blob: 0d210fd46101be3333f4a8ec61d5fd0b26bbf00b [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:browser_launcher/browser_launcher.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'base/logger.dart';
import 'build_info.dart';
import 'resident_runner.dart';
import 'vmservice.dart';
typedef ResidentDevtoolsHandlerFactory = ResidentDevtoolsHandler Function(DevtoolsLauncher?, ResidentRunner, Logger);
ResidentDevtoolsHandler createDefaultHandler(DevtoolsLauncher? launcher, ResidentRunner runner, Logger logger) {
return FlutterResidentDevtoolsHandler(launcher, runner, logger);
/// Helper class to manage the life-cycle of devtools and its interaction with
/// the resident runner.
abstract class ResidentDevtoolsHandler {
/// The current devtools server, or null if one is not running.
DevToolsServerAddress? get activeDevToolsServer;
/// Whether it's ok to announce the [activeDevToolsServer].
/// This should only return true once all the devices have been notified
/// of the DevTools.
bool get readyToAnnounce;
Future<void> hotRestart(List<FlutterDevice?> flutterDevices);
Future<void> serveAndAnnounceDevTools({
Uri? devToolsServerAddress,
required List<FlutterDevice?> flutterDevices,
bool launchDevToolsInBrowser({required List<FlutterDevice?> flutterDevices});
Future<void> shutdown();
class FlutterResidentDevtoolsHandler implements ResidentDevtoolsHandler {
FlutterResidentDevtoolsHandler(this._devToolsLauncher, this._residentRunner, this._logger);
static const Duration launchInBrowserTimeout = Duration(seconds: 15);
final DevtoolsLauncher? _devToolsLauncher;
final ResidentRunner _residentRunner;
final Logger _logger;
bool _shutdown = false;
bool _served = false;
bool launchedInBrowser = false;
DevToolsServerAddress? get activeDevToolsServer {
assert(!_readyToAnnounce || _devToolsLauncher?.activeDevToolsServer != null);
return _devToolsLauncher?.activeDevToolsServer;
bool get readyToAnnounce => _readyToAnnounce;
bool _readyToAnnounce = false;
// This must be guaranteed not to return a Future that fails.
Future<void> serveAndAnnounceDevTools({
Uri? devToolsServerAddress,
required List<FlutterDevice?> flutterDevices,
}) async {
if (!_residentRunner.supportsServiceProtocol || _devToolsLauncher == null) {
if (devToolsServerAddress != null) {
_devToolsLauncher!.devToolsUrl = devToolsServerAddress;
} else {
await _devToolsLauncher!.serve();
_served = true;
await _devToolsLauncher!.ready;
// Do not attempt to print debugger list if the connection has failed or if we're shutting down.
if (_devToolsLauncher!.activeDevToolsServer == null || _shutdown) {
final List<FlutterDevice?> devicesWithExtension = await _devicesWithExtensions(flutterDevices);
await _maybeCallDevToolsUriServiceExtension(devicesWithExtension);
await _callConnectedVmServiceUriExtension(devicesWithExtension);
if (_shutdown) {
// If we're shutting down, no point reporting the debugger list.
_readyToAnnounce = true;
assert(_devToolsLauncher!.activeDevToolsServer != null);
final Uri? devToolsUrl = _devToolsLauncher!.devToolsUrl;
if (devToolsUrl != null) {
for (final FlutterDevice? device in devicesWithExtension) {
if (device == null) {
// Notify the DDS instances that there's a DevTools instance available so they can correctly
// redirect DevTools related requests.
if (_residentRunner.reportedDebuggers) {
// Since the DevTools only just became available, we haven't had a chance to
// report their URLs yet. Do so now.
_residentRunner.printDebuggerList(includeObservatory: false);
// This must be guaranteed not to return a Future that fails.
bool launchDevToolsInBrowser({required List<FlutterDevice?> flutterDevices}) {
if (!_residentRunner.supportsServiceProtocol || _devToolsLauncher == null) {
return false;
if (_devToolsLauncher!.devToolsUrl == null) {
_logger.startProgress('Waiting for Flutter DevTools to be served...');
unawaited(_devToolsLauncher!.ready.then((_) {
} else {
return true;
void _launchDevToolsForDevices(List<FlutterDevice?> flutterDevices) {
assert(activeDevToolsServer != null);
for (final FlutterDevice? device in flutterDevices) {
final String devToolsUrl = activeDevToolsServer!.uri!.replace(
queryParameters: <String, dynamic>{'uri': '${device!.vmService!.httpAddress}'},
_logger.printStatus('Launching Flutter DevTools for ${device.device!.name} at $devToolsUrl');
launchedInBrowser = true;
Future<void> _maybeCallDevToolsUriServiceExtension(
List<FlutterDevice?> flutterDevices,
) async {
if (_devToolsLauncher?.activeDevToolsServer == null) {
await Future.wait(<Future<void>>[
for (final FlutterDevice? device in flutterDevices)
if (device?.vmService != null) _callDevToolsUriExtension(device!),
Future<void> _callDevToolsUriExtension(
FlutterDevice device,
) async {
try {
await _invokeRpcOnFirstView(
device: device,
params: <String, dynamic>{
'value': _devToolsLauncher!.activeDevToolsServer!.uri.toString(),
} on Exception catch (e) {
'Failed to set DevTools server address: $e. Deep links to'
' DevTools will not show in Flutter errors.',
Future<List<FlutterDevice?>> _devicesWithExtensions(List<FlutterDevice?> flutterDevices) async {
return Future.wait(<Future<FlutterDevice?>>[
for (final FlutterDevice? device in flutterDevices) _waitForExtensionsForDevice(device!),
/// Returns null if the service extension cannot be found on the device.
Future<FlutterDevice?> _waitForExtensionsForDevice(FlutterDevice flutterDevice) async {
const String extension = 'ext.flutter.connectedVmServiceUri';
try {
await flutterDevice.vmService?.findExtensionIsolate(
return flutterDevice;
} on VmServiceDisappearedException {
'The VM Service for ${flutterDevice.device} disappeared while trying to'
' find the $extension service extension. Skipping subsequent DevTools '
'setup for this device.',
return null;
Future<void> _callConnectedVmServiceUriExtension(List<FlutterDevice?> flutterDevices) async {
await Future.wait(<Future<void>>[
for (final FlutterDevice? device in flutterDevices)
if (device?.vmService != null) _callConnectedVmServiceExtension(device!),
Future<void> _callConnectedVmServiceExtension(FlutterDevice device) async {
final Uri? uri = device.vmService!.httpAddress ?? device.vmService!.wsAddress;
if (uri == null) {
try {
await _invokeRpcOnFirstView(
device: device,
params: <String, dynamic>{
'value': uri.toString(),
} on Exception catch (e) {
'Failed to set vm service URI: $e. Deep links to DevTools'
' will not show in Flutter errors.',
Future<void> _invokeRpcOnFirstView(
String method, {
required FlutterDevice device,
required Map<String, dynamic> params,
}) async {
if (device.targetPlatform == TargetPlatform.web_javascript) {
await device.vmService!.callMethodWrapper(
args: params,
final List<FlutterView> views = await device.vmService!.getFlutterViews();
if (views.isEmpty) {
await device.vmService!.invokeFlutterExtensionRpcRaw(
args: params,
isolateId: views.first.uiIsolate!.id!,
Future<void> hotRestart(List<FlutterDevice?> flutterDevices) async {
final List<FlutterDevice?> devicesWithExtension = await _devicesWithExtensions(flutterDevices);
await Future.wait(<Future<void>>[
Future<void> shutdown() async {
if (_devToolsLauncher == null || _shutdown || !_served) {
_shutdown = true;
_readyToAnnounce = false;
await _devToolsLauncher!.close();
NoOpDevtoolsHandler createNoOpHandler(DevtoolsLauncher? launcher, ResidentRunner runner, Logger logger) {
return NoOpDevtoolsHandler();
class NoOpDevtoolsHandler implements ResidentDevtoolsHandler {
bool wasShutdown = false;
DevToolsServerAddress? get activeDevToolsServer => null;
bool get readyToAnnounce => false;
Future<void> hotRestart(List<FlutterDevice?> flutterDevices) async {
Future<void> serveAndAnnounceDevTools({Uri? devToolsServerAddress, List<FlutterDevice?>? flutterDevices}) async {
bool launchDevToolsInBrowser({List<FlutterDevice?>? flutterDevices}) {
return false;
Future<void> shutdown() async {
wasShutdown = true;
/// Convert a [URI] with query parameters into a display format instead
/// of the default URI encoding.
String urlToDisplayString(Uri uri) {
final StringBuffer base = StringBuffer(uri.replace(
queryParameters: <String, String>{},
base.write( key) => '$key=${uri.queryParameters[key]}').join('&'));
return base.toString();