blob: 0f2dc7b409c080a120dbc694a22cca2957631663 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:js/js.dart' show allowInterop;
import 'js_interop/dom.dart';
import 'js_interop/load_callback.dart';
// The URL from which the script should be downloaded.
const String _url = '';
// The default TrustedPolicy name that will be used to inject the script.
const String _defaultTrustedPolicyName = 'gis-dart';
/// Loads the GIS SDK for web, using Trusted Types API when available.
Future<void> loadWebSdk({
DomHtmlElement? target,
String trustedTypePolicyName = _defaultTrustedPolicyName,
}) {
final Completer<void> completer = Completer<void>();
onGoogleLibraryLoad = allowInterop(() => completer.complete());
// If TrustedTypes are available, prepare a trusted URL.
DomTrustedScriptUrl? trustedUrl;
if (trustedTypes != null) {
'TrustedTypes available. Creating policy:',
final DomTrustedTypePolicyFactory factory = trustedTypes!;
try {
final DomTrustedTypePolicy policy = factory.createPolicy(
createScriptURL: allowInterop((String url) => _url),
trustedUrl = policy.createScriptURL(_url);
} catch (e) {
throw TrustedTypesException(e.toString());
final DomHtmlScriptElement script =
document.createElement('script') as DomHtmlScriptElement
..src = trustedUrl ?? _url
..async = true
..defer = true;
(target ?? document.head).appendChild(script);
return completer.future;
/// Exception thrown if the Trusted Types feature is supported, enabled, and it
/// has prevented this loader from injecting the JS SDK.
class TrustedTypesException implements Exception {
/// The message of the exception
final String message;
String toString() => 'TrustedTypesException: $message';