blob: f3afb11c8e93cb94ce6c4d01c1a4e8d634798bc1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart' show PlatformException;
import 'package:google_sign_in_platform_interface/google_sign_in_platform_interface.dart';
import 'src/common.dart';
export 'package:google_sign_in_platform_interface/google_sign_in_platform_interface.dart'
show SignInOption;
export 'src/common.dart';
export 'widgets.dart';
/// Holds authentication tokens after sign in.
class GoogleSignInAuthentication {
final GoogleSignInTokenData _data;
/// An OpenID Connect ID token that identifies the user.
String? get idToken => _data.idToken;
/// The OAuth2 access token to access Google services.
String? get accessToken => _data.accessToken;
/// Server auth code used to access Google Login
@Deprecated('Use the `GoogleSignInAccount.serverAuthCode` property instead')
String? get serverAuthCode => _data.serverAuthCode;
String toString() => 'GoogleSignInAuthentication:$_data';
/// Holds fields describing a signed in user's identity, following
/// [GoogleSignInUserData].
/// [id] is guaranteed to be non-null.
class GoogleSignInAccount implements GoogleIdentity {
GoogleSignInAccount._(this._googleSignIn, GoogleSignInUserData data)
: displayName = data.displayName,
email =,
id =,
photoUrl = data.photoUrl,
serverAuthCode = data.serverAuthCode,
_idToken = data.idToken {
assert(id != null);
// These error codes must match with ones declared on Android and iOS sides.
/// Error code indicating there was a failed attempt to recover user authentication.
static const String kFailedToRecoverAuthError = 'failed_to_recover_auth';
/// Error indicating that authentication can be recovered with user action;
static const String kUserRecoverableAuthError = 'user_recoverable_auth';
final String? displayName;
final String email;
final String id;
final String? photoUrl;
final String? serverAuthCode;
final String? _idToken;
final GoogleSignIn _googleSignIn;
/// Retrieve [GoogleSignInAuthentication] for this account.
/// [shouldRecoverAuth] sets whether to attempt to recover authentication if
/// user action is needed. If an attempt to recover authentication fails a
/// [PlatformException] is thrown with possible error code
/// [kFailedToRecoverAuthError].
/// Otherwise, if [shouldRecoverAuth] is false and the authentication can be
/// recovered by user action a [PlatformException] is thrown with error code
/// [kUserRecoverableAuthError].
Future<GoogleSignInAuthentication> get authentication async {
if (_googleSignIn.currentUser != this) {
throw StateError('User is no longer signed in.');
final GoogleSignInTokenData response =
await GoogleSignInPlatform.instance.getTokens(
email: email,
shouldRecoverAuth: true,
// On Android, there isn't an API for refreshing the idToken, so re-use
// the one we obtained on login.
response.idToken ??= _idToken;
return GoogleSignInAuthentication._(response);
/// Convenience method returning a `<String, String>` map of HTML Authorization
/// headers, containing the current `authentication.accessToken`.
/// See also
Future<Map<String, String>> get authHeaders async {
final String? token = (await authentication).accessToken;
return <String, String>{
'Authorization': 'Bearer $token',
// TODO(kevmoo): Use the correct value once it's available from authentication
// See
'X-Goog-AuthUser': '0',
/// Clears any client side cache that might be holding invalid tokens.
/// If client runs into 401 errors using a token, it is expected to call
/// this method and grab `authHeaders` once again.
Future<void> clearAuthCache() async {
final String token = (await authentication).accessToken!;
await GoogleSignInPlatform.instance.clearAuthCache(token: token);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) {
return true;
if (other is! GoogleSignInAccount) {
return false;
final GoogleSignInAccount otherAccount = other;
return displayName == otherAccount.displayName &&
email == &&
id == &&
photoUrl == otherAccount.photoUrl &&
serverAuthCode == otherAccount.serverAuthCode &&
_idToken == otherAccount._idToken;
int get hashCode =>
Object.hash(displayName, email, id, photoUrl, _idToken, serverAuthCode);
String toString() {
final Map<String, dynamic> data = <String, dynamic>{
'displayName': displayName,
'email': email,
'id': id,
'photoUrl': photoUrl,
'serverAuthCode': serverAuthCode
return 'GoogleSignInAccount:$data';
/// GoogleSignIn allows you to authenticate Google users.
class GoogleSignIn {
/// Initializes global sign-in configuration settings.
/// The [signInOption] determines the user experience. []
/// is only supported on Android.
/// The list of [scopes] are OAuth scope codes to request when signing in.
/// These scope codes will determine the level of data access that is granted
/// to your application by the user. The full list of available scopes can
/// be found here:
/// <>
/// The [hostedDomain] argument specifies a hosted domain restriction. By
/// setting this, sign in will be restricted to accounts of the user in the
/// specified domain. By default, the list of accounts will not be restricted.
/// The [forceCodeForRefreshToken] is used on Android to ensure the authentication
/// code can be exchanged for a refresh token after the first request.
this.signInOption = SignInOption.standard,
this.scopes = const <String>[],
this.forceCodeForRefreshToken = false,
}) {
// Start initializing.
if (kIsWeb) {
// Start initializing the plugin ASAP, so the `userDataEvents` Stream for
// the web can be used without calling any other methods of the plugin
// (like `silentSignIn` or `isSignedIn`).
/// Factory for creating default sign in user experience.
factory GoogleSignIn.standard({
List<String> scopes = const <String>[],
String? hostedDomain,
}) {
return GoogleSignIn(scopes: scopes, hostedDomain: hostedDomain);
/// Factory for creating sign in suitable for games. This option is only
/// supported on Android.
factory {
return GoogleSignIn(signInOption:;
// These error codes must match with ones declared on Android and iOS sides.
/// Error code indicating there is no signed in user and interactive sign in
/// flow is required.
static const String kSignInRequiredError = 'sign_in_required';
/// Error code indicating that interactive sign in process was canceled by the
/// user.
static const String kSignInCanceledError = 'sign_in_canceled';
/// Error code indicating network error. Retrying should resolve the problem.
static const String kNetworkError = 'network_error';
/// Error code indicating that attempt to sign in failed.
static const String kSignInFailedError = 'sign_in_failed';
/// Option to determine the sign in user experience. [] is
/// only supported on Android.
final SignInOption signInOption;
/// The list of [scopes] are OAuth scope codes requested when signing in.
final List<String> scopes;
/// Domain to restrict sign-in to.
final String? hostedDomain;
/// Client ID being used to connect to google sign-in.
/// This option is not supported on all platforms (e.g. Android). It is
/// optional if file-based configuration is used.
/// The value specified here has precedence over a value from a configuration
/// file.
final String? clientId;
/// Client ID of the backend server to which the app needs to authenticate
/// itself.
/// Optional and not supported on all platforms (e.g. web). By default, it
/// is initialized from a configuration file if available.
/// The value specified here has precedence over a value from a configuration
/// file.
/// [GoogleSignInAuthentication.idToken] and
/// [GoogleSignInAccount.serverAuthCode] will be specific to the backend
/// server.
final String? serverClientId;
/// Force the authorization code to be valid for a refresh token every time. Only needed on Android.
final bool forceCodeForRefreshToken;
final StreamController<GoogleSignInAccount?> _currentUserController =
/// Subscribe to this stream to be notified when the current user changes.
Stream<GoogleSignInAccount?> get onCurrentUserChanged {
Future<GoogleSignInAccount?> _callMethod(
Future<dynamic> Function() method) async {
await _ensureInitialized();
final dynamic response = await method();
return _setCurrentUser(response != null && response is GoogleSignInUserData
? GoogleSignInAccount._(this, response)
: null);
// Sets the current user, and propagates it through the _currentUserController.
GoogleSignInAccount? _setCurrentUser(GoogleSignInAccount? currentUser) {
if (currentUser != _currentUser) {
_currentUser = currentUser;
return _currentUser;
// Future that completes when `init` has completed on the native side.
Future<void>? _initialization;
// Performs initialization, guarding it with the _initialization future.
Future<void> _ensureInitialized() async {
return _initialization ??= _doInitialization()
..catchError((dynamic _) {
// Invalidate initialization if it errors out.
_initialization = null;
// Actually performs the initialization.
// This method calls initWithParams, and then, if the plugin instance has a
// userDataEvents Stream, connects it to the [_setCurrentUser] method.
Future<void> _doInitialization() async {
await GoogleSignInPlatform.instance.initWithParams(SignInInitParameters(
signInOption: signInOption,
scopes: scopes,
hostedDomain: hostedDomain,
clientId: clientId,
serverClientId: serverClientId,
forceCodeForRefreshToken: forceCodeForRefreshToken,
?.map((GoogleSignInUserData? userData) {
return userData != null ? GoogleSignInAccount._(this, userData) : null;
/// The most recently scheduled method call.
Future<void>? _lastMethodCall;
/// Returns a [Future] that completes with a success after [future], whether
/// it completed with a value or an error.
static Future<void> _waitFor(Future<void> future) {
final Completer<void> completer = Completer<void>();
future.whenComplete(completer.complete).catchError((dynamic _) {
// Ignore if previous call completed with an error.
// TODO(ditman): Should we log errors here, if debug or similar?
return completer.future;
/// Adds call to [method] in a queue for execution.
/// At most one in flight call is allowed to prevent concurrent (out of order)
/// updates to [currentUser] and [onCurrentUserChanged].
/// The optional, named parameter [canSkipCall] lets the plugin know that the
/// method call may be skipped, if there's already [_currentUser] information.
/// This is used from the [signIn] and [signInSilently] methods.
Future<GoogleSignInAccount?> _addMethodCall(
Future<dynamic> Function() method, {
bool canSkipCall = false,
}) async {
Future<GoogleSignInAccount?> response;
if (_lastMethodCall == null) {
response = _callMethod(method);
} else {
response = _lastMethodCall!.then((_) {
// If after the last completed call `currentUser` is not `null` and requested
// method can be skipped (`canSkipCall`), re-use the same authenticated user
// instead of making extra call to the native side.
if (canSkipCall && _currentUser != null) {
return _currentUser;
return _callMethod(method);
// Add the current response to the currently running Promise of all pending responses
_lastMethodCall = _waitFor(response);
return response;
/// The currently signed in account, or null if the user is signed out.
GoogleSignInAccount? get currentUser => _currentUser;
GoogleSignInAccount? _currentUser;
/// Attempts to sign in a previously authenticated user without interaction.
/// Returned Future resolves to an instance of [GoogleSignInAccount] for a
/// successful sign in or `null` if there is no previously authenticated user.
/// Use [signIn] method to trigger interactive sign in process.
/// Authentication is triggered if there is no currently signed in
/// user (that is when `currentUser == null`), otherwise this method returns
/// a Future which resolves to the same user instance.
/// Re-authentication can be triggered after [signOut] or [disconnect]. It can
/// also be triggered by setting [reAuthenticate] to `true` if a new ID token
/// is required.
/// When [suppressErrors] is set to `false` and an error occurred during sign in
/// returned Future completes with [PlatformException] whose `code` can be
/// one of [kSignInRequiredError] (when there is no authenticated user) ,
/// [kNetworkError] (when a network error occurred) or [kSignInFailedError]
/// (when an unknown error occurred).
Future<GoogleSignInAccount?> signInSilently({
bool suppressErrors = true,
bool reAuthenticate = false,
}) async {
try {
return await _addMethodCall(GoogleSignInPlatform.instance.signInSilently,
canSkipCall: !reAuthenticate);
} catch (_) {
if (suppressErrors) {
return null;
} else {
/// Returns a future that resolves to whether a user is currently signed in.
Future<bool> isSignedIn() async {
await _ensureInitialized();
return GoogleSignInPlatform.instance.isSignedIn();
/// Starts the interactive sign-in process.
/// Returned Future resolves to an instance of [GoogleSignInAccount] for a
/// successful sign in or `null` in case sign in process was aborted.
/// Authentication process is triggered only if there is no currently signed in
/// user (that is when `currentUser == null`), otherwise this method returns
/// a Future which resolves to the same user instance.
/// Re-authentication can be triggered only after [signOut] or [disconnect].
Future<GoogleSignInAccount?> signIn() {
final Future<GoogleSignInAccount?> result =
_addMethodCall(GoogleSignInPlatform.instance.signIn, canSkipCall: true);
bool isCanceled(dynamic error) =>
error is PlatformException && error.code == kSignInCanceledError;
return result.catchError((dynamic _) => null, test: isCanceled);
/// Marks current user as being in the signed out state.
Future<GoogleSignInAccount?> signOut() =>
/// Disconnects the current user from the app and revokes previous
/// authentication.
Future<GoogleSignInAccount?> disconnect() =>
/// Requests the user grants additional Oauth [scopes].
Future<bool> requestScopes(List<String> scopes) async {
await _ensureInitialized();
return GoogleSignInPlatform.instance.requestScopes(scopes);
/// Checks if the [_currentUser] can access all the given [scopes].
/// Optionally, an [accessToken] can be passed to perform this check. This
/// may be useful when an application holds on to a cached, potentially
/// long-lived [accessToken].
Future<bool> canAccessScopes(
List<String> scopes, {
String? accessToken,
}) async {
await _ensureInitialized();
final String? token =
accessToken ?? (await _currentUser?.authentication)?.accessToken;
return GoogleSignInPlatform.instance.canAccessScopes(
accessToken: token,