blob: 359e293ef82ec9c3d206a9fb148c7b8c42108105 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
/// The desired mode to launch a URL.
/// Support for these modes varies by platform. Platforms that do not support
/// the requested mode may substitute another mode. See [launchUrl] for more
/// details.
enum LaunchMode {
/// Leaves the decision of how to launch the URL to the platform
/// implementation.
/// Loads the URL in an in-app web view (e.g., Android Custom Tabs, Safari View Controller).
/// Passes the URL to the OS to be handled by another application.
/// Passes the URL to the OS to be handled by another non-browser application.
/// Additional configuration options for [LaunchMode.inAppWebView].
class WebViewConfiguration {
/// Creates a new WebViewConfiguration with the given settings.
const WebViewConfiguration({
this.enableJavaScript = true,
this.enableDomStorage = true,
this.headers = const <String, String>{},
/// Whether or not JavaScript is enabled for the web content.
/// Disabling this may not be supported on all platforms.
final bool enableJavaScript;
/// Whether or not DOM storage is enabled for the web content.
/// Disabling this may not be supported on all platforms.
final bool enableDomStorage;
/// Additional headers to pass in the load request.
/// On Android, this may work even when not loading in an in-app web view.
/// When loading in an external browsers, this sets
/// [Browser.EXTRA_HEADERS](
/// Not all browsers support this, so it is not guaranteed to be honored.
final Map<String, String> headers;