| // Mocks generated by Mockito 5.4.1 from annotations |
| // in webview_flutter_android/test/android_webview_test.dart. |
| // Do not manually edit this file. |
| |
| // @dart=2.19 |
| |
| // ignore_for_file: no_leading_underscores_for_library_prefixes |
| import 'dart:async' as _i5; |
| import 'dart:typed_data' as _i7; |
| import 'dart:ui' as _i4; |
| |
| import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart' as _i1; |
| import 'package:webview_flutter_android/src/android_webview.dart' as _i2; |
| import 'package:webview_flutter_android/src/android_webview.g.dart' as _i3; |
| |
| import 'test_android_webview.g.dart' as _i6; |
| |
| // ignore_for_file: type=lint |
| // ignore_for_file: avoid_redundant_argument_values |
| // ignore_for_file: avoid_setters_without_getters |
| // ignore_for_file: comment_references |
| // ignore_for_file: implementation_imports |
| // ignore_for_file: invalid_use_of_visible_for_testing_member |
| // ignore_for_file: prefer_const_constructors |
| // ignore_for_file: unnecessary_parenthesis |
| // ignore_for_file: camel_case_types |
| // ignore_for_file: subtype_of_sealed_class |
| |
| class _FakeDownloadListener_0 extends _i1.SmartFake |
| implements _i2.DownloadListener { |
| _FakeDownloadListener_0( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeJavaScriptChannel_1 extends _i1.SmartFake |
| implements _i2.JavaScriptChannel { |
| _FakeJavaScriptChannel_1( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeWebViewPoint_2 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i3.WebViewPoint { |
| _FakeWebViewPoint_2( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeWebChromeClient_3 extends _i1.SmartFake |
| implements _i2.WebChromeClient { |
| _FakeWebChromeClient_3( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeWebSettings_4 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i2.WebSettings { |
| _FakeWebSettings_4( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeOffset_5 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i4.Offset { |
| _FakeOffset_5( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeWebView_6 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i2.WebView { |
| _FakeWebView_6( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeWebViewClient_7 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i2.WebViewClient { |
| _FakeWebViewClient_7( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| /// A class which mocks [CookieManagerHostApi]. |
| /// |
| /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. |
| class MockCookieManagerHostApi extends _i1.Mock |
| implements _i3.CookieManagerHostApi { |
| MockCookieManagerHostApi() { |
| _i1.throwOnMissingStub(this); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| _i5.Future<void> attachInstance(int? arg_instanceIdentifier) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #attachInstance, |
| [arg_instanceIdentifier], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| ) as _i5.Future<void>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i5.Future<void> setCookie( |
| int? arg_identifier, |
| String? arg_url, |
| String? arg_value, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #setCookie, |
| [ |
| arg_identifier, |
| arg_url, |
| arg_value, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| ) as _i5.Future<void>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i5.Future<bool> removeAllCookies(int? arg_identifier) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #removeAllCookies, |
| [arg_identifier], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i5.Future<bool>.value(false), |
| ) as _i5.Future<bool>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i5.Future<void> setAcceptThirdPartyCookies( |
| int? arg_identifier, |
| int? arg_webViewIdentifier, |
| bool? arg_accept, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #setAcceptThirdPartyCookies, |
| [ |
| arg_identifier, |
| arg_webViewIdentifier, |
| arg_accept, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| ) as _i5.Future<void>); |
| } |
| |
| /// A class which mocks [DownloadListener]. |
| /// |
| /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. |
| class MockDownloadListener extends _i1.Mock implements _i2.DownloadListener { |
| MockDownloadListener() { |
| _i1.throwOnMissingStub(this); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void Function( |
| String, |
| String, |
| String, |
| String, |
| int, |
| ) get onDownloadStart => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onDownloadStart), |
| returnValue: ( |
| String url, |
| String userAgent, |
| String contentDisposition, |
| String mimetype, |
| int contentLength, |
| ) {}, |
| ) as void Function( |
| String, |
| String, |
| String, |
| String, |
| int, |
| )); |
| |
| @override |
| _i2.DownloadListener copy() => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #copy, |
| [], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _FakeDownloadListener_0( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #copy, |
| [], |
| ), |
| ), |
| ) as _i2.DownloadListener); |
| } |
| |
| /// A class which mocks [JavaScriptChannel]. |
| /// |
| /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. |
| class MockJavaScriptChannel extends _i1.Mock implements _i2.JavaScriptChannel { |
| MockJavaScriptChannel() { |
| _i1.throwOnMissingStub(this); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| String get channelName => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#channelName), |
| returnValue: '', |
| ) as String); |
| |
| @override |
| void Function(String) get postMessage => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#postMessage), |
| returnValue: (String message) {}, |
| ) as void Function(String)); |
| |
| @override |
| _i2.JavaScriptChannel copy() => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #copy, |
| [], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _FakeJavaScriptChannel_1( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #copy, |
| [], |
| ), |
| ), |
| ) as _i2.JavaScriptChannel); |
| } |
| |
| /// A class which mocks [TestCookieManagerHostApi]. |
| /// |
| /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. |
| class MockTestCookieManagerHostApi extends _i1.Mock |
| implements _i6.TestCookieManagerHostApi { |
| MockTestCookieManagerHostApi() { |
| _i1.throwOnMissingStub(this); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void attachInstance(int? instanceIdentifier) => super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #attachInstance, |
| [instanceIdentifier], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void setCookie( |
| int? identifier, |
| String? url, |
| String? value, |
| ) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #setCookie, |
| [ |
| identifier, |
| url, |
| value, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| _i5.Future<bool> removeAllCookies(int? identifier) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #removeAllCookies, |
| [identifier], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i5.Future<bool>.value(false), |
| ) as _i5.Future<bool>); |
| |
| @override |
| void setAcceptThirdPartyCookies( |
| int? identifier, |
| int? webViewIdentifier, |
| bool? accept, |
| ) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #setAcceptThirdPartyCookies, |
| [ |
| identifier, |
| webViewIdentifier, |
| accept, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| /// A class which mocks [TestCustomViewCallbackHostApi]. |
| /// |
| /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. |
| class MockTestCustomViewCallbackHostApi extends _i1.Mock |
| implements _i6.TestCustomViewCallbackHostApi { |
| MockTestCustomViewCallbackHostApi() { |
| _i1.throwOnMissingStub(this); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void onCustomViewHidden(int? identifier) => super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #onCustomViewHidden, |
| [identifier], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| /// A class which mocks [TestDownloadListenerHostApi]. |
| /// |
| /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. |
| class MockTestDownloadListenerHostApi extends _i1.Mock |
| implements _i6.TestDownloadListenerHostApi { |
| MockTestDownloadListenerHostApi() { |
| _i1.throwOnMissingStub(this); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void create(int? instanceId) => super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #create, |
| [instanceId], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| /// A class which mocks [TestGeolocationPermissionsCallbackHostApi]. |
| /// |
| /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. |
| class MockTestGeolocationPermissionsCallbackHostApi extends _i1.Mock |
| implements _i6.TestGeolocationPermissionsCallbackHostApi { |
| MockTestGeolocationPermissionsCallbackHostApi() { |
| _i1.throwOnMissingStub(this); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void invoke( |
| int? instanceId, |
| String? origin, |
| bool? allow, |
| bool? retain, |
| ) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #invoke, |
| [ |
| instanceId, |
| origin, |
| allow, |
| retain, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| /// A class which mocks [TestInstanceManagerHostApi]. |
| /// |
| /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. |
| class MockTestInstanceManagerHostApi extends _i1.Mock |
| implements _i6.TestInstanceManagerHostApi { |
| MockTestInstanceManagerHostApi() { |
| _i1.throwOnMissingStub(this); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void clear() => super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #clear, |
| [], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| /// A class which mocks [TestJavaObjectHostApi]. |
| /// |
| /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. |
| class MockTestJavaObjectHostApi extends _i1.Mock |
| implements _i6.TestJavaObjectHostApi { |
| MockTestJavaObjectHostApi() { |
| _i1.throwOnMissingStub(this); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void dispose(int? identifier) => super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #dispose, |
| [identifier], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| /// A class which mocks [TestJavaScriptChannelHostApi]. |
| /// |
| /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. |
| class MockTestJavaScriptChannelHostApi extends _i1.Mock |
| implements _i6.TestJavaScriptChannelHostApi { |
| MockTestJavaScriptChannelHostApi() { |
| _i1.throwOnMissingStub(this); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void create( |
| int? instanceId, |
| String? channelName, |
| ) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #create, |
| [ |
| instanceId, |
| channelName, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| /// A class which mocks [TestWebChromeClientHostApi]. |
| /// |
| /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. |
| class MockTestWebChromeClientHostApi extends _i1.Mock |
| implements _i6.TestWebChromeClientHostApi { |
| MockTestWebChromeClientHostApi() { |
| _i1.throwOnMissingStub(this); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void create(int? instanceId) => super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #create, |
| [instanceId], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void setSynchronousReturnValueForOnShowFileChooser( |
| int? instanceId, |
| bool? value, |
| ) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #setSynchronousReturnValueForOnShowFileChooser, |
| [ |
| instanceId, |
| value, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void setSynchronousReturnValueForOnConsoleMessage( |
| int? instanceId, |
| bool? value, |
| ) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #setSynchronousReturnValueForOnConsoleMessage, |
| [ |
| instanceId, |
| value, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| /// A class which mocks [TestWebSettingsHostApi]. |
| /// |
| /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. |
| class MockTestWebSettingsHostApi extends _i1.Mock |
| implements _i6.TestWebSettingsHostApi { |
| MockTestWebSettingsHostApi() { |
| _i1.throwOnMissingStub(this); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void create( |
| int? instanceId, |
| int? webViewInstanceId, |
| ) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #create, |
| [ |
| instanceId, |
| webViewInstanceId, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void setDomStorageEnabled( |
| int? instanceId, |
| bool? flag, |
| ) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #setDomStorageEnabled, |
| [ |
| instanceId, |
| flag, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void setJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically( |
| int? instanceId, |
| bool? flag, |
| ) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #setJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically, |
| [ |
| instanceId, |
| flag, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void setSupportMultipleWindows( |
| int? instanceId, |
| bool? support, |
| ) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #setSupportMultipleWindows, |
| [ |
| instanceId, |
| support, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void setJavaScriptEnabled( |
| int? instanceId, |
| bool? flag, |
| ) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #setJavaScriptEnabled, |
| [ |
| instanceId, |
| flag, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void setUserAgentString( |
| int? instanceId, |
| String? userAgentString, |
| ) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #setUserAgentString, |
| [ |
| instanceId, |
| userAgentString, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void setMediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture( |
| int? instanceId, |
| bool? require, |
| ) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #setMediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture, |
| [ |
| instanceId, |
| require, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void setSupportZoom( |
| int? instanceId, |
| bool? support, |
| ) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #setSupportZoom, |
| [ |
| instanceId, |
| support, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void setLoadWithOverviewMode( |
| int? instanceId, |
| bool? overview, |
| ) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #setLoadWithOverviewMode, |
| [ |
| instanceId, |
| overview, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void setUseWideViewPort( |
| int? instanceId, |
| bool? use, |
| ) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #setUseWideViewPort, |
| [ |
| instanceId, |
| use, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void setDisplayZoomControls( |
| int? instanceId, |
| bool? enabled, |
| ) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #setDisplayZoomControls, |
| [ |
| instanceId, |
| enabled, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void setBuiltInZoomControls( |
| int? instanceId, |
| bool? enabled, |
| ) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #setBuiltInZoomControls, |
| [ |
| instanceId, |
| enabled, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void setAllowFileAccess( |
| int? instanceId, |
| bool? enabled, |
| ) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #setAllowFileAccess, |
| [ |
| instanceId, |
| enabled, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void setTextZoom( |
| int? instanceId, |
| int? textZoom, |
| ) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #setTextZoom, |
| [ |
| instanceId, |
| textZoom, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| String getUserAgentString(int? instanceId) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #getUserAgentString, |
| [instanceId], |
| ), |
| returnValue: '', |
| ) as String); |
| } |
| |
| /// A class which mocks [TestWebStorageHostApi]. |
| /// |
| /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. |
| class MockTestWebStorageHostApi extends _i1.Mock |
| implements _i6.TestWebStorageHostApi { |
| MockTestWebStorageHostApi() { |
| _i1.throwOnMissingStub(this); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void create(int? instanceId) => super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #create, |
| [instanceId], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void deleteAllData(int? instanceId) => super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #deleteAllData, |
| [instanceId], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| /// A class which mocks [TestWebViewClientHostApi]. |
| /// |
| /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. |
| class MockTestWebViewClientHostApi extends _i1.Mock |
| implements _i6.TestWebViewClientHostApi { |
| MockTestWebViewClientHostApi() { |
| _i1.throwOnMissingStub(this); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void create(int? instanceId) => super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #create, |
| [instanceId], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void setSynchronousReturnValueForShouldOverrideUrlLoading( |
| int? instanceId, |
| bool? value, |
| ) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #setSynchronousReturnValueForShouldOverrideUrlLoading, |
| [ |
| instanceId, |
| value, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| /// A class which mocks [TestWebViewHostApi]. |
| /// |
| /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. |
| class MockTestWebViewHostApi extends _i1.Mock |
| implements _i6.TestWebViewHostApi { |
| MockTestWebViewHostApi() { |
| _i1.throwOnMissingStub(this); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void create(int? instanceId) => super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #create, |
| [instanceId], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void loadData( |
| int? instanceId, |
| String? data, |
| String? mimeType, |
| String? encoding, |
| ) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #loadData, |
| [ |
| instanceId, |
| data, |
| mimeType, |
| encoding, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void loadDataWithBaseUrl( |
| int? instanceId, |
| String? baseUrl, |
| String? data, |
| String? mimeType, |
| String? encoding, |
| String? historyUrl, |
| ) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #loadDataWithBaseUrl, |
| [ |
| instanceId, |
| baseUrl, |
| data, |
| mimeType, |
| encoding, |
| historyUrl, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void loadUrl( |
| int? instanceId, |
| String? url, |
| Map<String?, String?>? headers, |
| ) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #loadUrl, |
| [ |
| instanceId, |
| url, |
| headers, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void postUrl( |
| int? instanceId, |
| String? url, |
| _i7.Uint8List? data, |
| ) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #postUrl, |
| [ |
| instanceId, |
| url, |
| data, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| String? getUrl(int? instanceId) => (super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method( |
| #getUrl, |
| [instanceId], |
| )) as String?); |
| |
| @override |
| bool canGoBack(int? instanceId) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #canGoBack, |
| [instanceId], |
| ), |
| returnValue: false, |
| ) as bool); |
| |
| @override |
| bool canGoForward(int? instanceId) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #canGoForward, |
| [instanceId], |
| ), |
| returnValue: false, |
| ) as bool); |
| |
| @override |
| void goBack(int? instanceId) => super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #goBack, |
| [instanceId], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void goForward(int? instanceId) => super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #goForward, |
| [instanceId], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void reload(int? instanceId) => super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #reload, |
| [instanceId], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void clearCache( |
| int? instanceId, |
| bool? includeDiskFiles, |
| ) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #clearCache, |
| [ |
| instanceId, |
| includeDiskFiles, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| _i5.Future<String?> evaluateJavascript( |
| int? instanceId, |
| String? javascriptString, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #evaluateJavascript, |
| [ |
| instanceId, |
| javascriptString, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i5.Future<String?>.value(), |
| ) as _i5.Future<String?>); |
| |
| @override |
| String? getTitle(int? instanceId) => (super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method( |
| #getTitle, |
| [instanceId], |
| )) as String?); |
| |
| @override |
| void scrollTo( |
| int? instanceId, |
| int? x, |
| int? y, |
| ) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #scrollTo, |
| [ |
| instanceId, |
| x, |
| y, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void scrollBy( |
| int? instanceId, |
| int? x, |
| int? y, |
| ) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #scrollBy, |
| [ |
| instanceId, |
| x, |
| y, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| int getScrollX(int? instanceId) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #getScrollX, |
| [instanceId], |
| ), |
| returnValue: 0, |
| ) as int); |
| |
| @override |
| int getScrollY(int? instanceId) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #getScrollY, |
| [instanceId], |
| ), |
| returnValue: 0, |
| ) as int); |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.WebViewPoint getScrollPosition(int? instanceId) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #getScrollPosition, |
| [instanceId], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _FakeWebViewPoint_2( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #getScrollPosition, |
| [instanceId], |
| ), |
| ), |
| ) as _i3.WebViewPoint); |
| |
| @override |
| void setWebContentsDebuggingEnabled(bool? enabled) => super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #setWebContentsDebuggingEnabled, |
| [enabled], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void setWebViewClient( |
| int? instanceId, |
| int? webViewClientInstanceId, |
| ) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #setWebViewClient, |
| [ |
| instanceId, |
| webViewClientInstanceId, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void addJavaScriptChannel( |
| int? instanceId, |
| int? javaScriptChannelInstanceId, |
| ) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #addJavaScriptChannel, |
| [ |
| instanceId, |
| javaScriptChannelInstanceId, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void removeJavaScriptChannel( |
| int? instanceId, |
| int? javaScriptChannelInstanceId, |
| ) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #removeJavaScriptChannel, |
| [ |
| instanceId, |
| javaScriptChannelInstanceId, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void setDownloadListener( |
| int? instanceId, |
| int? listenerInstanceId, |
| ) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #setDownloadListener, |
| [ |
| instanceId, |
| listenerInstanceId, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void setWebChromeClient( |
| int? instanceId, |
| int? clientInstanceId, |
| ) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #setWebChromeClient, |
| [ |
| instanceId, |
| clientInstanceId, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void setBackgroundColor( |
| int? instanceId, |
| int? color, |
| ) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #setBackgroundColor, |
| [ |
| instanceId, |
| color, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| /// A class which mocks [TestAssetManagerHostApi]. |
| /// |
| /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. |
| class MockTestAssetManagerHostApi extends _i1.Mock |
| implements _i6.TestAssetManagerHostApi { |
| MockTestAssetManagerHostApi() { |
| _i1.throwOnMissingStub(this); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| List<String?> list(String? path) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #list, |
| [path], |
| ), |
| returnValue: <String?>[], |
| ) as List<String?>); |
| |
| @override |
| String getAssetFilePathByName(String? name) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #getAssetFilePathByName, |
| [name], |
| ), |
| returnValue: '', |
| ) as String); |
| } |
| |
| /// A class which mocks [TestPermissionRequestHostApi]. |
| /// |
| /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. |
| class MockTestPermissionRequestHostApi extends _i1.Mock |
| implements _i6.TestPermissionRequestHostApi { |
| MockTestPermissionRequestHostApi() { |
| _i1.throwOnMissingStub(this); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void grant( |
| int? instanceId, |
| List<String?>? resources, |
| ) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #grant, |
| [ |
| instanceId, |
| resources, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| void deny(int? instanceId) => super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #deny, |
| [instanceId], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| /// A class which mocks [WebChromeClient]. |
| /// |
| /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. |
| class MockWebChromeClient extends _i1.Mock implements _i2.WebChromeClient { |
| MockWebChromeClient() { |
| _i1.throwOnMissingStub(this); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| _i5.Future<void> setSynchronousReturnValueForOnShowFileChooser(bool? value) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #setSynchronousReturnValueForOnShowFileChooser, |
| [value], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| ) as _i5.Future<void>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i5.Future<void> setSynchronousReturnValueForOnConsoleMessage(bool? value) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #setSynchronousReturnValueForOnConsoleMessage, |
| [value], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| ) as _i5.Future<void>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i2.WebChromeClient copy() => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #copy, |
| [], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _FakeWebChromeClient_3( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #copy, |
| [], |
| ), |
| ), |
| ) as _i2.WebChromeClient); |
| } |
| |
| /// A class which mocks [WebView]. |
| /// |
| /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. |
| class MockWebView extends _i1.Mock implements _i2.WebView { |
| MockWebView() { |
| _i1.throwOnMissingStub(this); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| _i2.WebSettings get settings => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#settings), |
| returnValue: _FakeWebSettings_4( |
| this, |
| Invocation.getter(#settings), |
| ), |
| ) as _i2.WebSettings); |
| |
| @override |
| _i5.Future<void> loadData({ |
| required String? data, |
| String? mimeType, |
| String? encoding, |
| }) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #loadData, |
| [], |
| { |
| #data: data, |
| #mimeType: mimeType, |
| #encoding: encoding, |
| }, |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| ) as _i5.Future<void>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i5.Future<void> loadDataWithBaseUrl({ |
| String? baseUrl, |
| required String? data, |
| String? mimeType, |
| String? encoding, |
| String? historyUrl, |
| }) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #loadDataWithBaseUrl, |
| [], |
| { |
| #baseUrl: baseUrl, |
| #data: data, |
| #mimeType: mimeType, |
| #encoding: encoding, |
| #historyUrl: historyUrl, |
| }, |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| ) as _i5.Future<void>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i5.Future<void> loadUrl( |
| String? url, |
| Map<String, String>? headers, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #loadUrl, |
| [ |
| url, |
| headers, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| ) as _i5.Future<void>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i5.Future<void> postUrl( |
| String? url, |
| _i7.Uint8List? data, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #postUrl, |
| [ |
| url, |
| data, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| ) as _i5.Future<void>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i5.Future<String?> getUrl() => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #getUrl, |
| [], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i5.Future<String?>.value(), |
| ) as _i5.Future<String?>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i5.Future<bool> canGoBack() => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #canGoBack, |
| [], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i5.Future<bool>.value(false), |
| ) as _i5.Future<bool>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i5.Future<bool> canGoForward() => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #canGoForward, |
| [], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i5.Future<bool>.value(false), |
| ) as _i5.Future<bool>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i5.Future<void> goBack() => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #goBack, |
| [], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| ) as _i5.Future<void>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i5.Future<void> goForward() => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #goForward, |
| [], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| ) as _i5.Future<void>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i5.Future<void> reload() => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #reload, |
| [], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| ) as _i5.Future<void>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i5.Future<void> clearCache(bool? includeDiskFiles) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #clearCache, |
| [includeDiskFiles], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| ) as _i5.Future<void>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i5.Future<String?> evaluateJavascript(String? javascriptString) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #evaluateJavascript, |
| [javascriptString], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i5.Future<String?>.value(), |
| ) as _i5.Future<String?>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i5.Future<String?> getTitle() => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #getTitle, |
| [], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i5.Future<String?>.value(), |
| ) as _i5.Future<String?>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i5.Future<void> scrollTo( |
| int? x, |
| int? y, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #scrollTo, |
| [ |
| x, |
| y, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| ) as _i5.Future<void>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i5.Future<void> scrollBy( |
| int? x, |
| int? y, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #scrollBy, |
| [ |
| x, |
| y, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| ) as _i5.Future<void>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i5.Future<int> getScrollX() => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #getScrollX, |
| [], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i5.Future<int>.value(0), |
| ) as _i5.Future<int>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i5.Future<int> getScrollY() => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #getScrollY, |
| [], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i5.Future<int>.value(0), |
| ) as _i5.Future<int>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i5.Future<_i4.Offset> getScrollPosition() => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #getScrollPosition, |
| [], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i5.Future<_i4.Offset>.value(_FakeOffset_5( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #getScrollPosition, |
| [], |
| ), |
| )), |
| ) as _i5.Future<_i4.Offset>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i5.Future<void> setWebViewClient(_i2.WebViewClient? webViewClient) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #setWebViewClient, |
| [webViewClient], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| ) as _i5.Future<void>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i5.Future<void> addJavaScriptChannel( |
| _i2.JavaScriptChannel? javaScriptChannel) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #addJavaScriptChannel, |
| [javaScriptChannel], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| ) as _i5.Future<void>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i5.Future<void> removeJavaScriptChannel( |
| _i2.JavaScriptChannel? javaScriptChannel) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #removeJavaScriptChannel, |
| [javaScriptChannel], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| ) as _i5.Future<void>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i5.Future<void> setDownloadListener(_i2.DownloadListener? listener) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #setDownloadListener, |
| [listener], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| ) as _i5.Future<void>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i5.Future<void> setWebChromeClient(_i2.WebChromeClient? client) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #setWebChromeClient, |
| [client], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| ) as _i5.Future<void>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i5.Future<void> setBackgroundColor(_i4.Color? color) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #setBackgroundColor, |
| [color], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| ) as _i5.Future<void>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i2.WebView copy() => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #copy, |
| [], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _FakeWebView_6( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #copy, |
| [], |
| ), |
| ), |
| ) as _i2.WebView); |
| } |
| |
| /// A class which mocks [WebViewClient]. |
| /// |
| /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. |
| class MockWebViewClient extends _i1.Mock implements _i2.WebViewClient { |
| MockWebViewClient() { |
| _i1.throwOnMissingStub(this); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| _i5.Future<void> setSynchronousReturnValueForShouldOverrideUrlLoading( |
| bool? value) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #setSynchronousReturnValueForShouldOverrideUrlLoading, |
| [value], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _i5.Future<void>.value(), |
| ) as _i5.Future<void>); |
| |
| @override |
| _i2.WebViewClient copy() => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #copy, |
| [], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _FakeWebViewClient_7( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #copy, |
| [], |
| ), |
| ), |
| ) as _i2.WebViewClient); |
| } |