tree: 49bd98e556eb35eda9a5462d7b0d226f65304e99 [path history] [tgz]
  1. _bitfield_io.dart
  2. _bitfield_web.dart
  3. _capabilities_io.dart
  4. _capabilities_web.dart
  5. _isolates_io.dart
  6. _isolates_web.dart
  7. _platform_io.dart
  8. _platform_web.dart
  9. _timeline_io.dart
  10. _timeline_web.dart
  11. annotations.dart
  12. assertions.dart
  13. basic_types.dart
  14. binding.dart
  15. bitfield.dart
  16. capabilities.dart
  17. change_notifier.dart
  18. collections.dart
  19. consolidate_response.dart
  20. constants.dart
  21. debug.dart
  22. diagnostics.dart
  23. isolates.dart
  24. key.dart
  25. licenses.dart
  26. memory_allocations.dart
  27. node.dart
  28. object.dart
  29. observer_list.dart
  30. persistent_hash_map.dart
  31. platform.dart
  32. print.dart
  34. serialization.dart
  35. service_extensions.dart
  36. stack_frame.dart
  37. synchronous_future.dart
  38. timeline.dart
  39. unicode.dart

The rule for packages in this directory is that they can depend on nothing but core Dart packages. They can‘t depend on dart:ui, they can’t depend on any package:, and they can't depend on anything outside this directory.

Currently they do depend on dart:ui, but only for VoidCallback and clampDouble (and maybe one day lerpDouble), which are all intended to be moved out of dart:ui and into dart:core.

There is currently also an unfortunate dependency on the platform dispatcher logic (SingletonFlutterWindow, Brightness, PlatformDispatcher, window), though that should probably move to the ‘services’ library.

See also: