blob: dd2a8e0802a2a881b886feb8f0db73e5bb73acd7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart';
import 'package:flutter/painting.dart';
import 'package:flutter/physics.dart';
import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';
import 'package:flutter/scheduler.dart';
import 'basic.dart';
import 'framework.dart';
import 'primary_scroll_controller.dart';
import 'scroll_activity.dart';
import 'scroll_context.dart';
import 'scroll_controller.dart';
import 'scroll_metrics.dart';
import 'scroll_physics.dart';
import 'scroll_position.dart';
import 'scroll_view.dart';
import 'sliver.dart';
import 'ticker_provider.dart';
import 'viewport.dart';
// Examples can assume:
// List<String> _tabs;
/// Signature used by [NestedScrollView] for building its header.
/// The `innerBoxIsScrolled` argument is typically used to control the
/// [SliverAppBar.forceElevated] property to ensure that the app bar shows a
/// shadow, since it would otherwise not necessarily be aware that it had
/// content ostensibly below it.
typedef List<Widget> NestedScrollViewHeaderSliversBuilder(BuildContext context, bool innerBoxIsScrolled);
/// A scrolling view inside of which can be nested other scrolling views, with
/// their scroll positions being intrinsically linked.
/// The most common use case for this widget is a scrollable view with a
/// flexible [SliverAppBar] containing a [TabBar] in the header (build by
/// [headerSliverBuilder], and with a [TabBarView] in the [body], such that the
/// scrollable view's contents vary based on which tab is visible.
/// ## Motivation
/// In a normal [ScrollView], there is one set of slivers (the components of the
/// scrolling view). If one of those slivers hosted a [TabBarView] which scrolls
/// in the opposite direction (e.g. allowing the user to swipe horizontally
/// between the pages represented by the tabs, while the list scrolls
/// vertically), then any list inside that [TabBarView] would not interact with
/// the outer [ScrollView]. For example, flinging the inner list to scroll to
/// the top would not cause a collapsed [SliverAppBar] in the outer [ScrollView]
/// to expand.
/// [NestedScrollView] solves this problem by providing custom
/// [ScrollController]s for the outer [ScrollView] and the inner [ScrollView]s
/// (those inside the [TabBarView], hooking them together so that they appear,
/// to the user, as one coherent scroll view.
/// ## Sample code
/// This example shows a [NestedScrollView] whose header is the combination of a
/// [TabBar] in a [SliverAppBar] and whose body is a [TabBarView]. It uses a
/// [SliverOverlapAbsorber]/[SliverOverlapInjector] pair to make the inner lists
/// align correctly, and it uses [SafeArea] to avoid any horizontal disturbances
/// (e.g. the "notch" on iOS when the phone is horizontal). In addition,
/// [PageStorageKey]s are used to remember the scroll position of each tab's
/// list.
/// In the example below, `_tabs` is a list of strings, one for each tab, giving
/// the tab labels. In a real application, it would be replaced by the actual
/// data model being represented.
/// ```dart
/// new DefaultTabController(
/// length: _tabs.length, // This is the number of tabs.
/// child: new NestedScrollView(
/// headerSliverBuilder: (BuildContext context, bool innerBoxIsScrolled) {
/// // These are the slivers that show up in the "outer" scroll view.
/// return <Widget>[
/// new SliverOverlapAbsorber(
/// // This widget takes the overlapping behavior of the SliverAppBar,
/// // and redirects it to the SliverOverlapInjector below. If it is
/// // missing, then it is possible for the nested "inner" scroll view
/// // below to end up under the SliverAppBar even when the inner
/// // scroll view thinks it has not been scrolled.
/// // This is not necessary if the "headerSliverBuilder" only builds
/// // widgets that do not overlap the next sliver.
/// handle: NestedScrollView.sliverOverlapAbsorberHandleFor(context),
/// child: new SliverAppBar(
/// title: const Text('Books'), // This is the title in the app bar.
/// pinned: true,
/// expandedHeight: 150.0,
/// // The "forceElevated" property causes the SliverAppBar to show
/// // a shadow. The "innerBoxIsScrolled" parameter is true when the
/// // inner scroll view is scrolled beyond its "zero" point, i.e.
/// // when it appears to be scrolled below the SliverAppBar.
/// // Without this, there are cases where the shadow would appear
/// // or not appear inappropriately, because the SliverAppBar is
/// // not actually aware of the precise position of the inner
/// // scroll views.
/// forceElevated: innerBoxIsScrolled,
/// bottom: new TabBar(
/// // These are the widgets to put in each tab in the tab bar.
/// tabs: name) => new Tab(text: name)).toList(),
/// ),
/// ),
/// ),
/// ];
/// },
/// body: new TabBarView(
/// // These are the contents of the tab views, below the tabs.
/// children: name) {
/// return new SafeArea(
/// top: false,
/// bottom: false,
/// child: new Builder(
/// // This Builder is needed to provide a BuildContext that is "inside"
/// // the NestedScrollView, so that sliverOverlapAbsorberHandleFor() can
/// // find the NestedScrollView.
/// builder: (BuildContext context) {
/// return new CustomScrollView(
/// // The "controller" and "primary" members should be left
/// // unset, so that the NestedScrollView can control this
/// // inner scroll view.
/// // If the "controller" property is set, then this scroll
/// // view will not be associated with the NestedScrollView.
/// // The PageStorageKey should be unique to this ScrollView;
/// // it allows the list to remember its scroll position when
/// // the tab view is not on the screen.
/// key: new PageStorageKey<String>(name),
/// slivers: <Widget>[
/// new SliverOverlapInjector(
/// // This is the flip side of the SliverOverlapAbsorber above.
/// handle: NestedScrollView.sliverOverlapAbsorberHandleFor(context),
/// ),
/// new SliverPadding(
/// padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
/// // In this example, the inner scroll view has
/// // fixed-height list items, hence the use of
/// // SliverFixedExtentList. However, one could use any
/// // sliver widget here, e.g. SliverList or SliverGrid.
/// sliver: new SliverFixedExtentList(
/// // The items in this example are fixed to 48 pixels
/// // high. This matches the Material Design spec for
/// // ListTile widgets.
/// itemExtent: 48.0,
/// delegate: new SliverChildBuilderDelegate(
/// (BuildContext context, int index) {
/// // This builder is called for each child.
/// // In this example, we just number each list item.
/// return new ListTile(
/// title: new Text('Item $index'),
/// );
/// },
/// // The childCount of the SliverChildBuilderDelegate
/// // specifies how many children this inner list
/// // has. In this example, each tab has a list of
/// // exactly 30 items, but this is arbitrary.
/// childCount: 30,
/// ),
/// ),
/// ),
/// ],
/// );
/// },
/// ),
/// );
/// }).toList(),
/// ),
/// ),
/// )
/// ```
class NestedScrollView extends StatefulWidget {
/// Creates a nested scroll view.
/// The [reverse], [headerSliverBuilder], and [body] arguments must not be
/// null.
const NestedScrollView({
Key key,
this.scrollDirection: Axis.vertical,
this.reverse: false,
@required this.headerSliverBuilder,
@required this.body,
}) : assert(scrollDirection != null),
assert(reverse != null),
assert(headerSliverBuilder != null),
assert(body != null),
super(key: key);
/// An object that can be used to control the position to which the outer
/// scroll view is scrolled.
final ScrollController controller;
/// The axis along which the scroll view scrolls.
/// Defaults to [Axis.vertical].
final Axis scrollDirection;
/// Whether the scroll view scrolls in the reading direction.
/// For example, if the reading direction is left-to-right and
/// [scrollDirection] is [Axis.horizontal], then the scroll view scrolls from
/// left to right when [reverse] is false and from right to left when
/// [reverse] is true.
/// Similarly, if [scrollDirection] is [Axis.vertical], then the scroll view
/// scrolls from top to bottom when [reverse] is false and from bottom to top
/// when [reverse] is true.
/// Defaults to false.
final bool reverse;
/// How the scroll view should respond to user input.
/// For example, determines how the scroll view continues to animate after the
/// user stops dragging the scroll view (providing a custom implementation of
/// [ScrollPhysics.createBallisticSimulation] allows this particular aspect of
/// the physics to be overridden).
/// Defaults to matching platform conventions.
/// The [ScrollPhysics.applyBoundaryConditions] implementation of the provided
/// object should not allow scrolling outside the scroll extent range
/// described by the [ScrollMetrics.minScrollExtent] and
/// [ScrollMetrics.maxScrollExtent] properties passed to that method. If that
/// invariant is not maintained, the nested scroll view may respond to user
/// scrolling erratically.
final ScrollPhysics physics;
/// A builder for any widgets that are to precede the inner scroll views (as
/// given by [body]).
/// Typically this is used to create a [SliverAppBar] with a [TabBar].
final NestedScrollViewHeaderSliversBuilder headerSliverBuilder;
/// The widget to show inside the [NestedScrollView].
/// Typically this will be [TabBarView].
/// The [body] is built in a context that provides a [PrimaryScrollController]
/// that interacts with the [NestedScrollView]'s scroll controller. Any
/// [ListView] or other [Scrollable]-based widget inside the [body] that is
/// intended to scroll with the [NestedScrollView] should therefore not be
/// given an explicit [ScrollController], instead allowing it to default to
/// the [PrimaryScrollController] provided by the [NestedScrollView].
final Widget body;
/// Returns the [SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle] of the nearest ancestor
/// [NestedScrollView].
/// This is necessary to configure the [SliverOverlapAbsorber] and
/// [SliverOverlapInjector] widgets.
/// For sample code showing how to use this method, see the [NestedScrollView]
/// documentation.
static SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle sliverOverlapAbsorberHandleFor(BuildContext context) {
final _InheritedNestedScrollView target = context.inheritFromWidgetOfExactType(_InheritedNestedScrollView);
assert(target != null, 'NestedScrollView.sliverOverlapAbsorberHandleFor must be called with a context that contains a NestedScrollView.');
return target.state._absorberHandle;
List<Widget> _buildSlivers(BuildContext context, ScrollController innerController, bool bodyIsScrolled) {
final List<Widget> slivers = <Widget>[];
slivers.addAll(headerSliverBuilder(context, bodyIsScrolled));
slivers.add(new SliverFillRemaining(
child: new PrimaryScrollController(
controller: innerController,
child: body,
return slivers;
_NestedScrollViewState createState() => new _NestedScrollViewState();
class _NestedScrollViewState extends State<NestedScrollView> {
final SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle _absorberHandle = new SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle();
_NestedScrollCoordinator _coordinator;
void initState() {
_coordinator = new _NestedScrollCoordinator(this, widget.controller, _handleHasScrolledBodyChanged);
void didChangeDependencies() {
void didUpdateWidget(NestedScrollView oldWidget) {
if (oldWidget.controller != widget.controller)
void dispose() {
_coordinator = null;
bool _lastHasScrolledBody;
void _handleHasScrolledBodyChanged() {
if (!mounted)
final bool newHasScrolledBody = _coordinator.hasScrolledBody;
if (_lastHasScrolledBody != newHasScrolledBody) {
setState(() {
// _coordinator.hasScrolledBody changed (we use it in the build method)
// (We record _lastHasScrolledBody in the build() method, rather than in
// this setState call, because the build() method may be called more
// often than just from here, and we want to only call setState when the
// new value is different than the last built value.)
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new _InheritedNestedScrollView(
state: this,
child: new Builder(
builder: (BuildContext context) {
_lastHasScrolledBody = _coordinator.hasScrolledBody;
return new _NestedScrollViewCustomScrollView(
scrollDirection: widget.scrollDirection,
reverse: widget.reverse,
physics: widget.physics != null
? widget.physics.applyTo(const ClampingScrollPhysics())
: const ClampingScrollPhysics(),
controller: _coordinator._outerController,
slivers: widget._buildSlivers(
handle: _absorberHandle,
class _NestedScrollViewCustomScrollView extends CustomScrollView {
@required Axis scrollDirection,
@required bool reverse,
@required ScrollPhysics physics,
@required ScrollController controller,
@required List<Widget> slivers,
@required this.handle,
}) : super(
scrollDirection: scrollDirection,
reverse: reverse,
physics: physics,
controller: controller,
slivers: slivers,
final SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle handle;
Widget buildViewport(
BuildContext context,
ViewportOffset offset,
AxisDirection axisDirection,
List<Widget> slivers,
) {
return new NestedScrollViewViewport(
axisDirection: axisDirection,
offset: offset,
slivers: slivers,
handle: handle,
class _InheritedNestedScrollView extends InheritedWidget {
const _InheritedNestedScrollView({
Key key,
@required this.state,
@required Widget child,
}) : assert(state != null),
assert(child != null),
super(key: key, child: child);
final _NestedScrollViewState state;
bool updateShouldNotify(_InheritedNestedScrollView old) => state != old.state;
class _NestedScrollMetrics extends FixedScrollMetrics {
@required double minScrollExtent,
@required double maxScrollExtent,
@required double pixels,
@required double viewportDimension,
@required AxisDirection axisDirection,
@required this.minRange,
@required this.maxRange,
@required this.correctionOffset,
}) : super(
minScrollExtent: minScrollExtent,
maxScrollExtent: maxScrollExtent,
pixels: pixels,
viewportDimension: viewportDimension,
axisDirection: axisDirection,
_NestedScrollMetrics copyWith({
double minScrollExtent,
double maxScrollExtent,
double pixels,
double viewportDimension,
AxisDirection axisDirection,
double minRange,
double maxRange,
double correctionOffset,
}) {
return new _NestedScrollMetrics(
minScrollExtent: minScrollExtent ?? this.minScrollExtent,
maxScrollExtent: maxScrollExtent ?? this.maxScrollExtent,
pixels: pixels ?? this.pixels,
viewportDimension: viewportDimension ?? this.viewportDimension,
axisDirection: axisDirection ?? this.axisDirection,
minRange: minRange ?? this.minRange,
maxRange: maxRange ?? this.maxRange,
correctionOffset: correctionOffset ?? this.correctionOffset,
final double minRange;
final double maxRange;
final double correctionOffset;
typedef ScrollActivity _NestedScrollActivityGetter(_NestedScrollPosition position);
class _NestedScrollCoordinator implements ScrollActivityDelegate, ScrollHoldController {
_NestedScrollCoordinator(this._state, this._parent, this._onHasScrolledBodyChanged) {
final double initialScrollOffset = _parent?.initialScrollOffset ?? 0.0;
_outerController = new _NestedScrollController(this, initialScrollOffset: initialScrollOffset, debugLabel: 'outer');
_innerController = new _NestedScrollController(this, initialScrollOffset: 0.0, debugLabel: 'inner');
final _NestedScrollViewState _state;
ScrollController _parent;
final VoidCallback _onHasScrolledBodyChanged;
_NestedScrollController _outerController;
_NestedScrollController _innerController;
_NestedScrollPosition get _outerPosition {
if (!_outerController.hasClients)
return null;
return _outerController.nestedPositions.single;
Iterable<_NestedScrollPosition> get _innerPositions {
return _innerController.nestedPositions;
bool get canScrollBody {
final _NestedScrollPosition outer = _outerPosition;
if (outer == null)
return true;
return outer.haveDimensions && outer.extentAfter == 0.0;
bool get hasScrolledBody {
for (_NestedScrollPosition position in _innerPositions) {
if (position.pixels > position.minScrollExtent)
return true;
return false;
void updateShadow() {
if (_onHasScrolledBodyChanged != null)
ScrollDirection get userScrollDirection => _userScrollDirection;
ScrollDirection _userScrollDirection = ScrollDirection.idle;
void updateUserScrollDirection(ScrollDirection value) {
assert(value != null);
if (userScrollDirection == value)
_userScrollDirection = value;
for (_NestedScrollPosition position in _innerPositions)
ScrollDragController _currentDrag;
void beginActivity(ScrollActivity newOuterActivity, _NestedScrollActivityGetter innerActivityGetter) {
bool scrolling = newOuterActivity.isScrolling;
for (_NestedScrollPosition position in _innerPositions) {
final ScrollActivity newInnerActivity = innerActivityGetter(position);
scrolling = scrolling && newInnerActivity.isScrolling;
_currentDrag = null;
if (!scrolling)
AxisDirection get axisDirection => _outerPosition.axisDirection;
static IdleScrollActivity _createIdleScrollActivity(_NestedScrollPosition position) {
return new IdleScrollActivity(position);
void goIdle() {
beginActivity(_createIdleScrollActivity(_outerPosition), _createIdleScrollActivity);
void goBallistic(double velocity) {
(_NestedScrollPosition position) => createInnerBallisticScrollActivity(position, velocity),
ScrollActivity createOuterBallisticScrollActivity(double velocity) {
// This function creates a ballistic scroll for the outer scrollable.
// It assumes that the outer scrollable can't be overscrolled, and sets up a
// ballistic scroll over the combined space of the innerPositions and the
// outerPosition.
// First we must pick a representative inner position that we will care
// about. This is somewhat arbitrary. Ideally we'd pick the one that is "in
// the center" but there isn't currently a good way to do that so we
// arbitrarily pick the one that is the furthest away from the infinity we
// are heading towards.
_NestedScrollPosition innerPosition;
if (velocity != 0.0) {
for (_NestedScrollPosition position in _innerPositions) {
if (innerPosition != null) {
if (velocity > 0.0) {
if (innerPosition.pixels < position.pixels)
} else {
assert(velocity < 0.0);
if (innerPosition.pixels > position.pixels)
innerPosition = position;
if (innerPosition == null) {
// It's either just us or a velocity=0 situation.
return _outerPosition.createBallisticScrollActivity(
_outerPosition.physics.createBallisticSimulation(_outerPosition, velocity),
mode: _NestedBallisticScrollActivityMode.independent,
final _NestedScrollMetrics metrics = _getMetrics(innerPosition, velocity);
return _outerPosition.createBallisticScrollActivity(
_outerPosition.physics.createBallisticSimulation(metrics, velocity),
mode: _NestedBallisticScrollActivityMode.outer,
metrics: metrics,
ScrollActivity createInnerBallisticScrollActivity(_NestedScrollPosition position, double velocity) {
return position.createBallisticScrollActivity(
velocity == 0 ? position : _getMetrics(position, velocity),
mode: _NestedBallisticScrollActivityMode.inner,
_NestedScrollMetrics _getMetrics(_NestedScrollPosition innerPosition, double velocity) {
assert(innerPosition != null);
double pixels, minRange, maxRange, correctionOffset, extra;
if (innerPosition.pixels == innerPosition.minScrollExtent) {
pixels = _outerPosition.pixels.clamp(_outerPosition.minScrollExtent, _outerPosition.maxScrollExtent); // TODO(ianh): gracefully handle out-of-range outer positions
minRange = _outerPosition.minScrollExtent;
maxRange = _outerPosition.maxScrollExtent;
assert(minRange <= maxRange);
correctionOffset = 0.0;
extra = 0.0;
} else {
assert(innerPosition.pixels != innerPosition.minScrollExtent);
if (innerPosition.pixels < innerPosition.minScrollExtent) {
pixels = innerPosition.pixels - innerPosition.minScrollExtent + _outerPosition.minScrollExtent;
} else {
assert(innerPosition.pixels > innerPosition.minScrollExtent);
pixels = innerPosition.pixels - innerPosition.minScrollExtent + _outerPosition.maxScrollExtent;
if ((velocity > 0.0) && (innerPosition.pixels > innerPosition.minScrollExtent)) {
// This handles going forward (fling up) and inner list is scrolled past
// zero. We want to grab the extra pixels immediately to shrink.
extra = _outerPosition.maxScrollExtent - _outerPosition.pixels;
assert(extra >= 0.0);
minRange = pixels;
maxRange = pixels + extra;
assert(minRange <= maxRange);
correctionOffset = _outerPosition.pixels - pixels;
} else if ((velocity < 0.0) && (innerPosition.pixels < innerPosition.minScrollExtent)) {
// This handles going backward (fling down) and inner list is
// underscrolled. We want to grab the extra pixels immediately to grow.
extra = _outerPosition.pixels - _outerPosition.minScrollExtent;
assert(extra >= 0.0);
minRange = pixels - extra;
maxRange = pixels;
assert(minRange <= maxRange);
correctionOffset = _outerPosition.pixels - pixels;
} else {
// This handles going forward (fling up) and inner list is
// underscrolled, OR, going backward (fling down) and inner list is
// scrolled past zero. We want to skip the pixels we don't need to grow
// or shrink over.
if (velocity > 0.0) {
// shrinking
extra = _outerPosition.minScrollExtent - _outerPosition.pixels;
} else {
assert(velocity < 0.0);
// growing
extra = _outerPosition.pixels - (_outerPosition.maxScrollExtent - _outerPosition.minScrollExtent);
assert(extra <= 0.0);
minRange = _outerPosition.minScrollExtent;
maxRange = _outerPosition.maxScrollExtent + extra;
assert(minRange <= maxRange);
correctionOffset = 0.0;
return new _NestedScrollMetrics(
minScrollExtent: _outerPosition.minScrollExtent,
maxScrollExtent: _outerPosition.maxScrollExtent + innerPosition.maxScrollExtent - innerPosition.minScrollExtent + extra,
pixels: pixels,
viewportDimension: _outerPosition.viewportDimension,
axisDirection: _outerPosition.axisDirection,
minRange: minRange,
maxRange: maxRange,
correctionOffset: correctionOffset,
double unnestOffset(double value, _NestedScrollPosition source) {
if (source == _outerPosition)
return value.clamp(_outerPosition.minScrollExtent, _outerPosition.maxScrollExtent);
if (value < source.minScrollExtent)
return value - source.minScrollExtent + _outerPosition.minScrollExtent;
return value - source.minScrollExtent + _outerPosition.maxScrollExtent;
double nestOffset(double value, _NestedScrollPosition target) {
if (target == _outerPosition)
return value.clamp(_outerPosition.minScrollExtent, _outerPosition.maxScrollExtent);
if (value < _outerPosition.minScrollExtent)
return value - _outerPosition.minScrollExtent + target.minScrollExtent;
if (value > _outerPosition.maxScrollExtent)
return value - _outerPosition.maxScrollExtent + target.minScrollExtent;
return target.minScrollExtent;
void updateCanDrag() {
if (!_outerPosition.haveDimensions)
double maxInnerExtent = 0.0;
for (_NestedScrollPosition position in _innerPositions) {
if (!position.haveDimensions)
maxInnerExtent = math.max(maxInnerExtent, position.maxScrollExtent - position.minScrollExtent);
Future<Null> animateTo(double to, {
@required Duration duration,
@required Curve curve,
}) async {
final DrivenScrollActivity outerActivity = _outerPosition.createDrivenScrollActivity(
nestOffset(to, _outerPosition),
final List<Future<Null>> resultFutures = <Future<Null>>[outerActivity.done];
(_NestedScrollPosition position) {
final DrivenScrollActivity innerActivity = position.createDrivenScrollActivity(
nestOffset(to, position),
return innerActivity;
await Future.wait<Null>(resultFutures);
void jumpTo(double to) {
_outerPosition.localJumpTo(nestOffset(to, _outerPosition));
for (_NestedScrollPosition position in _innerPositions)
position.localJumpTo(nestOffset(to, position));
double setPixels(double newPixels) {
return 0.0;
ScrollHoldController hold(VoidCallback holdCancelCallback) {
new HoldScrollActivity(delegate: _outerPosition, onHoldCanceled: holdCancelCallback),
(_NestedScrollPosition position) => new HoldScrollActivity(delegate: position),
return this;
void cancel() {
Drag drag(DragStartDetails details, VoidCallback dragCancelCallback) {
final ScrollDragController drag = new ScrollDragController(
delegate: this,
details: details,
onDragCanceled: dragCancelCallback,
new DragScrollActivity(_outerPosition, drag),
(_NestedScrollPosition position) => new DragScrollActivity(position, drag),
assert(_currentDrag == null);
_currentDrag = drag;
return drag;
void applyUserOffset(double delta) {
updateUserScrollDirection(delta > 0.0 ? ScrollDirection.forward : ScrollDirection.reverse);
assert(delta != 0.0);
if (_innerPositions.isEmpty) {
} else if (delta < 0.0) {
// dragging "up"
// TODO(ianh): prioritize first getting rid of overscroll, and then the
// outer view, so that the app bar will scroll out of the way asap.
// Right now we ignore overscroll. This works fine on Android but looks
// weird on iOS if you fling down then up. The problem is it's not at all
// clear what this should do when you have multiple inner positions at
// different levels of overscroll.
final double innerDelta = _outerPosition.applyClampedDragUpdate(delta);
if (innerDelta != 0.0) {
for (_NestedScrollPosition position in _innerPositions)
} else {
// dragging "down" - delta is positive
// prioritize the inner views, so that the inner content will move before the app bar grows
double outerDelta = 0.0; // it will go positive if it changes
final List<double> overscrolls = <double>[];
final List<_NestedScrollPosition> innerPositions = _innerPositions.toList();
for (_NestedScrollPosition position in innerPositions) {
final double overscroll = position.applyClampedDragUpdate(delta);
outerDelta = math.max(outerDelta, overscroll);
if (outerDelta != 0.0)
outerDelta -= _outerPosition.applyClampedDragUpdate(outerDelta);
// now deal with any overscroll
for (int i = 0; i < innerPositions.length; ++i) {
final double remainingDelta = overscrolls[i] - outerDelta;
if (remainingDelta > 0.0)
void setParent(ScrollController value) {
_parent = value;
void updateParent() {
_outerPosition?.setParent(_parent ?? PrimaryScrollController.of(_state.context));
void dispose() {
_currentDrag = null;
String toString() => '$runtimeType(outer=$_outerController; inner=$_innerController)';
class _NestedScrollController extends ScrollController {
_NestedScrollController(this.coordinator, {
double initialScrollOffset: 0.0,
String debugLabel,
}) : super(initialScrollOffset: initialScrollOffset, debugLabel: debugLabel);
final _NestedScrollCoordinator coordinator;
ScrollPosition createScrollPosition(
ScrollPhysics physics,
ScrollContext context,
ScrollPosition oldPosition,
) {
return new _NestedScrollPosition(
coordinator: coordinator,
physics: physics,
context: context,
initialPixels: initialScrollOffset,
oldPosition: oldPosition,
debugLabel: debugLabel,
void attach(ScrollPosition position) {
assert(position is _NestedScrollPosition);
void detach(ScrollPosition position) {
assert(position is _NestedScrollPosition);
void _scheduleUpdateShadow() {
// We do this asynchronously for attach() so that the new position has had
// time to be initialized, and we do it asynchronously for detach() and from
// the position change notifications because those happen synchronously
// during a frame, at a time where it's too late to call setState. Since the
// result is usually animated, the lag incurred is no big deal.
(Duration timeStamp) {
Iterable<_NestedScrollPosition> get nestedPositions sync* {
// TODO(vegorov) use instance method version of castFrom when it is available.
yield* Iterable.castFrom<ScrollPosition, _NestedScrollPosition>(positions);
// The _NestedScrollPosition is used by both the inner and outer viewports of a
// NestedScrollView. It tracks the offset to use for those viewports, and knows
// about the _NestedScrollCoordinator, so that when activities are triggered on
// this class, they can defer, or be influenced by, the coordinator.
class _NestedScrollPosition extends ScrollPosition implements ScrollActivityDelegate {
@required ScrollPhysics physics,
@required ScrollContext context,
double initialPixels: 0.0,
ScrollPosition oldPosition,
String debugLabel,
@required this.coordinator,
}) : super(
physics: physics,
context: context,
oldPosition: oldPosition,
debugLabel: debugLabel,
) {
if (pixels == null && initialPixels != null)
if (activity == null)
assert(activity != null);
saveScrollOffset(); // in case we didn't restore but could, so that we don't restore it later
final _NestedScrollCoordinator coordinator;
TickerProvider get vsync => context.vsync;
ScrollController _parent;
void setParent(ScrollController value) {
_parent = value;
AxisDirection get axisDirection => context.axisDirection;
void absorb(ScrollPosition other) {
void restoreScrollOffset() {
if (coordinator.canScrollBody)
// Returns the amount of delta that was not used.
// Positive delta means going down (exposing stuff above), negative delta
// going up (exposing stuff below).
double applyClampedDragUpdate(double delta) {
assert(delta != 0.0);
// If we are going towards the maxScrollExtent (negative scroll offset),
// then the furthest we can be in the minScrollExtent direction is negative
// infinity. For example, if we are already overscrolled, then scrolling to
// reduce the overscroll should not disallow the overscroll.
// If we are going towards the minScrollExtent (positive scroll offset),
// then the furthest we can be in the minScrollExtent direction is wherever
// we are now, if we are already overscrolled (in which case pixels is less
// than the minScrollExtent), or the minScrollExtent if we are not.
// In other words, we cannot, via applyClampedDragUpdate, _enter_ an
// overscroll situation.
// An overscroll situation might be nonetheless entered via several means.
// One is if the physics allow it, via applyFullDragUpdate (see below). An
// overscroll situation can also be forced, e.g. if the scroll position is
// artificially set using the scroll controller.
final double min = delta < 0.0 ? -double.infinity : math.min(minScrollExtent, pixels);
// The logic for max is equivalent but on the other side.
final double max = delta > 0.0 ? double.infinity : math.max(maxScrollExtent, pixels);
final double oldPixels = pixels;
final double newPixels = (pixels - delta).clamp(min, max);
final double clampedDelta = newPixels - pixels;
if (clampedDelta == 0.0)
return delta;
final double overscroll = physics.applyBoundaryConditions(this, newPixels);
final double actualNewPixels = newPixels - overscroll;
final double offset = actualNewPixels - oldPixels;
if (offset != 0.0) {
return delta + offset;
// Returns the overscroll.
double applyFullDragUpdate(double delta) {
assert(delta != 0.0);
final double oldPixels = pixels;
// Apply friction:
final double newPixels = pixels - physics.applyPhysicsToUserOffset(this, delta);
if (oldPixels == newPixels)
return 0.0; // delta must have been so small we dropped it during floating point addition
// Check for overscroll:
final double overscroll = physics.applyBoundaryConditions(this, newPixels);
final double actualNewPixels = newPixels - overscroll;
if (actualNewPixels != oldPixels) {
didUpdateScrollPositionBy(actualNewPixels - oldPixels);
if (overscroll != 0.0) {
return overscroll;
return 0.0;
ScrollDirection get userScrollDirection => coordinator.userScrollDirection;
DrivenScrollActivity createDrivenScrollActivity(double to, Duration duration, Curve curve) {
return new DrivenScrollActivity(
from: pixels,
to: to,
duration: duration,
curve: curve,
vsync: vsync,
double applyUserOffset(double delta) {
return 0.0;
// This is called by activities when they finish their work.
void goIdle() {
beginActivity(new IdleScrollActivity(this));
// This is called by activities when they finish their work and want to go ballistic.
void goBallistic(double velocity) {
Simulation simulation;
if (velocity != 0.0 || outOfRange)
simulation = physics.createBallisticSimulation(this, velocity);
mode: _NestedBallisticScrollActivityMode.independent,
ScrollActivity createBallisticScrollActivity(Simulation simulation, {
@required _NestedBallisticScrollActivityMode mode,
_NestedScrollMetrics metrics,
}) {
if (simulation == null)
return new IdleScrollActivity(this);
assert(mode != null);
switch (mode) {
case _NestedBallisticScrollActivityMode.outer:
assert(metrics != null);
if (metrics.minRange == metrics.maxRange)
return new IdleScrollActivity(this);
return new _NestedOuterBallisticScrollActivity(coordinator, this, metrics, simulation, context.vsync);
case _NestedBallisticScrollActivityMode.inner:
return new _NestedInnerBallisticScrollActivity(coordinator, this, simulation, context.vsync);
case _NestedBallisticScrollActivityMode.independent:
return new BallisticScrollActivity(this, simulation, context.vsync);
return null;
Future<Null> animateTo(double to, {
@required Duration duration,
@required Curve curve,
}) {
return coordinator.animateTo(coordinator.unnestOffset(to, this), duration: duration, curve: curve);
void jumpTo(double value) {
return coordinator.jumpTo(coordinator.unnestOffset(value, this));
void jumpToWithoutSettling(double value) {
void localJumpTo(double value) {
if (pixels != value) {
final double oldPixels = pixels;
didUpdateScrollPositionBy(pixels - oldPixels);
void applyNewDimensions() {
void updateCanDrag(double totalExtent) {
context.setCanDrag(totalExtent > (viewportDimension - maxScrollExtent) || minScrollExtent != maxScrollExtent);
ScrollHoldController hold(VoidCallback holdCancelCallback) {
return coordinator.hold(holdCancelCallback);
Drag drag(DragStartDetails details, VoidCallback dragCancelCallback) {
return coordinator.drag(details, dragCancelCallback);
void dispose() {
enum _NestedBallisticScrollActivityMode { outer, inner, independent }
class _NestedInnerBallisticScrollActivity extends BallisticScrollActivity {
_NestedScrollPosition position,
Simulation simulation,
TickerProvider vsync,
) : super(position, simulation, vsync);
final _NestedScrollCoordinator coordinator;
_NestedScrollPosition get delegate => super.delegate;
void resetActivity() {
delegate.beginActivity(coordinator.createInnerBallisticScrollActivity(delegate, velocity));
void applyNewDimensions() {
delegate.beginActivity(coordinator.createInnerBallisticScrollActivity(delegate, velocity));
bool applyMoveTo(double value) {
return super.applyMoveTo(coordinator.nestOffset(value, delegate));
class _NestedOuterBallisticScrollActivity extends BallisticScrollActivity {
_NestedScrollPosition position,
Simulation simulation,
TickerProvider vsync,
) : assert(metrics.minRange != metrics.maxRange),
assert(metrics.maxRange > metrics.minRange),
super(position, simulation, vsync);
final _NestedScrollCoordinator coordinator;
final _NestedScrollMetrics metrics;
_NestedScrollPosition get delegate => super.delegate;
void resetActivity() {
void applyNewDimensions() {
bool applyMoveTo(double value) {
bool done = false;
if (velocity > 0.0) {
if (value < metrics.minRange)
return true;
if (value > metrics.maxRange) {
value = metrics.maxRange;
done = true;
} else if (velocity < 0.0) {
if (value > metrics.maxRange)
return true;
if (value < metrics.minRange) {
value = metrics.minRange;
done = true;
} else {
value = value.clamp(metrics.minRange, metrics.maxRange);
done = true;
final bool result = super.applyMoveTo(value + metrics.correctionOffset);
assert(result); // since we tried to pass an in-range value, it shouldn't ever overflow
return !done;
String toString() {
return '$runtimeType(${metrics.minRange} .. ${metrics.maxRange}; correcting by ${metrics.correctionOffset})';
/// Handle to provide to a [SliverOverlapAbsorber], a [SliverOverlapInjector],
/// and an [NestedScrollViewViewport], to shift overlap in a [NestedScrollView].
/// A particular [SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle] can only be assigned to a single
/// [SliverOverlapAbsorber] at a time. It can also be (and normally is) assigned
/// to one or more [SliverOverlapInjector]s, which must be later descendants of
/// the same [NestedScrollViewViewport] as the [SliverOverlapAbsorber]. The
/// [SliverOverlapAbsorber] must be a direct descendant of the
/// [NestedScrollViewViewport], taking part in the same sliver layout. (The
/// [SliverOverlapInjector] can be a descendant that takes part in a nested
/// scroll view's sliver layout.)
/// Whenever the [NestedScrollViewViewport] is marked dirty for layout, it will
/// cause its assigned [SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle] to fire notifications. It
/// is the responsibility of the [SliverOverlapInjector]s (and any other
/// clients) to mark themselves dirty when this happens, in case the geometry
/// subsequently changes during layout.
/// See also:
/// * [NestedScrollView], which uses a [NestedScrollViewViewport] and a
/// [SliverOverlapAbsorber] to align its children, and which shows sample
/// usage for this class.
class SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle extends ChangeNotifier {
// Incremented when a RenderSliverOverlapAbsorber takes ownership of this
// object, decremented when it releases it. This allows us to find cases where
// the same handle is being passed to two render objects.
int _writers = 0;
/// The current amount of overlap being absorbed by the
/// [SliverOverlapAbsorber].
/// This corresponds to the [SliverGeometry.layoutExtent] of the child of the
/// [SliverOverlapAbsorber].
/// This is updated during the layout of the [SliverOverlapAbsorber]. It
/// should not change at any other time. No notifications are sent when it
/// changes; clients (e.g. [SliverOverlapInjector]s) are responsible for
/// marking themselves dirty whenever this object sends notifications, which
/// happens any time the [SliverOverlapAbsorber] might subsequently change the
/// value during that layout.
double get layoutExtent => _layoutExtent;
double _layoutExtent;
/// The total scroll extent of the gap being absorbed by the
/// [SliverOverlapAbsorber].
/// This corresponds to the [SliverGeometry.scrollExtent] of the child of the
/// [SliverOverlapAbsorber].
/// This is updated during the layout of the [SliverOverlapAbsorber]. It
/// should not change at any other time. No notifications are sent when it
/// changes; clients (e.g. [SliverOverlapInjector]s) are responsible for
/// marking themselves dirty whenever this object sends notifications, which
/// happens any time the [SliverOverlapAbsorber] might subsequently change the
/// value during that layout.
double get scrollExtent => _scrollExtent;
double _scrollExtent;
void _setExtents(double layoutValue, double scrollValue) {
assert(_writers == 1, 'Multiple RenderSliverOverlapAbsorbers have been provided the same SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle.');
_layoutExtent = layoutValue;
_scrollExtent = scrollValue;
void _markNeedsLayout() => notifyListeners();
String toString() {
String extra;
switch (_writers) {
case 0:
extra = ', orphan';
case 1:
// normal case
extra = ', $_writers WRITERS ASSIGNED';
return '$runtimeType($layoutExtent$extra)';
/// A sliver that wraps another, forcing its layout extent to be treated as
/// overlap.
/// The difference between the overlap requested by the [child] sliver and the
/// overlap reported by this widget, called the _absorbed overlap_, is reported
/// to the [SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle], which is typically passed to a
/// [SliverOverlapInjector].
/// See also:
/// * [NestedScrollView], whose documentation has sample code showing how to
/// use this widget.
class SliverOverlapAbsorber extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// Creates a sliver that absorbs overlap and reports it to a
/// [SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle].
/// The [handle] must not be null.
/// The [child] must be a sliver.
const SliverOverlapAbsorber({
Key key,
@required this.handle,
Widget child,
}) : assert(handle != null),
super(key: key, child: child);
/// The object in which the absorbed overlap is recorded.
/// A particular [SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle] can only be assigned to a
/// single [SliverOverlapAbsorber] at a time.
final SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle handle;
RenderSliverOverlapAbsorber createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
return new RenderSliverOverlapAbsorber(
handle: handle,
void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderSliverOverlapAbsorber renderObject) {
..handle = handle;
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle>('handle', handle));
/// A sliver that wraps another, forcing its layout extent to be treated as
/// overlap.
/// The difference between the overlap requested by the [child] sliver and the
/// overlap reported by this widget, called the _absorbed overlap_, is reported
/// to the [SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle], which is typically passed to a
/// [RenderSliverOverlapInjector].
class RenderSliverOverlapAbsorber extends RenderSliver with RenderObjectWithChildMixin<RenderSliver> {
/// Create a sliver that absorbs overlap and reports it to a
/// [SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle].
/// The [handle] must not be null.
/// The [child] must be a [RenderSliver].
@required SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle handle,
RenderSliver child,
}) : assert(handle != null), _handle = handle {
this.child = child;
/// The object in which the absorbed overlap is recorded.
/// A particular [SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle] can only be assigned to a
/// single [RenderSliverOverlapAbsorber] at a time.
SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle get handle => _handle;
SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle _handle;
set handle(SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle value) {
assert(value != null);
if (handle == value)
if (attached) {
handle._writers -= 1;
value._writers += 1;
value._setExtents(handle.layoutExtent, handle.scrollExtent);
_handle = value;
void attach(PipelineOwner owner) {
handle._writers += 1;
void detach() {
handle._writers -= 1;
void performLayout() {
assert(handle._writers == 1, 'A SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle cannot be passed to multiple RenderSliverOverlapAbsorber objects at the same time.');
if (child == null) {
geometry = const SliverGeometry();
child.layout(constraints, parentUsesSize: true);
final SliverGeometry childLayoutGeometry = child.geometry;
geometry = new SliverGeometry(
scrollExtent: childLayoutGeometry.scrollExtent - childLayoutGeometry.maxScrollObstructionExtent,
paintExtent: childLayoutGeometry.paintExtent,
paintOrigin: childLayoutGeometry.paintOrigin,
layoutExtent: childLayoutGeometry.paintExtent - childLayoutGeometry.maxScrollObstructionExtent,
maxPaintExtent: childLayoutGeometry.maxPaintExtent,
maxScrollObstructionExtent: childLayoutGeometry.maxScrollObstructionExtent,
hitTestExtent: childLayoutGeometry.hitTestExtent,
visible: childLayoutGeometry.visible,
hasVisualOverflow: childLayoutGeometry.hasVisualOverflow,
scrollOffsetCorrection: childLayoutGeometry.scrollOffsetCorrection,
handle._setExtents(childLayoutGeometry.maxScrollObstructionExtent, childLayoutGeometry.maxScrollObstructionExtent);
void applyPaintTransform(RenderObject child, Matrix4 transform) {
// child is always at our origin
bool hitTestChildren(HitTestResult result, { @required double mainAxisPosition, @required double crossAxisPosition }) {
if (child != null)
return child.hitTest(result, mainAxisPosition: mainAxisPosition, crossAxisPosition: crossAxisPosition);
return false;
void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {
if (child != null)
context.paintChild(child, offset);
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle>('handle', handle));
/// A sliver that has a sliver geometry based on the values stored in a
/// [SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle].
/// The [SliverOverlapAbsorber] must be an earlier descendant of a common
/// ancestor [Viewport], so that it will always be laid out before the
/// [SliverOverlapInjector] during a particular frame.
/// See also:
/// * [NestedScrollView], which uses a [SliverOverlapAbsorber] to align its
/// children, and which shows sample usage for this class.
class SliverOverlapInjector extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// Creates a sliver that is as tall as the value of the given [handle]'s
/// layout extent.
/// The [handle] must not be null.
const SliverOverlapInjector({
Key key,
@required this.handle,
Widget child,
}) : assert(handle != null),
super(key: key, child: child);
/// The handle to the [SliverOverlapAbsorber] that is feeding this injector.
/// This should be a handle owned by a [SliverOverlapAbsorber] and a
/// [NestedScrollViewViewport].
final SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle handle;
RenderSliverOverlapInjector createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
return new RenderSliverOverlapInjector(
handle: handle,
void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderSliverOverlapInjector renderObject) {
..handle = handle;
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle>('handle', handle));
/// A sliver that has a sliver geometry based on the values stored in a
/// [SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle].
/// The [RenderSliverOverlapAbsorber] must be an earlier descendant of a common
/// ancestor [RenderViewport] (probably a [RenderNestedScrollViewViewport]), so
/// that it will always be laid out before the [RenderSliverOverlapInjector]
/// during a particular frame.
class RenderSliverOverlapInjector extends RenderSliver {
/// Creates a sliver that is as tall as the value of the given [handle]'s extent.
/// The [handle] must not be null.
@required SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle handle,
RenderSliver child,
}) : assert(handle != null), _handle = handle;
double _currentLayoutExtent;
double _currentMaxExtent;
/// The object that specifies how wide to make the gap injected by this render
/// object.
/// This should be a handle owned by a [RenderSliverOverlapAbsorber] and a
/// [RenderNestedScrollViewViewport].
SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle get handle => _handle;
SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle _handle;
set handle(SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle value) {
assert(value != null);
if (handle == value)
if (attached) {
_handle = value;
if (attached) {
if (handle.layoutExtent != _currentLayoutExtent ||
handle.scrollExtent != _currentMaxExtent)
void attach(PipelineOwner owner) {
if (handle.layoutExtent != _currentLayoutExtent ||
handle.scrollExtent != _currentMaxExtent)
void detach() {
void performLayout() {
_currentLayoutExtent = handle.layoutExtent;
_currentMaxExtent = handle.layoutExtent;
final double clampedLayoutExtent = math.min(_currentLayoutExtent - constraints.scrollOffset, constraints.remainingPaintExtent);
geometry = new SliverGeometry(
scrollExtent: _currentLayoutExtent,
paintExtent: math.max(0.0, clampedLayoutExtent),
maxPaintExtent: _currentMaxExtent,
void debugPaint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {
assert(() {
if (debugPaintSizeEnabled) {
final Paint paint = new Paint()
..color = const Color(0xFFCC9933)
..strokeWidth = 3.0 = PaintingStyle.stroke;
Offset start, end, delta;
switch (constraints.axis) {
case Axis.vertical:
final double x = offset.dx + constraints.crossAxisExtent / 2.0;
start = new Offset(x, offset.dy);
end = new Offset(x, offset.dy + geometry.paintExtent);
delta = new Offset(constraints.crossAxisExtent / 5.0, 0.0);
case Axis.horizontal:
final double y = offset.dy + constraints.crossAxisExtent / 2.0;
start = new Offset(offset.dx, y);
end = new Offset(offset.dy + geometry.paintExtent, y);
delta = new Offset(0.0, constraints.crossAxisExtent / 5.0);
for (int index = -2; index <= 2; index += 1) {
paintZigZag(context.canvas, paint, start - delta * index.toDouble(), end - delta * index.toDouble(), 10, 10.0);
return true;
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle>('handle', handle));
/// The [Viewport] variant used by [NestedScrollView].
/// This viewport takes a [SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle] and notifies it any time
/// the viewport needs to recompute its layout (e.g. when it is scrolled).
class NestedScrollViewViewport extends Viewport {
/// Creates a variant of [Viewport] that has a [SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle].
/// The [handle] must not be null.
Key key,
AxisDirection axisDirection: AxisDirection.down,
AxisDirection crossAxisDirection,
double anchor: 0.0,
@required ViewportOffset offset,
Key center,
List<Widget> slivers: const <Widget>[],
@required this.handle,
}) : assert(handle != null),
key: key,
axisDirection: axisDirection,
crossAxisDirection: crossAxisDirection,
anchor: anchor,
offset: offset,
center: center,
slivers: slivers,
/// The handle to the [SliverOverlapAbsorber] that is feeding this injector.
final SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle handle;
RenderNestedScrollViewViewport createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
return new RenderNestedScrollViewViewport(
axisDirection: axisDirection,
crossAxisDirection: crossAxisDirection ?? Viewport.getDefaultCrossAxisDirection(context, axisDirection),
anchor: anchor,
offset: offset,
handle: handle,
void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderNestedScrollViewViewport renderObject) {
..axisDirection = axisDirection
..crossAxisDirection = crossAxisDirection ?? Viewport.getDefaultCrossAxisDirection(context, axisDirection)
..anchor = anchor
..offset = offset
..handle = handle;
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle>('handle', handle));
/// The [RenderViewport] variant used by [NestedScrollView].
/// This viewport takes a [SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle] and notifies it any time
/// the viewport needs to recompute its layout (e.g. when it is scrolled).
class RenderNestedScrollViewViewport extends RenderViewport {
/// Create a variant of [RenderViewport] that has a [SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle].
/// The [handle] must not be null.
AxisDirection axisDirection: AxisDirection.down,
@required AxisDirection crossAxisDirection,
@required ViewportOffset offset,
double anchor: 0.0,
List<RenderSliver> children,
RenderSliver center,
@required SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle handle,
}) : assert(handle != null),
_handle = handle,
axisDirection: axisDirection,
crossAxisDirection: crossAxisDirection,
offset: offset,
anchor: anchor,
children: children,
center: center,
/// The object to notify when [markNeedsLayout] is called.
SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle get handle => _handle;
SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle _handle;
/// Setting this will trigger notifications on the new object.
set handle(SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle value) {
assert(value != null);
if (handle == value)
_handle = value;
void markNeedsLayout() {
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle>('handle', handle));