blob: 4e62cc44619929ae6c16ef8aa581804fe21e1767 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:url_launcher_linux/url_launcher_linux.dart';
import 'package:url_launcher_platform_interface/url_launcher_platform_interface.dart';
void main() {
group('$UrlLauncherLinux', () {
const MethodChannel channel =
final List<MethodCall> log = <MethodCall>[];
.setMockMethodCallHandler(channel, (MethodCall methodCall) async {
// Return null explicitly instead of relying on the implicit null
// returned by the method channel if no return statement is specified.
return null;
tearDown(() {
test('registers instance', () {
expect(UrlLauncherPlatform.instance, isA<UrlLauncherLinux>());
test('canLaunch', () async {
final UrlLauncherLinux launcher = UrlLauncherLinux();
await launcher.canLaunch('');
isMethodCall('canLaunch', arguments: <String, Object>{
'url': '',
test('canLaunch should return false if platform returns null', () async {
final UrlLauncherLinux launcher = UrlLauncherLinux();
final bool canLaunch = await launcher.canLaunch('');
expect(canLaunch, false);
test('launch', () async {
final UrlLauncherLinux launcher = UrlLauncherLinux();
await launcher.launch(
useSafariVC: true,
useWebView: false,
enableJavaScript: false,
enableDomStorage: false,
universalLinksOnly: false,
headers: const <String, String>{},
isMethodCall('launch', arguments: <String, Object>{
'url': '',
'enableJavaScript': false,
'enableDomStorage': false,
'universalLinksOnly': false,
'headers': <String, String>{},
test('launch with headers', () async {
final UrlLauncherLinux launcher = UrlLauncherLinux();
await launcher.launch(
useSafariVC: true,
useWebView: false,
enableJavaScript: false,
enableDomStorage: false,
universalLinksOnly: false,
headers: const <String, String>{'key': 'value'},
isMethodCall('launch', arguments: <String, Object>{
'url': '',
'enableJavaScript': false,
'enableDomStorage': false,
'universalLinksOnly': false,
'headers': <String, String>{'key': 'value'},
test('launch universal links only', () async {
final UrlLauncherLinux launcher = UrlLauncherLinux();
await launcher.launch(
useSafariVC: false,
useWebView: false,
enableJavaScript: false,
enableDomStorage: false,
universalLinksOnly: true,
headers: const <String, String>{},
isMethodCall('launch', arguments: <String, Object>{
'url': '',
'enableJavaScript': false,
'enableDomStorage': false,
'universalLinksOnly': true,
'headers': <String, String>{},
test('launch should return false if platform returns null', () async {
final UrlLauncherLinux launcher = UrlLauncherLinux();
final bool launched = await launcher.launch(
useSafariVC: true,
useWebView: false,
enableJavaScript: false,
enableDomStorage: false,
universalLinksOnly: false,
headers: const <String, String>{},
expect(launched, false);
/// This allows a value of type T or T? to be treated as a value of type T?.
/// We use this so that APIs that have become non-nullable can still be used
/// with `!` and `?` on the stable branch.
T? _ambiguate<T>(T? value) => value;