blob: 3072d1958b180783daaf939fe2efa3b7a5e4c729 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:dds/dap.dart' hide PidTracker;
import '../base/io.dart';
import '../cache.dart';
import '../convert.dart';
import 'flutter_adapter_args.dart';
import 'flutter_base_adapter.dart';
/// A DAP Debug Adapter for running and debugging Flutter tests.
class FlutterTestDebugAdapter extends FlutterBaseDebugAdapter with TestAdapter {
FlutterTestDebugAdapter(, {
required super.fileSystem,
required super.platform,
super.enableFlutterDds = true,
/// Called by [attachRequest] to request that we actually connect to the app to be debugged.
Future<void> attachImpl() async {
sendOutput('console', '\nAttach is not currently supported');
/// Called by [launchRequest] to request that we actually start the tests to be run/debugged.
/// For debugging, this should start paused, connect to the VM Service, set
/// breakpoints, and resume.
Future<void> launchImpl() async {
final FlutterLaunchRequestArguments args = this.args as FlutterLaunchRequestArguments;
final bool debug = enableDebugger;
final String? program = args.program;
final List<String> toolArgs = <String>[
if (!enableFlutterDds) '--no-dds',
if (debug) '--start-paused',
// Handle customTool and deletion of any arguments for it.
final String executable = args.customTool ?? fileSystem.path.join(Cache.flutterRoot!, 'bin', platform.isWindows ? 'flutter.bat' : 'flutter');
final int? removeArgs = args.customToolReplacesArgs;
if (args.customTool != null && removeArgs != null) {
toolArgs.removeRange(0, math.min(removeArgs, toolArgs.length));
final List<String> processArgs = <String>[
if (program != null) program,
await launchAsProcess(
executable: executable,
processArgs: processArgs,
env: args.env,
// Delay responding until the debugger is connected.
if (debug) {
await debuggerInitialized;
/// Called by [terminateRequest] to request that we gracefully shut down the app being run (or in the case of an attach, disconnect).
Future<void> terminateImpl() async {
await process?.exitCode;
/// Handles the Flutter process exiting, terminating the debug session if it has not already begun terminating.
void handleExitCode(int code) {
final String codeSuffix = code == 0 ? '' : ' ($code)';
logger?.call('Process exited ($code)');
/// Handles incoming JSON events from `flutter test --machine`.
bool _handleJsonEvent(String event, Map<String, Object?>? params) {
params ??= <String, Object?>{};
switch (event) {
case 'test.startedProcess':
return true;
return false;
void handleStderr(List<int> data) {
logger?.call('stderr: $data');
sendOutput('stderr', utf8.decode(data));
/// Handles stdout from the `flutter test --machine` process, decoding the JSON and calling the appropriate handlers.
void handleStdout(String data) {
// Output to stdout from `flutter test --machine` is either:
// 1. JSON output from flutter_tools (eg. "test.startedProcess") which is
// wrapped in [] brackets and has an event/params.
// 2. JSON output from package:test (not wrapped in brackets).
// 3. Non-JSON output (user messages, or flutter_tools printing things like
// call stacks/error information).
logger?.call('stdout: $data');
Object? jsonData;
try {
jsonData = jsonDecode(data);
} on FormatException {
// If the output wasn't valid JSON, it was standard stdout that should
// be passed through to the user.
sendOutput('stdout', data);
// Check for valid flutter_tools JSON output (1) first.
final Map<String, Object?>? flutterPayload = jsonData is List &&
jsonData.length == 1 &&
jsonData.first is Map<String, Object?>
? jsonData.first as Map<String, Object?>
: null;
final Object? event = flutterPayload?['event'];
final Object? params = flutterPayload?['params'];
if (event is String && params is Map<String, Object?>?) {
_handleJsonEvent(event, params);
} else if (jsonData != null) {
// Handle package:test output (2).
} else {
// Other output should just be passed straight through.
sendOutput('stdout', data);
/// Handles the test.processStarted event from Flutter that provides the VM Service URL.
void _handleTestStartedProcess(Map<String, Object?> params) {
final String? vmServiceUriString = params['observatoryUri'] as String?;
// For no-debug mode, this event may be still sent so ignore it if we know
// we're not debugging, or its URI is null.
if (!enableDebugger || vmServiceUriString == null) {
final Uri vmServiceUri = Uri.parse(vmServiceUriString);