blob: 2b331cbd027bbd6d44b94a9abb282cc296e27529 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:url_launcher_android/src/messages.g.dart';
import 'package:url_launcher_android/url_launcher_android.dart';
import 'package:url_launcher_platform_interface/url_launcher_platform_interface.dart';
void main() {
late _FakeUrlLauncherApi api;
setUp(() {
api = _FakeUrlLauncherApi();
test('registers instance', () {
expect(UrlLauncherPlatform.instance, isA<UrlLauncherAndroid>());
group('canLaunch', () {
test('returns true', () async {
final UrlLauncherAndroid launcher = UrlLauncherAndroid(api: api);
final bool canLaunch = await launcher.canLaunch('');
expect(canLaunch, true);
test('returns false', () async {
final UrlLauncherAndroid launcher = UrlLauncherAndroid(api: api);
final bool canLaunch = await launcher.canLaunch('unknown://scheme');
expect(canLaunch, false);
test('checks a generic URL if an http URL returns false', () async {
final UrlLauncherAndroid launcher = UrlLauncherAndroid(api: api);
final bool canLaunch = await launcher
expect(canLaunch, true);
test('checks a generic URL if an https URL returns false', () async {
final UrlLauncherAndroid launcher = UrlLauncherAndroid(api: api);
final bool canLaunch = await launcher
expect(canLaunch, true);
group('legacy launch without webview', () {
test('calls through', () async {
final UrlLauncherAndroid launcher = UrlLauncherAndroid(api: api);
final bool launched = await launcher.launch(
useSafariVC: true,
useWebView: false,
enableJavaScript: false,
enableDomStorage: false,
universalLinksOnly: false,
headers: const <String, String>{},
expect(launched, true);
expect(api.usedWebView, false);
expect(api.passedWebViewOptions?.headers, isEmpty);
test('passes headers', () async {
final UrlLauncherAndroid launcher = UrlLauncherAndroid(api: api);
await launcher.launch(
useSafariVC: true,
useWebView: false,
enableJavaScript: false,
enableDomStorage: false,
universalLinksOnly: false,
headers: const <String, String>{'key': 'value'},
expect(api.passedWebViewOptions?.headers.length, 1);
expect(api.passedWebViewOptions?.headers['key'], 'value');
test('passes through no-activity exception', () async {
final UrlLauncherAndroid launcher = UrlLauncherAndroid(api: api);
await expectLater(
useSafariVC: false,
useWebView: false,
enableJavaScript: false,
enableDomStorage: false,
universalLinksOnly: false,
headers: const <String, String>{},
test('throws if there is no handling activity', () async {
final UrlLauncherAndroid launcher = UrlLauncherAndroid(api: api);
await expectLater(
useSafariVC: false,
useWebView: false,
enableJavaScript: false,
enableDomStorage: false,
universalLinksOnly: false,
headers: const <String, String>{},
(PlatformException e) => e.code, 'code', 'ACTIVITY_NOT_FOUND')));
group('legacy launch with webview', () {
test('calls through', () async {
final UrlLauncherAndroid launcher = UrlLauncherAndroid(api: api);
final bool launched = await launcher.launch(
useSafariVC: true,
useWebView: true,
enableJavaScript: false,
enableDomStorage: false,
universalLinksOnly: false,
headers: const <String, String>{},
expect(launched, true);
expect(api.usedWebView, true);
expect(api.allowedCustomTab, false);
expect(api.passedWebViewOptions?.enableDomStorage, false);
expect(api.passedWebViewOptions?.enableJavaScript, false);
expect(api.passedWebViewOptions?.headers, isEmpty);
test('passes enableJavaScript to webview', () async {
final UrlLauncherAndroid launcher = UrlLauncherAndroid(api: api);
await launcher.launch(
useSafariVC: true,
useWebView: true,
enableJavaScript: true,
enableDomStorage: false,
universalLinksOnly: false,
headers: const <String, String>{},
expect(api.passedWebViewOptions?.enableJavaScript, true);
test('passes enableDomStorage to webview', () async {
final UrlLauncherAndroid launcher = UrlLauncherAndroid(api: api);
await launcher.launch(
useSafariVC: true,
useWebView: true,
enableJavaScript: false,
enableDomStorage: true,
universalLinksOnly: false,
headers: const <String, String>{},
expect(api.passedWebViewOptions?.enableDomStorage, true);
test('passes through no-activity exception', () async {
final UrlLauncherAndroid launcher = UrlLauncherAndroid(api: api);
await expectLater(
useSafariVC: false,
useWebView: true,
enableJavaScript: false,
enableDomStorage: false,
universalLinksOnly: false,
headers: const <String, String>{},
test('throws if there is no handling activity', () async {
final UrlLauncherAndroid launcher = UrlLauncherAndroid(api: api);
await expectLater(
useSafariVC: false,
useWebView: true,
enableJavaScript: false,
enableDomStorage: false,
universalLinksOnly: false,
headers: const <String, String>{},
(PlatformException e) => e.code, 'code', 'ACTIVITY_NOT_FOUND')));
group('launch without webview', () {
test('calls through', () async {
final UrlLauncherAndroid launcher = UrlLauncherAndroid(api: api);
final bool launched = await launcher.launchUrl(
const LaunchOptions(mode: PreferredLaunchMode.externalApplication),
expect(launched, true);
expect(api.usedWebView, false);
expect(api.passedWebViewOptions?.headers, isEmpty);
test('passes headers', () async {
final UrlLauncherAndroid launcher = UrlLauncherAndroid(api: api);
await launcher.launchUrl(
const LaunchOptions(
mode: PreferredLaunchMode.externalApplication,
webViewConfiguration: InAppWebViewConfiguration(
headers: <String, String>{'key': 'value'})),
expect(api.passedWebViewOptions?.headers.length, 1);
expect(api.passedWebViewOptions?.headers['key'], 'value');
test('passes through no-activity exception', () async {
final UrlLauncherAndroid launcher = UrlLauncherAndroid(api: api);
await expectLater(
launcher.launchUrl('https://noactivity', const LaunchOptions()),
test('throws if there is no handling activity', () async {
final UrlLauncherAndroid launcher = UrlLauncherAndroid(api: api);
await expectLater(
launcher.launchUrl('unknown://scheme', const LaunchOptions()),
(PlatformException e) => e.code, 'code', 'ACTIVITY_NOT_FOUND')));
group('launch with webview', () {
test('calls through', () async {
final UrlLauncherAndroid launcher = UrlLauncherAndroid(api: api);
final bool launched = await launcher.launchUrl('',
const LaunchOptions(mode: PreferredLaunchMode.inAppWebView));
expect(launched, true);
expect(api.usedWebView, true);
expect(api.allowedCustomTab, false);
expect(api.passedWebViewOptions?.enableDomStorage, true);
expect(api.passedWebViewOptions?.enableJavaScript, true);
expect(api.passedWebViewOptions?.headers, isEmpty);
test('passes enableJavaScript to webview', () async {
final UrlLauncherAndroid launcher = UrlLauncherAndroid(api: api);
await launcher.launchUrl(
const LaunchOptions(
mode: PreferredLaunchMode.inAppWebView,
InAppWebViewConfiguration(enableJavaScript: false)));
expect(api.passedWebViewOptions?.enableJavaScript, false);
test('passes enableDomStorage to webview', () async {
final UrlLauncherAndroid launcher = UrlLauncherAndroid(api: api);
await launcher.launchUrl(
const LaunchOptions(
mode: PreferredLaunchMode.inAppWebView,
InAppWebViewConfiguration(enableDomStorage: false)));
expect(api.passedWebViewOptions?.enableDomStorage, false);
test('passes through no-activity exception', () async {
final UrlLauncherAndroid launcher = UrlLauncherAndroid(api: api);
await expectLater(
const LaunchOptions(mode: PreferredLaunchMode.inAppWebView)),
test('throws if there is no handling activity', () async {
final UrlLauncherAndroid launcher = UrlLauncherAndroid(api: api);
await expectLater(
const LaunchOptions(mode: PreferredLaunchMode.inAppWebView)),
(PlatformException e) => e.code, 'code', 'ACTIVITY_NOT_FOUND')));
group('launch with custom tab', () {
test('calls through', () async {
final UrlLauncherAndroid launcher = UrlLauncherAndroid(api: api);
final bool launched = await launcher.launchUrl('',
const LaunchOptions(mode: PreferredLaunchMode.inAppBrowserView));
expect(launched, true);
expect(api.usedWebView, true);
expect(api.allowedCustomTab, true);
group('launch with platform default', () {
test('uses custom tabs for http', () async {
final UrlLauncherAndroid launcher = UrlLauncherAndroid(api: api);
final bool launched = await launcher.launchUrl(
'', const LaunchOptions());
expect(launched, true);
expect(api.usedWebView, true);
expect(api.allowedCustomTab, true);
test('uses custom tabs for https', () async {
final UrlLauncherAndroid launcher = UrlLauncherAndroid(api: api);
final bool launched = await launcher.launchUrl(
'', const LaunchOptions());
expect(launched, true);
expect(api.usedWebView, true);
expect(api.allowedCustomTab, true);
test('uses external for other schemes', () async {
final UrlLauncherAndroid launcher = UrlLauncherAndroid(api: api);
final bool launched = await launcher.launchUrl(
'supportedcustomscheme://', const LaunchOptions());
expect(launched, true);
expect(api.usedWebView, false);
group('supportsMode', () {
test('returns true for platformDefault', () async {
final UrlLauncherAndroid launcher = UrlLauncherAndroid(api: api);
expect(await launcher.supportsMode(PreferredLaunchMode.platformDefault),
test('returns true for external application', () async {
final UrlLauncherAndroid launcher = UrlLauncherAndroid(api: api);
await launcher.supportsMode(PreferredLaunchMode.externalApplication),
test('returns true for in app web view', () async {
final UrlLauncherAndroid launcher = UrlLauncherAndroid(api: api);
await launcher.supportsMode(PreferredLaunchMode.inAppWebView), true);
test('returns true for in app browser view when available', () async {
final UrlLauncherAndroid launcher = UrlLauncherAndroid(api: api);
api.hasCustomTabSupport = true;
expect(await launcher.supportsMode(PreferredLaunchMode.inAppBrowserView),
test('returns false for in app browser view when not available', () async {
final UrlLauncherAndroid launcher = UrlLauncherAndroid(api: api);
api.hasCustomTabSupport = false;
expect(await launcher.supportsMode(PreferredLaunchMode.inAppBrowserView),
group('supportsCloseForMode', () {
test('returns true for in app web view', () async {
final UrlLauncherAndroid launcher = UrlLauncherAndroid(api: api);
await launcher.supportsCloseForMode(PreferredLaunchMode.inAppWebView),
test('returns false for other modes', () async {
final UrlLauncherAndroid launcher = UrlLauncherAndroid(api: api);
await launcher
await launcher.supportsCloseForMode(
await launcher
/// A fake implementation of the host API that reacts to specific schemes.
/// See _launch for the behaviors.
class _FakeUrlLauncherApi implements UrlLauncherApi {
bool hasCustomTabSupport = true;
WebViewOptions? passedWebViewOptions;
bool? usedWebView;
bool? allowedCustomTab;
bool? closed;
/// A domain that will be treated as having no handler, even for http(s).
static String specialHandlerDomain = 'special.handler.domain';
Future<bool> canLaunchUrl(String url) async {
return _launch(url);
Future<bool> launchUrl(String url, Map<String?, String?> headers) async {
passedWebViewOptions = WebViewOptions(
enableJavaScript: false, enableDomStorage: false, headers: headers);
usedWebView = false;
return _launch(url);
Future<void> closeWebView() async {
closed = true;
Future<bool> openUrlInApp(
String url, bool allowCustomTab, WebViewOptions options) async {
passedWebViewOptions = options;
usedWebView = true;
allowedCustomTab = allowCustomTab;
return _launch(url);
Future<bool> supportsCustomTabs() async {
return hasCustomTabSupport;
bool _launch(String url) {
final String scheme = url.split(':')[0];
switch (scheme) {
case 'http':
case 'https':
case 'supportedcustomscheme':
if (url.endsWith('noactivity')) {
throw PlatformException(code: 'NO_ACTIVITY');
return !url.contains(specialHandlerDomain);
return false;