PRs addressed in flutter/flutter between b593f5167bce84fb3cad5c258477bf3abc1b14eb and d51fd86

framework - 235 PRs

#21896 Bottom sheet scrolling

#28834 Sliver animated list

#29188 Fix 25807: implement move in sliver multibox widget

#29677 Fix calculation of hero rectTween when Navigator isn't fullscreen

#29683 Show/hide toolbar and handles based on device kind

#29809 Fix text selection toolbar appearing under obstructions

#29824 Cupertino localization step 8: create a gen_cupertino_localizations and generate one for cupertino english and french

#29954 Cupertino localization step 9: add tests

#30040 Implement focus traversal for desktop platforms, shoehorn edition.

#30076 Implements FocusTraversalPolicy and DefaultFocusTraversal features.

#30129 Fix refresh control in the gallery demo, update comments

#30224 Cupertino localization step 10: update the flutter_localizations README

#30339 Add buttons to gestures

#30388 Add hintStyle in SearchDelegate

#30406 Add binaryMessenger constructor argument to platform channels

#30572 [Material] Adaptive Slider constructor

#30579 PointerDownEvent and PointerMoveEvent default buttons to 1

#30612 Added required parameters to FlexibleSpaceBarSettings

#30796 Unbounded TextField width error

#30874 Redo “Remove pressure customization from some pointer events”

#30884 [Material] Update TabController to support dynamic Tabs

#30942 rectMoreOrLess equals, prep for 64bit rects

#30979 fix issue 30526: rounding error

#30983 Refactor core uses of FlutterError.

#30988 Tight Paragraph Width

#31018 [Material] selected/unselected label styles + icon themes on BottomNavigationBar

#31025 added scrimColor property in Scaffold widget

#31093 Make the matchesGoldenFile docs link to an explanation of how to create golden image files

#31095 Add buttons customization to WidgetController and related testing classes

#31097 Fix text field selection toolbar under Opacity

#31227 Adding CupertinoTabController

#31228 Fix ExpansionPanelList Duplicate Global Keys Exception

#31275 Update SnackBar to allow for support of the new style from Material spec

#31291 Add some docs to StatefulBuilder

#31294 Improve Radio Documentation with Example

#31295 Improve ThemeData.accentColor connection to secondary color

#31316 Add InkWell docs on transitions and ink splash clipping

#31317 Add docs to AppBar

#31318 Add BottomSheetTheme to enable theming color, elevation, shape of BottomSheet

#31326 Add more shuffle cupertino icons

#31332 iOS selection handles are invisible

#31333 Clean up flutter_test/test/controller_test.dart

#31420 Add more breadcrumb docs to Transformation

#31421 Add Widget of the Week video to SizedBox

#31438 Implements focus handling and hover for Material buttons.

#31464 CupertinoPicker fidelity revision

#31485 Prevent exception being thrown on hasScrolledBody

#31493 Keycode generation doc fix

#31497 Revert “Fix 25807: implement move for sliver multibox widget (#29188)”

#31502 Improve Tabs documentation

#31514 Date picker layout exceptions

#31520 Don't add empty OpacityLayer to the engine

#31538 Fix typo in docs

#31566 TimePicker moves to minute mode after hour selection

#31568 fix transform assert

#31574 Improve RadioListTile Callback Behavior Consistency

#31581 Fix Exception on Nested TabBarView disposal

#31600 Re-enable const

#31619 Fix the documentation for UiKitView#creationParams

#31623 fix edge swiping and dropping back at starting point

#31634 Improve canvas example in sample dart ui app

#31644 Cupertino localization step 12: push translation for all supported languages

#31662 added shape property to SliverAppBar

#31681 [Material] Create a themable Range Slider (continuous and discrete)

#31687 Center iOS caret, remove constant offsets that do not scale

#31693 Adds a note to Radio‘s/RadioListTile’s onChange

#31696 Attempt to reduce usage of runtimeType

#31699 Re-land: Add support for Tooltip hover

#31701 Add more asserts to check matrix validity

#31761 Support clipBehavior changes in hot reload

#31763 Fix ScrollbarPainter thumbExtent calculation and add padding

#31798 Fix tab indentation

#31802 Reland “Fix text field selection toolbar under Opacity (#31097)”

#31804 only build asset when there is asset declared in pubspec

#31819 Redo: Add buttons to gestures

#31822 remove unnecessary artificial delay in catalog example

#31824 fix FlutterDriver timeout

#31832 Allow DSS to be dragged when its children do not fill extent

#31851 Add documentation to Navigator

#31852 Text selection handles are sometimes not interactive

#31861 Add Horizontal Padding to Constrained Chip Label Calculations

#31890 apply fp hack to Flex

#31894 Introduce separate HitTestResults for Box and Sliver

#31902 Updated primaryColor docs to refer to colorScheme properties

#31903 Extract TODO comment from Image.asset dardoc

#31909 Change unfocus to unfocus the entire chain, not just the primary focus

#31929 Sample Code & Animation for Flow Widget

#31935 Redo#2: Add buttons to gestures

#31938 Update scrimDrawerColor with proper const format

#31987 Text wrap width

#32013 Cupertino Turkish Translation

#32025 Make Hover Listener respect transforms

#32041 Remove deprecated decodedCacheRatioCap

#32053 Increase TimePicker touch targets

#32059 fix issue 14014 read only text field

#32070 rename foreground and background to light and dark

#32086 Fix CupertinoSliverRefreshControl onRefresh callback

#32142 Fix RenderPointerListener so that callbacks aren't called at the wrong time.

#32147 Added state management docs/sample to SwitchListTile

#32177 Tab Animation Sample Video

#32192 Transform PointerEvents to the local coordinate system of the event receiver

#32328 Add breadcrumbs to TextOverflow

#32340 make immutables const

#32360 Allow flutter web to be compiled with flutter

#32380 const everything in Driver

#32408 More const conversions

#32410 Add ancestor and descendant finders to Driver

#32434 Support for replacing the TabController, after disposing the old one

#32437 Add assert that the root widget has been attached.

#32444 Updated some links

#32469 Let CupertinoNavigationBarBackButton take a custom onPressed

#32487 Add a more meaningful message to the assertion on children

#32527 Added ‘enabled’ property to the PopupMenuButton

#32528 Tapping a modal bottom sheet should not dismiss it by default

#32530 Add Actions to AppBar Sample Doc

#32620 Added ScrollController to TextField

#32638 Fix apidocs in _WidgetsAppState.basicLocaleListResolution

#32641 Updating related links

#32654 Tabs code/doc cleanup

#32686 enable lint prefer_null_aware_operators

#32703 Add Doc Samples For CheckboxListTile, RadioListTile and SwitchListTile

#32711 use null aware operators

#32726 Material should not prevent ScrollNotifications from bubbling upwards

#32730 Add reverseDuration to AnimationController

#32776 Text field focus and hover support.

#32823 Add enableInteractiveSelection to CupertinoTextField

#32838 Handles hidden by keyboard

#32842 Allow “from” hero state to survive hero animation in a push transition

#32843 Added a missing dispose of an AnimationController that was leaking a ticker.

#32853 Add onBytesReceived callback to consolidateHttpClientResponseBytes()

#32857 Add debugNetworkImageHttpClientProvider

#32904 Use reverseDuration on Tooltip and InkWell

#32909 Documentation fix for debugProfileBuildsEnabled

#32911 Material Long Press Text Handle Flash

#32914 Make hover and focus not respond when buttons and fields are disabled.

#32936 Add some sanity to the ImageStream listener API

#32974 Fix disabled CupertinoTextField style

#33058 Add more missing returns

#33073 SliverAppBar shape property

#33080 Fixed several issues with confirmDismiss handling on the LeaveBehindItem demo.

#33090 [Material] Add support for hovered, pressed, and focused text color on Buttons.

#33148 ExpandIcon Custom Colors

#33152 ModalRoute resumes previous focus on didPopNext

#33164 remove Layer.replaceWith due to no usage and no tests

#33195 Slight clarification in the ImageCache docs

#33226 Explain hairline rendering in BorderSide.width docs

#33230 Framework support for font features in text styles

#33260 Pass an async callback to testWidgets.

#33279 Fix a problem in first focus determination.

#33298 Add actions and keyboard shortcut map support

#33361 (trivial) Rename test file

#33369 Add loading support to Image

#33370 Update FadeInImage to use new Image APIs

#33406 Add web safe indirection to Platform.isPlatform getters

#33431 Expose service client and app isolate in driver

#33442 fix GridView documentation

#33461 Various code cleanup improvements

#33462 Fix text scaling of strut style

#33467 fixed 33347 fill the gap during performLayout in SliverGrid and Slive…

#33473 fix 23723 rounding error

#33474 Fixed for DropdownButton crashing when a style was used that didn't include a fontSize

#33475 Move declaration of semantic handlers from detectors to recognizers

#33477 Fix onExit calling when the mouse is removed.

#33488 use toFixedAsString and DoubleProperty in diagnosticProperties

#33489 Remove empty file

#33531 Fixed broken link in debugProfileBuildsEnabled documentation

#33535 Custom height parameters for DataTable header and data rows

#33620 Document that offsets are returned in logical pixels

#33627 SliverFillRemaining flag for different use cases

#33628 DataTable Custom Horizontal Padding

#33632 Update the keycodes from source

#33634 Let there be scroll bars

#33653 Include advice about dispose in TextEditingController api

#33662 Prep for engine roll

#33663 Use conditional imports for flutter foundation libraries

#33665 [Trivial] Move dropdownValue into State in DropdownButton sample docs

#33674 Add documentation to ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState

#33695 Add pseudo-key synonyms for keys like shift, meta, alt, and control.

#33729 Update consolidateHttpClientResponseBytes() to use compressionState

#33739 fixed cupertinoTextField placeholder textAlign

#33794 Text inline widgets, TextSpan rework

#33802 Double double tap toggles instead of error

#33805 Fixing duplicate golden test names

#33808 fix ExpansionPanelList merge the header semantics when it is not nece…

#33814 Added a benchmark for ImageCache

#33842 Don't print warning message when running benchmarks test.

#33865 Correct version name for BottomNavigationBar golden test

#33868 Game controller button support

#33876 Reland “Framework support for font features in text styles”

#33880 Splitting golden file versioning out as an argument of matchesGoldenFile

#33886 Add currentSystemFrameTimeStamp to SchedulerBinding

#33901 Respond to AndroidView focus events.

#33917 ‘the the’ doc fix

#33946 Reland “Text inline widgets, TextSpan rework”

#33955 Add localFocalPoint to ScaleDetector

#33996 Remove unused/dead code from WidgetInspector

#33999 Updating MediaQuery with viewPadding

#34012 Extract DiagnosticsNode serializer from WidgetInspector

#34057 Add endIndent property to Divider and VerticalDivider

#34068 fix empty selection arrow when double clicked on empty read only text…

#34073 Dartdoc Generation README Improvements

#34112 Separate web and io implementations of network image

#34137 Added tool sample for PageController

#34175 Don‘t show scrollbar if there isn’t enough content

#34243 update the Flutter.Frame event to use new engine APIs

#34285 fix Applying decoration for a table row widget will cause render exce…

#34298 Preserving SafeArea : Part 2

#34355 Text field vertical align

#34365 redux of a change to use new engine APIs for Flutter.Frame events

#34368 Fix semantics_tester

#34388 Change API doc link to

#34417 Include raw value in Diagnostics json for basic types

#34424 SizedBox documentation minor update

#34434 Semantics fixes

#34440 Add Driver command to get diagnostics tree

#34474 Release diagnostics

#34501 [Material] Fix TextDirection and selected thumb for RangeSliderThumbShape and RangeSliderValueIndicatorShape

#34508 add route information to Flutter.Navigation events

#34512 Make sure fab semantics end up on top

#34515 OutlineInputBorder adjusts for borderRadius that is too large

#34519 fix page scroll position rounding error

#34587 Do not copy paths, rects, and rrects when layer offset is zero

#34597 [Material] Update slider gallery demo, including range slider

#34664 Adjust defaults in docs to match new defaults in code.

#34679 Fix-up code sample for TweenSequence

#34683 add read only semantics flag

#34684 Add more structure to errors.

#34758 Added some Widgets of the Week Videos to documentation

#34859 Fix Vertical Alignment Regression

#34863 Prepare for HttpClientResponse Uint8List SDK change

#34869 [Material] Properly call onChangeStart and onChangeEnd in Range Slider

#34870 Add test case for Flutter Issue #27677 as a benchmark.

#34919 Remove duplicate error parts

#34932 Added onChanged property to TextFormField

#35046 Add generated Icon diagram to api docs

tool - 140 PRs

#28808 updated tearDownAll function

#31028 Adds support for generating projects that use AndroidX support libraries

#31039 Fix bundle id on iOS launch using flutter run

#31282 Stop precaching the artifacts for dynamic mode.

#31329 Add Xcode build script for macOS target

#31342 check if project exists before regenerating platform specific tooling

#31359 Remove support for building dynamic patches on Android

#31399 add ignorable track-widget-creation flag to build aot

#31400 add printError messages and tool exit to android device

#31404 throw toolExit instead of rethrowing on filesystem exceptions

#31406 if there is no .ios or ios sub-project, don't attempt building for iOS

#31419 Add a note about events coming from the server

#31446 Allow filtering devices to only those supported by current project

#31491 Allow adb stdout to contain the port number without failing

#31515 Support local engine and asset sync for macOS

#31526 replace no-op log reader with real implementation

#31591 make sure we exit early if the Runner.xcodeproj file is missing

#31631 Teach Linux to use local engine

#31736 update packages and unpin build

#31757 Make FlutterProject factories synchronous

#31759 Remove deprecated commands

#31765 Initial sketch of tools testbed

#31798 Fix tab indentation

#31804 only build asset when there is asset declared in pubspec

#31807 Make const available for classes that override AssetBundle

#31812 Fix #31764: Show appropriate error message when fonts pubspec.yaml isn't iterable

#31825 Fix missing return statements on function literals

#31835 Cherry-pick ADB CrOS fix to beta

#31850 Make Gradle error message more specific

#31868 Handle notification errors

#31873 Add basic desktop linux checks

#31889 Start abstracting platform logic builds behind a shared interface

#31895 Report CompileTime metric in flutter build aot --report-timings.

#32060 make hotfix use a plus instead of minus

#32071 [flutter_tool] In ‘attach’ use platform dill etc from the Fuchsia SDK

#32072 don't NPE with empty pubspec

#32126 Bump multicast_dns version

#32335 Teach flutter msbuild for Windows

#32360 Allow flutter web to be compiled with flutter

#32404 Comment out .vscode/ in gitignore for templates

#32444 Updated some links

#32503 Add more missing returns

#32787 Support 32 and 64 bit

#32849 [flutter_tool] Adds support for ‘run’ for Fuchsia devices

#33041 Rename flutter packages to flutter pub

#33078 don't send crash reports if on a user branch

#33146 [flutter_tool] Don't look for Fuchsia artifacts on Windows

#33191 Remove colon from Gradle task name since it's deprecated

#33197 Wire up hot restart and incremental rebuilds for web

#33225 Reland “Clean up some flutter_tools tests and roll dependencies”

#33228 Make Paths absolute in settings.gradle

#33263 [flutter_tool] Improve Fuchsia ‘run’ tests

#33264 Add local overrides to testbed and provide more defaults

#33271 No longer necessary with ddc fix

#33272 Add mustRunAfter on mergeAssets task to force task ordering

#33277 Implement macOS support in flutter doctor

#33282 [flutter_tool] Use product runner in Fuchsia release build

#33283 Fix relative paths and snapshot logic in tool

#33284 make sure we build test targets too

#33297 Instrument add to app flows

#33374 Devfs cleanup and testing

#33443 Wrap Windows build invocation in a batch script

#33448 Use vswhere to find Visual Studio

#33450 Do not return null from IosProject.isSwift

#33454 ensure unpack declares required artifacts

#33458 Add to app measurement

#33466 [flutter_tool] Misc. fixes for Fuchsia

#33472 add daemon command to enumerate supported platforms

#33525 Add capability to flutter test --platform=chrome

#33526 Update Fuchsia SDK

#33533 Reland - Wire up hot restart and incremental rebuilds for web

#33540 Pass local engine variables to Windows build

#33608 Restructure macOS project files

#33611 Use Dart's new direct ELF generator to package AOT blobs as shared libraries in Android APKs

#33629 Add real-er restart for web using webkit inspection protocol

#33636 Implement plugin tooling support for macOS

#33676 Removing old golden checkout for integration test

#33684 Disable CocoaPods input and output paths in Xcode build phase and adopt new Xcode build system

#33696 Generate ELF shared libraries and allow multi-abi libs in APKs and App bundles

#33846 [flutter_tool] Fix ‘q’ for Fuchsia profile/debug mode

#33852 Disable CocoaPods input and output paths in Xcode build phase and adopt new Xcode build system

#33859 Reland support flutter test on platform chrome

#33867 Remove environment variable guards for command line desktop and web

#33872 Add ‘doctor’ support for Windows

#33874 Prevent windows web doctor from launching chrome

#33892 add benchmarks to track web size

#33923 [flutter_tool] Track APK sha calculation time

#33924 Added --dart-flags option to flutter run

#33951 Whitelist adb.exe heap corruption exit code.

#33956 Codegen an entrypoint for flutter web applications

#33980 Increase daemon protocol version for getSupportedPlatforms

#33990 Add device category for daemon

#34018 Add flutter create for the web

#34050 limit open files on macOS when copying assets

#34066 Adds the androidX flag to a modules pubspec.yaml template so it is se…

#34074 add analytics fields for attached device os version & run mode

#34081 Report async callback errors that currently go unreported.

#34084 make running on web spooky

#34090 More verification on flutter build web, add tests and cleanup

#34112 Separate web and io implementations of network image

#34123 Generate ELF shared libraries and allow multi-abi libs in APKs and App bundles

#34159 Use product define for flutter web and remove extra asset server

#34162 Update the Fuchsia SDK

#34181 Reland “Added --dart-flags option to flutter run (#33924)”

#34189 Instrument usage of include_flutter.groovy and

#34255 [flutter_tool] Don't truncate verbose logs from _flutter.listViews

#34276 [flutter_tool,fuchsia] Prefetch tiles when starting an app

#34282 Split gradle_plugin_test.dart

#34288 Report commands that resulted in success or failure

#34291 Check whether FLUTTER_ROOT and FLUTTER_ROOT/bin are writable.

#34293 Change Xcode developmentRegion to ‘en’ and CFBundleDevelopmentRegion to DEVELOPMENT_LANGUAGE

#34295 Prepare for Uint8List SDK breaking changes

#34353 Refactor Gradle plugin

#34369 Remove unused flag --target-platform from flutter run

#34376 Add missing pieces for ‘driver’ support on macOS

#34447 [flutter_tool,fuchsia] Update the install flow for packaging migration.

#34460 Add back ability to override the local engine in Gradle

#34517 pass .packages path to snapshot invocation

#34526 retry on HttpException during cache download

#34527 Don't crash on invalid .packages file

#34529 Remove compilation trace and dynamic support code

#34573 Ensures flutter jar is added to all build types on plugin projects

#34584 fix a typo

#34589 Remove most of the target logic for build web, cleanup rules

#34606 Remove portions of the Gradle script related to dynamic patching

#34616 Kill compiler process when test does not exit cleanly

#34624 Break down flutter doctor validations and results

#34685 Close platform when tests are complete (dispose compiler and delete font files)

#34686 unpin build daemon and roll dependencies

#34725 Fix NPE in flutter tools

#34736 Remove flags related to dynamic patching

#34755 Add linux doctor implementation

#34785 Tweak the display name of emulators

#34794 Add emulatorID field to devices in daemon

#34802 Prefer ephemeral devices from command line run

#34856 set device name to Chrome

#34885 Reland: rename web device

#35074 Attempt to enable tool coverage redux

#35084 Move findTargetDevices to DeviceManager

#35092 Add FlutterProjectFactory so that it can be overridden internally.

f: material design - 76 PRs

#21896 Bottom sheet scrolling

#29188 Fix 25807: implement move in sliver multibox widget

#29809 Fix text selection toolbar appearing under obstructions

#30388 Add hintStyle in SearchDelegate

#30572 [Material] Adaptive Slider constructor

#30612 Added required parameters to FlexibleSpaceBarSettings

#30796 Unbounded TextField width error

#30884 [Material] Update TabController to support dynamic Tabs

#30942 rectMoreOrLess equals, prep for 64bit rects

#31018 [Material] selected/unselected label styles + icon themes on BottomNavigationBar

#31025 added scrimColor property in Scaffold widget

#31228 Fix ExpansionPanelList Duplicate Global Keys Exception

#31275 Update SnackBar to allow for support of the new style from Material spec

#31294 Improve Radio Documentation with Example

#31295 Improve ThemeData.accentColor connection to secondary color

#31316 Add InkWell docs on transitions and ink splash clipping

#31317 Add docs to AppBar

#31318 Add BottomSheetTheme to enable theming color, elevation, shape of BottomSheet

#31438 Implements focus handling and hover for Material buttons.

#31502 Improve Tabs documentation

#31514 Date picker layout exceptions

#31538 Fix typo in docs

#31566 TimePicker moves to minute mode after hour selection

#31574 Improve RadioListTile Callback Behavior Consistency

#31581 Fix Exception on Nested TabBarView disposal

#31644 Cupertino localization step 12: push translation for all supported languages

#31662 added shape property to SliverAppBar

#31681 [Material] Create a themable Range Slider (continuous and discrete)

#31693 Adds a note to Radio‘s/RadioListTile’s onChange

#31699 Re-land: Add support for Tooltip hover

#31763 Fix ScrollbarPainter thumbExtent calculation and add padding

#31852 Text selection handles are sometimes not interactive

#31861 Add Horizontal Padding to Constrained Chip Label Calculations

#31902 Updated primaryColor docs to refer to colorScheme properties

#31938 Update scrimDrawerColor with proper const format

#32053 Increase TimePicker touch targets

#32147 Added state management docs/sample to SwitchListTile

#32177 Tab Animation Sample Video

#32434 Support for replacing the TabController, after disposing the old one

#32527 Added ‘enabled’ property to the PopupMenuButton

#32528 Tapping a modal bottom sheet should not dismiss it by default

#32530 Add Actions to AppBar Sample Doc

#32620 Added ScrollController to TextField

#32654 Tabs code/doc cleanup

#32703 Add Doc Samples For CheckboxListTile, RadioListTile and SwitchListTile

#32726 Material should not prevent ScrollNotifications from bubbling upwards

#32776 Text field focus and hover support.

#32838 Handles hidden by keyboard

#32843 Added a missing dispose of an AnimationController that was leaking a ticker.

#32904 Use reverseDuration on Tooltip and InkWell

#32911 Material Long Press Text Handle Flash

#32914 Make hover and focus not respond when buttons and fields are disabled.

#32950 Material allows “select all” when not collapsed

#33073 SliverAppBar shape property

#33080 Fixed several issues with confirmDismiss handling on the LeaveBehindItem demo.

#33090 [Material] Add support for hovered, pressed, and focused text color on Buttons.

#33148 ExpandIcon Custom Colors

#33361 (trivial) Rename test file

#33474 Fixed for DropdownButton crashing when a style was used that didn't include a fontSize

#33535 Custom height parameters for DataTable header and data rows

#33628 DataTable Custom Horizontal Padding

#33634 Let there be scroll bars

#33653 Include advice about dispose in TextEditingController api

#33665 [Trivial] Move dropdownValue into State in DropdownButton sample docs

#33802 Double double tap toggles instead of error

#33808 fix ExpansionPanelList merge the header semantics when it is not nece…

#33865 Correct version name for BottomNavigationBar golden test

#34055 Toggle toolbar exception fix

#34057 Add endIndent property to Divider and VerticalDivider

#34355 Text field vertical align

#34501 [Material] Fix TextDirection and selected thumb for RangeSliderThumbShape and RangeSliderValueIndicatorShape

#34515 OutlineInputBorder adjusts for borderRadius that is too large

#34597 [Material] Update slider gallery demo, including range slider

#34859 Fix Vertical Alignment Regression

#34869 [Material] Properly call onChangeStart and onChangeEnd in Range Slider

#34932 Added onChanged property to TextFormField

a: tests - 38 PRs

#30942 rectMoreOrLess equals, prep for 64bit rects

#31333 Clean up flutter_test/test/controller_test.dart

#31452 Remove engine tests

#32070 rename foreground and background to light and dark

#32437 Add assert that the root widget has been attached.

#33349 Compatibility pass on flutter/foundation tests for JavaScript compilation. (1)

#33350 Compatibility pass on flutter/scheduler tests for JavaScript compilation. (2)

#33352 Compatibility pass on flutter/painting tests for JavaScript compilation. (3)

#33354 Compatibility pass on flutter/services tests for JavaScript compilation. (4)

#33355 Compatibility pass on flutter/rendering tests for JavaScript compilation. (5)

#33359 Compatibility pass on flutter/physics tests for JavaScript compilation. (6)

#33360 Compatibility pass on flutter/semantics tests for JavaScript compilation. (7)

#33361 (trivial) Rename test file

#33377 Compatibility pass on flutter/widgets tests for JavaScript compilation. (8)

#33378 Compatibility pass on flutter/material tests for JavaScript compilation. (9)

#33406 Add web safe indirection to Platform.isPlatform getters

#33459 make sure version check includes hotfixes

#33676 Removing old golden checkout for integration test

#33786 Add a real-er web restart, doctor, workflow

#33805 Fixing duplicate golden test names

#33842 Don't print warning message when running benchmarks test.

#33865 Correct version name for BottomNavigationBar golden test

#33880 Splitting golden file versioning out as an argument of matchesGoldenFile

#33932 More removing of timeouts.

#34012 Extract DiagnosticsNode serializer from WidgetInspector

#34017 Skip web test on crazy import

#34032 Enable web foundation tests

#34054 Make it easier to pass local engine flags when running devicelab tests

#34199 make sure this test doesn't run for real

#34368 Fix semantics_tester

#34417 Include raw value in Diagnostics json for basic types

#34440 Add Driver command to get diagnostics tree

#34616 Kill compiler process when test does not exit cleanly

#34685 Close platform when tests are complete (dispose compiler and delete font files)

#34863 Prepare for HttpClientResponse Uint8List SDK change

#34877 More shards

#35074 Attempt to enable tool coverage redux

#35130 pass new users for release_smoke_tests

waiting for tree to go green - 35 PRs

#28808 updated tearDownAll function

#28834 Sliver animated list

#29677 Fix calculation of hero rectTween when Navigator isn't fullscreen

#30979 fix issue 30526: rounding error

#31028 Adds support for generating projects that use AndroidX support libraries

#31452 Remove engine tests

#31600 Re-enable const

#31798 Fix tab indentation

#31832 Allow DSS to be dragged when its children do not fill extent

#31868 Handle notification errors

#32025 Make Hover Listener respect transforms

#32266 Add reference to Runner-Bridging-Header.h to iOS profile config

#32328 Add breadcrumbs to TextOverflow

#32380 const everything in Driver

#32410 Add ancestor and descendant finders to Driver

#33152 ModalRoute resumes previous focus on didPopNext

#33272 Add mustRunAfter on mergeAssets task to force task ordering

#33442 fix GridView documentation

#33461 Various code cleanup improvements

#33653 Include advice about dispose in TextEditingController api

#33865 Correct version name for BottomNavigationBar golden test

#33880 Splitting golden file versioning out as an argument of matchesGoldenFile

#33932 More removing of timeouts.

#33955 Add localFocalPoint to ScaleDetector

#34298 Preserving SafeArea : Part 2

#34440 Add Driver command to get diagnostics tree

#34474 Release diagnostics

#34573 Ensures flutter jar is added to all build types on plugin projects

#34592 Config lib dependencies for flavors

#34606 Remove portions of the Gradle script related to dynamic patching

#34655 Revert “Config lib dependencies for flavors”

#34685 Close platform when tests are complete (dispose compiler and delete font files)

#34738 Update Xcode projects to recommended Xcode 10 project settings

#34877 More shards

#34919 Remove duplicate error parts

d: api docs - 34 PRs

#31294 Improve Radio Documentation with Example

#31295 Improve ThemeData.accentColor connection to secondary color

#31316 Add InkWell docs on transitions and ink splash clipping

#31317 Add docs to AppBar

#31493 Keycode generation doc fix

#31502 Improve Tabs documentation

#31634 Improve canvas example in sample dart ui app

#31693 Adds a note to Radio‘s/RadioListTile’s onChange

#31763 Fix ScrollbarPainter thumbExtent calculation and add padding

#31902 Updated primaryColor docs to refer to colorScheme properties

#31903 Extract TODO comment from Image.asset dardoc

#31929 Sample Code & Animation for Flow Widget

#32147 Added state management docs/sample to SwitchListTile

#32177 Tab Animation Sample Video

#32530 Add Actions to AppBar Sample Doc

#32638 Fix apidocs in _WidgetsAppState.basicLocaleListResolution

#32641 Updating related links

#32703 Add Doc Samples For CheckboxListTile, RadioListTile and SwitchListTile

#32909 Documentation fix for debugProfileBuildsEnabled

#33226 Explain hairline rendering in BorderSide.width docs

#33442 fix GridView documentation

#33620 Document that offsets are returned in logical pixels

#33653 Include advice about dispose in TextEditingController api

#33665 [Trivial] Move dropdownValue into State in DropdownButton sample docs

#33917 ‘the the’ doc fix

#34073 Dartdoc Generation README Improvements

#34137 Added tool sample for PageController

#34163 update CupertinoDialogAction docs

#34356 Add widget of the week videos

#34388 Change API doc link to

#34424 SizedBox documentation minor update

#34679 Fix-up code sample for TweenSequence

#34758 Added some Widgets of the Week Videos to documentation

#35046 Add generated Icon diagram to api docs

team - 28 PRs

#28808 updated tearDownAll function

#30327 Add “feature request” issue template

#31452 Remove engine tests

#31825 Fix missing return statements on function literals

#31885 Fix commit message UTF issue for deploy_gallery shard too

#31944 Performance issue template

#32345 Add master channel to performance issue template

#32503 Add more missing returns

#33267 Add unpublish_package script.

#33459 make sure version check includes hotfixes

#33539 Fix/update several HTML links

#33554 Remove obsolete TODOs

#33677 Roll pub dependencies

#33786 Add a real-er web restart, doctor, workflow

#33787 Add chrome stable to dockerfile and web shard

#33861 Unmark flutter_gallery__back_button_memory as flaky

#33932 More removing of timeouts.

#34032 Enable web foundation tests

#34054 Make it easier to pass local engine flags when running devicelab tests

#34112 Separate web and io implementations of network image

#34199 make sure this test doesn't run for real

#34738 Update Xcode projects to recommended Xcode 10 project settings

#34739 Disable widgets and material web tests

#34812 Shard framework tests

#34818 Make docs do less work/be less flaky

#34857 More shards

#34877 More shards

#35130 pass new users for release_smoke_tests

f: cupertino - 27 PRs

#29809 Fix text selection toolbar appearing under obstructions

#29824 Cupertino localization step 8: create a gen_cupertino_localizations and generate one for cupertino english and french

#29954 Cupertino localization step 9: add tests

#30129 Fix refresh control in the gallery demo, update comments

#30224 Cupertino localization step 10: update the flutter_localizations README

#31227 Adding CupertinoTabController

#31308 Added font bold when isDefaultAction is true in CupertinoDialogAction

#31326 Add more shuffle cupertino icons

#31464 CupertinoPicker fidelity revision

#31623 fix edge swiping and dropping back at starting point

#31644 Cupertino localization step 12: push translation for all supported languages

#31763 Fix ScrollbarPainter thumbExtent calculation and add padding

#31852 Text selection handles are sometimes not interactive

#32013 Cupertino Turkish Translation

#32086 Fix CupertinoSliverRefreshControl onRefresh callback

#32469 Let CupertinoNavigationBarBackButton take a custom onPressed

#32513 Cupertino localization step 12 try 2: push translation for all supported languages

#32620 Added ScrollController to TextField

#32823 Add enableInteractiveSelection to CupertinoTextField

#32974 Fix disabled CupertinoTextField style

#33624 CupertinoTabScaffold crash fix

#33634 Let there be scroll bars

#33653 Include advice about dispose in TextEditingController api

#33739 fixed cupertinoTextField placeholder textAlign

#34095 Cupertino text edit tooltip, reworked

#34163 update CupertinoDialogAction docs

#34964 CupertinoTextField.onTap

severe: API break - 17 PRs

#29188 Fix 25807: implement move in sliver multibox widget

#29683 Show/hide toolbar and handles based on device kind

#30040 Implement focus traversal for desktop platforms, shoehorn edition.

#30579 PointerDownEvent and PointerMoveEvent default buttons to 1

#30874 Redo “Remove pressure customization from some pointer events”

#31227 Adding CupertinoTabController

#31574 Improve RadioListTile Callback Behavior Consistency

#32059 fix issue 14014 read only text field

#32842 Allow “from” hero state to survive hero animation in a push transition

#33148 ExpandIcon Custom Colors

#33164 remove Layer.replaceWith due to no usage and no tests

#33370 Update FadeInImage to use new Image APIs

#33794 Text inline widgets, TextSpan rework

#33946 Reland “Text inline widgets, TextSpan rework”

#34051 Reland “Text inline widgets, TextSpan rework (#30069)” with improved backwards compatibility

#34095 Cupertino text edit tooltip, reworked

#34501 [Material] Fix TextDirection and selected thumb for RangeSliderThumbShape and RangeSliderValueIndicatorShape

a: text input - 15 PRs

#29683 Show/hide toolbar and handles based on device kind

#31687 Center iOS caret, remove constant offsets that do not scale

#32059 fix issue 14014 read only text field

#32823 Add enableInteractiveSelection to CupertinoTextField

#32838 Handles hidden by keyboard

#32974 Fix disabled CupertinoTextField style

#33794 Text inline widgets, TextSpan rework

#33802 Double double tap toggles instead of error

#33946 Reland “Text inline widgets, TextSpan rework”

#34051 Reland “Text inline widgets, TextSpan rework (#30069)” with improved backwards compatibility

#34055 Toggle toolbar exception fix

#34068 fix empty selection arrow when double clicked on empty read only text…

#34095 Cupertino text edit tooltip, reworked

#34515 OutlineInputBorder adjusts for borderRadius that is too large

#34859 Fix Vertical Alignment Regression

☸ platform-web - 15 PRs

#33197 Wire up hot restart and incremental rebuilds for web

#33349 Compatibility pass on flutter/foundation tests for JavaScript compilation. (1)

#33350 Compatibility pass on flutter/scheduler tests for JavaScript compilation. (2)

#33352 Compatibility pass on flutter/painting tests for JavaScript compilation. (3)

#33354 Compatibility pass on flutter/services tests for JavaScript compilation. (4)

#33355 Compatibility pass on flutter/rendering tests for JavaScript compilation. (5)

#33359 Compatibility pass on flutter/physics tests for JavaScript compilation. (6)

#33360 Compatibility pass on flutter/semantics tests for JavaScript compilation. (7)

#33377 Compatibility pass on flutter/widgets tests for JavaScript compilation. (8)

#33378 Compatibility pass on flutter/material tests for JavaScript compilation. (9)

#33629 Add real-er restart for web using webkit inspection protocol

#33956 Codegen an entrypoint for flutter web applications

#34018 Add flutter create for the web

#34112 Separate web and io implementations of network image

#34159 Use product define for flutter web and remove extra asset server

a: desktop - 14 PRs

#29683 Show/hide toolbar and handles based on device kind

#30040 Implement focus traversal for desktop platforms, shoehorn edition.

#30076 Implements FocusTraversalPolicy and DefaultFocusTraversal features.

#30339 Add buttons to gestures

#30579 PointerDownEvent and PointerMoveEvent default buttons to 1

#31493 Keycode generation doc fix

#31819 Redo: Add buttons to gestures

#31935 Redo#2: Add buttons to gestures

#33298 Add actions and keyboard shortcut map support

#33443 Wrap Windows build invocation in a batch script

#33454 ensure unpack declares required artifacts

#33636 Implement plugin tooling support for macOS

#33695 Add pseudo-key synonyms for keys like shift, meta, alt, and control.

#33868 Game controller button support

t: gradle - 11 PRs

#32787 Support 32 and 64 bit

#33191 Remove colon from Gradle task name since it's deprecated

#33228 Make Paths absolute in settings.gradle

#33272 Add mustRunAfter on mergeAssets task to force task ordering

#33696 Generate ELF shared libraries and allow multi-abi libs in APKs and App bundles

#34123 Generate ELF shared libraries and allow multi-abi libs in APKs and App bundles

#34353 Refactor Gradle plugin

#34460 Add back ability to override the local engine in Gradle

#34573 Ensures flutter jar is added to all build types on plugin projects

#34592 Config lib dependencies for flavors

#34668 Re-land config lib dependencies for flavors

f: scrolling - 9 PRs

#31485 Prevent exception being thrown on hasScrolledBody

#31763 Fix ScrollbarPainter thumbExtent calculation and add padding

#31832 Allow DSS to be dragged when its children do not fill extent

#32620 Added ScrollController to TextField

#32726 Material should not prevent ScrollNotifications from bubbling upwards

#32842 Allow “from” hero state to survive hero animation in a push transition

#33627 SliverFillRemaining flag for different use cases

#33634 Let there be scroll bars

#34175 Don‘t show scrollbar if there isn’t enough content

engine - 6 PRs

#31520 Don't add empty OpacityLayer to the engine

#33272 Add mustRunAfter on mergeAssets task to force task ordering

#33662 Prep for engine roll

#34276 [flutter_tool,fuchsia] Prefetch tiles when starting an app

#34460 Add back ability to override the local engine in Gradle

#34870 Add test case for Flutter Issue #27677 as a benchmark.

severe: new feature - 6 PRs

#33148 ExpandIcon Custom Colors

#33535 Custom height parameters for DataTable header and data rows

#33628 DataTable Custom Horizontal Padding

#33794 Text inline widgets, TextSpan rework

#33946 Reland “Text inline widgets, TextSpan rework”

#34051 Reland “Text inline widgets, TextSpan rework (#30069)” with improved backwards compatibility

t: flutter driver - 5 PRs

#28808 updated tearDownAll function

#31824 fix FlutterDriver timeout

#32380 const everything in Driver

#33431 Expose service client and app isolate in driver

#33786 Add a real-er web restart, doctor, workflow

a: images - 5 PRs

#32853 Add onBytesReceived callback to consolidateHttpClientResponseBytes()

#32857 Add debugNetworkImageHttpClientProvider

#32936 Add some sanity to the ImageStream listener API

#33729 Update consolidateHttpClientResponseBytes() to use compressionState

#33814 Added a benchmark for ImageCache

a: animation - 4 PRs

#21896 Bottom sheet scrolling

#29677 Fix calculation of hero rectTween when Navigator isn't fullscreen

#32730 Add reverseDuration to AnimationController

#32842 Allow “from” hero state to survive hero animation in a push transition

▣ platform-android - 4 PRs

#31491 Allow adb stdout to contain the port number without failing

#32950 Material allows “select all” when not collapsed

#33191 Remove colon from Gradle task name since it's deprecated

#33696 Generate ELF shared libraries and allow multi-abi libs in APKs and App bundles

d: examples - 4 PRs

#31634 Improve canvas example in sample dart ui app

#31822 remove unnecessary artificial delay in catalog example

#31929 Sample Code & Animation for Flow Widget

#35046 Add generated Icon diagram to api docs

a: typography - 4 PRs

#31987 Text wrap width

#33794 Text inline widgets, TextSpan rework

#33946 Reland “Text inline widgets, TextSpan rework”

#34051 Reland “Text inline widgets, TextSpan rework (#30069)” with improved backwards compatibility

t: xcode - 4 PRs

#32266 Add reference to Runner-Bridging-Header.h to iOS profile config

#33684 Disable CocoaPods input and output paths in Xcode build phase and adopt new Xcode build system

#34293 Change Xcode developmentRegion to ‘en’ and CFBundleDevelopmentRegion to DEVELOPMENT_LANGUAGE

#34738 Update Xcode projects to recommended Xcode 10 project settings

severe: crash - 3 PRs

#31228 Fix ExpansionPanelList Duplicate Global Keys Exception

#31581 Fix Exception on Nested TabBarView disposal

#34460 Add back ability to override the local engine in Gradle

⌺‬ platform-ios - 3 PRs

#31332 iOS selection handles are invisible

#31687 Center iOS caret, remove constant offsets that do not scale

#33684 Disable CocoaPods input and output paths in Xcode build phase and adopt new Xcode build system

a: internationalization - 3 PRs

#31644 Cupertino localization step 12: push translation for all supported languages

#32013 Cupertino Turkish Translation

#32513 Cupertino localization step 12 try 2: push translation for all supported languages

○ platform-fuchsia - 3 PRs

#32849 [flutter_tool] Adds support for ‘run’ for Fuchsia devices

#34162 Update the Fuchsia SDK

#34276 [flutter_tool,fuchsia] Prefetch tiles when starting an app

a: existing-apps - 3 PRs

#33297 Instrument add to app flows

#33450 Do not return null from IosProject.isSwift

#34189 Instrument usage of include_flutter.groovy and

a: accessibility - 3 PRs

#33808 fix ExpansionPanelList merge the header semantics when it is not nece…

#34368 Fix semantics_tester

#34434 Semantics fixes

customer: solaris - 2 PRs

#29677 Fix calculation of hero rectTween when Navigator isn't fullscreen

#34298 Preserving SafeArea : Part 2

e: desktop - 2 PRs

#31329 Add Xcode build script for macOS target

#31567 Remove need for build/name scripts on Linux desktop

⌘‬ platform-mac - 2 PRs

#31329 Add Xcode build script for macOS target

#33636 Implement plugin tooling support for macOS

a: fidelity - 2 PRs

#31464 CupertinoPicker fidelity revision

#33634 Let there be scroll bars

f: date/time picker - 2 PRs

#31464 CupertinoPicker fidelity revision

#32843 Added a missing dispose of an AnimationController that was leaking a ticker.

team: gallery - 2 PRs

#31486 fix precedence issue

#33634 Let there be scroll bars

dependency: dart - 2 PRs

#32787 Support 32 and 64 bit

#34295 Prepare for Uint8List SDK breaking changes

team: flakes - 2 PRs

#33932 More removing of timeouts.

#34199 make sure this test doesn't run for real

customer: espresso - 2 PRs

#34012 Extract DiagnosticsNode serializer from WidgetInspector

#34440 Add Driver command to get diagnostics tree

severe: customer critical - 2 PRs

#34298 Preserving SafeArea : Part 2

#34519 fix page scroll position rounding error

t: flutter doctor - 2 PRs

#34624 Break down flutter doctor validations and results

#34755 Add linux doctor implementation

f: routes - 1 PRs

#21896 Bottom sheet scrolling

p: framework - 1 PRs

#30406 Add binaryMessenger constructor argument to platform channels

❖ platform-windows - 1 PRs

#33443 Wrap Windows build invocation in a batch script

a: size - 1 PRs

#34474 Release diagnostics

customer: google - 1 PRs

#34474 Release diagnostics

severe: performance - 1 PRs

#34870 Add test case for Flutter Issue #27677 as a benchmark.

This release included 841 PRs. Not all may be shown; some PRs such as those generated by autorollers are omitted.

PRs addressed in flutter/engine between b593f5167bce84fb3cad5c258477bf3abc1b14eb and d004bcd4d619fc3574761d63d7cf7b7291332c79

affects: text input - 2 PRs

#9322 Check for invalid indexes when performing InputAdpator backspace.

#9406 Update harfbuzz to 2.5.2

platform-android - 1 PRs

#9172 Use shared library when is found

affects: dev experience - 1 PRs

#9304 Decorate UIApplicationDelegate wrappers with matching UIKit deprecation

platform-ios - 1 PRs

#9304 Decorate UIApplicationDelegate wrappers with matching UIKit deprecation

accessibility - 1 PRs

#9321 Fix a11y in embedded Android views post O

crash - 1 PRs

#9322 Check for invalid indexes when performing InputAdpator backspace.

affects: framework - 1 PRs

#9452 Convert RRect.scaleRadii to public method

affects: tests - 1 PRs

#9458 Test cleanup geometry_test.dart

This release included 605 PRs. Not all may be shown; some PRs such as those generated by autorollers are omitted.