| // Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // TODO(gspencergoog): Remove this tag once this test's state leaks/test |
| // dependencies have been fixed. |
| // https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/85160 |
| // Fails with "flutter test --test-randomize-ordering-seed=1000" |
| @Tags(<String>['no-shuffle']) |
| library; |
| |
| import 'dart:async'; |
| import 'dart:convert'; |
| |
| import 'package:args/command_runner.dart'; |
| import 'package:file/memory.dart'; |
| import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/bot_detector.dart'; |
| import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/error_handling_io.dart'; |
| import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/file_system.dart' hide IOSink; |
| import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/io.dart'; |
| import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/platform.dart'; |
| import 'package:flutter_tools/src/cache.dart'; |
| import 'package:flutter_tools/src/commands/packages.dart'; |
| import 'package:flutter_tools/src/dart/pub.dart'; |
| import 'package:flutter_tools/src/globals.dart' as globals; |
| |
| import '../../src/common.dart'; |
| import '../../src/context.dart'; |
| import '../../src/fake_process_manager.dart'; |
| import '../../src/fakes.dart'; |
| import '../../src/test_flutter_command_runner.dart'; |
| |
| void main() { |
| late FakeStdio mockStdio; |
| |
| setUp(() { |
| mockStdio = FakeStdio()..stdout.terminalColumns = 80; |
| }); |
| |
| Cache.disableLocking(); |
| group('packages get/upgrade', () { |
| late Directory tempDir; |
| |
| setUp(() { |
| tempDir = globals.fs.systemTempDirectory.createTempSync('flutter_tools_packages_test.'); |
| }); |
| |
| tearDown(() { |
| tryToDelete(tempDir); |
| }); |
| |
| Future<String> createProjectWithPlugin(String plugin, { List<String>? arguments }) async { |
| final String projectPath = await createProject(tempDir, arguments: arguments); |
| final File pubspec = globals.fs.file(globals.fs.path.join(projectPath, 'pubspec.yaml')); |
| String content = await pubspec.readAsString(); |
| final List<String> contentLines = LineSplitter.split(content).toList(); |
| final int depsIndex = contentLines.indexOf('dependencies:'); |
| expect(depsIndex, isNot(-1)); |
| contentLines.replaceRange(depsIndex, depsIndex + 1, <String>[ |
| 'dependencies:', |
| ' $plugin:', |
| ]); |
| content = contentLines.join('\n'); |
| await pubspec.writeAsString(content, flush: true); |
| return projectPath; |
| } |
| |
| Future<PackagesCommand> runCommandIn(String projectPath, String verb, { List<String>? args }) async { |
| final PackagesCommand command = PackagesCommand(); |
| final CommandRunner<void> runner = createTestCommandRunner(command); |
| await runner.run(<String>[ |
| 'packages', |
| verb, |
| ...?args, |
| '--directory', |
| projectPath, |
| ]); |
| return command; |
| } |
| |
| void expectExists(String projectPath, String relPath) { |
| expect( |
| globals.fs.isFileSync(globals.fs.path.join(projectPath, relPath)), |
| true, |
| reason: '$projectPath/$relPath should exist, but does not', |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| void expectContains(String projectPath, String relPath, String substring) { |
| expectExists(projectPath, relPath); |
| expect( |
| globals.fs.file(globals.fs.path.join(projectPath, relPath)).readAsStringSync(), |
| contains(substring), |
| reason: '$projectPath/$relPath has unexpected content', |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| void expectNotExists(String projectPath, String relPath) { |
| expect( |
| globals.fs.isFileSync(globals.fs.path.join(projectPath, relPath)), |
| false, |
| reason: '$projectPath/$relPath should not exist, but does', |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| void expectNotContains(String projectPath, String relPath, String substring) { |
| expectExists(projectPath, relPath); |
| expect( |
| globals.fs.file(globals.fs.path.join(projectPath, relPath)).readAsStringSync(), |
| isNot(contains(substring)), |
| reason: '$projectPath/$relPath has unexpected content', |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| final List<String> pubOutput = <String>[ |
| globals.fs.path.join('.dart_tool', 'package_config.json'), |
| 'pubspec.lock', |
| ]; |
| |
| const List<String> pluginRegistrants = <String>[ |
| 'ios/Runner/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.h', |
| 'ios/Runner/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m', |
| 'android/app/src/main/java/io/flutter/plugins/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.java', |
| ]; |
| |
| const List<String> modulePluginRegistrants = <String>[ |
| '.ios/Flutter/FlutterPluginRegistrant/Classes/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.h', |
| '.ios/Flutter/FlutterPluginRegistrant/Classes/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m', |
| '.android/Flutter/src/main/java/io/flutter/plugins/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.java', |
| ]; |
| |
| const List<String> pluginWitnesses = <String>[ |
| '.flutter-plugins', |
| 'ios/Podfile', |
| ]; |
| |
| const List<String> modulePluginWitnesses = <String>[ |
| '.flutter-plugins', |
| '.ios/Podfile', |
| ]; |
| |
| const Map<String, String> pluginContentWitnesses = <String, String>{ |
| 'ios/Flutter/Debug.xcconfig': '#include? "Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner.debug.xcconfig"', |
| 'ios/Flutter/Release.xcconfig': '#include? "Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner.release.xcconfig"', |
| }; |
| |
| const Map<String, String> modulePluginContentWitnesses = <String, String>{ |
| '.ios/Config/Debug.xcconfig': '#include? "Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner.debug.xcconfig"', |
| '.ios/Config/Release.xcconfig': '#include? "Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner.release.xcconfig"', |
| }; |
| |
| void expectDependenciesResolved(String projectPath) { |
| for (final String output in pubOutput) { |
| expectExists(projectPath, output); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void expectZeroPluginsInjected(String projectPath) { |
| for (final String registrant in modulePluginRegistrants) { |
| expectExists(projectPath, registrant); |
| } |
| for (final String witness in pluginWitnesses) { |
| expectNotExists(projectPath, witness); |
| } |
| modulePluginContentWitnesses.forEach((String witness, String content) { |
| expectNotContains(projectPath, witness, content); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| void expectPluginInjected(String projectPath) { |
| for (final String registrant in pluginRegistrants) { |
| expectExists(projectPath, registrant); |
| } |
| for (final String witness in pluginWitnesses) { |
| expectExists(projectPath, witness); |
| } |
| pluginContentWitnesses.forEach((String witness, String content) { |
| expectContains(projectPath, witness, content); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| void expectModulePluginInjected(String projectPath) { |
| for (final String registrant in modulePluginRegistrants) { |
| expectExists(projectPath, registrant); |
| } |
| for (final String witness in modulePluginWitnesses) { |
| expectExists(projectPath, witness); |
| } |
| modulePluginContentWitnesses.forEach((String witness, String content) { |
| expectContains(projectPath, witness, content); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| void removeGeneratedFiles(String projectPath) { |
| final Iterable<String> allFiles = <List<String>>[ |
| pubOutput, |
| modulePluginRegistrants, |
| pluginWitnesses, |
| ].expand<String>((List<String> list) => list); |
| for (final String path in allFiles) { |
| final File file = globals.fs.file(globals.fs.path.join(projectPath, path)); |
| ErrorHandlingFileSystem.deleteIfExists(file); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| testUsingContext('get fetches packages and has output from pub', () async { |
| final String projectPath = await createProject(tempDir, |
| arguments: <String>['--no-pub', '--template=module']); |
| removeGeneratedFiles(projectPath); |
| |
| await runCommandIn(projectPath, 'get'); |
| |
| expect(mockStdio.stdout.writes.map(utf8.decode), |
| allOf( |
| contains(matches(RegExp(r'Resolving dependencies in .+flutter_project\.\.\.'))), |
| contains(matches(RegExp(r'\+ flutter 0\.0\.0 from sdk flutter'))), |
| contains(matches(RegExp(r'Changed \d+ dependencies in .+flutter_project!'))), |
| ), |
| ); |
| |
| expectDependenciesResolved(projectPath); |
| expectZeroPluginsInjected(projectPath); |
| }, overrides: <Type, Generator>{ |
| Stdio: () => mockStdio, |
| Pub: () => Pub.test( |
| fileSystem: globals.fs, |
| logger: globals.logger, |
| processManager: globals.processManager, |
| usage: globals.flutterUsage, |
| botDetector: globals.botDetector, |
| platform: globals.platform, |
| stdio: mockStdio, |
| ), |
| }); |
| |
| testUsingContext('get --offline fetches packages', () async { |
| final String projectPath = await createProject(tempDir, |
| arguments: <String>['--no-pub', '--template=module']); |
| removeGeneratedFiles(projectPath); |
| |
| await runCommandIn(projectPath, 'get', args: <String>['--offline']); |
| |
| expectDependenciesResolved(projectPath); |
| expectZeroPluginsInjected(projectPath); |
| }, overrides: <Type, Generator>{ |
| Stdio: () => mockStdio, |
| Pub: () => Pub.test( |
| fileSystem: globals.fs, |
| logger: globals.logger, |
| processManager: globals.processManager, |
| usage: globals.flutterUsage, |
| botDetector: globals.botDetector, |
| platform: globals.platform, |
| stdio: mockStdio, |
| ), |
| }); |
| |
| testUsingContext('set no plugins as usage value', () async { |
| final String projectPath = await createProject(tempDir, |
| arguments: <String>['--no-pub', '--template=module']); |
| removeGeneratedFiles(projectPath); |
| |
| final PackagesCommand command = await runCommandIn(projectPath, 'get'); |
| final PackagesGetCommand getCommand = command.subcommands['get']! as PackagesGetCommand; |
| |
| expect((await getCommand.usageValues).commandPackagesNumberPlugins, 0); |
| }, overrides: <Type, Generator>{ |
| Stdio: () => mockStdio, |
| Pub: () => Pub.test( |
| fileSystem: globals.fs, |
| logger: globals.logger, |
| processManager: globals.processManager, |
| usage: globals.flutterUsage, |
| botDetector: globals.botDetector, |
| platform: globals.platform, |
| stdio: mockStdio, |
| ), |
| }); |
| |
| testUsingContext('set the number of plugins as usage value', () async { |
| final String projectPath = await createProject( |
| tempDir, |
| arguments: <String>['--template=plugin', '--no-pub', '--platforms=ios,android,macos,windows'], |
| ); |
| final String exampleProjectPath = globals.fs.path.join(projectPath, 'example'); |
| |
| final PackagesCommand command = await runCommandIn(exampleProjectPath, 'get'); |
| final PackagesGetCommand getCommand = command.subcommands['get']! as PackagesGetCommand; |
| |
| // A plugin example depends on the plugin itself, and integration_test. |
| expect((await getCommand.usageValues).commandPackagesNumberPlugins, 2); |
| }, overrides: <Type, Generator>{ |
| Stdio: () => mockStdio, |
| Pub: () => Pub.test( |
| fileSystem: globals.fs, |
| logger: globals.logger, |
| processManager: globals.processManager, |
| usage: globals.flutterUsage, |
| botDetector: globals.botDetector, |
| platform: globals.platform, |
| stdio: mockStdio, |
| ), |
| }); |
| |
| testUsingContext('indicate that the project is not a module in usage value', () async { |
| final String projectPath = await createProject(tempDir, |
| arguments: <String>['--no-pub']); |
| removeGeneratedFiles(projectPath); |
| |
| final PackagesCommand command = await runCommandIn(projectPath, 'get'); |
| final PackagesGetCommand getCommand = command.subcommands['get']! as PackagesGetCommand; |
| |
| expect((await getCommand.usageValues).commandPackagesProjectModule, false); |
| }, overrides: <Type, Generator>{ |
| Stdio: () => mockStdio, |
| Pub: () => Pub.test( |
| fileSystem: globals.fs, |
| logger: globals.logger, |
| processManager: globals.processManager, |
| usage: globals.flutterUsage, |
| botDetector: globals.botDetector, |
| platform: globals.platform, |
| stdio: mockStdio, |
| ), |
| }); |
| |
| testUsingContext('indicate that the project is a module in usage value', () async { |
| final String projectPath = await createProject(tempDir, |
| arguments: <String>['--no-pub', '--template=module']); |
| removeGeneratedFiles(projectPath); |
| |
| final PackagesCommand command = await runCommandIn(projectPath, 'get'); |
| final PackagesGetCommand getCommand = command.subcommands['get']! as PackagesGetCommand; |
| |
| expect((await getCommand.usageValues).commandPackagesProjectModule, true); |
| }, overrides: <Type, Generator>{ |
| Stdio: () => mockStdio, |
| Pub: () => Pub.test( |
| fileSystem: globals.fs, |
| logger: globals.logger, |
| processManager: globals.processManager, |
| usage: globals.flutterUsage, |
| botDetector: globals.botDetector, |
| platform: globals.platform, |
| stdio: mockStdio, |
| ), |
| }); |
| |
| testUsingContext('indicate that Android project reports v1 in usage value', () async { |
| final String projectPath = await createProject(tempDir, |
| arguments: <String>['--no-pub']); |
| removeGeneratedFiles(projectPath); |
| |
| final File androidManifest = globals.fs.file(globals.fs.path.join( |
| projectPath, |
| 'android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml', |
| )); |
| final String updatedAndroidManifestString = |
| androidManifest.readAsStringSync().replaceAll('android:value="2"', 'android:value="1"'); |
| |
| androidManifest.writeAsStringSync(updatedAndroidManifestString); |
| |
| final PackagesCommand command = await runCommandIn(projectPath, 'get'); |
| final PackagesGetCommand getCommand = command.subcommands['get']! as PackagesGetCommand; |
| |
| expect((await getCommand.usageValues).commandPackagesAndroidEmbeddingVersion, 'v1'); |
| }, overrides: <Type, Generator>{ |
| Stdio: () => mockStdio, |
| Pub: () => Pub.test( |
| fileSystem: globals.fs, |
| logger: globals.logger, |
| processManager: globals.processManager, |
| usage: globals.flutterUsage, |
| botDetector: globals.botDetector, |
| platform: globals.platform, |
| stdio: mockStdio, |
| ), |
| }); |
| |
| testUsingContext('indicate that Android project reports v2 in usage value', () async { |
| final String projectPath = await createProject(tempDir, |
| arguments: <String>['--no-pub']); |
| removeGeneratedFiles(projectPath); |
| |
| final PackagesCommand command = await runCommandIn(projectPath, 'get'); |
| final PackagesGetCommand getCommand = command.subcommands['get']! as PackagesGetCommand; |
| |
| expect((await getCommand.usageValues).commandPackagesAndroidEmbeddingVersion, 'v2'); |
| }, overrides: <Type, Generator>{ |
| Stdio: () => mockStdio, |
| Pub: () => Pub.test( |
| fileSystem: globals.fs, |
| logger: globals.logger, |
| processManager: globals.processManager, |
| usage: globals.flutterUsage, |
| botDetector: globals.botDetector, |
| platform: globals.platform, |
| stdio: mockStdio, |
| ), |
| }); |
| |
| testUsingContext('upgrade fetches packages', () async { |
| final String projectPath = await createProject(tempDir, |
| arguments: <String>['--no-pub', '--template=module']); |
| removeGeneratedFiles(projectPath); |
| |
| await runCommandIn(projectPath, 'upgrade'); |
| |
| expectDependenciesResolved(projectPath); |
| expectZeroPluginsInjected(projectPath); |
| }, overrides: <Type, Generator>{ |
| Stdio: () => mockStdio, |
| Pub: () => Pub.test( |
| fileSystem: globals.fs, |
| logger: globals.logger, |
| processManager: globals.processManager, |
| usage: globals.flutterUsage, |
| botDetector: globals.botDetector, |
| platform: globals.platform, |
| stdio: mockStdio, |
| ), |
| }); |
| |
| testUsingContext('get fetches packages and injects plugin', () async { |
| final String projectPath = await createProjectWithPlugin('path_provider', |
| arguments: <String>['--no-pub', '--template=module']); |
| removeGeneratedFiles(projectPath); |
| |
| await runCommandIn(projectPath, 'get'); |
| |
| expectDependenciesResolved(projectPath); |
| expectModulePluginInjected(projectPath); |
| }, overrides: <Type, Generator>{ |
| Stdio: () => mockStdio, |
| Pub: () => Pub.test( |
| fileSystem: globals.fs, |
| logger: globals.logger, |
| processManager: globals.processManager, |
| usage: globals.flutterUsage, |
| botDetector: globals.botDetector, |
| platform: globals.platform, |
| stdio: mockStdio, |
| ), |
| }); |
| |
| testUsingContext('get fetches packages and injects plugin in plugin project', () async { |
| final String projectPath = await createProject( |
| tempDir, |
| arguments: <String>['--template=plugin', '--no-pub', '--platforms=ios,android'], |
| ); |
| final String exampleProjectPath = globals.fs.path.join(projectPath, 'example'); |
| removeGeneratedFiles(projectPath); |
| removeGeneratedFiles(exampleProjectPath); |
| |
| await runCommandIn(projectPath, 'get'); |
| |
| expectDependenciesResolved(projectPath); |
| |
| await runCommandIn(exampleProjectPath, 'get'); |
| |
| expectDependenciesResolved(exampleProjectPath); |
| expectPluginInjected(exampleProjectPath); |
| }, overrides: <Type, Generator>{ |
| Stdio: () => mockStdio, |
| Pub: () => Pub.test( |
| fileSystem: globals.fs, |
| logger: globals.logger, |
| processManager: globals.processManager, |
| usage: globals.flutterUsage, |
| botDetector: globals.botDetector, |
| platform: globals.platform, |
| stdio: mockStdio, |
| ), |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| group('packages test/pub', () { |
| late FakeProcessManager processManager; |
| late FakeStdio mockStdio; |
| |
| setUp(() { |
| processManager = FakeProcessManager.empty(); |
| mockStdio = FakeStdio()..stdout.terminalColumns = 80; |
| }); |
| |
| testUsingContext('test without bot', () async { |
| Cache.flutterRoot = ''; |
| globals.fs.directory('/packages/flutter_tools').createSync(recursive: true); |
| globals.fs.file('pubspec.yaml').createSync(); |
| processManager.addCommand( |
| const FakeCommand(command: <String>['/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart', '__deprecated_pub', 'run', 'test']), |
| ); |
| await createTestCommandRunner(PackagesCommand()).run(<String>['packages', 'test']); |
| |
| expect(processManager, hasNoRemainingExpectations); |
| }, overrides: <Type, Generator>{ |
| FileSystem: () => MemoryFileSystem.test(), |
| Platform: () => FakePlatform(environment: <String, String>{}), |
| ProcessManager: () => processManager, |
| Stdio: () => mockStdio, |
| BotDetector: () => const FakeBotDetector(false), |
| Pub: () => Pub.test( |
| fileSystem: globals.fs, |
| logger: globals.logger, |
| processManager: globals.processManager, |
| usage: globals.flutterUsage, |
| botDetector: globals.botDetector, |
| platform: globals.platform, |
| stdio: mockStdio, |
| ), |
| }); |
| |
| testUsingContext('test with bot', () async { |
| Cache.flutterRoot = ''; |
| globals.fs.file('pubspec.yaml').createSync(); |
| processManager.addCommand( |
| const FakeCommand(command: <String>['/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart', '__deprecated_pub', '--trace', 'run', 'test']), |
| ); |
| await createTestCommandRunner(PackagesCommand()).run(<String>['packages', 'test']); |
| |
| expect(processManager, hasNoRemainingExpectations); |
| }, overrides: <Type, Generator>{ |
| FileSystem: () => MemoryFileSystem.test(), |
| Platform: () => FakePlatform(environment: <String, String>{}), |
| ProcessManager: () => processManager, |
| Stdio: () => mockStdio, |
| BotDetector: () => const FakeBotDetector(true), |
| Pub: () => Pub.test( |
| fileSystem: globals.fs, |
| logger: globals.logger, |
| processManager: globals.processManager, |
| usage: globals.flutterUsage, |
| botDetector: globals.botDetector, |
| platform: globals.platform, |
| stdio: mockStdio, |
| ), |
| }); |
| |
| testUsingContext('run pass arguments through to pub', () async { |
| Cache.flutterRoot = ''; |
| globals.fs.file('pubspec.yaml').createSync(); |
| final IOSink stdin = IOSink(StreamController<List<int>>().sink); |
| processManager.addCommand( |
| FakeCommand( |
| command: const <String>[ |
| '/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart', '__deprecated_pub', 'run', '--foo', 'bar', |
| ], |
| stdin: stdin, |
| ), |
| ); |
| await createTestCommandRunner(PackagesCommand()).run(<String>['packages', '--verbose', 'pub', 'run', '--foo', 'bar']); |
| |
| expect(processManager, hasNoRemainingExpectations); |
| }, overrides: <Type, Generator>{ |
| FileSystem: () => MemoryFileSystem.test(), |
| Platform: () => FakePlatform(environment: <String, String>{}), |
| ProcessManager: () => processManager, |
| Stdio: () => mockStdio, |
| Pub: () => Pub.test( |
| fileSystem: globals.fs, |
| logger: globals.logger, |
| processManager: globals.processManager, |
| usage: globals.flutterUsage, |
| botDetector: globals.botDetector, |
| platform: globals.platform, |
| stdio: mockStdio, |
| ), |
| }); |
| |
| testUsingContext('token pass arguments through to pub', () async { |
| Cache.flutterRoot = ''; |
| globals.fs.file('pubspec.yaml').createSync(); |
| final IOSink stdin = IOSink(StreamController<List<int>>().sink); |
| processManager.addCommand( |
| FakeCommand( |
| command: const <String>[ |
| '/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart', '__deprecated_pub', 'token', 'list', |
| ], |
| stdin: stdin, |
| ), |
| ); |
| await createTestCommandRunner(PackagesCommand()).run(<String>['packages', '--verbose', 'pub', 'token', 'list']); |
| |
| expect(processManager, hasNoRemainingExpectations); |
| }, overrides: <Type, Generator>{ |
| FileSystem: () => MemoryFileSystem.test(), |
| Platform: () => FakePlatform(environment: <String, String>{}), |
| ProcessManager: () => processManager, |
| Stdio: () => mockStdio, |
| Pub: () => Pub.test( |
| fileSystem: globals.fs, |
| logger: globals.logger, |
| processManager: globals.processManager, |
| usage: globals.flutterUsage, |
| botDetector: globals.botDetector, |
| platform: globals.platform, |
| stdio: mockStdio, |
| ), |
| }); |
| |
| testUsingContext('upgrade does not check for pubspec.yaml if -h/--help is passed', () async { |
| Cache.flutterRoot = ''; |
| processManager.addCommand( |
| FakeCommand( |
| command: const <String>[ |
| '/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart', '__deprecated_pub', 'upgrade', '-h', |
| ], |
| stdin: IOSink(StreamController<List<int>>().sink), |
| ), |
| ); |
| await createTestCommandRunner(PackagesCommand()).run(<String>['pub', 'upgrade', '-h']); |
| |
| expect(processManager, hasNoRemainingExpectations); |
| }, overrides: <Type, Generator>{ |
| FileSystem: () => MemoryFileSystem.test(), |
| Platform: () => FakePlatform(environment: <String, String>{}), |
| ProcessManager: () => processManager, |
| Stdio: () => mockStdio, |
| Pub: () => Pub.test( |
| fileSystem: globals.fs, |
| logger: globals.logger, |
| processManager: globals.processManager, |
| usage: globals.flutterUsage, |
| botDetector: globals.botDetector, |
| platform: globals.platform, |
| stdio: mockStdio, |
| ), |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |