| #!/bin/bash |
| # Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| # found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| |
| # ---------------------------------- NOTE ---------------------------------- # |
| # |
| # Please keep the logic in this file consistent with the logic in the |
| # `flutter.bat` script in the same directory to ensure that Flutter continues |
| # to work across all platforms! |
| # |
| # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # |
| |
| set -e |
| |
| function follow_links() { |
| cd -P "${1%/*}" |
| file="$PWD/${1##*/}" |
| while [ -h "$file" ]; do |
| # On Mac OS, readlink -f doesn't work. |
| cd -P "${file%/*}" |
| file="$(readlink "$file")" |
| cd -P "${file%/*}" |
| file="$PWD/${file##*/}" |
| done |
| echo "$PWD/${file##*/}" |
| } |
| |
| # Convert a filesystem path to a format usable by Dart's URI parser. |
| function path_uri() { |
| # Reduce multiple leading slashes to a single slash. |
| echo "$1" | sed -E -e "s,^/+,/," |
| } |
| |
| PROG_NAME="$(path_uri "$(follow_links "$BASH_SOURCE")")" |
| BIN_DIR="$(cd "${PROG_NAME%/*}" ; pwd -P)" |
| export FLUTTER_ROOT="$(cd "${BIN_DIR}/.." ; pwd -P)" |
| |
| FLUTTER_TOOLS_DIR="$FLUTTER_ROOT/packages/flutter_tools" |
| SNAPSHOT_PATH="$FLUTTER_ROOT/bin/cache/flutter_tools.snapshot" |
| STAMP_PATH="$FLUTTER_ROOT/bin/cache/flutter_tools.stamp" |
| SCRIPT_PATH="$FLUTTER_TOOLS_DIR/bin/flutter_tools.dart" |
| DART_SDK_PATH="$FLUTTER_ROOT/bin/cache/dart-sdk" |
| |
| DART="$DART_SDK_PATH/bin/dart" |
| PUB="$DART_SDK_PATH/bin/pub" |
| |
| # Test if running as superuser |
| if [[ "$EUID" == "0" ]]; then |
| echo " Woah! You appear to be trying to run flutter as root." |
| echo " We strongly recommend running the flutter tool without superuser privileges." |
| echo " /" |
| echo "📎" |
| fi |
| |
| # Test if Git is available on the Host |
| if ! hash git 2>/dev/null; then |
| echo "Error: Unable to find git in your PATH." |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| # Test if the flutter directory is a git clone (otherwise git rev-parse HEAD would fail) |
| if [ ! -d "$FLUTTER_ROOT/.git" ]; then |
| echo "Error: The Flutter directory is not a clone of the GitHub project." |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| # To debug the tool, you can uncomment the following line to enable checked mode and set an observatory port: |
| # FLUTTER_TOOL_ARGS="--observe=65432 --checked" |
| |
| ( |
| if hash flock 2>/dev/null; then |
| flock 3 # ensures that we don't simultaneously update Dart in multiple parallel instances |
| # some platforms (e.g. Mac) don't have flock or any reliable alternative |
| fi |
| REVISION=`(cd "$FLUTTER_ROOT"; git rev-parse HEAD)` |
| if [ ! -f "$SNAPSHOT_PATH" ] || [ ! -s "$STAMP_PATH" ] || [ `cat "$STAMP_PATH"` != "$REVISION" ] || [ "$FLUTTER_TOOLS_DIR/pubspec.yaml" -nt "$FLUTTER_TOOLS_DIR/pubspec.lock" ]; then |
| mkdir -p "$FLUTTER_ROOT/bin/cache" |
| touch "$FLUTTER_ROOT/bin/cache/.dartignore" |
| "$FLUTTER_ROOT/bin/internal/update_dart_sdk.sh" |
| |
| echo Building flutter tool... |
| if [ "$TRAVIS" == "true" ] || [ "$BOT" == "true" ] || [ "$CONTINUOUS_INTEGRATION" == "true" ] || [ "$CHROME_HEADLESS" == "1" ] || [ "$APPVEYOR" == "true" ] || [ "$CI" == "true" ]; then |
| LOCAL_PUB_ENV="$LOCAL_PUB_ENV:flutter_bot" |
| fi |
| LOCAL_PUB_ENV="$LOCAL_PUB_ENV:flutter_install" |
| (cd "$FLUTTER_TOOLS_DIR"; PUB_ENVIRONMENT=$LOCAL_PUB_ENV "$PUB" upgrade --verbosity=error --no-packages-dir) |
| "$DART" --snapshot="$SNAPSHOT_PATH" --packages="$FLUTTER_TOOLS_DIR/.packages" "$SCRIPT_PATH" |
| echo $REVISION > "$STAMP_PATH" |
| fi |
| ) 3< "$PROG_NAME" |
| |
| set +e |
| |
| # The VM exits with code 253 if the snapshot version is out-of-date. |
| # If it is, we need to snapshot it again. |
| EXIT_CODE=$? |
| if [ $EXIT_CODE != 253 ]; then |
| exit $EXIT_CODE |
| fi |
| |
| set -e |
| "$DART" --snapshot="$SNAPSHOT_PATH" --packages="$FLUTTER_TOOLS_DIR/.packages" "$SCRIPT_PATH" |