The files in this directory are used to generate stock_strings.dart
, which is used by the stocks application to look up localized message strings. The stocks app uses the Dart intl
Rebuilding everything requires two steps.
Create or update the English and Spanish localizations, stocks_en_US.arb
, stocks_en.arb
, and stocks_es.arb
. See the ARB specification for more info.
With examples/stocks
as the current directory, generate a messages_<locale>.dart
for each stocks_<locale>.arb
file, messages_all.dart
, and stock_strings.dart
with the following command:
dart ${FLUTTER_PATH}/dev/tools/localization/bin/gen_l10n.dart --arb-dir=lib/i18n \ --template-arb-file=stocks_en.arb --output-localization-file=stock_strings.dart \ --output-class=StockStrings
The StockStrings
class creates a delegate that performs message lookups based on the locale of the device. In this case, the stocks app supports en
, en_US
, and es
. Thus, the StockStringsEn
and StockStringsEs
classes extends StockStrings
. StockStringsEnUs
extends StockStringsEn
. This allows StockStringsEnUs
to fall back on messages in StockStringsEn