blob: a19e5098eba0e7e9fec1f41454c041c0329c6e9b [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
@TestOn('chrome') // Uses web-only Flutter SDK
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:html' as html;
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:cross_file/cross_file.dart';
import 'package:js/js_util.dart' as js_util;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
const String expectedStringContents = 'Hello, world! I ❤ ñ! 空手';
final Uint8List bytes = Uint8List.fromList(utf8.encode(expectedStringContents));
final html.File textFile = html.File(<Object>[bytes], 'hello.txt');
final String textFileUrl = html.Url.createObjectUrl(textFile);
void main() {
group('Create with an objectUrl', () {
final XFile file = XFile(textFileUrl);
test('Can be read as a string', () async {
expect(await file.readAsString(), equals(expectedStringContents));
test('Can be read as bytes', () async {
expect(await file.readAsBytes(), equals(bytes));
test('Can be read as a stream', () async {
expect(await file.openRead().first, equals(bytes));
test('Stream can be sliced', () async {
expect(await file.openRead(2, 5).first, equals(bytes.sublist(2, 5)));
group('Create from data', () {
final XFile file = XFile.fromData(bytes);
test('Can be read as a string', () async {
expect(await file.readAsString(), equals(expectedStringContents));
test('Can be read as bytes', () async {
expect(await file.readAsBytes(), equals(bytes));
test('Can be read as a stream', () async {
expect(await file.openRead().first, equals(bytes));
test('Stream can be sliced', () async {
expect(await file.openRead(2, 5).first, equals(bytes.sublist(2, 5)));
group('Blob backend', () {
final XFile file = XFile(textFileUrl);
test('Stores data as a Blob', () async {
// Read the blob from its path 'natively'
final Object response = await html.window.fetch(file.path) as Object;
// Call '.arrayBuffer()' on the fetch response object to look at its bytes.
final ByteBuffer data = await js_util.promiseToFuture(
js_util.callMethod(response, 'arrayBuffer', <Object?>[]),
expect(data.asUint8List(), equals(bytes));
test('Data may be purged from the blob!', () async {
expect(() async {
await file.readAsBytes();
}, throwsException);
group('saveTo(..)', () {
const String crossFileDomElementId = '__x_file_dom_element';
group('CrossFile saveTo(..)', () {
test('creates a DOM container', () async {
final XFile file = XFile.fromData(bytes);
await file.saveTo('');
final html.Element? container =
expect(container, isNotNull);
test('create anchor element', () async {
final XFile file = XFile.fromData(bytes, name:;
await file.saveTo('path');
final html.Element container =
final html.AnchorElement element = container.children
.firstWhere((html.Element element) => element.tagName == 'A')
as html.AnchorElement;
// if element is not found, the `firstWhere` call will throw StateError.
expect(element.href, file.path);
test('anchor element is clicked', () async {
final html.AnchorElement mockAnchor = html.AnchorElement();
final CrossFileTestOverrides overrides = CrossFileTestOverrides(
createAnchorElement: (_, __) => mockAnchor,
final XFile file =
XFile.fromData(bytes, name:, overrides: overrides);
bool clicked = false;
mockAnchor.onClick.listen((html.MouseEvent event) => clicked = true);
await file.saveTo('path');
expect(clicked, true);