| // Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // @dart = 2.8 |
| |
| import 'dart:ui' show window; |
| |
| import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart'; |
| import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; |
| import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart'; |
| import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart'; |
| import 'package:flutter/painting.dart'; |
| |
| import '../rendering/mock_canvas.dart'; |
| |
| RenderBox getMaterialBox(WidgetTester tester) { |
| return tester.firstRenderObject<RenderBox>( |
| find.descendant( |
| of: find.byType(RawChip), |
| matching: find.byType(CustomPaint), |
| ), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| Material getMaterial(WidgetTester tester) { |
| return tester.widget<Material>( |
| find.descendant( |
| of: find.byType(RawChip), |
| matching: find.byType(Material), |
| ), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| IconThemeData getIconData(WidgetTester tester) { |
| final IconTheme iconTheme = tester.firstWidget( |
| find.descendant( |
| of: find.byType(RawChip), |
| matching: find.byType(IconTheme), |
| ), |
| ); |
| return iconTheme.data; |
| } |
| |
| DefaultTextStyle getLabelStyle(WidgetTester tester) { |
| return tester.widget( |
| find |
| .descendant( |
| of: find.byType(RawChip), |
| matching: find.byType(DefaultTextStyle), |
| ) |
| .last, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| void main() { |
| testWidgets('Chip theme is built by ThemeData', (WidgetTester tester) async { |
| final ThemeData theme = ThemeData( |
| platform: TargetPlatform.android, |
| primarySwatch: Colors.red, |
| ); |
| final ChipThemeData chipTheme = theme.chipTheme; |
| |
| expect(chipTheme.backgroundColor, equals(Colors.black.withAlpha(0x1f))); |
| expect(chipTheme.selectedColor, equals(Colors.black.withAlpha(0x3d))); |
| expect(chipTheme.deleteIconColor, equals(Colors.black.withAlpha(0xde))); |
| }); |
| |
| testWidgets('Chip uses ThemeData chip theme if present', (WidgetTester tester) async { |
| final ThemeData theme = ThemeData( |
| platform: TargetPlatform.android, |
| primarySwatch: Colors.red, |
| backgroundColor: Colors.blue, |
| ); |
| final ChipThemeData chipTheme = theme.chipTheme; |
| |
| Widget buildChip(ChipThemeData data) { |
| return MaterialApp( |
| locale: const Locale('en', 'us'), |
| home: Directionality( |
| textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, |
| child: MediaQuery( |
| data: MediaQueryData.fromWindow(window), |
| child: Material( |
| child: Center( |
| child: Theme( |
| data: theme, |
| child: RawChip( |
| showCheckmark: true, |
| onDeleted: () { }, |
| tapEnabled: true, |
| avatar: const Placeholder(), |
| deleteIcon: const Placeholder(), |
| isEnabled: true, |
| selected: false, |
| label: const Text('Chip'), |
| onSelected: (bool newValue) { }, |
| onPressed: null, |
| ), |
| ), |
| ), |
| ), |
| ), |
| )); |
| } |
| |
| await tester.pumpWidget(buildChip(chipTheme)); |
| await tester.pumpAndSettle(); |
| |
| final RenderBox materialBox = getMaterialBox(tester); |
| |
| expect(materialBox, paints..path(color: chipTheme.backgroundColor)); |
| }); |
| |
| testWidgets('Chip overrides ThemeData theme if ChipTheme present', (WidgetTester tester) async { |
| final ThemeData theme = ThemeData( |
| platform: TargetPlatform.android, |
| primarySwatch: Colors.red, |
| ); |
| final ChipThemeData chipTheme = theme.chipTheme; |
| final ChipThemeData customTheme = chipTheme.copyWith( |
| backgroundColor: Colors.purple, |
| deleteIconColor: Colors.purple.withAlpha(0x3d), |
| elevation: 3.0, |
| shadowColor: Colors.pink, |
| ); |
| const bool value = false; |
| Widget buildChip(ChipThemeData data) { |
| return MaterialApp( |
| home: Directionality( |
| textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, |
| child: MediaQuery( |
| data: MediaQueryData.fromWindow(window), |
| child: Material( |
| child: Center( |
| child: Theme( |
| data: theme, |
| child: ChipTheme( |
| data: customTheme, |
| child: RawChip( |
| showCheckmark: true, |
| onDeleted: () { }, |
| tapEnabled: true, |
| avatar: const Placeholder(), |
| deleteIcon: const Placeholder(), |
| isEnabled: true, |
| selected: value, |
| label: const Text('$value'), |
| onSelected: (bool newValue) { }, |
| onPressed: null, |
| ), |
| ), |
| ), |
| ), |
| ), |
| ), |
| )); |
| } |
| |
| await tester.pumpWidget(buildChip(chipTheme)); |
| await tester.pumpAndSettle(); |
| |
| final RenderBox materialBox = getMaterialBox(tester); |
| final Material material = getMaterial(tester); |
| |
| expect(materialBox, paints..path(color: Color(customTheme.backgroundColor.value))); |
| expect(material.elevation, customTheme.elevation); |
| expect(material.shadowColor, customTheme.shadowColor); |
| }); |
| |
| testWidgets('ChipThemeData generates correct opacities for defaults', (WidgetTester tester) async { |
| const Color customColor1 = Color(0xcafefeed); |
| const Color customColor2 = Color(0xdeadbeef); |
| final TextStyle customStyle = ThemeData.fallback().textTheme.bodyText1.copyWith(color: customColor2); |
| |
| final ChipThemeData lightTheme = ChipThemeData.fromDefaults( |
| secondaryColor: customColor1, |
| brightness: Brightness.light, |
| labelStyle: customStyle, |
| ); |
| |
| expect(lightTheme.backgroundColor, equals(Colors.black.withAlpha(0x1f))); |
| expect(lightTheme.deleteIconColor, equals(Colors.black.withAlpha(0xde))); |
| expect(lightTheme.disabledColor, equals(Colors.black.withAlpha(0x0c))); |
| expect(lightTheme.selectedColor, equals(Colors.black.withAlpha(0x3d))); |
| expect(lightTheme.secondarySelectedColor, equals(customColor1.withAlpha(0x3d))); |
| expect(lightTheme.labelPadding, isNull); |
| expect(lightTheme.padding, equals(const EdgeInsets.all(4.0))); |
| expect(lightTheme.shape, isA<StadiumBorder>()); |
| expect(lightTheme.labelStyle.color, equals(Colors.black.withAlpha(0xde))); |
| expect(lightTheme.secondaryLabelStyle.color, equals(customColor1.withAlpha(0xde))); |
| expect(lightTheme.brightness, equals(Brightness.light)); |
| |
| final ChipThemeData darkTheme = ChipThemeData.fromDefaults( |
| secondaryColor: customColor1, |
| brightness: Brightness.dark, |
| labelStyle: customStyle, |
| ); |
| |
| expect(darkTheme.backgroundColor, equals(Colors.white.withAlpha(0x1f))); |
| expect(darkTheme.deleteIconColor, equals(Colors.white.withAlpha(0xde))); |
| expect(darkTheme.disabledColor, equals(Colors.white.withAlpha(0x0c))); |
| expect(darkTheme.selectedColor, equals(Colors.white.withAlpha(0x3d))); |
| expect(darkTheme.secondarySelectedColor, equals(customColor1.withAlpha(0x3d))); |
| expect(darkTheme.labelPadding, isNull); |
| expect(darkTheme.padding, equals(const EdgeInsets.all(4.0))); |
| expect(darkTheme.shape, isA<StadiumBorder>()); |
| expect(darkTheme.labelStyle.color, equals(Colors.white.withAlpha(0xde))); |
| expect(darkTheme.secondaryLabelStyle.color, equals(customColor1.withAlpha(0xde))); |
| expect(darkTheme.brightness, equals(Brightness.dark)); |
| |
| final ChipThemeData customTheme = ChipThemeData.fromDefaults( |
| primaryColor: customColor1, |
| secondaryColor: customColor2, |
| labelStyle: customStyle, |
| ); |
| |
| expect(customTheme.backgroundColor, equals(customColor1.withAlpha(0x1f))); |
| expect(customTheme.deleteIconColor, equals(customColor1.withAlpha(0xde))); |
| expect(customTheme.disabledColor, equals(customColor1.withAlpha(0x0c))); |
| expect(customTheme.selectedColor, equals(customColor1.withAlpha(0x3d))); |
| expect(customTheme.secondarySelectedColor, equals(customColor2.withAlpha(0x3d))); |
| expect(customTheme.labelPadding, isNull); |
| expect(customTheme.padding, equals(const EdgeInsets.all(4.0))); |
| expect(customTheme.shape, isA<StadiumBorder>()); |
| expect(customTheme.labelStyle.color, equals(customColor1.withAlpha(0xde))); |
| expect(customTheme.secondaryLabelStyle.color, equals(customColor2.withAlpha(0xde))); |
| expect(customTheme.brightness, equals(Brightness.light)); |
| }); |
| |
| testWidgets('ChipThemeData lerps correctly', (WidgetTester tester) async { |
| final ChipThemeData chipThemeBlack = ChipThemeData.fromDefaults( |
| secondaryColor: Colors.black, |
| brightness: Brightness.dark, |
| labelStyle: ThemeData.fallback().textTheme.bodyText1.copyWith(color: Colors.black), |
| ).copyWith( |
| elevation: 1.0, |
| labelPadding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 8.0), |
| pressElevation: 4.0, |
| shadowColor: Colors.black, |
| selectedShadowColor: Colors.black, |
| checkmarkColor: Colors.black, |
| ); |
| final ChipThemeData chipThemeWhite = ChipThemeData.fromDefaults( |
| secondaryColor: Colors.white, |
| brightness: Brightness.light, |
| labelStyle: ThemeData.fallback().textTheme.bodyText1.copyWith(color: Colors.white), |
| ).copyWith( |
| padding: const EdgeInsets.all(2.0), |
| labelPadding: const EdgeInsets.only(top: 8.0, bottom: 8.0), |
| elevation: 5.0, |
| pressElevation: 10.0, |
| shadowColor: Colors.white, |
| selectedShadowColor: Colors.white, |
| checkmarkColor: Colors.white, |
| ); |
| |
| final ChipThemeData lerp = ChipThemeData.lerp(chipThemeBlack, chipThemeWhite, 0.5); |
| const Color middleGrey = Color(0xff7f7f7f); |
| expect(lerp.backgroundColor, equals(middleGrey.withAlpha(0x1f))); |
| expect(lerp.deleteIconColor, equals(middleGrey.withAlpha(0xde))); |
| expect(lerp.disabledColor, equals(middleGrey.withAlpha(0x0c))); |
| expect(lerp.selectedColor, equals(middleGrey.withAlpha(0x3d))); |
| expect(lerp.secondarySelectedColor, equals(middleGrey.withAlpha(0x3d))); |
| expect(lerp.shadowColor, equals(middleGrey)); |
| expect(lerp.selectedShadowColor, equals(middleGrey)); |
| expect(lerp.labelPadding, equals(const EdgeInsets.all(4.0))); |
| expect(lerp.padding, equals(const EdgeInsets.all(3.0))); |
| expect(lerp.shape, isA<StadiumBorder>()); |
| expect(lerp.labelStyle.color, equals(middleGrey.withAlpha(0xde))); |
| expect(lerp.secondaryLabelStyle.color, equals(middleGrey.withAlpha(0xde))); |
| expect(lerp.brightness, equals(Brightness.light)); |
| expect(lerp.elevation, 3.0); |
| expect(lerp.pressElevation, 7.0); |
| expect(lerp.checkmarkColor, equals(middleGrey)); |
| |
| expect(ChipThemeData.lerp(null, null, 0.25), isNull); |
| |
| final ChipThemeData lerpANull25 = ChipThemeData.lerp(null, chipThemeWhite, 0.25); |
| expect(lerpANull25.backgroundColor, equals(Colors.black.withAlpha(0x08))); |
| expect(lerpANull25.deleteIconColor, equals(Colors.black.withAlpha(0x38))); |
| expect(lerpANull25.disabledColor, equals(Colors.black.withAlpha(0x03))); |
| expect(lerpANull25.selectedColor, equals(Colors.black.withAlpha(0x0f))); |
| expect(lerpANull25.secondarySelectedColor, equals(Colors.white.withAlpha(0x0f))); |
| expect(lerpANull25.shadowColor, equals(Colors.white.withAlpha(0x40))); |
| expect(lerpANull25.selectedShadowColor, equals(Colors.white.withAlpha(0x40))); |
| expect(lerpANull25.labelPadding, equals(const EdgeInsets.only(left: 0.0, top: 2.0, right: 0.0, bottom: 2.0))); |
| expect(lerpANull25.padding, equals(const EdgeInsets.all(0.5))); |
| expect(lerpANull25.shape, isA<StadiumBorder>()); |
| expect(lerpANull25.labelStyle.color, equals(Colors.black.withAlpha(0x38))); |
| expect(lerpANull25.secondaryLabelStyle.color, equals(Colors.white.withAlpha(0x38))); |
| expect(lerpANull25.brightness, equals(Brightness.light)); |
| expect(lerpANull25.elevation, 1.25); |
| expect(lerpANull25.pressElevation, 2.5); |
| expect(lerpANull25.checkmarkColor, equals(Colors.white.withAlpha(0x40))); |
| |
| final ChipThemeData lerpANull75 = ChipThemeData.lerp(null, chipThemeWhite, 0.75); |
| expect(lerpANull75.backgroundColor, equals(Colors.black.withAlpha(0x17))); |
| expect(lerpANull75.deleteIconColor, equals(Colors.black.withAlpha(0xa7))); |
| expect(lerpANull75.disabledColor, equals(Colors.black.withAlpha(0x09))); |
| expect(lerpANull75.selectedColor, equals(Colors.black.withAlpha(0x2e))); |
| expect(lerpANull75.secondarySelectedColor, equals(Colors.white.withAlpha(0x2e))); |
| expect(lerpANull75.shadowColor, equals(Colors.white.withAlpha(0xbf))); |
| expect(lerpANull75.selectedShadowColor, equals(Colors.white.withAlpha(0xbf))); |
| expect(lerpANull75.labelPadding, equals(const EdgeInsets.only(left: 0.0, top: 6.0, right: 0.0, bottom: 6.0))); |
| expect(lerpANull75.padding, equals(const EdgeInsets.all(1.5))); |
| expect(lerpANull75.shape, isA<StadiumBorder>()); |
| expect(lerpANull75.labelStyle.color, equals(Colors.black.withAlpha(0xa7))); |
| expect(lerpANull75.secondaryLabelStyle.color, equals(Colors.white.withAlpha(0xa7))); |
| expect(lerpANull75.brightness, equals(Brightness.light)); |
| expect(lerpANull75.elevation, 3.75); |
| expect(lerpANull75.pressElevation, 7.5); |
| expect(lerpANull75.checkmarkColor, equals(Colors.white.withAlpha(0xbf))); |
| |
| final ChipThemeData lerpBNull25 = ChipThemeData.lerp(chipThemeBlack, null, 0.25); |
| expect(lerpBNull25.backgroundColor, equals(Colors.white.withAlpha(0x17))); |
| expect(lerpBNull25.deleteIconColor, equals(Colors.white.withAlpha(0xa7))); |
| expect(lerpBNull25.disabledColor, equals(Colors.white.withAlpha(0x09))); |
| expect(lerpBNull25.selectedColor, equals(Colors.white.withAlpha(0x2e))); |
| expect(lerpBNull25.secondarySelectedColor, equals(Colors.black.withAlpha(0x2e))); |
| expect(lerpBNull25.shadowColor, equals(Colors.black.withAlpha(0xbf))); |
| expect(lerpBNull25.selectedShadowColor, equals(Colors.black.withAlpha(0xbf))); |
| expect(lerpBNull25.labelPadding, equals(const EdgeInsets.only(left: 6.0, top: 0.0, right: 6.0, bottom: 0.0))); |
| expect(lerpBNull25.padding, equals(const EdgeInsets.all(3.0))); |
| expect(lerpBNull25.shape, isA<StadiumBorder>()); |
| expect(lerpBNull25.labelStyle.color, equals(Colors.white.withAlpha(0xa7))); |
| expect(lerpBNull25.secondaryLabelStyle.color, equals(Colors.black.withAlpha(0xa7))); |
| expect(lerpBNull25.brightness, equals(Brightness.dark)); |
| expect(lerpBNull25.elevation, 0.75); |
| expect(lerpBNull25.pressElevation, 3.0); |
| expect(lerpBNull25.checkmarkColor, equals(Colors.black.withAlpha(0xbf))); |
| |
| final ChipThemeData lerpBNull75 = ChipThemeData.lerp(chipThemeBlack, null, 0.75); |
| expect(lerpBNull75.backgroundColor, equals(Colors.white.withAlpha(0x08))); |
| expect(lerpBNull75.deleteIconColor, equals(Colors.white.withAlpha(0x38))); |
| expect(lerpBNull75.disabledColor, equals(Colors.white.withAlpha(0x03))); |
| expect(lerpBNull75.selectedColor, equals(Colors.white.withAlpha(0x0f))); |
| expect(lerpBNull75.secondarySelectedColor, equals(Colors.black.withAlpha(0x0f))); |
| expect(lerpBNull75.shadowColor, equals(Colors.black.withAlpha(0x40))); |
| expect(lerpBNull75.selectedShadowColor, equals(Colors.black.withAlpha(0x40))); |
| expect(lerpBNull75.labelPadding, equals(const EdgeInsets.only(left: 2.0, top: 0.0, right: 2.0, bottom: 0.0))); |
| expect(lerpBNull75.padding, equals(const EdgeInsets.all(1.0))); |
| expect(lerpBNull75.shape, isA<StadiumBorder>()); |
| expect(lerpBNull75.labelStyle.color, equals(Colors.white.withAlpha(0x38))); |
| expect(lerpBNull75.secondaryLabelStyle.color, equals(Colors.black.withAlpha(0x38))); |
| expect(lerpBNull75.brightness, equals(Brightness.light)); |
| expect(lerpBNull75.elevation, 0.25); |
| expect(lerpBNull75.pressElevation, 1.0); |
| expect(lerpBNull75.checkmarkColor, equals(Colors.black.withAlpha(0x40))); |
| }); |
| |
| testWidgets('Chip uses stateful color from chip theme', (WidgetTester tester) async { |
| final FocusNode focusNode = FocusNode(); |
| |
| const Color pressedColor = Color(0x00000001); |
| const Color hoverColor = Color(0x00000002); |
| const Color focusedColor = Color(0x00000003); |
| const Color defaultColor = Color(0x00000004); |
| const Color selectedColor = Color(0x00000005); |
| const Color disabledColor = Color(0x00000006); |
| |
| Color getTextColor(Set<MaterialState> states) { |
| if (states.contains(MaterialState.disabled)) |
| return disabledColor; |
| |
| if (states.contains(MaterialState.pressed)) |
| return pressedColor; |
| |
| if (states.contains(MaterialState.hovered)) |
| return hoverColor; |
| |
| if (states.contains(MaterialState.focused)) |
| return focusedColor; |
| |
| if (states.contains(MaterialState.selected)) |
| return selectedColor; |
| |
| return defaultColor; |
| } |
| |
| final TextStyle labelStyle = TextStyle( |
| color: MaterialStateColor.resolveWith(getTextColor), |
| ); |
| Widget chipWidget({ bool enabled = true, bool selected = false }) { |
| return MaterialApp( |
| theme: ThemeData( |
| chipTheme: ThemeData.light().chipTheme.copyWith( |
| labelStyle: labelStyle, |
| secondaryLabelStyle: labelStyle, |
| ), |
| ), |
| home: Scaffold( |
| body: Focus( |
| focusNode: focusNode, |
| child: ChoiceChip( |
| label: const Text('Chip'), |
| selected: selected, |
| onSelected: enabled ? (_) {} : null, |
| ), |
| ), |
| ), |
| ); |
| } |
| Color textColor() { |
| return tester.renderObject<RenderParagraph>(find.text('Chip')).text.style.color; |
| } |
| |
| // Default, not disabled. |
| await tester.pumpWidget(chipWidget()); |
| expect(textColor(), equals(defaultColor)); |
| |
| // Selected. |
| await tester.pumpWidget(chipWidget(selected: true)); |
| expect(textColor(), selectedColor); |
| |
| // Focused. |
| final FocusNode chipFocusNode = focusNode.children.first; |
| chipFocusNode.requestFocus(); |
| await tester.pumpAndSettle(); |
| expect(textColor(), focusedColor); |
| |
| // Hovered. |
| final Offset center = tester.getCenter(find.byType(ChoiceChip)); |
| final TestGesture gesture = await tester.createGesture( |
| kind: PointerDeviceKind.mouse, |
| ); |
| await gesture.addPointer(); |
| await gesture.moveTo(center); |
| await tester.pumpAndSettle(); |
| expect(textColor(), hoverColor); |
| |
| // Pressed. |
| await gesture.down(center); |
| await tester.pumpAndSettle(); |
| expect(textColor(), pressedColor); |
| |
| // Disabled. |
| await tester.pumpWidget(chipWidget(enabled: false)); |
| await tester.pumpAndSettle(); |
| expect(textColor(), disabledColor); |
| |
| // Teardown. |
| await gesture.removePointer(); |
| }); |
| } |