blob: d936b83dd60b9a70a7e7d95becf531f2ecd46552 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart';
import 'package:flutter/physics.dart';
import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';
import 'package:flutter/scheduler.dart';
import 'basic.dart';
import 'framework.dart';
import 'gesture_detector.dart';
import 'page_storage.dart';
import 'scroll_activity.dart';
import 'scroll_context.dart';
import 'scroll_metrics.dart';
import 'scroll_notification.dart';
import 'scroll_physics.dart';
export 'scroll_activity.dart' show ScrollHoldController;
/// Determines which portion of the content is visible in a scroll view.
/// The [pixels] value determines the scroll offset that the scroll view uses to
/// select which part of its content to display. As the user scrolls the
/// viewport, this value changes, which changes the content that is displayed.
/// The [ScrollPosition] applies [physics] to scrolling, and stores the
/// [minScrollExtent] and [maxScrollExtent].
/// Scrolling is controlled by the current [activity], which is set by
/// [beginActivity]. [ScrollPosition] itself does not start any activities.
/// Instead, concrete subclasses, such as [ScrollPositionWithSingleContext],
/// typically start activities in response to user input or instructions from a
/// [ScrollController].
/// This object is a [Listenable] that notifies its listeners when [pixels]
/// changes.
/// ## Subclassing ScrollPosition
/// Over time, a [Scrollable] might have many different [ScrollPosition]
/// objects. For example, if [Scrollable.physics] changes type, [Scrollable]
/// creates a new [ScrollPosition] with the new physics. To transfer state from
/// the old instance to the new instance, subclasses implement [absorb]. See
/// [absorb] for more details.
/// Subclasses also need to call [didUpdateScrollDirection] whenever
/// [userScrollDirection] changes values.
/// See also:
/// * [Scrollable], which uses a [ScrollPosition] to determine which portion of
/// its content to display.
/// * [ScrollController], which can be used with [ListView], [GridView] and
/// other scrollable widgets to control a [ScrollPosition].
/// * [ScrollPositionWithSingleContext], which is the most commonly used
/// concrete subclass of [ScrollPosition].
/// * [ScrollNotification] and [NotificationListener], which can be used to watch
/// the scroll position without using a [ScrollController].
abstract class ScrollPosition extends ViewportOffset with ScrollMetrics {
/// Creates an object that determines which portion of the content is visible
/// in a scroll view.
/// The [physics], [context], and [keepScrollOffset] parameters must not be null.
@required this.physics,
@required this.context,
this.keepScrollOffset: true,
ScrollPosition oldPosition,
}) : assert(physics != null),
assert(context != null),
assert(context.vsync != null),
assert(keepScrollOffset != null) {
if (oldPosition != null)
if (keepScrollOffset)
/// How the scroll position should respond to user input.
/// For example, determines how the widget continues to animate after the
/// user stops dragging the scroll view.
final ScrollPhysics physics;
/// Where the scrolling is taking place.
/// Typically implemented by [ScrollableState].
final ScrollContext context;
/// Save the current scroll offset with [PageStorage] and restore it if
/// this scroll position's scrollable is recreated.
/// See also:
/// * [ScrollController.keepScrollOffset] and [PageController.keepPage], which
/// create scroll positions and initialize this property.
final bool keepScrollOffset;
/// A label that is used in the [toString] output.
/// Intended to aid with identifying animation controller instances in debug
/// output.
final String debugLabel;
double get minScrollExtent => _minScrollExtent;
double _minScrollExtent;
double get maxScrollExtent => _maxScrollExtent;
double _maxScrollExtent;
double get pixels => _pixels;
double _pixels;
double get viewportDimension => _viewportDimension;
double _viewportDimension;
/// Whether [viewportDimension], [minScrollExtent], [maxScrollExtent],
/// [outOfRange], and [atEdge] are available.
/// Set to true just before the first time [applyNewDimensions] is called.
bool get haveDimensions => _haveDimensions;
bool _haveDimensions = false;
/// Take any current applicable state from the given [ScrollPosition].
/// This method is called by the constructor if it is given an `oldPosition`.
/// The `other` argument might not have the same [runtimeType] as this object.
/// This method can be destructive to the other [ScrollPosition]. The other
/// object must be disposed immediately after this call (in the same call
/// stack, before microtask resolution, by whomever called this object's
/// constructor).
/// If the old [ScrollPosition] object is a different [runtimeType] than this
/// one, the [ScrollActivity.resetActivity] method is invoked on the newly
/// adopted [ScrollActivity].
/// ## Overriding
/// Overrides of this method must call `super.absorb` after setting any
/// metrics-related or activity-related state, since this method may restart
/// the activity and scroll activities tend to use those metrics when being
/// restarted.
/// Overrides of this method might need to start an [IdleScrollActivity] if
/// they are unable to absorb the activity from the other [ScrollPosition].
/// Overrides of this method might also need to update the delegates of
/// absorbed scroll activities if they use themselves as a
/// [ScrollActivityDelegate].
void absorb(ScrollPosition other) {
assert(other != null);
assert(other.context == context);
assert(_pixels == null);
_minScrollExtent = other.minScrollExtent;
_maxScrollExtent = other.maxScrollExtent;
_pixels = other._pixels;
_viewportDimension = other.viewportDimension;
assert(activity == null);
assert(other.activity != null);
_activity = other.activity;
other._activity = null;
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType)
isScrollingNotifier.value = activity.isScrolling;
/// Update the scroll position ([pixels]) to a given pixel value.
/// This should only be called by the current [ScrollActivity], either during
/// the transient callback phase or in response to user input.
/// Returns the overscroll, if any. If the return value is 0.0, that means
/// that [pixels] now returns the given `value`. If the return value is
/// positive, then [pixels] is less than the requested `value` by the given
/// amount (overscroll past the max extent), and if it is negative, it is
/// greater than the requested `value` by the given amount (underscroll past
/// the min extent).
/// The amount of overscroll is computed by [applyBoundaryConditions].
/// The amount of the change that is applied is reported using [didUpdateScrollPositionBy].
/// If there is any overscroll, it is reported using [didOverscrollBy].
double setPixels(double newPixels) {
assert(_pixels != null);
assert(SchedulerBinding.instance.schedulerPhase.index <= SchedulerPhase.transientCallbacks.index);
if (newPixels != pixels) {
final double overscroll = applyBoundaryConditions(newPixels);
assert(() {
final double delta = newPixels - pixels;
if (overscroll.abs() > delta.abs()) {
throw new FlutterError(
'$runtimeType.applyBoundaryConditions returned invalid overscroll value.\n'
'setPixels() was called to change the scroll offset from $pixels to $newPixels.\n'
'That is a delta of $delta units.\n'
'$runtimeType.applyBoundaryConditions reported an overscroll of $overscroll units.'
return true;
final double oldPixels = _pixels;
_pixels = newPixels - overscroll;
if (_pixels != oldPixels) {
didUpdateScrollPositionBy(_pixels - oldPixels);
if (overscroll != 0.0) {
return overscroll;
return 0.0;
/// Change the value of [pixels] to the new value, without notifying any
/// customers.
/// This is used to adjust the position while doing layout. In particular,
/// this is typically called as a response to [applyViewportDimension] or
/// [applyContentDimensions] (in both cases, if this method is called, those
/// methods should then return false to indicate that the position has been
/// adjusted).
/// Calling this is rarely correct in other contexts. It will not immediately
/// cause the rendering to change, since it does not notify the widgets or
/// render objects that might be listening to this object: they will only
/// change when they next read the value, which could be arbitrarily later. It
/// is generally only appropriate in the very specific case of the value being
/// corrected during layout (since then the value is immediately read), in the
/// specific case of a [ScrollPosition] with a single viewport customer.
/// To cause the position to jump or animate to a new value, consider [jumpTo]
/// or [animateTo], which will honor the normal conventions for changing the
/// scroll offset.
/// To force the [pixels] to a particular value without honoring the normal
/// conventions for changing the scroll offset, consider [forcePixels]. (But
/// see the discussion there for why that might still be a bad idea.)
void correctPixels(double value) {
_pixels = value;
void correctBy(double correction) {
_pixels += correction;
/// Change the value of [pixels] to the new value, and notify any customers,
/// but without honoring normal conventions for changing the scroll offset.
/// This is used to implement [jumpTo]. It can also be used adjust the
/// position when the dimensions of the viewport change. It should only be
/// used when manually implementing the logic for honoring the relevant
/// conventions of the class. For example, [ScrollPositionWithSingleContext]
/// introduces [ScrollActivity] objects and uses [forcePixels] in conjunction
/// with adjusting the activity, e.g. by calling
/// [ScrollPositionWithSingleContext.goIdle], so that the activity does
/// not immediately set the value back. (Consider, for instance, a case where
/// one is using a [DrivenScrollActivity]. That object will ignore any calls
/// to [forcePixels], which would result in the rendering stuttering: changing
/// in response to [forcePixels], and then changing back to the next value
/// derived from the animation.)
/// To cause the position to jump or animate to a new value, consider [jumpTo]
/// or [animateTo].
/// This should not be called during layout (e.g. when setting the initial
/// scroll offset). Consider [correctPixels] if you find you need to adjust
/// the position during layout.
void forcePixels(double value) {
assert(pixels != null);
_pixels = value;
/// Called whenever scrolling ends, to store the current scroll offset in a
/// storage mechanism with a lifetime that matches the app's lifetime.
/// The stored value will be used by [restoreScrollOffset] when the
/// [ScrollPosition] is recreated, in the case of the [Scrollable] being
/// disposed then recreated in the same session. This might happen, for
/// instance, if a [ListView] is on one of the pages inside a [TabBarView],
/// and that page is displayed, then hidden, then displayed again.
/// The default implementation writes the [pixels] using the nearest
/// [PageStorage] found from the [context]'s [ScrollContext.storageContext]
/// property.
void saveScrollOffset() {
PageStorage.of(context.storageContext)?.writeState(context.storageContext, pixels);
/// Called whenever the [ScrollPosition] is created, to restore the scroll
/// offset if possible.
/// The value is stored by [saveScrollOffset] when the scroll position
/// changes, so that it can be restored in the case of the [Scrollable] being
/// disposed then recreated in the same session. This might happen, for
/// instance, if a [ListView] is on one of the pages inside a [TabBarView],
/// and that page is displayed, then hidden, then displayed again.
/// The default implementation reads the value from the nearest [PageStorage]
/// found from the [context]'s [ScrollContext.storageContext] property, and
/// sets it using [correctPixels], if [pixels] is still null.
/// This method is called from the constructor, so layout has not yet
/// occurred, and the viewport dimensions aren't yet known when it is called.
void restoreScrollOffset() {
if (pixels == null) {
final double value = PageStorage.of(context.storageContext)?.readState(context.storageContext);
if (value != null)
/// Returns the overscroll by applying the boundary conditions.
/// If the given value is in bounds, returns 0.0. Otherwise, returns the
/// amount of value that cannot be applied to [pixels] as a result of the
/// boundary conditions. If the [physics] allow out-of-bounds scrolling, this
/// method always returns 0.0.
/// The default implementation defers to the [physics] object's
/// [ScrollPhysics.applyBoundaryConditions].
double applyBoundaryConditions(double value) {
final double result = physics.applyBoundaryConditions(this, value);
assert(() {
final double delta = value - pixels;
if (result.abs() > delta.abs()) {
throw new FlutterError(
'${physics.runtimeType}.applyBoundaryConditions returned invalid overscroll value.\n'
'The method was called to consider a change from $pixels to $value, which is a '
'delta of ${delta.toStringAsFixed(1)} units. However, it returned an overscroll of '
'${result.toStringAsFixed(1)} units, which has a greater magnitude than the delta. '
'The applyBoundaryConditions method is only supposed to reduce the possible range '
'of movement, not increase it.\n'
'The scroll extents are $minScrollExtent .. $maxScrollExtent, and the '
'viewport dimension is $viewportDimension.'
return true;
return result;
bool _didChangeViewportDimension = true;
bool applyViewportDimension(double viewportDimension) {
if (_viewportDimension != viewportDimension) {
_viewportDimension = viewportDimension;
_didChangeViewportDimension = true;
// If this is called, you can rely on applyContentDimensions being called
// soon afterwards in the same layout phase. So we put all the logic that
// relies on both values being computed into applyContentDimensions.
return true;
Set<SemanticsAction> _semanticActions;
/// Called whenever the scroll position or the dimensions of the scroll view
/// change to schedule an update of the available semantics actions. The
/// actual update will be performed in the next frame. If non is pending
/// a frame will be scheduled.
/// For example: If the scroll view has been scrolled all the way to the top,
/// the action to scroll further up needs to be removed as the scroll view
/// cannot be scrolled in that direction anymore.
/// This method is potentially called twice per frame (if scroll position and
/// scroll view dimensions both change) and therefore shouldn't do anything
/// expensive.
void _updateSemanticActions() {
SemanticsAction forward;
SemanticsAction backward;
switch (axis) {
case Axis.vertical:
forward = SemanticsAction.scrollUp;
backward = SemanticsAction.scrollDown;
case Axis.horizontal:
forward = SemanticsAction.scrollLeft;
backward = SemanticsAction.scrollRight;
final Set<SemanticsAction> actions = new Set<SemanticsAction>();
if (pixels > minScrollExtent)
if (pixels < maxScrollExtent)
if (setEquals<SemanticsAction>(actions, _semanticActions))
_semanticActions = actions;
bool applyContentDimensions(double minScrollExtent, double maxScrollExtent) {
if (!nearEqual(_minScrollExtent, minScrollExtent, Tolerance.defaultTolerance.distance) ||
!nearEqual(_maxScrollExtent, maxScrollExtent, Tolerance.defaultTolerance.distance) ||
_didChangeViewportDimension) {
_minScrollExtent = minScrollExtent;
_maxScrollExtent = maxScrollExtent;
_haveDimensions = true;
_didChangeViewportDimension = false;
return true;
/// Notifies the activity that the dimensions of the underlying viewport or
/// contents have changed.
/// Called after [applyViewportDimension] or [applyContentDimensions] have
/// changed the [minScrollExtent], the [maxScrollExtent], or the
/// [viewportDimension]. When this method is called, it should be called
/// _after_ any corrections are applied to [pixels] using [correctPixels], not
/// before.
/// The default implementation informs the [activity] of the new dimensions by
/// calling its [ScrollActivity.applyNewDimensions] method.
/// See also:
/// * [applyViewportDimension], which is called when new
/// viewport dimensions are established.
/// * [applyContentDimensions], which is called after new
/// viewport dimensions are established, and also if new content dimensions
/// are established, and which calls [ScrollPosition.applyNewDimensions].
void applyNewDimensions() {
assert(pixels != null);
_updateSemanticActions(); // will potentially request a semantics update.
/// Animates the position such that the given object is as visible as possible
/// by just scrolling this position.
Future<Null> ensureVisible(RenderObject object, {
double alignment: 0.0,
Duration duration:,
Curve curve: Curves.ease,
}) {
final RenderAbstractViewport viewport = RenderAbstractViewport.of(object);
assert(viewport != null);
final double target = viewport.getOffsetToReveal(object, alignment).clamp(minScrollExtent, maxScrollExtent);
if (target == pixels)
return new Future<Null>.value();
if (duration == {
return new Future<Null>.value();
return animateTo(target, duration: duration, curve: curve);
/// This notifier's value is true if a scroll is underway and false if the scroll
/// position is idle.
/// Listeners added by stateful widgets should be removed in the widget's
/// [State.dispose] method.
final ValueNotifier<bool> isScrollingNotifier = new ValueNotifier<bool>(false);
/// Animates the position from its current value to the given value.
/// Any active animation is canceled. If the user is currently scrolling, that
/// action is canceled.
/// The returned [Future] will complete when the animation ends, whether it
/// completed successfully or whether it was interrupted prematurely.
/// An animation will be interrupted whenever the user attempts to scroll
/// manually, or whenever another activity is started, or whenever the
/// animation reaches the edge of the viewport and attempts to overscroll. (If
/// the [ScrollPosition] does not overscroll but instead allows scrolling
/// beyond the extents, then going beyond the extents will not interrupt the
/// animation.)
/// The animation is indifferent to changes to the viewport or content
/// dimensions.
/// Once the animation has completed, the scroll position will attempt to
/// begin a ballistic activity in case its value is not stable (for example,
/// if it is scrolled beyond the extents and in that situation the scroll
/// position would normally bounce back).
/// The duration must not be zero. To jump to a particular value without an
/// animation, use [jumpTo].
/// The animation is typically handled by an [DrivenScrollActivity].
Future<Null> animateTo(double to, {
@required Duration duration,
@required Curve curve,
/// Jumps the scroll position from its current value to the given value,
/// without animation, and without checking if the new value is in range.
/// Any active animation is canceled. If the user is currently scrolling, that
/// action is canceled.
/// If this method changes the scroll position, a sequence of start/update/end
/// scroll notifications will be dispatched. No overscroll notifications can
/// be generated by this method.
void jumpTo(double value);
/// Deprecated. Use [jumpTo] or a custom [ScrollPosition] instead.
@Deprecated('This will lead to bugs.')
void jumpToWithoutSettling(double value);
/// Stop the current activity and start a [HoldScrollActivity].
ScrollHoldController hold(VoidCallback holdCancelCallback);
/// Start a drag activity corresponding to the given [DragStartDetails].
/// The `onDragCanceled` argument will be invoked if the drag is ended
/// prematurely (e.g. from another activity taking over). See
/// [ScrollDragController.onDragCanceled] for details.
Drag drag(DragStartDetails details, VoidCallback dragCancelCallback);
/// The currently operative [ScrollActivity].
/// If the scroll position is not performing any more specific activity, the
/// activity will be an [IdleScrollActivity]. To determine whether the scroll
/// position is idle, check the [isScrollingNotifier].
/// Call [beginActivity] to change the current activity.
ScrollActivity get activity => _activity;
ScrollActivity _activity;
/// Change the current [activity], disposing of the old one and
/// sending scroll notifications as necessary.
/// If the argument is null, this method has no effect. This is convenient for
/// cases where the new activity is obtained from another method, and that
/// method might return null, since it means the caller does not have to
/// explicitly null-check the argument.
void beginActivity(ScrollActivity newActivity) {
if (newActivity == null)
bool wasScrolling, oldIgnorePointer;
if (_activity != null) {
oldIgnorePointer = _activity.shouldIgnorePointer;
wasScrolling = _activity.isScrolling;
if (wasScrolling && !newActivity.isScrolling)
didEndScroll(); // notifies and then saves the scroll offset
} else {
oldIgnorePointer = false;
wasScrolling = false;
_activity = newActivity;
if (oldIgnorePointer != activity.shouldIgnorePointer)
isScrollingNotifier.value = activity.isScrolling;
if (!wasScrolling && _activity.isScrolling)
/// Called by [beginActivity] to report when an activity has started.
void didStartScroll() {
activity.dispatchScrollStartNotification(copyWith(), context.notificationContext);
/// Called by [setPixels] to report a change to the [pixels] position.
void didUpdateScrollPositionBy(double delta) {
activity.dispatchScrollUpdateNotification(copyWith(), context.notificationContext, delta);
/// Called by [beginActivity] to report when an activity has ended.
/// This also saves the scroll offset using [saveScrollOffset].
void didEndScroll() {
activity.dispatchScrollEndNotification(copyWith(), context.notificationContext);
if (keepScrollOffset)
/// Called by [setPixels] to report overscroll when an attempt is made to
/// change the [pixels] position. Overscroll is the amount of change that was
/// not applied to the [pixels] value.
void didOverscrollBy(double value) {
activity.dispatchOverscrollNotification(copyWith(), context.notificationContext, value);
/// Dispatches a notification that the [userScrollDirection] has changed.
/// Subclasses should call this function when they change [userScrollDirection].
void didUpdateScrollDirection(ScrollDirection direction) {
new UserScrollNotification(metrics: copyWith(), context: context.notificationContext, direction: direction).dispatch(context.notificationContext);
void dispose() {
assert(pixels != null);
activity?.dispose(); // it will be null if it got absorbed by another ScrollPosition
_activity = null;
void notifyListeners() {
_updateSemanticActions(); // will potentially request a semantics update.
void debugFillDescription(List<String> description) {
if (debugLabel != null)
description.add('range: ${minScrollExtent?.toStringAsFixed(1)}..${maxScrollExtent?.toStringAsFixed(1)}');
description.add('viewport: ${viewportDimension?.toStringAsFixed(1)}');