blob: 8f04c69a0c210c7a793315ddc6e49e96eacfa7d1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:flutter_devicelab/framework/framework.dart';
import 'package:flutter_devicelab/framework/utils.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
// the numbers below are prime, so that the totals don't seem round. :-)
const double todoCost = 1009.0; // about two average SWE days, in dollars
const double ignoreCost = 2003.0; // four average SWE days, in dollars
const double pythonCost = 3001.0; // six average SWE days, in dollars
const double skipCost = 2473.0; // 20 hours: 5 to fix the issue we're ignoring, 15 to fix the bugs we missed because the test was off
const double ignoreForFileCost = 2477.0; // similar thinking as skipCost
const double asDynamicCost = 2011.0; // a few days to refactor the code.
const double deprecationCost = 233.0; // a few hours to remove the old code.
const double grandfatheredDeprecationCost = 9973.0; // a couple of weeks.
final RegExp todoPattern = RegExp(r'(?://|#) *TODO');
final RegExp ignorePattern = RegExp(r'// *ignore:');
final RegExp ignoreForFilePattern = RegExp(r'// *ignore_for_file:');
final RegExp asDynamicPattern = RegExp(r'\bas dynamic\b');
final RegExp deprecationPattern = RegExp(r'^ *@[dD]eprecated');
const Pattern globalsPattern = 'globals.';
const String grandfatheredDeprecationPattern = '// ignore: flutter_deprecation_syntax, https';
Future<double> findCostsForFile(File file) async {
if (path.extension(file.path) == '.py')
return pythonCost;
if (path.extension(file.path) != '.dart' &&
path.extension(file.path) != '.yaml' &&
path.extension(file.path) != '.sh')
return 0.0;
final bool isTest = file.path.endsWith('_test.dart');
double total = 0.0;
for (final String line in await file.readAsLines()) {
if (line.contains(todoPattern))
total += todoCost;
if (line.contains(ignorePattern))
total += ignoreCost;
if (line.contains(ignoreForFilePattern))
total += ignoreForFileCost;
if (!isTest && line.contains(asDynamicPattern))
total += asDynamicCost;
if (line.contains(deprecationPattern))
total += deprecationCost;
if (line.contains(grandfatheredDeprecationPattern))
total += grandfatheredDeprecationCost;
if (isTest && line.contains('skip:'))
total += skipCost;
return total;
Future<int> findGlobalsForFile(File file) async {
if (path.extension(file.path) != '.dart')
return 0;
int total = 0;
for (final String line in await file.readAsLines()) {
if (line.contains(globalsPattern))
total += 1;
return total;
Future<double> findCostsForRepo() async {
final Process git = await startProcess(
<String>['ls-files', '--full-name', flutterDirectory.path],
workingDirectory: flutterDirectory.path,
double total = 0.0;
await for (final String entry in git.stdout.transform<String>(utf8.decoder).transform<String>(const LineSplitter()))
total += await findCostsForFile(File(path.join(flutterDirectory.path, entry)));
final int gitExitCode = await git.exitCode;
if (gitExitCode != 0)
throw Exception('git exit with unexpected error code $gitExitCode');
return total;
Future<int> findGlobalsForTool() async {
final Process git = await startProcess(
<String>['ls-files', '--full-name', path.join(flutterDirectory.path, 'packages', 'flutter_tools')],
workingDirectory: flutterDirectory.path,
int total = 0;
await for (final String entry in git.stdout.transform<String>(utf8.decoder).transform<String>(const LineSplitter()))
total += await findGlobalsForFile(File(path.join(flutterDirectory.path, entry)));
final int gitExitCode = await git.exitCode;
if (gitExitCode != 0)
throw Exception('git exit with unexpected error code $gitExitCode');
return total;
Future<int> countDependencies() async {
final List<String> lines = (await evalFlutter(
options: <String>['--transitive-closure'],
final int count = lines.where((String line) => line.contains('->')).length;
if (count < 2) // we'll always have flutter and flutter_test, at least...
throw Exception('"flutter update-packages --transitive-closure" returned bogus output:\n${lines.join("\n")}');
return count;
Future<int> countConsumerDependencies() async {
final List<String> lines = (await evalFlutter(
options: <String>['--transitive-closure', '--consumer-only'],
final int count = lines.where((String line) => line.contains('->')).length;
if (count < 2) // we'll always have flutter and flutter_test, at least...
throw Exception('"flutter update-packages --transitive-closure" returned bogus output:\n${lines.join("\n")}');
return count;
const String _kCostBenchmarkKey = 'technical_debt_in_dollars';
const String _kNumberOfDependenciesKey = 'dependencies_count';
const String _kNumberOfConsumerDependenciesKey = 'consumer_dependencies_count';
const String _kNumberOfFlutterToolGlobals = 'flutter_tool_globals_count';
Future<void> main() async {
await task(() async {
return TaskResult.success(
<String, dynamic>{
_kCostBenchmarkKey: await findCostsForRepo(),
_kNumberOfDependenciesKey: await countDependencies(),
_kNumberOfConsumerDependenciesKey: await countConsumerDependencies(),
_kNumberOfFlutterToolGlobals: await findGlobalsForTool(),
benchmarkScoreKeys: <String>[