consider using
/// an [AnimatedOpacity] or a [FadeTransition] instead.
/// ## Transparent image
/// If only a single [Image] or [Color] needs to be composited with an opacity
/// between 0.0 and 1.0, it's much faster to directly use them without [Opacity]
/// widgets.
/// For example, `Container(color: Color.fromRGBO(255, 0, 0, 0.5))` is much
/// faster than `Opacity(opacity: 0.5, child: Container(color:`.
/// {@tool snippet}
/// The following example draws an [Image] with 0.5 opacity without using
/// [Opacity]:
/// ```dart
/// '',
/// color: const Color.fromRGBO(255, 255, 255, 0.5),
/// colorBlendMode: BlendMode.modulate
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// Directly drawing an [Image] or [Color] with opacity is faster than using
/// [Opacity] on top of them because [Opacity] could apply the opacity to a
/// group of widgets and therefore a costly offscreen buffer will be used.
/// Drawing content into the offscreen buffer may also trigger render target
/// switches and such switching is particularly slow in older GPUs.
/// See also:
/// * [Visibility], which can hide a child more efficiently (albeit less
/// subtly, because it is either visible or hidden, rather than allowing
/// fractional opacity values). Specifically, the [Visibility.maintain]
/// constructor is equivalent to using an opacity widget with values of
/// `0.0` or `1.0`.
/// * [ShaderMask], which can apply more elaborate effects to its child.
/// * [Transform], which applies an arbitrary transform to its child widget at
/// paint time.
/// * [AnimatedOpacity], which uses an animation internally to efficiently
/// animate opacity.
/// * [FadeTransition], which uses a provided animation to efficiently animate
/// opacity.
/// * [Image], which can directly provide a partially transparent image with
/// much less performance hit.
class Opacity extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// Creates a widget that makes its child partially transparent.
/// The [opacity] argument must not be null and must be between 0.0 and 1.0
/// (inclusive).
const Opacity({
required this.opacity,
this.alwaysIncludeSemantics = false,
}) : assert(opacity != null && opacity >= 0.0 && opacity <= 1.0),
assert(alwaysIncludeSemantics != null);
/// The fraction to scale the child's alpha value.
/// An opacity of 1.0 is fully opaque. An opacity of 0.0 is fully transparent
/// (i.e., invisible).
/// The opacity must not be null.
/// Values 1.0 and 0.0 are painted with a fast path. Other values
/// require painting the child into an intermediate buffer, which is
/// expensive.
final double opacity;
/// Whether the semantic information of the children is always included.
/// Defaults to false.
/// When true, regardless of the opacity settings the child semantic
/// information is exposed as if the widget were fully visible. This is
/// useful in cases where labels may be hidden during animations that
/// would otherwise contribute relevant semantics.
final bool alwaysIncludeSemantics;
RenderOpacity createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
return RenderOpacity(
opacity: opacity,
alwaysIncludeSemantics: alwaysIncludeSemantics,
void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderOpacity renderObject) {
..opacity = opacity
..alwaysIncludeSemantics = alwaysIncludeSemantics;
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DoubleProperty('opacity', opacity));
properties.add(FlagProperty('alwaysIncludeSemantics', value: alwaysIncludeSemantics, ifTrue: 'alwaysIncludeSemantics'));
/// A widget that applies a mask generated by a [Shader] to its child.
/// For example, [ShaderMask] can be used to gradually fade out the edge
/// of a child by using a [ui.Gradient.linear] mask.
/// {@youtube 560 315}
/// {@tool snippet}
/// This example makes the text look like it is on fire:
/// ```dart
/// ShaderMask(
/// shaderCallback: (Rect bounds) {
/// return RadialGradient(
/// center: Alignment.topLeft,
/// radius: 1.0,
/// colors: <Color>[Colors.yellow, Colors.deepOrange.shade900],
/// tileMode: TileMode.mirror,
/// ).createShader(bounds);
/// },
/// child: const Text('I’m burning the memories'),
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [Opacity], which can apply a uniform alpha effect to its child.
/// * [CustomPaint], which lets you draw directly on the canvas.
/// * [DecoratedBox], for another approach at decorating child widgets.
/// * [BackdropFilter], which applies an image filter to the background.
class ShaderMask extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// Creates a widget that applies a mask generated by a [Shader] to its child.
/// The [shaderCallback] and [blendMode] arguments must not be null.
const ShaderMask({
required this.shaderCallback,
this.blendMode = BlendMode.modulate,
}) : assert(shaderCallback != null),
assert(blendMode != null);
/// Called to create the [dart:ui.Shader] that generates the mask.
/// The shader callback is called with the current size of the child so that
/// it can customize the shader to the size and location of the child.
/// Typically this will use a [LinearGradient], [RadialGradient], or
/// [SweepGradient] to create the [dart:ui.Shader], though the
/// [dart:ui.ImageShader] class could also be used.
final ShaderCallback shaderCallback;
/// The [BlendMode] to use when applying the shader to the child.
/// The default, [BlendMode.modulate], is useful for applying an alpha blend
/// to the child. Other blend modes can be used to create other effects.
final BlendMode blendMode;
RenderShaderMask createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
return RenderShaderMask(
shaderCallback: shaderCallback,
blendMode: blendMode,
void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderShaderMask renderObject) {
..shaderCallback = shaderCallback
..blendMode = blendMode;
/// A widget that applies a filter to the existing painted content and then
/// paints [child].
/// The filter will be applied to all the area within its parent or ancestor
/// widget's clip. If there's no clip, the filter will be applied to the full
/// screen.
/// The results of the filter will be blended back into the background using
/// the [blendMode] parameter.
/// {@template flutter.widgets.BackdropFilter.blendMode}
/// The only value for [blendMode] that is supported on all platforms is
/// [BlendMode.srcOver] which works well for most scenes. But that value may
/// produce surprising results when a parent of the [BackdropFilter] uses a
/// temporary buffer, or save layer, as does an [Opacity] widget. In that
/// situation, a value of [BlendMode.src] can produce more pleasing results,
/// but at the cost of incompatibility with some platforms, most notably the
/// html renderer for web applications.
/// {@endtemplate}
/// {@youtube 560 315}
/// {@tool snippet}
/// If the [BackdropFilter] needs to be applied to an area that exactly matches
/// its child, wraps the [BackdropFilter] with a clip widget that clips exactly
/// to that child.
/// ```dart
/// Stack(
/// fit: StackFit.expand,
/// children: <Widget>[
/// Text('0' * 10000),
/// Center(
/// child: ClipRect( // <-- clips to the 200x200 [Container] below
/// child: BackdropFilter(
/// filter: ui.ImageFilter.blur(
/// sigmaX: 5.0,
/// sigmaY: 5.0,
/// ),
/// child: Container(
/// alignment:,
/// width: 200.0,
/// height: 200.0,
/// child: const Text('Hello World'),
/// ),
/// ),
/// ),
/// ),
/// ],
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// This effect is relatively expensive, especially if the filter is non-local,
/// such as a blur.
/// If all you want to do is apply an [ImageFilter] to a single widget
/// (as opposed to applying the filter to everything _beneath_ a widget), use
/// [ImageFiltered] instead. For that scenario, [ImageFiltered] is both
/// easier to use and less expensive than [BackdropFilter].
/// {@tool snippet}
/// This example shows how the common case of applying a [BackdropFilter] blur
/// to a single sibling can be replaced with an [ImageFiltered] widget. This code
/// is generally simpler and the performance will be improved dramatically for
/// complex filters like blurs.
/// The implementation below is unnecessarily expensive.
/// ```dart
/// Widget buildBackdrop() {
/// return Stack(
/// children: <Widget>[
/// Positioned.fill(child: Image.asset('image.png')),
/// Positioned.fill(
/// child: BackdropFilter(
/// filter: ui.ImageFilter.blur(sigmaX: 6, sigmaY: 6),
/// ),
/// ),
/// ],
/// );
/// }
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// {@tool snippet}
/// Instead consider the following approach which directly applies a blur
/// to the child widget.
/// ```dart
/// Widget buildFilter() {
/// return ImageFiltered(
/// imageFilter: ui.ImageFilter.blur(sigmaX: 6, sigmaY: 6),
/// child: Image.asset('image.png'),
/// );
/// }
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [ImageFiltered], which applies an [ImageFilter] to its child.
/// * [DecoratedBox], which draws a background under (or over) a widget.
/// * [Opacity], which changes the opacity of the widget itself.
class BackdropFilter extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// Creates a backdrop filter.
/// The [filter] argument must not be null.
/// The [blendMode] argument will default to [BlendMode.srcOver] and must not be
/// null if provided.
const BackdropFilter({
required this.filter,
this.blendMode = BlendMode.srcOver,
}) : assert(filter != null);
/// The image filter to apply to the existing painted content before painting the child.
/// For example, consider using [ImageFilter.blur] to create a backdrop
/// blur effect.
final ui.ImageFilter filter;
/// The blend mode to use to apply the filtered background content onto the background
/// surface.
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.BackdropFilter.blendMode}
final BlendMode blendMode;
RenderBackdropFilter createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
return RenderBackdropFilter(filter: filter, blendMode: blendMode);
void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderBackdropFilter renderObject) {
..filter = filter
..blendMode = blendMode;
/// A widget that provides a canvas on which to draw during the paint phase.
/// When asked to paint, [CustomPaint] first asks its [painter] to paint on the
/// current canvas, then it paints its child, and then, after painting its
/// child, it asks its [foregroundPainter] to paint. The coordinate system of the
/// canvas matches the coordinate system of the [CustomPaint] object. The
/// painters are expected to paint within a rectangle starting at the origin and
/// encompassing a region of the given size. (If the painters paint outside
/// those bounds, there might be insufficient memory allocated to rasterize the
/// painting commands and the resulting behavior is undefined.) To enforce
/// painting within those bounds, consider wrapping this [CustomPaint] with a
/// [ClipRect] widget.
/// Painters are implemented by subclassing [CustomPainter].
/// {@youtube 560 315}
/// Because custom paint calls its painters during paint, you cannot call
/// `setState` or `markNeedsLayout` during the callback (the layout for this
/// frame has already happened).
/// Custom painters normally size themselves to their child. If they do not have
/// a child, they attempt to size themselves to the [size], which defaults to
/// []. [size] must not be null.
/// [isComplex] and [willChange] are hints to the compositor's raster cache
/// and must not be null.
/// {@tool snippet}
/// This example shows how the sample custom painter shown at [CustomPainter]
/// could be used in a [CustomPaint] widget to display a background to some
/// text.
/// ```dart
/// CustomPaint(
/// painter: Sky(),
/// child: const Center(
/// child: Text(
/// 'Once upon a time...',
/// style: TextStyle(
/// fontSize: 40.0,
/// fontWeight: FontWeight.w900,
/// color: Color(0xFFFFFFFF),
/// ),
/// ),
/// ),
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [CustomPainter], the class to extend when creating custom painters.
/// * [Canvas], the class that a custom painter uses to paint.
class CustomPaint extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// Creates a widget that delegates its painting.
const CustomPaint({
this.size =,
this.isComplex = false,
this.willChange = false,
}) : assert(size != null),
assert(isComplex != null),
assert(willChange != null),
assert(painter != null || foregroundPainter != null || (!isComplex && !willChange));
/// The painter that paints before the children.
final CustomPainter? painter;
/// The painter that paints after the children.
final CustomPainter? foregroundPainter;
/// The size that this [CustomPaint] should aim for, given the layout
/// constraints, if there is no child.
/// Defaults to [].
/// If there's a child, this is ignored, and the size of the child is used
/// instead.
final Size size;
/// Whether the painting is complex enough to benefit from caching.
/// The compositor contains a raster cache that holds bitmaps of layers in
/// order to avoid the cost of repeatedly rendering those layers on each
/// frame. If this flag is not set, then the compositor will apply its own
/// heuristics to decide whether the this layer is complex enough to benefit
/// from caching.
/// This flag can't be set to true if both [painter] and [foregroundPainter]
/// are null because this flag will be ignored in such case.
final bool isComplex;
/// Whether the raster cache should be told that this painting is likely
/// to change in the next frame.
/// This flag can't be set to true if both [painter] and [foregroundPainter]
/// are null because this flag will be ignored in such case.
final bool willChange;
RenderCustomPaint createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
return RenderCustomPaint(
painter: painter,
foregroundPainter: foregroundPainter,
preferredSize: size,
isComplex: isComplex,
willChange: willChange,
void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderCustomPaint renderObject) {
..painter = painter
..foregroundPainter = foregroundPainter
..preferredSize = size
..isComplex = isComplex
..willChange = willChange;
void didUnmountRenderObject(RenderCustomPaint renderObject) {
..painter = null
..foregroundPainter = null;
/// A widget that clips its child using a rectangle.
/// By default, [ClipRect] prevents its child from painting outside its
/// bounds, but the size and location of the clip rect can be customized using a
/// custom [clipper].
/// [ClipRect] is commonly used with these widgets, which commonly paint outside
/// their bounds:
/// * [CustomPaint]
/// * [CustomSingleChildLayout]
/// * [CustomMultiChildLayout]
/// * [Align] and [Center] (e.g., if [Align.widthFactor] or
/// [Align.heightFactor] is less than 1.0).
/// * [OverflowBox]
/// * [SizedOverflowBox]
/// {@tool snippet}
/// For example, by combining a [ClipRect] with an [Align], one can show just
/// the top half of an [Image]:
/// ```dart
/// ClipRect(
/// child: Align(
/// alignment: Alignment.topCenter,
/// heightFactor: 0.5,
/// child:,
/// ),
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [CustomClipper], for information about creating custom clips.
/// * [ClipRRect], for a clip with rounded corners.
/// * [ClipOval], for an elliptical clip.
/// * [ClipPath], for an arbitrarily shaped clip.
class ClipRect extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// Creates a rectangular clip.
/// If [clipper] is null, the clip will match the layout size and position of
/// the child.
/// The [clipBehavior] argument must not be null. If [clipBehavior] is
/// [Clip.none], no clipping will be applied.
const ClipRect({
this.clipBehavior = Clip.hardEdge,
}) : assert(clipBehavior != null);
/// If non-null, determines which clip to use.
final CustomClipper<Rect>? clipper;
/// {@macro flutter.rendering.ClipRectLayer.clipBehavior}
/// Defaults to [Clip.hardEdge].
final Clip clipBehavior;
RenderClipRect createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
return RenderClipRect(clipper: clipper, clipBehavior: clipBehavior);
void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderClipRect renderObject) {
..clipper = clipper
..clipBehavior = clipBehavior;
void didUnmountRenderObject(RenderClipRect renderObject) {
renderObject.clipper = null;
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<CustomClipper<Rect>>('clipper', clipper, defaultValue: null));
/// A widget that clips its child using a rounded rectangle.
/// By default, [ClipRRect] uses its own bounds as the base rectangle for the
/// clip, but the size and location of the clip can be customized using a custom
/// [clipper].
/// {@youtube 560 315}
/// {@tool dartpad}
/// This example shows various [ClipRRect]s applied to containers.
/// ** See code in examples/api/lib/widgets/basic/clip_rrect.0.dart **
/// {@end-tool}
/// ## Troubleshooting
/// ### Why doesn't my [ClipRRect] child have rounded corners?
/// When a [ClipRRect] is bigger than the child it contains, its rounded corners
/// could be drawn in unexpected positions. Make sure that [ClipRRect] and its child
/// have the same bounds (by shrinking the [ClipRRect] with a [FittedBox] or by
/// growing the child).
/// {@tool dartpad}
/// This example shows a [ClipRRect] that adds round corners to an image.
/// ** See code in examples/api/lib/widgets/basic/clip_rrect.1.dart **
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [CustomClipper], for information about creating custom clips.
/// * [ClipRect], for more efficient clips without rounded corners.
/// * [ClipOval], for an elliptical clip.
/// * [ClipPath], for an arbitrarily shaped clip.
class ClipRRect extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// Creates a rounded-rectangular clip.
/// The [borderRadius] defaults to [], i.e. a rectangle with
/// right-angled corners.
/// If [clipper] is non-null, then [borderRadius] is ignored.
/// The [clipBehavior] argument must not be null. If [clipBehavior] is
/// [Clip.none], no clipping will be applied.
const ClipRRect({
this.borderRadius =,
this.clipBehavior = Clip.antiAlias,
}) : assert(borderRadius != null || clipper != null),
assert(clipBehavior != null);
/// The border radius of the rounded corners.
/// Values are clamped so that horizontal and vertical radii sums do not
/// exceed width/height.
/// This value is ignored if [clipper] is non-null.
final BorderRadiusGeometry? borderRadius;
/// If non-null, determines which clip to use.
final CustomClipper<RRect>? clipper;
/// {@macro flutter.rendering.ClipRectLayer.clipBehavior}
/// Defaults to [Clip.antiAlias].
final Clip clipBehavior;
RenderClipRRect createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
return RenderClipRRect(
borderRadius: borderRadius!,
clipper: clipper,
clipBehavior: clipBehavior,
textDirection: Directionality.maybeOf(context),
void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderClipRRect renderObject) {
..borderRadius = borderRadius!
..clipBehavior = clipBehavior
..clipper = clipper
..textDirection = Directionality.maybeOf(context);
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<BorderRadiusGeometry>('borderRadius', borderRadius, showName: false, defaultValue: null));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<CustomClipper<RRect>>('clipper', clipper, defaultValue: null));
/// A widget that clips its child using an oval.
/// {@youtube 560 315}
/// By default, inscribes an axis-aligned oval into its layout dimensions and
/// prevents its child from painting outside that oval, but the size and
/// location of the clip oval can be customized using a custom [clipper].
/// See also:
/// * [CustomClipper], for information about creating custom clips.
/// * [ClipRect], for more efficient clips without rounded corners.
/// * [ClipRRect], for a clip with rounded corners.
/// * [ClipPath], for an arbitrarily shaped clip.
class ClipOval extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// Creates an oval-shaped clip.
/// If [clipper] is null, the oval will be inscribed into the layout size and
/// position of the child.
/// The [clipBehavior] argument must not be null. If [clipBehavior] is
/// [Clip.none], no clipping will be applied.
const ClipOval({
this.clipBehavior = Clip.antiAlias,
}) : assert(clipBehavior != null);
/// If non-null, determines which clip to use.
/// The delegate returns a rectangle that describes the axis-aligned
/// bounding box of the oval. The oval's axes will themselves also
/// be axis-aligned.
/// If the [clipper] delegate is null, then the oval uses the
/// widget's bounding box (the layout dimensions of the render
/// object) instead.
final CustomClipper<Rect>? clipper;
/// {@macro flutter.rendering.ClipRectLayer.clipBehavior}
/// Defaults to [Clip.antiAlias].
final Clip clipBehavior;
RenderClipOval createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
return RenderClipOval(clipper: clipper, clipBehavior: clipBehavior);
void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderClipOval renderObject) {
..clipper = clipper
..clipBehavior = clipBehavior;
void didUnmountRenderObject(RenderClipOval renderObject) {
renderObject.clipper = null;
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<CustomClipper<Rect>>('clipper', clipper, defaultValue: null));
/// A widget that clips its child using a path.
/// Calls a callback on a delegate whenever the widget is to be
/// painted. The callback returns a path and the widget prevents the
/// child from painting outside the path.
/// {@youtube 560 315}
/// Clipping to a path is expensive. Certain shapes have more
/// optimized widgets:
/// * To clip to a rectangle, consider [ClipRect].
/// * To clip to an oval or circle, consider [ClipOval].
/// * To clip to a rounded rectangle, consider [ClipRRect].
/// To clip to a particular [ShapeBorder], consider using either the
/// [ClipPath.shape] static method or the [ShapeBorderClipper] custom clipper
/// class.
class ClipPath extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// Creates a path clip.
/// If [clipper] is null, the clip will be a rectangle that matches the layout
/// size and location of the child. However, rather than use this default,
/// consider using a [ClipRect], which can achieve the same effect more
/// efficiently.
/// The [clipBehavior] argument must not be null. If [clipBehavior] is
/// [Clip.none], no clipping will be applied.
const ClipPath({
this.clipBehavior = Clip.antiAlias,
}) : assert(clipBehavior != null);
/// Creates a shape clip.
/// Uses a [ShapeBorderClipper] to configure the [ClipPath] to clip to the
/// given [ShapeBorder].
static Widget shape({
Key? key,
required ShapeBorder shape,
Clip clipBehavior = Clip.antiAlias,
Widget? child,
}) {
assert(clipBehavior != null);
assert(shape != null);
return Builder(
key: key,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return ClipPath(
clipper: ShapeBorderClipper(
shape: shape,
textDirection: Directionality.maybeOf(context),
clipBehavior: clipBehavior,
child: child,
/// If non-null, determines which clip to use.
/// The default clip, which is used if this property is null, is the
/// bounding box rectangle of the widget. [ClipRect] is a more
/// efficient way of obtaining that effect.
final CustomClipper<Path>? clipper;
/// {@macro flutter.rendering.ClipRectLayer.clipBehavior}
/// Defaults to [Clip.antiAlias].
final Clip clipBehavior;
RenderClipPath createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
return RenderClipPath(clipper: clipper, clipBehavior: clipBehavior);
void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderClipPath renderObject) {
..clipper = clipper
..clipBehavior = clipBehavior;
void didUnmountRenderObject(RenderClipPath renderObject) {
renderObject.clipper = null;
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<CustomClipper<Path>>('clipper', clipper, defaultValue: null));
/// A widget representing a physical layer that clips its children to a shape.
/// {@youtube 560 315}
/// Physical layers cast shadows based on an [elevation] which is nominally in
/// logical pixels, coming vertically out of the rendering surface.
/// For shapes that cannot be expressed as a rectangle with rounded corners use
/// [PhysicalShape].
/// See also:
/// * [AnimatedPhysicalModel], which animates property changes smoothly over
/// a given duration.
/// * [DecoratedBox], which can apply more arbitrary shadow effects.
/// * [ClipRect], which applies a clip to its child.
class PhysicalModel extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// Creates a physical model with a rounded-rectangular clip.
/// The [color] is required; physical things have a color.
/// The [shape], [elevation], [color], [clipBehavior], and [shadowColor] must
/// not be null. Additionally, the [elevation] must be non-negative.
const PhysicalModel({
this.shape = BoxShape.rectangle,
this.clipBehavior = Clip.none,
this.elevation = 0.0,
required this.color,
this.shadowColor = const Color(0xFF000000),
}) : assert(shape != null),
assert(elevation != null && elevation >= 0.0),
assert(color != null),
assert(shadowColor != null),
assert(clipBehavior != null);
/// The type of shape.
final BoxShape shape;
/// {@macro flutter.material.Material.clipBehavior}
/// Defaults to [Clip.none].
final Clip clipBehavior;
/// The border radius of the rounded corners.
/// Values are clamped so that horizontal and vertical radii sums do not
/// exceed width/height.
/// This is ignored if the [shape] is not [BoxShape.rectangle].
final BorderRadius? borderRadius;
/// The z-coordinate relative to the parent at which to place this physical
/// object.
/// The value is non-negative.
final double elevation;
/// The background color.
final Color color;
/// The shadow color.
final Color shadowColor;
RenderPhysicalModel createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
return RenderPhysicalModel(
shape: shape,
clipBehavior: clipBehavior,
borderRadius: borderRadius,
elevation: elevation,
color: color,
shadowColor: shadowColor,
void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderPhysicalModel renderObject) {
..shape = shape
..clipBehavior = clipBehavior
..borderRadius = borderRadius
..elevation = elevation
..color = color
..shadowColor = shadowColor;
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(EnumProperty<BoxShape>('shape', shape));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<BorderRadius>('borderRadius', borderRadius));
properties.add(DoubleProperty('elevation', elevation));
properties.add(ColorProperty('color', color));
properties.add(ColorProperty('shadowColor', shadowColor));
/// A widget representing a physical layer that clips its children to a path.
/// Physical layers cast shadows based on an [elevation] which is nominally in
/// logical pixels, coming vertically out of the rendering surface.
/// [PhysicalModel] does the same but only supports shapes that can be expressed
/// as rectangles with rounded corners.
/// {@tool dartpad}
/// This example shows how to use a [PhysicalShape] on a centered [SizedBox]
/// to clip it to a rounded rectangle using a [ShapeBorderClipper] and give it
/// an orange color along with a shadow.
/// ** See code in examples/api/lib/widgets/basic/physical_shape.0.dart **
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [ShapeBorderClipper], which converts a [ShapeBorder] to a [CustomClipper], as
/// needed by this widget.
class PhysicalShape extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// Creates a physical model with an arbitrary shape clip.
/// The [color] is required; physical things have a color.
/// The [clipper], [elevation], [color], [clipBehavior], and [shadowColor]
/// must not be null. Additionally, the [elevation] must be non-negative.
const PhysicalShape({
required this.clipper,
this.clipBehavior = Clip.none,
this.elevation = 0.0,
required this.color,
this.shadowColor = const Color(0xFF000000),
}) : assert(clipper != null),
assert(clipBehavior != null),
assert(elevation != null && elevation >= 0.0),
assert(color != null),
assert(shadowColor != null);
/// Determines which clip to use.
/// If the path in question is expressed as a [ShapeBorder] subclass,
/// consider using the [ShapeBorderClipper] delegate class to adapt the
/// shape for use with this widget.
final CustomClipper<Path> clipper;
/// {@macro flutter.material.Material.clipBehavior}
/// Defaults to [Clip.none].
final Clip clipBehavior;
/// The z-coordinate relative to the parent at which to place this physical
/// object.
/// The value is non-negative.
final double elevation;
/// The background color.
final Color color;
/// When elevation is non zero the color to use for the shadow color.
final Color shadowColor;
RenderPhysicalShape createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
return RenderPhysicalShape(
clipper: clipper,
clipBehavior: clipBehavior,
elevation: elevation,
color: color,
shadowColor: shadowColor,
void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderPhysicalShape renderObject) {
..clipper = clipper
..clipBehavior = clipBehavior
..elevation = elevation
..color = color
..shadowColor = shadowColor;
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<CustomClipper<Path>>('clipper', clipper));
properties.add(DoubleProperty('elevation', elevation));
properties.add(ColorProperty('color', color));
properties.add(ColorProperty('shadowColor', shadowColor));
/// A widget that applies a transformation before painting its child.
/// Unlike [RotatedBox], which applies a rotation prior to layout, this object
/// applies its transformation just prior to painting, which means the
/// transformation is not taken into account when calculating how much space
/// this widget's child (and thus this widget) consumes.
/// {@youtube 560 315}
/// {@tool snippet}
/// This example rotates and skews an orange box containing text, keeping the
/// top right corner pinned to its original position.
/// ```dart
/// Container(
/// color:,
/// child: Transform(
/// alignment: Alignment.topRight,
/// transform: Matrix4.skewY(0.3)..rotateZ(-math.pi / 12.0),
/// child: Container(
/// padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
/// color: const Color(0xFFE8581C),
/// child: const Text('Apartment for rent!'),
/// ),
/// ),
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [RotatedBox], which rotates the child widget during layout, not just
/// during painting.
/// * [FractionalTranslation], which applies a translation to the child
/// that is relative to the child's size.
/// * [FittedBox], which sizes and positions its child widget to fit the parent
/// according to a given [BoxFit] discipline.
/// * The [catalog of layout widgets](
class Transform extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// Creates a widget that transforms its child.
/// The [transform] argument must not be null.
const Transform({
required this.transform,
this.transformHitTests = true,
}) : assert(transform != null);
/// Creates a widget that transforms its child using a rotation around the
/// center.
/// The `angle` argument must not be null. It gives the rotation in clockwise
/// radians.
/// {@tool snippet}
/// This example rotates an orange box containing text around its center by
/// fifteen degrees.
/// ```dart
/// Transform.rotate(
/// angle: -math.pi / 12.0,
/// child: Container(
/// padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
/// color: const Color(0xFFE8581C),
/// child: const Text('Apartment for rent!'),
/// ),
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [RotationTransition], which animates changes in rotation smoothly
/// over a given duration.
required double angle,
this.alignment =,
this.transformHitTests = true,
}) : transform = _computeRotation(angle);
/// Creates a widget that transforms its child using a translation.
/// The `offset` argument must not be null. It specifies the translation.
/// {@tool snippet}
/// This example shifts the silver-colored child down by fifteen pixels.
/// ```dart
/// Transform.translate(
/// offset: const Offset(0.0, 15.0),
/// child: Container(
/// padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
/// color: const Color(0xFF7F7F7F),
/// child: const Text('Quarter'),
/// ),
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
required Offset offset,
this.transformHitTests = true,
}) : transform = Matrix4.translationValues(offset.dx, offset.dy, 0.0),
origin = null,
alignment = null;
/// Creates a widget that scales its child along the 2D plane.
/// The `scaleX` argument provides the scalar by which to multiply the `x` axis, and the `scaleY` argument provides the scalar by which to multiply the `y` axis. Either may be omitted, in which case that axis defaults to 1.0.
/// For convenience, to scale the child uniformly, instead of providing `scaleX` and `scaleY`, the `scale` parameter may be used.
/// At least one of `scale`, `scaleX`, and `scaleY` must be non-null. If `scale` is provided, the other two must be null; similarly, if it is not provided, one of the other two must be provided.
/// The [alignment] controls the origin of the scale; by default, this is
/// the center of the box.
/// {@tool snippet}
/// This example shrinks an orange box containing text such that each dimension
/// is half the size it would otherwise be.
/// ```dart
/// Transform.scale(
/// scale: 0.5,
/// child: Container(
/// padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
/// color: const Color(0xFFE8581C),
/// child: const Text('Bad Idea Bears'),
/// ),
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [ScaleTransition], which animates changes in scale smoothly
/// over a given duration.
double? scale,
double? scaleX,
double? scaleY,
this.alignment =,
this.transformHitTests = true,
}) : assert(!(scale == null && scaleX == null && scaleY == null), "At least one of 'scale', 'scaleX' and 'scaleY' is required to be non-null"),
assert(scale == null || (scaleX == null && scaleY == null), "If 'scale' is non-null then 'scaleX' and 'scaleY' must be left null"),
transform = Matrix4.diagonal3Values(scale ?? scaleX ?? 1.0, scale ?? scaleY ?? 1.0, 1.0);
// Computes a rotation matrix for an angle in radians, attempting to keep rotations
// at integral values for angles of 0, π/2, π, 3π/2.
static Matrix4 _computeRotation(double radians) {
assert(radians.isFinite, 'Cannot compute the rotation matrix for a non-finite angle: $radians');
if (radians == 0.0) {
return Matrix4.identity();
final double sin = math.sin(radians);
if (sin == 1.0) {
return _createZRotation(1.0, 0.0);
if (sin == -1.0) {
return _createZRotation(-1.0, 0.0);
final double cos = math.cos(radians);
if (cos == -1.0) {
return _createZRotation(0.0, -1.0);
return _createZRotation(sin, cos);
static Matrix4 _createZRotation(double sin, double cos) {
final Matrix4 result =;[0] = cos;[1] = sin;[4] = -sin;[5] = cos;[10] = 1.0;[15] = 1.0;
return result;
/// The matrix to transform the child by during painting.
final Matrix4 transform;
/// The origin of the coordinate system (relative to the upper left corner of
/// this render object) in which to apply the matrix.
/// Setting an origin is equivalent to conjugating the transform matrix by a
/// translation. This property is provided just for convenience.
final Offset? origin;
/// The alignment of the origin, relative to the size of the box.
/// This is equivalent to setting an origin based on the size of the box.
/// If it is specified at the same time as the [origin], both are applied.
/// An [AlignmentDirectional.centerStart] value is the same as an [Alignment]
/// whose [Alignment.x] value is `-1.0` if [Directionality.of] returns
/// [TextDirection.ltr], and `1.0` if [Directionality.of] returns
/// [TextDirection.rtl]. Similarly [AlignmentDirectional.centerEnd] is the
/// same as an [Alignment] whose [Alignment.x] value is `1.0` if
/// [Directionality.of] returns [TextDirection.ltr], and `-1.0` if
/// [Directionality.of] returns [TextDirection.rtl].
final AlignmentGeometry? alignment;
/// Whether to apply the transformation when performing hit tests.
final bool transformHitTests;
/// The filter quality with which to apply the transform as a bitmap operation.
/// {@template flutter.widgets.Transform.optional.FilterQuality}
/// The transform will be applied by re-rendering the child if [filterQuality] is null,
/// otherwise it controls the quality of an [ImageFilter.matrix] applied to a bitmap
/// rendering of the child.
/// {@endtemplate}
final FilterQuality? filterQuality;
RenderTransform createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
return RenderTransform(
transform: transform,
origin: origin,
alignment: alignment,
textDirection: Directionality.maybeOf(context),
transformHitTests: transformHitTests,
filterQuality: filterQuality,
void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderTransform renderObject) {
..transform = transform
..origin = origin
..alignment = alignment
..textDirection = Directionality.maybeOf(context)
..transformHitTests = transformHitTests
..filterQuality = filterQuality;
/// A widget that can be targeted by a [CompositedTransformFollower].
/// When this widget is composited during the compositing phase (which comes
/// after the paint phase, as described in [WidgetsBinding.drawFrame]), it
/// updates the [link] object so that any [CompositedTransformFollower] widgets
/// that are subsequently composited in the same frame and were given the same
/// [LayerLink] can position themselves at the same screen location.
/// A single [CompositedTransformTarget] can be followed by multiple
/// [CompositedTransformFollower] widgets.
/// The [CompositedTransformTarget] must come earlier in the paint order than
/// any linked [CompositedTransformFollower]s.
/// See also:
/// * [CompositedTransformFollower], the widget that can target this one.
/// * [LeaderLayer], the layer that implements this widget's logic.
class CompositedTransformTarget extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// Creates a composited transform target widget.
/// The [link] property must not be null, and must not be currently being used
/// by any other [CompositedTransformTarget] object that is in the tree.
const CompositedTransformTarget({
}) : assert(link != null);
/// The link object that connects this [CompositedTransformTarget] with one or
/// more [CompositedTransformFollower]s.
/// This property must not be null. The object must not be associated with
/// another [CompositedTransformTarget] that is also being painted.
final LayerLink link;
RenderLeaderLayer createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
return RenderLeaderLayer(
link: link,
void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderLeaderLayer renderObject) { = link;
/// A widget that follows a [CompositedTransformTarget].
/// When this widget is composited during the compositing phase (which comes
/// after the paint phase, as described in [WidgetsBinding.drawFrame]), it
/// applies a transformation that brings [targetAnchor] of the linked
/// [CompositedTransformTarget] and [followerAnchor] of this widget together.
/// The two anchor points will have the same global coordinates, unless [offset]
/// is not [], in which case [followerAnchor] will be offset by
/// [offset] in the linked [CompositedTransformTarget]'s coordinate space.
/// The [LayerLink] object used as the [link] must be the same object as that
/// provided to the matching [CompositedTransformTarget].
/// The [CompositedTransformTarget] must come earlier in the paint order than
/// this [CompositedTransformFollower].
/// Hit testing on descendants of this widget will only work if the target
/// position is within the box that this widget's parent considers to be
/// hittable. If the parent covers the screen, this is trivially achievable, so
/// this widget is usually used as the root of an [OverlayEntry] in an app-wide
/// [Overlay] (e.g. as created by the [MaterialApp] widget's [Navigator]).
/// See also:
/// * [CompositedTransformTarget], the widget that this widget can target.
/// * [FollowerLayer], the layer that implements this widget's logic.
/// * [Transform], which applies an arbitrary transform to a child.
class CompositedTransformFollower extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// Creates a composited transform target widget.
/// The [link] property must not be null. If it was also provided to a
/// [CompositedTransformTarget], that widget must come earlier in the paint
/// order.
/// The [showWhenUnlinked] and [offset] properties must also not be null.
const CompositedTransformFollower({
this.showWhenUnlinked = true,
this.offset =,
this.targetAnchor = Alignment.topLeft,
this.followerAnchor = Alignment.topLeft,
}) : assert(link != null),
assert(showWhenUnlinked != null),
assert(offset != null),
assert(targetAnchor != null),
assert(followerAnchor != null);
/// The link object that connects this [CompositedTransformFollower] with a
/// [CompositedTransformTarget].
/// This property must not be null.
final LayerLink link;
/// Whether to show the widget's contents when there is no corresponding
/// [CompositedTransformTarget] with the same [link].
/// When the widget is linked, the child is positioned such that it has the
/// same global position as the linked [CompositedTransformTarget].
/// When the widget is not linked, then: if [showWhenUnlinked] is true, the
/// child is visible and not repositioned; if it is false, then child is
/// hidden.
final bool showWhenUnlinked;
/// The anchor point on the linked [CompositedTransformTarget] that
/// [followerAnchor] will line up with.
/// {@template flutter.widgets.CompositedTransformFollower.targetAnchor}
/// For example, when [targetAnchor] and [followerAnchor] are both
/// [Alignment.topLeft], this widget will be top left aligned with the linked
/// [CompositedTransformTarget]. When [targetAnchor] is
/// [Alignment.bottomLeft] and [followerAnchor] is [Alignment.topLeft], this
/// widget will be left aligned with the linked [CompositedTransformTarget],
/// and its top edge will line up with the [CompositedTransformTarget]'s
/// bottom edge.
/// {@endtemplate}
/// Defaults to [Alignment.topLeft].
final Alignment targetAnchor;
/// The anchor point on this widget that will line up with [targetAnchor] on
/// the linked [CompositedTransformTarget].
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.CompositedTransformFollower.targetAnchor}
/// Defaults to [Alignment.topLeft].
final Alignment followerAnchor;
/// The additional offset to apply to the [targetAnchor] of the linked
/// [CompositedTransformTarget] to obtain this widget's [followerAnchor]
/// position.
final Offset offset;
RenderFollowerLayer createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
return RenderFollowerLayer(
link: link,
showWhenUnlinked: showWhenUnlinked,
offset: offset,
leaderAnchor: targetAnchor,
followerAnchor: followerAnchor,
void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderFollowerLayer renderObject) {
renderObject = link
..showWhenUnlinked = showWhenUnlinked
..offset = offset
..leaderAnchor = targetAnchor
..followerAnchor = followerAnchor;
/// Scales and positions its child within itself according to [fit].
/// {@youtube 560 315}
/// {@tool dartpad}
/// In this example, the image is stretched to fill the entire [Container], which would
/// not happen normally without using FittedBox.
/// ** See code in examples/api/lib/widgets/basic/fitted_box.0.dart **
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [Transform], which applies an arbitrary transform to its child widget at
/// paint time.
/// * The [catalog of layout widgets](
class FittedBox extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// Creates a widget that scales and positions its child within itself according to [fit].
/// The [fit] and [alignment] arguments must not be null.
const FittedBox({
super.key, = BoxFit.contain,
this.alignment =,
this.clipBehavior = Clip.none,
}) : assert(fit != null),
assert(alignment != null),
assert(clipBehavior != null);
/// How to inscribe the child into the space allocated during layout.
final BoxFit fit;
/// How to align the child within its parent's bounds.
/// An alignment of (-1.0, -1.0) aligns the child to the top-left corner of its
/// parent's bounds. An alignment of (1.0, 0.0) aligns the child to the middle
/// of the right edge of its parent's bounds.
/// Defaults to [].
/// See also:
/// * [Alignment], a class with convenient constants typically used to
/// specify an [AlignmentGeometry].
/// * [AlignmentDirectional], like [Alignment] for specifying alignments
/// relative to text direction.
final AlignmentGeometry alignment;
/// {@macro flutter.material.Material.clipBehavior}
/// Defaults to [Clip.none].
final Clip clipBehavior;
RenderFittedBox createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
return RenderFittedBox(
fit: fit,
alignment: alignment,
textDirection: Directionality.maybeOf(context),
clipBehavior: clipBehavior,
void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderFittedBox renderObject) {
renderObject = fit
..alignment = alignment
..textDirection = Directionality.maybeOf(context)
..clipBehavior = clipBehavior;
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(EnumProperty<BoxFit>('fit', fit));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<AlignmentGeometry>('alignment', alignment));
/// Applies a translation transformation before painting its child.
/// The translation is expressed as a [Offset] scaled to the child's size. For
/// example, an [Offset] with a `dx` of 0.25 will result in a horizontal
/// translation of one quarter the width of the child.
/// Hit tests will only be detected inside the bounds of the
/// [FractionalTranslation], even if the contents are offset such that
/// they overflow.
/// See also:
/// * [Transform], which applies an arbitrary transform to its child widget at
/// paint time.
/// * [Transform.translate], which applies an absolute offset translation
/// transformation instead of an offset scaled to the child.
/// * The [catalog of layout widgets](
class FractionalTranslation extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// Creates a widget that translates its child's painting.
/// The [translation] argument must not be null.
const FractionalTranslation({
required this.translation,
this.transformHitTests = true,
}) : assert(translation != null);
/// The translation to apply to the child, scaled to the child's size.
/// For example, an [Offset] with a `dx` of 0.25 will result in a horizontal
/// translation of one quarter the width of the child.
final Offset translation;
/// Whether to apply the translation when performing hit tests.
final bool transformHitTests;
RenderFractionalTranslation createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
return RenderFractionalTranslation(
translation: translation,
transformHitTests: transformHitTests,
void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderFractionalTranslation renderObject) {
..translation = translation
..transformHitTests = transformHitTests;
/// A widget that rotates its child by a integral number of quarter turns.
/// Unlike [Transform], which applies a transform just prior to painting,
/// this object applies its rotation prior to layout, which means the entire
/// rotated box consumes only as much space as required by the rotated child.
/// {@youtube 560 315}
/// {@tool snippet}
/// This snippet rotates the child (some [Text]) so that it renders from bottom
/// to top, like an axis label on a graph:
/// ```dart
/// const RotatedBox(
/// quarterTurns: 3,
/// child: Text('Hello World!'),
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [Transform], which is a paint effect that allows you to apply an
/// arbitrary transform to a child.
/// * [Transform.rotate], which applies a rotation paint effect.
/// * The [catalog of layout widgets](
class RotatedBox extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// A widget that rotates its child.
/// The [quarterTurns] argument must not be null.
const RotatedBox({
required this.quarterTurns,
}) : assert(quarterTurns != null);
/// The number of clockwise quarter turns the child should be rotated.
final int quarterTurns;
RenderRotatedBox createRenderObject(BuildContext context) => RenderRotatedBox(quarterTurns: quarterTurns);
void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderRotatedBox renderObject) {
renderObject.quarterTurns = quarterTurns;
/// A widget that insets its child by the given padding.
/// {@youtube 560 315}
/// When passing layout constraints to its child, padding shrinks the
/// constraints by the given padding, causing the child to layout at a smaller
/// size. Padding then sizes itself to its child's size, inflated by the
/// padding, effectively creating empty space around the child.
/// {@tool snippet}
/// This snippet creates "Hello World!" [Text] inside a [Card] that is indented
/// by sixteen pixels in each direction.
/// ![](
/// ```dart
/// const Card(
/// child: Padding(
/// padding: EdgeInsets.all(16.0),
/// child: Text('Hello World!'),
/// ),
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// ## Design discussion
/// ### Why use a [Padding] widget rather than a [Container] with a [Container.padding] property?
/// There isn't really any difference between the two. If you supply a
/// [Container.padding] argument, [Container] simply builds a [Padding] widget
/// for you.
/// [Container] doesn't implement its properties directly. Instead, [Container]
/// combines a number of simpler widgets together into a convenient package. For
/// example, the [Container.padding] property causes the container to build a
/// [Padding] widget and the [Container.decoration] property causes the
/// container to build a [DecoratedBox] widget. If you find [Container]
/// convenient, feel free to use it. If not, feel free to build these simpler
/// widgets in whatever combination meets your needs.
/// In fact, the majority of widgets in Flutter are simply combinations of other
/// simpler widgets. Composition, rather than inheritance, is the primary
/// mechanism for building up widgets.
/// See also:
/// * [AnimatedPadding], which animates changes in [padding] over a given
/// duration.
/// * [EdgeInsets], the class that is used to describe the padding dimensions.
/// * The [catalog of layout widgets](
class Padding extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// Creates a widget that insets its child.
/// The [padding] argument must not be null.
const Padding({
required this.padding,
}) : assert(padding != null);
/// The amount of space by which to inset the child.
final EdgeInsetsGeometry padding;
RenderPadding createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
return RenderPadding(
padding: padding,
textDirection: Directionality.maybeOf(context),
void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderPadding renderObject) {
..padding = padding
..textDirection = Directionality.maybeOf(context);
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<EdgeInsetsGeometry>('padding', padding));
/// A widget that aligns its child within itself and optionally sizes itself
/// based on the child's size.
/// For example, to align a box at the bottom right, you would pass this box a
/// tight constraint that is bigger than the child's natural size,
/// with an alignment of [Alignment.bottomRight].
/// {@youtube 560 315}
/// This widget will be as big as possible if its dimensions are constrained and
/// [widthFactor] and [heightFactor] are null. If a dimension is unconstrained
/// and the corresponding size factor is null then the widget will match its
/// child's size in that dimension. If a size factor is non-null then the
/// corresponding dimension of this widget will be the product of the child's
/// dimension and the size factor. For example if widthFactor is 2.0 then
/// the width of this widget will always be twice its child's width.
/// ## How it works
/// The [alignment] property describes a point in the `child`'s coordinate system
/// and a different point in the coordinate system of this widget. The [Align]
/// widget positions the `child` such that both points are lined up on top of
/// each other.
/// {@tool snippet}
/// The [Align] widget in this example uses one of the defined constants from
/// [Alignment], [Alignment.topRight]. This places the [FlutterLogo] in the top
/// right corner of the parent blue [Container].
/// ![A blue square container with the Flutter logo in the top right corner.](
/// ```dart
/// Center(
/// child: Container(
/// height: 120.0,
/// width: 120.0,
/// color:[50],
/// child: const Align(
/// alignment: Alignment.topRight,
/// child: FlutterLogo(
/// size: 60,
/// ),
/// ),
/// ),
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// {@tool snippet}
/// The [Alignment] used in the following example defines a single point:
/// * (0.2 * width of [FlutterLogo]/2 + width of [FlutterLogo]/2, 0.6 * height
/// of [FlutterLogo]/2 + height of [FlutterLogo]/2) = (36.0, 48.0).
/// The [Alignment] class uses a coordinate system with an origin in the center
/// of the [Container], as shown with the [Icon] above. [Align] will place the
/// [FlutterLogo] at (36.0, 48.0) according to this coordinate system.
/// ![A blue square container with the Flutter logo positioned according to the
/// Alignment specified above. A point is marked at the center of the container
/// for the origin of the Alignment coordinate system.](
/// ```dart
/// Center(
/// child: Container(
/// height: 120.0,
/// width: 120.0,
/// color:[50],
/// child: const Align(
/// alignment: Alignment(0.2, 0.6),
/// child: FlutterLogo(
/// size: 60,
/// ),
/// ),
/// ),
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// {@tool snippet}
/// The [FractionalOffset] used in the following example defines two points:
/// * (0.2 * width of [FlutterLogo], 0.6 * height of [FlutterLogo]) = (12.0, 36.0)
/// in the coordinate system of the blue container.
/// * (0.2 * width of [Align], 0.6 * height of [Align]) = (24.0, 72.0) in the
/// coordinate system of the [Align] widget.
/// The [Align] widget positions the [FlutterLogo] such that the two points are on
/// top of each other. In this example, the top left of the [FlutterLogo] will
/// be placed at (24.0, 72.0) - (12.0, 36.0) = (12.0, 36.0) from the top left of
/// the [Align] widget.
/// The [FractionalOffset] class uses a coordinate system with an origin in the top-left
/// corner of the [Container] in difference to the center-oriented system used in
/// the example above with [Alignment].
/// ![A blue square container with the Flutter logo positioned according to the
/// FractionalOffset specified above. A point is marked at the top left corner
/// of the container for the origin of the FractionalOffset coordinate system.](
/// ```dart
/// Center(
/// child: Container(
/// height: 120.0,
/// width: 120.0,
/// color:[50],
/// child: const Align(
/// alignment: FractionalOffset(0.2, 0.6),
/// child: FlutterLogo(
/// size: 60,
/// ),
/// ),
/// ),
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [AnimatedAlign], which animates changes in [alignment] smoothly over a
/// given duration.
/// * [CustomSingleChildLayout], which uses a delegate to control the layout of
/// a single child.
/// * [Center], which is the same as [Align] but with the [alignment] always
/// set to [].
/// * [FractionallySizedBox], which sizes its child based on a fraction of its
/// own size and positions the child according to an [Alignment] value.
/// * The [catalog of layout widgets](
class Align extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// Creates an alignment widget.
/// The alignment defaults to [].
const Align({
this.alignment =,
}) : assert(alignment != null),
assert(widthFactor == null || widthFactor >= 0.0),
assert(heightFactor == null || heightFactor >= 0.0);
/// How to align the child.
/// The x and y values of the [Alignment] control the horizontal and vertical
/// alignment, respectively. An x value of -1.0 means that the left edge of
/// the child is aligned with the left edge of the parent whereas an x value
/// of 1.0 means that the right edge of the child is aligned with the right
/// edge of the parent. Other values interpolate (and extrapolate) linearly.
/// For example, a value of 0.0 means that the center of the child is aligned
/// with the center of the parent.
/// See also:
/// * [Alignment], which has more details and some convenience constants for
/// common positions.
/// * [AlignmentDirectional], which has a horizontal coordinate orientation
/// that depends on the [TextDirection].
final AlignmentGeometry alignment;
/// If non-null, sets its width to the child's width multiplied by this factor.
/// Can be both greater and less than 1.0 but must be non-negative.
final double? widthFactor;
/// If non-null, sets its height to the child's height multiplied by this factor.
/// Can be both greater and less than 1.0 but must be non-negative.
final double? heightFactor;
RenderPositionedBox createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
return RenderPositionedBox(
alignment: alignment,
widthFactor: widthFactor,
heightFactor: heightFactor,
textDirection: Directionality.maybeOf(context),
void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderPositionedBox renderObject) {
..alignment = alignment
..widthFactor = widthFactor
..heightFactor = heightFactor
..textDirection = Directionality.maybeOf(context);
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<AlignmentGeometry>('alignment', alignment));
properties.add(DoubleProperty('widthFactor', widthFactor, defaultValue: null));
properties.add(DoubleProperty('heightFactor', heightFactor, defaultValue: null));
/// A widget that centers its child within itself.
/// This widget will be as big as possible if its dimensions are constrained and
/// [widthFactor] and [heightFactor] are null. If a dimension is unconstrained
/// and the corresponding size factor is null then the widget will match its
/// child's size in that dimension. If a size factor is non-null then the
/// corresponding dimension of this widget will be the product of the child's
/// dimension and the size factor. For example if widthFactor is 2.0 then
/// the width of this widget will always be twice its child's width.
/// See also:
/// * [Align], which lets you arbitrarily position a child within itself,
/// rather than just centering it.
/// * [Row], a widget that displays its children in a horizontal array.
/// * [Column], a widget that displays its children in a vertical array.
/// * [Container], a convenience widget that combines common painting,
/// positioning, and sizing widgets.
/// * The [catalog of layout widgets](
class Center extends Align {
/// Creates a widget that centers its child.
const Center({ super.key, super.widthFactor, super.heightFactor, super.child });
/// A widget that defers the layout of its single child to a delegate.
/// The delegate can determine the layout constraints for the child and can
/// decide where to position the child. The delegate can also determine the size
/// of the parent, but the size of the parent cannot depend on the size of the
/// child.
/// See also:
/// * [SingleChildLayoutDelegate], which controls the layout of the child.
/// * [Align], which sizes itself based on its child's size and positions
/// the child according to an [Alignment] value.
/// * [FractionallySizedBox], which sizes its child based on a fraction of its own
/// size and positions the child according to an [Alignment] value.
/// * [CustomMultiChildLayout], which uses a delegate to position multiple
/// children.
/// * The [catalog of layout widgets](
class CustomSingleChildLayout extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// Creates a custom single child layout.
/// The [delegate] argument must not be null.
const CustomSingleChildLayout({
required this.delegate,
}) : assert(delegate != null);
/// The delegate that controls the layout of the child.
final SingleChildLayoutDelegate delegate;
RenderCustomSingleChildLayoutBox createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
return RenderCustomSingleChildLayoutBox(delegate: delegate);
void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderCustomSingleChildLayoutBox renderObject) {
renderObject.delegate = delegate;
/// Metadata for identifying children in a [CustomMultiChildLayout].
/// The [MultiChildLayoutDelegate.hasChild],
/// [MultiChildLayoutDelegate.layoutChild], and
/// [MultiChildLayoutDelegate.positionChild] methods use these identifiers.
class LayoutId extends ParentDataWidget<MultiChildLayoutParentData> {
/// Marks a child with a layout identifier.
/// Both the child and the id arguments must not be null.
Key? key,
required super.child,
}) : assert(child != null),
assert(id != null),
super(key: key ?? ValueKey<Object>(id));
/// An object representing the identity of this child.
/// The [id] needs to be unique among the children that the
/// [CustomMultiChildLayout] manages.
final Object id;
void applyParentData(RenderObject renderObject) {
assert(renderObject.parentData is MultiChildLayoutParentData);
final MultiChildLayoutParentData parentData = renderObject.parentData! as MultiChildLayoutParentData;
if ( != id) { = id;
final AbstractNode? targetParent = renderObject.parent;
if (targetParent is RenderObject) {
Type get debugTypicalAncestorWidgetClass => CustomMultiChildLayout;
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Object>('id', id));
/// A widget that uses a delegate to size and position multiple children.
/// The delegate can determine the layout constraints for each child and can
/// decide where to position each child. The delegate can also determine the
/// size of the parent, but the size of the parent cannot depend on the sizes of
/// the children.
/// [CustomMultiChildLayout] is appropriate when there are complex relationships
/// between the size and positioning of multiple widgets. To control the
/// layout of a single child, [CustomSingleChildLayout] is more appropriate. For
/// simple cases, such as aligning a widget to one or another edge, the [Stack]
/// widget is more appropriate.
/// Each child must be wrapped in a [LayoutId] widget to identify the widget for
/// the delegate.
/// {@tool dartpad}
/// This example shows a [CustomMultiChildLayout] widget being used to lay out
/// colored blocks from start to finish in a cascade that has some overlap.
/// It responds to changes in [Directionality] by re-laying out its children.
/// ** See code in examples/api/lib/widgets/basic/custom_multi_child_layout.0.dart **
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [MultiChildLayoutDelegate], for details about how to control the layout of
/// the children.
/// * [CustomSingleChildLayout], which uses a delegate to control the layout of
/// a single child.
/// * [Stack], which arranges children relative to the edges of the container.
/// * [Flow], which provides paint-time control of its children using transform
/// matrices.
/// * The [catalog of layout widgets](
class CustomMultiChildLayout extends MultiChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// Creates a custom multi-child layout.
/// The [delegate] argument must not be null.
required this.delegate,
}) : assert(delegate != null);
/// The delegate that controls the layout of the children.
final MultiChildLayoutDelegate delegate;
RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
return RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox(delegate: delegate);
void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox renderObject) {
renderObject.delegate = delegate;
/// A box with a specified size.
/// If given a child, this widget forces it to have a specific width and/or height.
/// These values will be ignored if this widget's parent does not permit them.
/// For example, this happens if the parent is the screen (forces the child to
/// be the same size as the parent), or another [SizedBox] (forces its child to
/// have a specific width and/or height). This can be remedied by wrapping the
/// child [SizedBox] in a widget that does permit it to be any size up to the
/// size of the parent, such as [Center] or [Align].
/// If either the width or height is null, this widget will try to size itself to
/// match the child's size in that dimension. If the child's size depends on the
/// size of its parent, the height and width must be provided.
/// If not given a child, [SizedBox] will try to size itself as close to the
/// specified height and width as possible given the parent's constraints. If
/// [height] or [width] is null or unspecified, it will be treated as zero.
/// The [SizedBox.expand] constructor can be used to make a [SizedBox] that
/// sizes itself to fit the parent. It is equivalent to setting [width] and
/// [height] to [double.infinity].
/// {@youtube 560 315}
/// {@tool snippet}
/// This snippet makes the child widget (a [Card] with some [Text]) have the
/// exact size 200x300, parental constraints permitting:
/// ```dart
/// const SizedBox(
/// width: 200.0,
/// height: 300.0,
/// child: Card(child: Text('Hello World!')),
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [ConstrainedBox], a more generic version of this class that takes
/// arbitrary [BoxConstraints] instead of an explicit width and height.
/// * [UnconstrainedBox], a container that tries to let its child draw without
/// constraints.
/// * [FractionallySizedBox], a widget that sizes its child to a fraction of
/// the total available space.
/// * [AspectRatio], a widget that attempts to fit within the parent's
/// constraints while also sizing its child to match a given aspect ratio.
/// * [FittedBox], which sizes and positions its child widget to fit the parent
/// according to a given [BoxFit] discipline.
/// * The [catalog of layout widgets](
/// * [Understanding constraints](,
/// an in-depth article about layout in Flutter.
class SizedBox extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// Creates a fixed size box. The [width] and [height] parameters can be null
/// to indicate that the size of the box should not be constrained in
/// the corresponding dimension.
const SizedBox({ super.key, this.width, this.height, super.child });
/// Creates a box that will become as large as its parent allows.
const SizedBox.expand({ super.key, super.child })
: width = double.infinity,
height = double.infinity;
/// Creates a box that will become as small as its parent allows.
const SizedBox.shrink({ super.key, super.child })
: width = 0.0,
height = 0.0;
/// Creates a box with the specified size.
SizedBox.fromSize({ super.key, super.child, Size? size })
: width = size?.width,
height = size?.height;
/// Creates a box whose [width] and [height] are equal.
const SizedBox.square({super.key, super.child, double? dimension})
: width = dimension,
height = dimension;
/// If non-null, requires the child to have exactly this width.
final double? width;
/// If non-null, requires the child to have exactly this height.
final double? height;
RenderConstrainedBox createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
return RenderConstrainedBox(
additionalConstraints: _additionalConstraints,
BoxConstraints get _additionalConstraints {
return BoxConstraints.tightFor(width: width, height: height);
void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderConstrainedBox renderObject) {
renderObject.additionalConstraints = _additionalConstraints;
String toStringShort() {
final String type;
if (width == double.infinity && height == double.infinity) {
type = '${objectRuntimeType(this, 'SizedBox')}.expand';
} else if (width == 0.0 && height == 0.0) {
type = '${objectRuntimeType(this, 'SizedBox')}.shrink';
} else {
type = objectRuntimeType(this, 'SizedBox');
return key == null ? type : '$type-$key';
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
final DiagnosticLevel level;
if ((width == double.infinity && height == double.infinity) ||
(width == 0.0 && height == 0.0)) {
level = DiagnosticLevel.hidden;
} else {
level =;
properties.add(DoubleProperty('width', width, defaultValue: null, level: level));
properties.add(DoubleProperty('height', height, defaultValue: null, level: level));
/// A widget that imposes additional constraints on its child.
/// For example, if you wanted [child] to have a minimum height of 50.0 logical
/// pixels, you could use `const BoxConstraints(minHeight: 50.0)` as the
/// [constraints].
/// {@youtube 560 315}
/// {@tool snippet}
/// This snippet makes the child widget (a [Card] with some [Text]) fill the
/// parent, by applying [BoxConstraints.expand] constraints:
/// ```dart
/// ConstrainedBox(
/// constraints: const BoxConstraints.expand(),
/// child: const Card(child: Text('Hello World!')),
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// The same behavior can be obtained using the [SizedBox.expand] widget.
/// See also:
/// * [BoxConstraints], the class that describes constraints.
/// * [UnconstrainedBox], a container that tries to let its child draw without
/// constraints.
/// * [SizedBox], which lets you specify tight constraints by explicitly
/// specifying the height or width.
/// * [FractionallySizedBox], which sizes its child based on a fraction of its
/// own size and positions the child according to an [Alignment] value.
/// * [AspectRatio], a widget that attempts to fit within the parent's
/// constraints while also sizing its child to match a given aspect ratio.
/// * The [catalog of layout widgets](
class ConstrainedBox extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// Creates a widget that imposes additional constraints on its child.
/// The [constraints] argument must not be null.
required this.constraints,
}) : assert(constraints != null),
/// The additional constraints to impose on the child.
final BoxConstraints constraints;
RenderConstrainedBox createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
return RenderConstrainedBox(additionalConstraints: constraints);
void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderConstrainedBox renderObject) {
renderObject.additionalConstraints = constraints;
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<BoxConstraints>('constraints', constraints, showName: false));
/// A container widget that applies an arbitrary transform to its constraints,
/// and sizes its child using the resulting [BoxConstraints], optionally
/// clipping, or treating the overflow as an error.
/// This container sizes its child using a [BoxConstraints] created by applying
/// [constraintsTransform] to its own constraints. This container will then
/// attempt to adopt the same size, within the limits of its own constraints. If
/// it ends up with a different size, it will align the child based on
/// [alignment]. If the container cannot expand enough to accommodate the entire
/// child, the child will be clipped if [clipBehavior] is not [Clip.none].
/// In debug mode, if [clipBehavior] is [Clip.none] and the child overflows the
/// container, a warning will be printed on the console, and black and yellow
/// striped areas will appear where the overflow occurs.
/// When [child] is null, this widget becomes as small as possible and never
/// overflows.
/// This widget can be used to ensure some of [child]'s natural dimensions are
/// honored, and get an early warning otherwise during development. For
/// instance, if [child] requires a minimum height to fully display its content,
/// [constraintsTransform] can be set to [maxHeightUnconstrained], so that if
/// the parent [RenderObject] fails to provide enough vertical space, a warning
/// will be displayed in debug mode, while still allowing [child] to grow
/// vertically:
/// {@tool snippet}
/// In the following snippet, the [Card] is guaranteed to be at least as tall as
/// its "natural" height. Unlike [UnconstrainedBox], it will become taller if
/// its "natural" height is smaller than 40 px. If the [Container] isn't high
/// enough to show the full content of the [Card], in debug mode a warning will
/// be given.
/// ```dart
/// Container(
/// constraints: const BoxConstraints(minHeight: 40, maxHeight: 100),
/// alignment:,
/// child: const ConstraintsTransformBox(
/// constraintsTransform: ConstraintsTransformBox.maxHeightUnconstrained,
/// child: Card(child: Text('Hello World!')),
/// )
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [ConstrainedBox], which renders a box which imposes constraints
/// on its child.
/// * [OverflowBox], a widget that imposes additional constraints on its child,
/// and allows the child to overflow itself.
/// * [UnconstrainedBox] which allows its children to render themselves
/// unconstrained and expands to fit them.
class ConstraintsTransformBox extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// Creates a widget that uses a function to transform the constraints it
/// passes to its child. If the child overflows the parent's constraints, a
/// warning will be given in debug mode.
/// The `debugTransformType` argument adds a debug label to this widget.
/// The `alignment`, `clipBehavior` and `constraintsTransform` arguments must
/// not be null.
const ConstraintsTransformBox({
this.alignment =,
required this.constraintsTransform,
this.clipBehavior = Clip.none,
String debugTransformType = '',
}) : _debugTransformLabel = debugTransformType,
assert(alignment != null),
assert(clipBehavior != null),
assert(constraintsTransform != null),
assert(debugTransformType != null);
/// A [BoxConstraintsTransform] that always returns its argument as-is (i.e.,
/// it is an identity function).
/// The [ConstraintsTransformBox] becomes a proxy widget that has no effect on
/// layout if [constraintsTransform] is set to this.
static BoxConstraints unmodified(BoxConstraints constraints) => constraints;
/// A [BoxConstraintsTransform] that always returns a [BoxConstraints] that
/// imposes no constraints on either dimension (i.e. `const BoxConstraints()`).
/// Setting [constraintsTransform] to this allows [child] to render at its
/// "natural" size (equivalent to an [UnconstrainedBox] with `constrainedAxis`
/// set to null).
static BoxConstraints unconstrained(BoxConstraints constraints) => const BoxConstraints();
/// A [BoxConstraintsTransform] that removes the width constraints from the
/// input.
/// Setting [constraintsTransform] to this allows [child] to render at its
/// "natural" width (equivalent to an [UnconstrainedBox] with
/// `constrainedAxis` set to [Axis.horizontal]).
static BoxConstraints widthUnconstrained(BoxConstraints constraints) => constraints.heightConstraints();
/// A [BoxConstraintsTransform] that removes the height constraints from the
/// input.
/// Setting [constraintsTransform] to this allows [child] to render at its
/// "natural" height (equivalent to an [UnconstrainedBox] with
/// `constrainedAxis` set to [Axis.vertical]).
static BoxConstraints heightUnconstrained(BoxConstraints constraints) => constraints.widthConstraints();
/// A [BoxConstraintsTransform] that removes the `maxHeight` constraint from
/// the input.
/// Setting [constraintsTransform] to this allows [child] to render at its
/// "natural" height or the `minHeight` of the incoming [BoxConstraints],
/// whichever is larger.
static BoxConstraints maxHeightUnconstrained(BoxConstraints constraints) => constraints.copyWith(maxHeight: double.infinity);
/// A [BoxConstraintsTransform] that removes the `maxWidth` constraint from
/// the input.
/// Setting [constraintsTransform] to this allows [child] to render at its
/// "natural" width or the `minWidth` of the incoming [BoxConstraints],
/// whichever is larger.
static BoxConstraints maxWidthUnconstrained(BoxConstraints constraints) => constraints.copyWith(maxWidth: double.infinity);
/// A [BoxConstraintsTransform] that removes both the `maxWidth` and the
/// `maxHeight` constraints from the input.
/// Setting [constraintsTransform] to this allows [child] to render at least
/// its "natural" size, and grow along an axis if the incoming
/// [BoxConstraints] has a larger minimum constraint on that axis.
static BoxConstraints maxUnconstrained(BoxConstraints constraints) => constraints.copyWith(maxWidth: double.infinity, maxHeight: double.infinity);
static final Map<BoxConstraintsTransform, String> _debugKnownTransforms = <BoxConstraintsTransform, String>{
unmodified: 'unmodified',
unconstrained: 'unconstrained',
widthUnconstrained: 'width constraints removed',
heightUnconstrained: 'height constraints removed',
maxWidthUnconstrained: 'maxWidth constraint removed',
maxHeightUnconstrained: 'maxHeight constraint removed',
maxUnconstrained: 'maxWidth & maxHeight constraints removed',
/// The text direction to use when interpreting the [alignment] if it is an
/// [AlignmentDirectional].
/// Defaults to null, in which case [Directionality.maybeOf] is used to determine
/// the text direction.
final TextDirection? textDirection;
/// The alignment to use when laying out the child, if it has a different size
/// than this widget.
/// If this is an [AlignmentDirectional], then [textDirection] must not be
/// null.
/// See also:
/// * [Alignment] for non-[Directionality]-aware alignments.
/// * [AlignmentDirectional] for [Directionality]-aware alignments.
final AlignmentGeometry alignment;
/// {@template flutter.widgets.constraintsTransform}
/// The function used to transform the incoming [BoxConstraints], to size
/// [child].
/// The function must return a [BoxConstraints] that is
/// [BoxConstraints.isNormalized].
/// See [ConstraintsTransformBox] for predefined common
/// [BoxConstraintsTransform]s.
/// {@endtemplate}
final BoxConstraintsTransform constraintsTransform;
/// {@macro flutter.material.Material.clipBehavior}
/// {@template flutter.widgets.ConstraintsTransformBox.clipBehavior}
/// In debug mode, if [clipBehavior] is [Clip.none], and the child overflows
/// its constraints, a warning will be printed on the console, and black and
/// yellow striped areas will appear where the overflow occurs. For other
/// values of [clipBehavior], the contents are clipped accordingly.
/// {@endtemplate}
/// Defaults to [Clip.none].
final Clip clipBehavior;
final String _debugTransformLabel;
RenderConstraintsTransformBox createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
return RenderConstraintsTransformBox(
textDirection: textDirection ?? Directionality.maybeOf(context),
alignment: alignment,
constraintsTransform: constraintsTransform,
clipBehavior: clipBehavior,
void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, covariant RenderConstraintsTransformBox renderObject) {
..textDirection = textDirection ?? Directionality.maybeOf(context)
..constraintsTransform = constraintsTransform
..alignment = alignment
..clipBehavior = clipBehavior;
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<AlignmentGeometry>('alignment', alignment));
properties.add(EnumProperty<TextDirection>('textDirection', textDirection, defaultValue: null));
final String? debugTransformLabel = _debugTransformLabel.isNotEmpty
? _debugTransformLabel
: _debugKnownTransforms[constraintsTransform];
if (debugTransformLabel != null) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<String>('constraints transform', debugTransformLabel));
/// A widget that imposes no constraints on its child, allowing it to render
/// at its "natural" size.
/// This allows a child to render at the size it would render if it were alone
/// on an infinite canvas with no constraints. This container will then attempt
/// to adopt the same size, within the limits of its own constraints. If it ends
/// up with a different size, it will align the child based on [alignment].
/// If the box cannot expand enough to accommodate the entire child, the
/// child will be clipped.
/// In debug mode, if the child overflows the container, a warning will be
/// printed on the console, and black and yellow striped areas will appear where
/// the overflow occurs.
/// See also:
/// * [ConstrainedBox], for a box which imposes constraints on its child.
/// * [Align], which loosens the constraints given to the child rather than
/// removing them entirely.
/// * [Container], a convenience widget that combines common painting,
/// positioning, and sizing widgets.
/// * [OverflowBox], a widget that imposes different constraints on its child
/// than it gets from its parent, possibly allowing the child to overflow
/// the parent.
/// * [ConstraintsTransformBox], a widget that sizes its child using a
/// transformed [BoxConstraints], and shows a warning if the child overflows
/// in debug mode.
class UnconstrainedBox extends StatelessWidget {
/// Creates a widget that imposes no constraints on its child, allowing it to
/// render at its "natural" size. If the child overflows the parents
/// constraints, a warning will be given in debug mode.
const UnconstrainedBox({
this.alignment =,
this.clipBehavior = Clip.none,
}) : assert(alignment != null),
assert(clipBehavior != null);
/// The text direction to use when interpreting the [alignment] if it is an
/// [AlignmentDirectional].
final TextDirection? textDirection;
/// The alignment to use when laying out the child.
/// If this is an [AlignmentDirectional], then [textDirection] must not be
/// null.
/// See also:
/// * [Alignment] for non-[Directionality]-aware alignments.
/// * [AlignmentDirectional] for [Directionality]-aware alignments.
final AlignmentGeometry alignment;
/// The axis to retain constraints on, if any.
/// If not set, or set to null (the default), neither axis will retain its
/// constraints. If set to [Axis.vertical], then vertical constraints will
/// be retained, and if set to [Axis.horizontal], then horizontal constraints
/// will be retained.
final Axis? constrainedAxis;
/// {@macro flutter.material.Material.clipBehavior}
/// Defaults to [Clip.none].
final Clip clipBehavior;
/// The widget below this widget in the tree.
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.ProxyWidget.child}
final Widget? child;
BoxConstraintsTransform _axisToTransform(Axis? constrainedAxis) {
if (constrainedAxis != null) {
switch (constrainedAxis) {
case Axis.horizontal:
return ConstraintsTransformBox.heightUnconstrained;
case Axis.vertical:
return ConstraintsTransformBox.widthUnconstrained;
} else {
return ConstraintsTransformBox.unconstrained;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ConstraintsTransformBox(
textDirection: textDirection,
alignment: alignment,
clipBehavior: clipBehavior,
constraintsTransform: _axisToTransform(constrainedAxis),
child: child,
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<AlignmentGeometry>('alignment', alignment));
properties.add(EnumProperty<Axis>('constrainedAxis', constrainedAxis, defaultValue: null));
properties.add(EnumProperty<TextDirection>('textDirection', textDirection, defaultValue: null));
/// A widget that sizes its child to a fraction of the total available space.
/// For more details about the layout algorithm, see
/// [RenderFractionallySizedOverflowBox].
/// {@youtube 560 315}
/// {@tool dartpad}
/// This sample shows a [FractionallySizedBox] whose one child is 50% of
/// the box's size per the width and height factor parameters, and centered
/// within that box by the alignment parameter.
/// ** See code in examples/api/lib/widgets/basic/fractionally_sized_box.0.dart **
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [Align], which sizes itself based on its child's size and positions
/// the child according to an [Alignment] value.
/// * [OverflowBox], a widget that imposes different constraints on its child
/// than it gets from its parent, possibly allowing the child to overflow the
/// parent.
/// * The [catalog of layout widgets](
class FractionallySizedBox extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// Creates a widget that sizes its child to a fraction of the total available space.
/// If non-null, the [widthFactor] and [heightFactor] arguments must be
/// non-negative.
const FractionallySizedBox({
this.alignment =,
}) : assert(alignment != null),
assert(widthFactor == null || widthFactor >= 0.0),
assert(heightFactor == null || heightFactor >= 0.0);
/// {@template flutter.widgets.basic.fractionallySizedBox.widthFactor}
/// If non-null, the fraction of the incoming width given to the child.
/// If non-null, the child is given a tight width constraint that is the max
/// incoming width constraint multiplied by this factor.
/// If null, the incoming width constraints are passed to the child
/// unmodified.
/// {@endtemplate}
final double? widthFactor;
/// {@template flutter.widgets.basic.fractionallySizedBox.heightFactor}
/// If non-null, the fraction of the incoming height given to the child.
/// If non-null, the child is given a tight height constraint that is the max
/// incoming height constraint multiplied by this factor.
/// If null, the incoming height constraints are passed to the child
/// unmodified.
/// {@endtemplate}
final double? heightFactor;
/// {@template flutter.widgets.basic.fractionallySizedBox.alignment}
/// How to align the child.
/// The x and y values of the alignment control the horizontal and vertical
/// alignment, respectively. An x value of -1.0 means that the left edge of
/// the child is aligned with the left edge of the parent whereas an x value
/// of 1.0 means that the right edge of the child is aligned with the right
/// edge of the parent. Other values interpolate (and extrapolate) linearly.
/// For example, a value of 0.0 means that the center of the child is aligned
/// with the center of the parent.
/// Defaults to [].
/// See also:
/// * [Alignment], a class with convenient constants typically used to
/// specify an [AlignmentGeometry].
/// * [AlignmentDirectional], like [Alignment] for specifying alignments
/// relative to text direction.
/// {@endtemplate}
final AlignmentGeometry alignment;
RenderFractionallySizedOverflowBox createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
return RenderFractionallySizedOverflowBox(
alignment: alignment,
widthFactor: widthFactor,
heightFactor: heightFactor,
textDirection: Directionality.maybeOf(context),
void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderFractionallySizedOverflowBox renderObject) {
..alignment = alignment
..widthFactor = widthFactor
..heightFactor = heightFactor
..textDirection = Directionality.maybeOf(context);
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<AlignmentGeometry>('alignment', alignment));
properties.add(DoubleProperty('widthFactor', widthFactor, defaultValue: null));
properties.add(DoubleProperty('heightFactor', heightFactor, defaultValue: null));
/// A box that limits its size only when it's unconstrained.
/// If this widget's maximum width is unconstrained then its child's width is
/// limited to [maxWidth]. Similarly, if this widget's maximum height is
/// unconstrained then its child's height is limited to [maxHeight].
/// This has the effect of giving the child a natural dimension in unbounded
/// environments. For example, by providing a [maxHeight] to a widget that
/// normally tries to be as big as possible, the widget will normally size
/// itself to fit its parent, but when placed in a vertical list, it will take
/// on the given height.
/// This is useful when composing widgets that normally try to match their
/// parents' size, so that they behave reasonably in lists (which are
/// unbounded).
/// {@youtube 560 315}
/// See also:
/// * [ConstrainedBox], which applies its constraints in all cases, not just
/// when the incoming constraints are unbounded.
/// * [SizedBox], which lets you specify tight constraints by explicitly
/// specifying the height or width.
/// * The [catalog of layout widgets](
class LimitedBox extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// Creates a box that limits its size only when it's unconstrained.
/// The [maxWidth] and [maxHeight] arguments must not be null and must not be
/// negative.
const LimitedBox({
this.maxWidth = double.infinity,
this.maxHeight = double.infinity,
}) : assert(maxWidth != null && maxWidth >= 0.0),
assert(maxHeight != null && maxHeight >= 0.0);
/// The maximum width limit to apply in the absence of a
/// [BoxConstraints.maxWidth] constraint.
final double maxWidth;
/// The maximum height limit to apply in the absence of a
/// [BoxConstraints.maxHeight] constraint.
final double maxHeight;
RenderLimitedBox createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
return RenderLimitedBox(
maxWidth: maxWidth,
maxHeight: maxHeight,
void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderLimitedBox renderObject) {
..maxWidth = maxWidth
..maxHeight = maxHeight;
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DoubleProperty('maxWidth', maxWidth, defaultValue: double.infinity));
properties.add(DoubleProperty('maxHeight', maxHeight, defaultValue: double.infinity));
/// A widget that imposes different constraints on its child than it gets
/// from its parent, possibly allowing the child to overflow the parent.
/// See also:
/// * [RenderConstrainedOverflowBox] for details about how [OverflowBox] is
/// rendered.
/// * [SizedOverflowBox], a widget that is a specific size but passes its
/// original constraints through to its child, which may then overflow.
/// * [ConstrainedBox], a widget that imposes additional constraints on its
/// child.
/// * [UnconstrainedBox], a container that tries to let its child draw without
/// constraints.
/// * [SizedBox], a box with a specified size.
/// * The [catalog of layout widgets](
class OverflowBox extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// Creates a widget that lets its child overflow itself.
const OverflowBox({
this.alignment =,
/// How to align the child.
/// The x and y values of the alignment control the horizontal and vertical
/// alignment, respectively. An x value of -1.0 means that the left edge of
/// the child is aligned with the left edge of the parent whereas an x value
/// of 1.0 means that the right edge of the child is aligned with the right
/// edge of the parent. Other values interpolate (and extrapolate) linearly.
/// For example, a value of 0.0 means that the center of the child is aligned
/// with the center of the parent.
/// Defaults to [].
/// See also:
/// * [Alignment], a class with convenient constants typically used to
/// specify an [AlignmentGeometry].
/// * [AlignmentDirectional], like [Alignment] for specifying alignments
/// relative to text direction.
final AlignmentGeometry alignment;
/// The minimum width constraint to give the child. Set this to null (the
/// default) to use the constraint from the parent instead.
final double? minWidth;
/// The maximum width constraint to give the child. Set this to null (the
/// default) to use the constraint from the parent instead.
final double? maxWidth;
/// The minimum height constraint to give the child. Set this to null (the
/// default) to use the constraint from the parent instead.
final double? minHeight;
/// The maximum height constraint to give the child. Set this to null (the
/// default) to use the constraint from the parent instead.
final double? maxHeight;
RenderConstrainedOverflowBox createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
return RenderConstrainedOverflowBox(
alignment: alignment,
minWidth: minWidth,
maxWidth: maxWidth,
minHeight: minHeight,
maxHeight: maxHeight,
textDirection: Directionality.maybeOf(context),
void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderConstrainedOverflowBox renderObject) {
..alignment = alignment
..minWidth = minWidth
..maxWidth = maxWidth
..minHeight = minHeight
..maxHeight = maxHeight
..textDirection = Directionality.maybeOf(context);
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<AlignmentGeometry>('alignment', alignment));
properties.add(DoubleProperty('minWidth', minWidth, defaultValue: null));
properties.add(DoubleProperty('maxWidth', maxWidth, defaultValue: null));
properties.add(DoubleProperty('minHeight', minHeight, defaultValue: null));
properties.add(DoubleProperty('maxHeight', maxHeight, defaultValue: null));
/// A widget that is a specific size but passes its original constraints
/// through to its child, which may then overflow.
/// See also:
/// * [OverflowBox], A widget that imposes different constraints on its child
/// than it gets from its parent, possibly allowing the child to overflow the
/// parent.
/// * [ConstrainedBox], a widget that imposes additional constraints on its
/// child.
/// * [UnconstrainedBox], a container that tries to let its child draw without
/// constraints.
/// * The [catalog of layout widgets](
class SizedOverflowBox extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// Creates a widget of a given size that lets its child overflow.
/// The [size] argument must not be null.
const SizedOverflowBox({
required this.size,
this.alignment =,
}) : assert(size != null),
assert(alignment != null);
/// How to align the child.
/// The x and y values of the alignment control the horizontal and vertical
/// alignment, respectively. An x value of -1.0 means that the left edge of
/// the child is aligned with the left edge of the parent whereas an x value
/// of 1.0 means that the right edge of the child is aligned with the right
/// edge of the parent. Other values interpolate (and extrapolate) linearly.
/// For example, a value of 0.0 means that the center of the child is aligned
/// with the center of the parent.
/// Defaults to [].
/// See also:
/// * [Alignment], a class with convenient constants typically used to
/// specify an [AlignmentGeometry].
/// * [AlignmentDirectional], like [Alignment] for specifying alignments
/// relative to text direction.
final AlignmentGeometry alignment;
/// The size this widget should attempt to be.
final Size size;
RenderSizedOverflowBox createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
return RenderSizedOverflowBox(
alignment: alignment,
requestedSize: size,
textDirection: Directionality.of(context),
void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderSizedOverflowBox renderObject) {
..alignment = alignment
..requestedSize = size
..textDirection = Directionality.of(context);
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<AlignmentGeometry>('alignment', alignment));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Size>('size', size, defaultValue: null));
/// A widget that lays the child out as if it was in the tree, but without
/// painting anything, without making the child available for hit testing, and
/// without taking any room in the parent.
/// Offstage children are still active: they can receive focus and have keyboard
/// input directed to them.
/// Animations continue to run in offstage children, and therefore use battery
/// and CPU time, regardless of whether the animations end up being visible.
/// [Offstage] can be used to measure the dimensions of a widget without
/// bringing it on screen (yet). To hide a widget from view while it is not
/// needed, prefer removing the widget from the tree entirely rather than
/// keeping it alive in an [Offstage] subtree.
/// {@tool dartpad}
/// This example shows a [FlutterLogo] widget when the `_offstage` member field
/// is false, and hides it without any room in the parent when it is true. When
/// offstage, this app displays a button to get the logo size, which will be
/// displayed in a [SnackBar].
/// ** See code in examples/api/lib/widgets/basic/offstage.0.dart **
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [Visibility], which can hide a child more efficiently (albeit less
/// subtly).
/// * [TickerMode], which can be used to disable animations in a subtree.
/// * The [catalog of layout widgets](
class Offstage extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// Creates a widget that visually hides its child.
const Offstage({ super.key, this.offstage = true, super.child })
: assert(offstage != null);
/// Whether the child is hidden from the rest of the tree.
/// If true, the child is laid out as if it was in the tree, but without
/// painting anything, without making the child available for hit testing, and
/// without taking any room in the parent.
/// Offstage children are still active: they can receive focus and have keyboard
/// input directed to them.
/// Animations continue to run in offstage children, and therefore use battery
/// and CPU time, regardless of whether the animations end up being visible.
/// If false, the child is included in the tree as normal.
final bool offstage;
RenderOffstage createRenderObject(BuildContext context) => RenderOffstage(offstage: offstage);
void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderOffstage renderObject) {
renderObject.offstage = offstage;
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<bool>('offstage', offstage));
SingleChildRenderObjectElement createElement() => _OffstageElement(this);
class _OffstageElement extends SingleChildRenderObjectElement {
_OffstageElement(Offstage super.widget);
void debugVisitOnstageChildren(ElementVisitor visitor) {
if (!(widget as Offstage).offstage) {
/// A widget that attempts to size the child to a specific aspect ratio.
/// The widget first tries the largest width permitted by the layout
/// constraints. The height of the widget is determined by applying the
/// given aspect ratio to the width, expressed as a ratio of width to height.
/// {@youtube 560 315}
/// For example, a 16:9 width:height aspect ratio would have a value of
/// 16.0/9.0. If the maximum width is infinite, the initial width is determined
/// by applying the aspect ratio to the maximum height.
/// {@tool dartpad}
/// This examples shows how AspectRatio sets width when its parent's width
/// constraint is infinite. Since its parent's allowed height is a fixed value,
/// the actual width is determined via the given AspectRatio.
/// Since the height is fixed at 100.0 in this example and the aspect ratio is
/// set to 16 / 9, the width should then be 100.0 / 9 * 16.
/// ** See code in examples/api/lib/widgets/basic/aspect_ratio.0.dart **
/// {@end-tool}
/// Now consider a second example, this time with an aspect ratio of 2.0 and
/// layout constraints that require the width to be between 0.0 and 100.0 and
/// the height to be between 0.0 and 100.0. We'll select a width of 100.0 (the
/// biggest allowed) and a height of 50.0 (to match the aspect ratio).
/// {@tool dartpad}
/// ** See code in examples/api/lib/widgets/basic/aspect_ratio.1.dart **
/// {@end-tool}
/// In that same situation, if the aspect ratio is 0.5, we'll also select a
/// width of 100.0 (still the biggest allowed) and we'll attempt to use a height
/// of 200.0. Unfortunately, that violates the constraints because the child can
/// be at most 100.0 pixels tall. The widget will then take that value
/// and apply the aspect ratio again to obtain a width of 50.0. That width is
/// permitted by the constraints and the child receives a width of 50.0 and a
/// height of 100.0. If the width were not permitted, the widget would
/// continue iterating through the constraints. If the widget does not
/// find a feasible size after consulting each constraint, the widget
/// will eventually select a size for the child that meets the layout
/// constraints but fails to meet the aspect ratio constraints.
/// {@tool dartpad}
/// ** See code in examples/api/lib/widgets/basic/aspect_ratio.2.dart **
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [Align], a widget that aligns its child within itself and optionally
/// sizes itself based on the child's size.
/// * [ConstrainedBox], a widget that imposes additional constraints on its
/// child.
/// * [UnconstrainedBox], a container that tries to let its child draw without
/// constraints.
/// * The [catalog of layout widgets](
class AspectRatio extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// Creates a widget with a specific aspect ratio.
/// The [aspectRatio] argument must be a finite number greater than zero.
const AspectRatio({
required this.aspectRatio,
}) : assert(aspectRatio != null),
assert(aspectRatio > 0.0);
/// The aspect ratio to attempt to use.
/// The aspect ratio is expressed as a ratio of width to height. For example,
/// a 16:9 width:height aspect ratio would have a value of 16.0/9.0.
final double aspectRatio;
RenderAspectRatio createRenderObject(BuildContext context) => RenderAspectRatio(aspectRatio: aspectRatio);
void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderAspectRatio renderObject) {
renderObject.aspectRatio = aspectRatio;
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DoubleProperty('aspectRatio', aspectRatio));
/// A widget that sizes its child to the child's maximum intrinsic width.
/// This class is useful, for example, when unlimited width is available and
/// you would like a child that would otherwise attempt to expand infinitely to
/// instead size itself to a more reasonable width.
/// The constraints that this widget passes to its child will adhere to the
/// parent's constraints, so if the constraints are not large enough to satisfy
/// the child's maximum intrinsic width, then the child will get less width
/// than it otherwise would. Likewise, if the minimum width constraint is
/// larger than the child's maximum intrinsic width, the child will be given
/// more width than it otherwise would.
/// If [stepWidth] is non-null, the child's width will be snapped to a multiple
/// of the [stepWidth]. Similarly, if [stepHeight] is non-null, the child's
/// height will be snapped to a multiple of the [stepHeight].
/// This class is relatively expensive, because it adds a speculative layout
/// pass before the final layout phase. Avoid using it where possible. In the
/// worst case, this widget can result in a layout that is O(N²) in the depth of
/// the tree.
/// See also:
/// * [Align], a widget that aligns its child within itself. This can be used
/// to loosen the constraints passed to the [RenderIntrinsicWidth],
/// allowing the [RenderIntrinsicWidth]'s child to be smaller than that of
/// its parent.
/// * [Row], which when used with [CrossAxisAlignment.stretch] can be used
/// to loosen just the width constraints that are passed to the
/// [RenderIntrinsicWidth], allowing the [RenderIntrinsicWidth]'s child's
/// width to be smaller than that of its parent.
/// * [The catalog of layout widgets](
class IntrinsicWidth extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// Creates a widget that sizes its child to the child's intrinsic width.
/// This class is relatively expensive. Avoid using it where possible.
const IntrinsicWidth({ super.key, this.stepWidth, this.stepHeight, super.child })
: assert(stepWidth == null || stepWidth >= 0.0),
assert(stepHeight == null || stepHeight >= 0.0);
/// If non-null, force the child's width to be a multiple of this value.
/// If null or 0.0 the child's width will be the same as its maximum
/// intrinsic width.
/// This value must not be negative.
/// See also:
/// * [RenderBox.getMaxIntrinsicWidth], which defines a widget's max
/// intrinsic width in general.
final double? stepWidth;
/// If non-null, force the child's height to be a multiple of this value.
/// If null or 0.0 the child's height will not be constrained.
/// This value must not be negative.
final double? stepHeight;
double? get _stepWidth => stepWidth == 0.0 ? null : stepWidth;
double? get _stepHeight => stepHeight == 0.0 ? null : stepHeight;
RenderIntrinsicWidth createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
return RenderIntrinsicWidth(stepWidth: _stepWidth, stepHeight: _stepHeight);
void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderIntrinsicWidth renderObject) {
..stepWidth = _stepWidth
..stepHeight = _stepHeight;
/// A widget that sizes its child to the child's intrinsic height.
/// This class is useful, for example, when unlimited height is available and
/// you would like a child that would otherwise attempt to expand infinitely to
/// instead size itself to a more reasonable height.
/// The constraints that this widget passes to its child will adhere to the
/// parent's constraints, so if the constraints are not large enough to satisfy
/// the child's maximum intrinsic height, then the child will get less height
/// than it otherwise would. Likewise, if the minimum height constraint is
/// larger than the child's maximum intrinsic height, the child will be given
/// more height than it otherwise would.
/// This class is relatively expensive, because it adds a speculative layout
/// pass before the final layout phase. Avoid using it where possible. In the
/// worst case, this widget can result in a layout that is O(N²) in the depth of
/// the tree.
/// See also:
/// * [Align], a widget that aligns its child within itself. This can be used
/// to loosen the constraints passed to the [RenderIntrinsicHeight],
/// allowing the [RenderIntrinsicHeight]'s child to be smaller than that of
/// its parent.
/// * [Column], which when used with [CrossAxisAlignment.stretch] can be used
/// to loosen just the height constraints that are passed to the
/// [RenderIntrinsicHeight], allowing the [RenderIntrinsicHeight]'s child's
/// height to be smaller than that of its parent.
/// * [The catalog of layout widgets](
class IntrinsicHeight extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// Creates a widget that sizes its child to the child's intrinsic height.
/// This class is relatively expensive. Avoid using it where possible.
const IntrinsicHeight({ super.key, super.child });
RenderIntrinsicHeight createRenderObject(BuildContext context) => RenderIntrinsicHeight();
/// A widget that positions its child according to the child's baseline.
/// This widget shifts the child down such that the child's baseline (or the
/// bottom of the child, if the child has no baseline) is [baseline]
/// logical pixels below the top of this box, then sizes this box to
/// contain the child. If [baseline] is less than the distance from
/// the top of the child to the baseline of the child, then the child
/// is top-aligned instead.
/// {@youtube 560 315}
/// See also:
/// * [Align], a widget that aligns its child within itself and optionally
/// sizes itself based on the child's size.
/// * [Center], a widget that centers its child within itself.
/// * The [catalog of layout widgets](
class Baseline extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// Creates a widget that positions its child according to the child's baseline.
/// The [baseline] and [baselineType] arguments must not be null.
const Baseline({
required this.baseline,
required this.baselineType,
}) : assert(baseline != null),
assert(baselineType != null);
/// The number of logical pixels from the top of this box at which to position
/// the child's baseline.
final double baseline;
/// The type of baseline to use for positioning the child.
final TextBaseline baselineType;
RenderBaseline createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
return RenderBaseline(baseline: baseline, baselineType: baselineType);
void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderBaseline renderObject) {
..baseline = baseline
..baselineType = baselineType;
/// A sliver that contains a single box widget.
/// Slivers are special-purpose widgets that can be combined using a
/// [CustomScrollView] to create custom scroll effects. A [SliverToBoxAdapter]
/// is a basic sliver that creates a bridge back to one of the usual box-based
/// widgets.
/// Rather than using multiple [SliverToBoxAdapter] widgets to display multiple
/// box widgets in a [CustomScrollView], consider using [SliverList],
/// [SliverFixedExtentList], [SliverPrototypeExtentList], or [SliverGrid],
/// which are more efficient because they instantiate only those children that
/// are actually visible through the scroll view's viewport.
/// See also: