blob: 120bfd244fdce7dfd771f7091aca307bc1957b4d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'configuration.dart';
import 'delegate.dart';
import 'information_provider.dart';
import 'logging.dart';
import 'matching.dart';
import 'misc/inherited_router.dart';
import 'parser.dart';
import 'typedefs.dart';
/// The route configuration for the app.
/// The `routes` list specifies the top-level routes for the app. It must not be
/// empty and must contain an [GoRouter] to match `/`.
/// See the [Get
/// started](
/// example, which shows an app with a simple route configuration.
/// The [redirect] callback allows the app to redirect to a new location.
/// Alternatively, you can specify a redirect for an individual route using
/// [GoRoute.redirect]. If [BuildContext.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType] is
/// used during the redirection (which is how `of` methods are usually
/// implemented), a re-evaluation will be triggered when the [InheritedWidget]
/// changes.
/// See also:
/// * [Configuration](
/// * [GoRoute], which provides APIs to define the routing table.
/// * [examples](,
/// which contains examples for different routing scenarios.
/// {@category Get started}
/// {@category Upgrading}
/// {@category Configuration}
/// {@category Navigation}
/// {@category Redirection}
/// {@category Web}
/// {@category Deep linking}
/// {@category Error handling}
/// {@category Named routes}
class GoRouter extends ChangeNotifier implements RouterConfig<RouteMatchList> {
/// Default constructor to configure a GoRouter with a routes builder
/// and an error page builder.
/// The `routes` must not be null and must contain an [GoRouter] to match `/`.
required List<RouteBase> routes,
// TODO(johnpryan): Change to a route, improve error API
// See
GoRouterPageBuilder? errorPageBuilder,
GoRouterWidgetBuilder? errorBuilder,
GoRouterRedirect? redirect,
Listenable? refreshListenable,
int redirectLimit = 5,
bool routerNeglect = false,
String? initialLocation,
List<NavigatorObserver>? observers,
bool debugLogDiagnostics = false,
GlobalKey<NavigatorState>? navigatorKey,
String? restorationScopeId,
}) : backButtonDispatcher = RootBackButtonDispatcher() {
setLogging(enabled: debugLogDiagnostics);
navigatorKey ??= GlobalKey<NavigatorState>();
_routeConfiguration = RouteConfiguration(
routes: routes,
topRedirect: redirect ?? (_, __) => null,
redirectLimit: redirectLimit,
navigatorKey: navigatorKey,
_routeInformationParser = GoRouteInformationParser(
configuration: _routeConfiguration,
debugRequireGoRouteInformationProvider: true,
_routeInformationProvider = GoRouteInformationProvider(
initialRouteInformation: RouteInformation(
location: _effectiveInitialLocation(initialLocation)),
refreshListenable: refreshListenable);
_routerDelegate = GoRouterDelegate(
configuration: _routeConfiguration,
errorPageBuilder: errorPageBuilder,
errorBuilder: errorBuilder,
routerNeglect: routerNeglect,
observers: <NavigatorObserver>[
...observers ?? <NavigatorObserver>[],
restorationScopeId: restorationScopeId,
// wrap the returned Navigator to enable GoRouter.of(context).go() et al,
// allowing the caller to wrap the navigator themselves
builderWithNav: (BuildContext context, Widget child) =>
InheritedGoRouter(goRouter: this, child: child),
assert(() {'setting initial location $initialLocation');
return true;
late final RouteConfiguration _routeConfiguration;
late final GoRouteInformationParser _routeInformationParser;
late final GoRouterDelegate _routerDelegate;
late final GoRouteInformationProvider _routeInformationProvider;
final BackButtonDispatcher backButtonDispatcher;
/// The router delegate. Provide this to the MaterialApp or CupertinoApp's
/// `.router()` constructor
GoRouterDelegate get routerDelegate => _routerDelegate;
/// The route information provider used by [GoRouter].
GoRouteInformationProvider get routeInformationProvider =>
/// The route information parser used by [GoRouter].
GoRouteInformationParser get routeInformationParser =>
/// The route configuration. Used for testing.
// TODO(johnpryan): Remove this, integration tests shouldn't need access
RouteConfiguration get routeConfiguration => _routeConfiguration;
/// Gets the current location.
// TODO(chunhtai): deprecates this once go_router_builder is migrated to
// GoRouterState.of.
String get location => _location;
String _location = '/';
/// Returns `true` if there is more than 1 page on the stack.
bool canPop() => _routerDelegate.canPop();
void _handleStateMayChange() {
final String newLocation;
if (routerDelegate.currentConfiguration.isNotEmpty &&
is ImperativeRouteMatch) {
newLocation = (routerDelegate.currentConfiguration.matches.last
as ImperativeRouteMatch)
} else {
newLocation = _routerDelegate.currentConfiguration.uri.toString();
if (_location != newLocation) {
_location = newLocation;
/// Get a location from route name and parameters.
/// This is useful for redirecting to a named location.
String namedLocation(
String name, {
Map<String, String> params = const <String, String>{},
Map<String, dynamic> queryParams = const <String, dynamic>{},
}) =>
params: params,
queryParams: queryParams,
/// Navigate to a URI location w/ optional query parameters, e.g.
/// `/family/f2/person/p1?color=blue`
void go(String location, {Object? extra}) {
assert(() {'going to $location');
return true;
_routeInformationProvider.value =
RouteInformation(location: location, state: extra);
/// Navigate to a named route w/ optional parameters, e.g.
/// `name='person', params={'fid': 'f2', 'pid': 'p1'}`
/// Navigate to the named route.
void goNamed(
String name, {
Map<String, String> params = const <String, String>{},
Map<String, dynamic> queryParams = const <String, dynamic>{},
Object? extra,
}) =>
namedLocation(name, params: params, queryParams: queryParams),
extra: extra,
/// Push a URI location onto the page stack w/ optional query parameters, e.g.
/// `/family/f2/person/p1?color=blue`
void push(String location, {Object? extra}) {
assert(() {'pushing $location');
return true;
RouteInformation(location: location, state: extra),
// TODO(chunhtai): avoid accessing the context directly through global key.
.then<void>((RouteMatchList matches) {
/// Push a named route onto the page stack w/ optional parameters, e.g.
/// `name='person', params={'fid': 'f2', 'pid': 'p1'}`
void pushNamed(
String name, {
Map<String, String> params = const <String, String>{},
Map<String, dynamic> queryParams = const <String, dynamic>{},
Object? extra,
}) =>
namedLocation(name, params: params, queryParams: queryParams),
extra: extra,
/// Replaces the top-most page of the page stack with the given URL location
/// w/ optional query parameters, e.g. `/family/f2/person/p1?color=blue`.
/// See also:
/// * [go] which navigates to the location.
/// * [push] which pushes the location onto the page stack.
void replace(String location, {Object? extra}) {
RouteInformation(location: location, state: extra),
// TODO(chunhtai): avoid accessing the context directly through global key.
.then<void>((RouteMatchList matchList) {
/// Replaces the top-most page of the page stack with the named route w/
/// optional parameters, e.g. `name='person', params={'fid': 'f2', 'pid':
/// 'p1'}`.
/// See also:
/// * [goNamed] which navigates a named route.
/// * [pushNamed] which pushes a named route onto the page stack.
void replaceNamed(
String name, {
Map<String, String> params = const <String, String>{},
Map<String, dynamic> queryParams = const <String, dynamic>{},
Object? extra,
}) {
namedLocation(name, params: params, queryParams: queryParams),
extra: extra,
/// Pop the top page off the GoRouter's page stack.
void pop() {
assert(() {'popping $location');
return true;
/// Refresh the route.
void refresh() {
assert(() {'refreshing $location');
return true;
/// Find the current GoRouter in the widget tree.
static GoRouter of(BuildContext context) {
final InheritedGoRouter? inherited =
assert(inherited != null, 'No GoRouter found in context');
return inherited!.goRouter;
void dispose() {
String _effectiveInitialLocation(String? initialLocation) {
final String platformDefault =
if (initialLocation == null) {
return platformDefault;
} else if (platformDefault == '/') {
return initialLocation;
} else {
return platformDefault;