blob: 13568c80b3309afde9c978d543cb2888d41a61c7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:quiver/core.dart';
/// Default configuration options to use when signing in.
/// See also
enum SignInOption {
/// Default configuration. Provides stable user ID and basic profile information.
/// See also
/// Recommended configuration for Games sign in.
/// This is currently only supported on Android and will throw an error if used
/// on other platforms.
/// See also
/// The parameters to use when initializing the sign in process.
/// See:
class SignInInitParameters {
/// The parameters to use when initializing the sign in process.
const SignInInitParameters({
this.scopes = const <String>[],
this.signInOption = SignInOption.standard,
this.forceCodeForRefreshToken = false,
/// The list of OAuth scope codes to request when signing in.
final List<String> scopes;
/// The user experience to use when signing in. [] is
/// only supported on Android.
final SignInOption signInOption;
/// Restricts sign in to accounts of the user in the specified domain.
/// By default, the list of accounts will not be restricted.
final String? hostedDomain;
/// The OAuth client ID of the app.
/// The default is null, which means that the client ID will be sourced from a
/// configuration file, if required on the current platform. A value specified
/// here takes precedence over a value specified in a configuration file.
/// See also:
/// * [Platform Integration](,
/// where you can find the details about the configuration files.
final String? clientId;
/// The OAuth client ID of the backend server.
/// The default is null, which means that the server client ID will be sourced
/// from a configuration file, if available and supported on the current
/// platform. A value specified here takes precedence over a value specified
/// in a configuration file.
/// See also:
/// * [Platform Integration](,
/// where you can find the details about the configuration files.
final String? serverClientId;
/// If true, ensures the authorization code can be exchanged for an access
/// token.
/// This is only used on Android.
final bool forceCodeForRefreshToken;
/// Holds information about the signed in user.
class GoogleSignInUserData {
/// Uses the given data to construct an instance.
/// The display name of the signed in user.
/// Not guaranteed to be present for all users, even when configured.
String? displayName;
/// The email address of the signed in user.
/// Applications should not key users by email address since a Google account's
/// email address can change. Use [id] as a key instead.
/// _Important_: Do not use this returned email address to communicate the
/// currently signed in user to your backend server. Instead, send an ID token
/// which can be securely validated on the server. See [idToken].
String email;
/// The unique ID for the Google account.
/// This is the preferred unique key to use for a user record.
/// _Important_: Do not use this returned Google ID to communicate the
/// currently signed in user to your backend server. Instead, send an ID token
/// which can be securely validated on the server. See [idToken].
String id;
/// The photo url of the signed in user if the user has a profile picture.
/// Not guaranteed to be present for all users, even when configured.
String? photoUrl;
/// A token that can be sent to your own server to verify the authentication
/// data.
String? idToken;
/// Server auth code used to access Google Login
String? serverAuthCode;
// TODO(stuartmorgan): Make this class immutable in the next breaking change.
// ignore: avoid_equals_and_hash_code_on_mutable_classes
int get hashCode => hashObjects(
<String?>[displayName, email, id, photoUrl, idToken, serverAuthCode]);
// TODO(stuartmorgan): Make this class immutable in the next breaking change.
// ignore: avoid_equals_and_hash_code_on_mutable_classes
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) {
return true;
if (other is! GoogleSignInUserData) {
return false;
final GoogleSignInUserData otherUserData = other;
return otherUserData.displayName == displayName && == email && == id &&
otherUserData.photoUrl == photoUrl &&
otherUserData.idToken == idToken &&
otherUserData.serverAuthCode == serverAuthCode;
/// Holds authentication data after sign in.
class GoogleSignInTokenData {
/// Build `GoogleSignInTokenData`.
/// An OpenID Connect ID token for the authenticated user.
String? idToken;
/// The OAuth2 access token used to access Google services.
String? accessToken;
/// Server auth code used to access Google Login
String? serverAuthCode;
// TODO(stuartmorgan): Make this class immutable in the next breaking change.
// ignore: avoid_equals_and_hash_code_on_mutable_classes
int get hashCode => hash3(idToken, accessToken, serverAuthCode);
// TODO(stuartmorgan): Make this class immutable in the next breaking change.
// ignore: avoid_equals_and_hash_code_on_mutable_classes
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) {
return true;
if (other is! GoogleSignInTokenData) {
return false;
final GoogleSignInTokenData otherTokenData = other;
return otherTokenData.idToken == idToken &&
otherTokenData.accessToken == accessToken &&
otherTokenData.serverAuthCode == serverAuthCode;