tree: 860e3aa74c935af433a9a7e17c8bc61222547e00 [path history] [tgz]
  1. example/
  2. lib/
  3. test/
  4. tool/
  7. dart_test.yaml
  9. pubspec.yaml


A JS-interop layer for Google Identity's Sign In With Google SDK.

See the original JS SDK reference:


This package is the Dart JS-interop layer of the new Sign In With Google SDK. Here's the API references for both of the sub-libraries:

Loading the SDK

There are two ways to load the JS SDK in your app.

Modify your index.html (most performant)

The most performant way is to modify your web/index.html file to insert a script tag as recommended. Place the script tag in the <head> of your site, next to the script tag that loads flutter.js, so the browser can downloaded both in parallel:

<!-- ··· -->
  <!-- Include the GSI SDK below -->
  <script src="" async defer></script>
  <!-- This script adds the flutter initialization JS code -->
  <script src="flutter.js" defer></script>

With the loadWebSdk function (on-demand)

An alternative way, that downloads the SDK on demand, is to use the loadWebSdk function provided by the library. A simple location to embed this in a Flutter Web only app can be the main.dart:

import 'package:google_identity_services_web/loader.dart' as gis;
// ···
void main() async {
  await gis.loadWebSdk(); // Load the GIS SDK
  // The rest of your code...
// ···

(Note that the above won‘t compile for mobile apps, so if you’re developing a cross-platform app, you'll probably need to hide the call to loadWebSdk behind a conditional import/export.)

Using the SDK

Once the SDK has been loaded, it can be used by importing the correct library:

  • import 'package:google_identity_services/id.dart' as id; for Authentication
  • import 'package:google_identity_services/oauth2.dart' as oauth2; for Authorization.

Browser compatibility

The new SDK is introducing concepts that are on track for standardization to most browsers, and it might not be compatible with older browsers.

Refer to the official documentation site for the latest browser compatibility information of the underlying JS SDK:


This web-only package uses dart:test to test its features. They can be run with dart test -p chrome.

(Look at test/ and tool/run_tests.dart for more info.)