blob: 409eec5959ca66d91b08195cf2fe609773c8bd98 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:pigeon/pigeon.dart';
dartOut: 'lib/src/file_selector_api.g.dart',
javaOptions: JavaOptions(
package: 'dev.flutter.packages.file_selector_android',
className: 'GeneratedFileSelectorApi',
copyrightHeader: 'pigeons/copyright.txt',
enum FileSelectorExceptionCode {
securityException, // unused
ioException, // unused
illegalStateException, //unused
class FileSelectorNativeException implements Exception {
late final FileSelectorExceptionCode fileSelectorExceptionCode;
late final String message;
class FileResponse {
late final String path;
late final String? mimeType;
late final String? name;
late final int size;
late final Uint8List bytes;
late final FileSelectorNativeException? fileSelectorNativeException;
class FileTypes {
late List<String> mimeTypes;
late List<String> extensions;
/// An API to call to native code to select files or directories.
abstract class FileSelectorApi {
/// Opens a file dialog for loading files and returns a file path.
/// Returns `null` if user cancels the operation.
FileResponse? openFile(String? initialDirectory, FileTypes allowedTypes);
/// Opens a file dialog for loading files and returns a list of file responses
/// chosen by the user.
List<FileResponse> openFiles(
String? initialDirectory,
FileTypes allowedTypes,
/// Opens a file dialog for loading directories and returns a directory path.
/// Returns `null` if user cancels the operation.
String? getDirectoryPath(String? initialDirectory);