Roll Flutter from 828a04040e11 to db6074ade4e4 (12 revisions) (#3881)

2023-05-02 Roll Flutter Engine from 46d5ce4784b8 to 44376e8cd3de (1 revision) (flutter/flutter#125876)
2023-05-02 Roll Flutter Engine from a687d62ff631 to 46d5ce4784b8 (1 revision) (flutter/flutter#125874)
2023-05-02 Roll Flutter Engine from d0ed35b7bf67 to a687d62ff631 (1 revision) (flutter/flutter#125871)
2023-05-02 Roll Flutter Engine from c0d68c36c376 to d0ed35b7bf67 (1 revision) (flutter/flutter#125870)
2023-05-02 Roll Flutter Engine from a9e38dd0510d to c0d68c36c376 (1 revision) (flutter/flutter#125868)
2023-05-02 Roll Flutter Engine from 024bf946232d to a9e38dd0510d (2 revisions) (flutter/flutter#125866)
2023-05-02 Make `future` and `stream` required arguments in their respective builder widgets (flutter/flutter#125838)
2023-05-02 Roll Flutter Engine from 7d87410a51d5 to 024bf946232d (6 revisions) (flutter/flutter#125858)
2023-05-02 Roll Flutter Engine from 3fa6084dfb36 to 7d87410a51d5 (4 revisions) (flutter/flutter#125845)
2023-05-02 Migrate Xcode projects last version checks to Xcode 14.3 (flutter/flutter#125827)
2023-05-01 Roll Flutter Engine from 58cc54197a54 to 3fa6084dfb36 (1 revision) (flutter/flutter#125839)
2023-05-01 Roll Flutter Engine from 687f4c761db1 to 58cc54197a54 (6 revisions) (flutter/flutter#125833)

If this roll has caused a breakage, revert this CL and stop the roller
using the controls here:
Please CC,, on the revert to ensure that a human
is aware of the problem.

To file a bug in Packages:

To report a problem with the AutoRoller itself, please file a bug:

Documentation for the AutoRoller is here:
1 file changed
tree: d4d215e522c81ec861a387d5c29eb48afb810160
  1. .ci/
  2. .github/
  3. packages/
  4. script/
  5. third_party/
  6. .ci.yaml
  7. .cirrus.yml
  8. .clang-format
  9. .gitattributes
  10. .gitignore
  11. .gitmodules
  12. .metadata
  13. analysis_options.yaml
  17. customer_testing.bat

Flutter Packages

Build Status Release Status OpenSSF Scorecard

This repo is a companion repo to the main flutter repo. It contains the source code for Flutter's first-party packages (i.e., packages developed by the core Flutter team). Check the packages directory to see all packages.

These packages are also available on pub.


Please file any issues, bugs, or feature requests in the main flutter repo. Issues pertaining to this repository are labeled “package”.


If you wish to contribute a new package to the Flutter ecosystem, please see the documentation for developing packages. You can store your package source code in any GitHub repository (the present repo is only intended for packages developed by the core Flutter team). Once your package is ready you can publish to the pub repository.

If you wish to contribute a change to any of the existing packages in this repo, please review our contribution guide, and send a pull request.


These are the packages hosted in this repository:

PackagePubPointsPopularityIssuesPull requests
animationspub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
camerapub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
cross_filepub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
css_colorspub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
cupertino_iconspub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
espressopub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
extension_google_sign_in_as_googleapis_authpub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
file_selectorpub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
flutter_adaptive_scaffoldpub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
flutter_imagepub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
flutter_lintspub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
flutter_markdownpub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
flutter_plugin_android_lifecyclepub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
flutter_template_imagespub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
go_routerpub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
go_router_builderpub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
google_maps_flutterpub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
google_sign_inpub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
image_pickerpub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
in_app_purchasepub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
ios_platform_imagespub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
local_authpub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
metrics_centerpub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
multicast_dnspub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
palette_generatorpub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
path_providerpub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
pigeonpub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
pointer_interceptorpub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
plugin_platform_interfacepub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
quick_actionspub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
rfwpub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
shared_preferencespub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
standard_message_codecpub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
url_launcherpub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
video_playerpub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
web_benchmarkspub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
webview_flutterpub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
xdg_directoriespub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label