blob: 5b0524771eb86dd60bb6355fc285c2da534b08bc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:google_sign_in/src/fife.dart';
void main() {
group('addSizeDirectiveToUrl', () {
const double size = 20;
group('Old style URLs', () {
const String base =
const String expected = '$base/s20-c/photo.jpg';
test('with directives, sets size', () {
const String url = '$base/s64-c/photo.jpg';
expect(addSizeDirectiveToUrl(url, size), expected);
test('no directives, sets size and crop', () {
const String url = '$base/photo.jpg';
expect(addSizeDirectiveToUrl(url, size), expected);
test('no crop, sets size and crop', () {
const String url = '$base/s64/photo.jpg';
expect(addSizeDirectiveToUrl(url, size), expected);
group('New style URLs', () {
const String base =
const String expected = '$base=c-s20';
test('with directives, sets size', () {
const String url = '$base=s120-c';
expect(addSizeDirectiveToUrl(url, size), expected);
test('no directives, sets size and crop', () {
const String url = base;
expect(addSizeDirectiveToUrl(url, size), expected);
test('no directives, but with an equals sign, sets size and crop', () {
const String url = '$base=';
expect(addSizeDirectiveToUrl(url, size), expected);
test('no crop, adds crop', () {
const String url = '$base=s120';
expect(addSizeDirectiveToUrl(url, size), expected);
test('many directives, sets size and crop, preserves other directives',
() {
const String url = '$base=s120-c-fSoften=1,50,0';
const String expected = '$base=c-fSoften=1,50,0-s20';
expect(addSizeDirectiveToUrl(url, size), expected);