| { |
| "scriptCategory": "tall", |
| "timeOfDayFormat": "HH:mm", |
| "anteMeridiemAbbreviation": "AM", |
| "@anteMeridiemAbbreviation": {"notUsed":"Pashto time format does not use a.m. indicator"}, |
| "postMeridiemAbbreviation": "PM", |
| "@postMeridiemAbbreviation": {"notUsed":"Pashto time format does not use p.m. indicator"}, |
| "openAppDrawerTooltip": "د پرانیستی نیینګ مینو", |
| "backButtonTooltip": "شاته", |
| "closeButtonTooltip": "بنده", |
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| "lastPageTooltip": "Last page", |
| "showMenuTooltip": "غورنۍ ښودل", |
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| "licensesPageTitle": "جوازونه", |
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| "pageRowsInfoTitleApproximate": "$firstRow–$lastRow څخه $rowCount د", |
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| "okButtonLabel": "سمه ده", |
| "pasteButtonLabel": "پیټ کړئ", |
| "selectAllButtonLabel": "غوره کړئ", |
| "viewLicensesButtonLabel": "لیدلس وګورئ", |
| "timePickerHourModeAnnouncement": "وختونه وټاکئ", |
| "timePickerMinuteModeAnnouncement": "منې غوره کړئ", |
| "signedInLabel": "ننوتل", |
| "hideAccountsLabel": "حسابونه پټ کړئ", |
| "showAccountsLabel": "حسابونه ښکاره کړئ", |
| "modalBarrierDismissLabel": "رد کړه", |
| "drawerLabel": "د نیویگیشن مینو", |
| "popupMenuLabel": "د پاپ اپ مینو", |
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| "alertDialogLabel": "خبرتیا", |
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| "invalidDateFormatLabel": "Invalid format.", |
| "invalidDateRangeLabel": "Invalid range.", |
| "dateOutOfRangeLabel": "Out of range.", |
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| "datePickerHelpText": "SELECT DATE", |
| "dateRangePickerHelpText": "SELECT RANGE", |
| "calendarModeButtonLabel": "Switch to calendar", |
| "inputDateModeButtonLabel": "Switch to input", |
| "timePickerDialHelpText": "SELECT TIME", |
| "timePickerInputHelpText": "ENTER TIME", |
| "timePickerHourLabel": "Hour", |
| "timePickerMinuteLabel": "Minute", |
| "invalidTimeLabel": "Enter a valid time", |
| "dialModeButtonLabel": "Switch to dial picker mode", |
| "inputTimeModeButtonLabel": "Switch to text input mode", |
| "licensesPackageDetailTextZero": "No licenses", |
| "licensesPackageDetailTextOne": "1 license", |
| "licensesPackageDetailTextOther": "$licenseCount licenses", |
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| "keyboardKeyNumpadDecimal": "Num .", |
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