Roll Flutter from 3f98c0f8f98b to dee226ef8a46 (18 revisions) (#3184)

* 7f578fb01 Revert "Stop recursively including assets from asset folders (#120167)" (flutter/flutter#120283)

* d8154fde7 Manual roll Flutter Engine from f310ffd1461a to bdc5b6b768f6 (12 revisions) (flutter/flutter#120261)

* 75ca31b0e Correct Badge interpretation of its alignment parameter (flutter/flutter#119853)

* 0588b925a Removed "if" on resolving text color at "SnackBarAction" (flutter/flutter#120050)

* 0a97ef85c Fix BottomAppBar & BottomSheet M3 shadow (flutter/flutter#119819)

* bfea22db5 Roll Plugins from 6f985d57b04b to f59c08db3f27 (3 revisions) (flutter/flutter#120303)

* ec289f1eb Don't call `PlatformViewCreatedCallback`s after `AndroidViewController` is disposed (flutter/flutter#116854)

* 3a514175d Remove Android spell check integration test (flutter/flutter#120144)

* 51227a9a5 Add missing parameters to `RadioListTile` (flutter/flutter#120117)

* 212bac80d Revert "Update `ExpansionTile` to support Material 3 & add an example (#119712)" (flutter/flutter#120300)

* 2303f4225 Manual roll Flutter Engine from bdc5b6b768f6 to cc4ca6a06ab3 (8 revisions) (flutter/flutter#120309)

* 4a9660881 Reland "Stop recursively including assets from asset directories" (flutter/flutter#120312)

* 4ddf0a89e Manual roll Flutter Engine from cc4ca6a06ab3 to 89c8a1393d4b (6 revisions) (flutter/flutter#120319)

* b4908f376 Update .cirrus.yml (flutter/flutter#120315)

* ef854a3db [Tool] [Windows] Output build duration (flutter/flutter#120311)

* 0fb4406c3 Revert "[web] Move JS content to its own `.js` files (#117691)" (flutter/flutter#120275)

* b1c4d5686 Fix widget inspector null check (flutter/flutter#120143)

* dee226ef8 Manual roll Flutter Engine from 89c8a1393d4b to 2f2e2e27cb28 (3 revisions) (flutter/flutter#120333)
1 file changed
tree: 18c3659e40cc21cf1efdb54c7665a193259209ea
  1. .ci/
  2. .github/
  3. packages/
  4. script/
  5. third_party/
  6. .ci.yaml
  7. .cirrus.yml
  8. .clang-format
  9. .gitattributes
  10. .gitignore
  11. .gitmodules
  12. .metadata
  13. analysis_options.yaml
  17. customer_testing.bat

Flutter Packages

Build Status Release Status OpenSSF Scorecard

This repo is a companion repo to the main flutter repo. It contains the source code for Flutter's first-party packages (i.e., packages developed by the core Flutter team). Check the packages directory to see all packages.

These packages are also available on pub.


Please file any issues, bugs, or feature requests in the main flutter repo.


If you wish to contribute a new package to the Flutter ecosystem, please see the documentation for developing packages. You can store your package source code in any GitHub repository (the present repo is only intended for packages developed by the core Flutter team). Once your package is ready you can publish to the pub repository.

If you wish to contribute a change to any of the existing packages in this repo, please review our contribution guide, and send a pull request.


These are the available packages in this repository.

PluginPubIssuesPull requests
animationspub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
cross_filepub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
css_colorspub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
cupertino_iconspub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
extension_google_sign_in_as_googleapis_authpub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
flutter_adaptive_scaffoldpub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
flutter_imagepub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
flutter_lintspub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
flutter_markdownpub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
flutter_template_imagespub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
go_routerpub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
go_router_builderpub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
metrics_centerpub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
multicast_dnspub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
palette_generatorpub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
pigeonpub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
pointer_interceptorpub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
rfwpub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
standard_message_codecpub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
web_benchmarkspub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
xdg_directoriespub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label