blob: 32410660ce8e5186759d1ec5762e41e6fa6fee9d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:plugin_platform_interface/plugin_platform_interface.dart';
/// The interface that implementations of video_player must implement.
/// Platform implementations should extend this class rather than implement it as `video_player`
/// does not consider newly added methods to be breaking changes. Extending this class
/// (using `extends`) ensures that the subclass will get the default implementation, while
/// platform implementations that `implements` this interface will be broken by newly added
/// [VideoPlayerPlatform] methods.
abstract class VideoPlayerPlatform extends PlatformInterface {
/// Constructs a VideoPlayerPlatform.
VideoPlayerPlatform() : super(token: _token);
static final Object _token = Object();
static VideoPlayerPlatform _instance = _PlaceholderImplementation();
/// The instance of [VideoPlayerPlatform] to use.
/// Defaults to a placeholder that does not override any methods, and thus
/// throws `UnimplementedError` in most cases.
static VideoPlayerPlatform get instance => _instance;
/// Platform-specific plugins should override this with their own
/// platform-specific class that extends [VideoPlayerPlatform] when they
/// register themselves.
static set instance(VideoPlayerPlatform instance) {
PlatformInterface.verify(instance, _token);
_instance = instance;
/// Initializes the platform interface and disposes all existing players.
/// This method is called when the plugin is first initialized
/// and on every full restart.
Future<void> init() {
throw UnimplementedError('init() has not been implemented.');
/// Clears one video.
Future<void> dispose(int textureId) {
throw UnimplementedError('dispose() has not been implemented.');
/// Creates an instance of a video player and returns its textureId.
Future<int?> create(DataSource dataSource) {
throw UnimplementedError('create() has not been implemented.');
/// Returns a Stream of [VideoEventType]s.
Stream<VideoEvent> videoEventsFor(int textureId) {
throw UnimplementedError('videoEventsFor() has not been implemented.');
/// Sets the looping attribute of the video.
Future<void> setLooping(int textureId, bool looping) {
throw UnimplementedError('setLooping() has not been implemented.');
/// Starts the video playback.
Future<void> play(int textureId) {
throw UnimplementedError('play() has not been implemented.');
/// Stops the video playback.
Future<void> pause(int textureId) {
throw UnimplementedError('pause() has not been implemented.');
/// Sets the volume to a range between 0.0 and 1.0.
Future<void> setVolume(int textureId, double volume) {
throw UnimplementedError('setVolume() has not been implemented.');
/// Sets the video position to a [Duration] from the start.
Future<void> seekTo(int textureId, Duration position) {
throw UnimplementedError('seekTo() has not been implemented.');
/// Sets the playback speed to a [speed] value indicating the playback rate.
Future<void> setPlaybackSpeed(int textureId, double speed) {
throw UnimplementedError('setPlaybackSpeed() has not been implemented.');
/// Gets the video position as [Duration] from the start.
Future<Duration> getPosition(int textureId) {
throw UnimplementedError('getPosition() has not been implemented.');
/// Returns a widget displaying the video with a given textureID.
Widget buildView(int textureId) {
throw UnimplementedError('buildView() has not been implemented.');
/// Sets the audio mode to mix with other sources
Future<void> setMixWithOthers(bool mixWithOthers) {
throw UnimplementedError('setMixWithOthers() has not been implemented.');
class _PlaceholderImplementation extends VideoPlayerPlatform {}
/// Description of the data source used to create an instance of
/// the video player.
class DataSource {
/// Constructs an instance of [DataSource].
/// The [sourceType] is always required.
/// The [uri] argument takes the form of `''` or
/// `'file:///absolute/path/to/local/video.mp4`.
/// The [formatHint] argument can be null.
/// The [asset] argument takes the form of `'assets/video.mp4'`.
/// The [package] argument must be non-null when the asset comes from a
/// package and null otherwise.
required this.sourceType,
this.httpHeaders = const <String, String>{},
/// The way in which the video was originally loaded.
/// This has nothing to do with the video's file type. It's just the place
/// from which the video is fetched from.
final DataSourceType sourceType;
/// The URI to the video file.
/// This will be in different formats depending on the [DataSourceType] of
/// the original video.
final String? uri;
/// **Android only**. Will override the platform's generic file format
/// detection with whatever is set here.
final VideoFormat? formatHint;
/// HTTP headers used for the request to the [uri].
/// Only for [] videos.
/// Always empty for other video types.
Map<String, String> httpHeaders;
/// The name of the asset. Only set for [DataSourceType.asset] videos.
final String? asset;
/// The package that the asset was loaded from. Only set for
/// [DataSourceType.asset] videos.
final String? package;
/// The way in which the video was originally loaded.
/// This has nothing to do with the video's file type. It's just the place
/// from which the video is fetched from.
enum DataSourceType {
/// The video was included in the app's asset files.
/// The video was downloaded from the internet.
/// The video was loaded off of the local filesystem.
/// The video is available via contentUri. Android only.
/// The file format of the given video.
enum VideoFormat {
/// Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP, also known as MPEG-DASH.
/// HTTP Live Streaming.
/// Smooth Streaming.
/// Any format other than the other ones defined in this enum.
/// Event emitted from the platform implementation.
class VideoEvent {
/// Creates an instance of [VideoEvent].
/// The [eventType] argument is required.
/// Depending on the [eventType], the [duration], [size],
/// [rotationCorrection], and [buffered] arguments can be null.
// TODO(stuartmorgan): Temporarily suppress warnings about not using const
// in all of the other video player packages, fix this, and then update
// the other packages to use const.
// ignore: prefer_const_constructors_in_immutables
required this.eventType,
/// The type of the event.
final VideoEventType eventType;
/// Duration of the video.
/// Only used if [eventType] is [VideoEventType.initialized].
final Duration? duration;
/// Size of the video.
/// Only used if [eventType] is [VideoEventType.initialized].
final Size? size;
/// Degrees to rotate the video (clockwise) so it is displayed correctly.
/// Only used if [eventType] is [VideoEventType.initialized].
final int? rotationCorrection;
/// Buffered parts of the video.
/// Only used if [eventType] is [VideoEventType.bufferingUpdate].
final List<DurationRange>? buffered;
/// Whether the video is currently playing.
/// Only used if [eventType] is [VideoEventType.isPlayingStateUpdate].
final bool? isPlaying;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return identical(this, other) ||
other is VideoEvent &&
runtimeType == other.runtimeType &&
eventType == other.eventType &&
duration == other.duration &&
size == other.size &&
rotationCorrection == other.rotationCorrection &&
listEquals(buffered, other.buffered) &&
isPlaying == other.isPlaying;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
/// Type of the event.
/// Emitted by the platform implementation when the video is initialized or
/// completed or to communicate buffering events or play state changed.
enum VideoEventType {
/// The video has been initialized.
/// The playback has ended.
/// Updated information on the buffering state.
/// The video started to buffer.
/// The video stopped to buffer.
/// The playback state of the video has changed.
/// This event is fired when the video starts or pauses due to user actions or
/// phone calls, or other app media such as music players.
/// An unknown event has been received.
/// Describes a discrete segment of time within a video using a [start] and
/// [end] [Duration].
class DurationRange {
/// Trusts that the given [start] and [end] are actually in order. They should
/// both be non-null.
// TODO(stuartmorgan): Temporarily suppress warnings about not using const
// in all of the other video player packages, fix this, and then update
// the other packages to use const.
// ignore: prefer_const_constructors_in_immutables
DurationRange(this.start, this.end);
/// The beginning of the segment described relative to the beginning of the
/// entire video. Should be shorter than or equal to [end].
/// For example, if the entire video is 4 minutes long and the range is from
/// 1:00-2:00, this should be a `Duration` of one minute.
final Duration start;
/// The end of the segment described as a duration relative to the beginning of
/// the entire video. This is expected to be non-null and longer than or equal
/// to [start].
/// For example, if the entire video is 4 minutes long and the range is from
/// 1:00-2:00, this should be a `Duration` of two minutes.
final Duration end;
/// Assumes that [duration] is the total length of the video that this
/// DurationRange is a segment form. It returns the percentage that [start] is
/// through the entire video.
/// For example, assume that the entire video is 4 minutes long. If [start] has
/// a duration of one minute, this will return `0.25` since the DurationRange
/// starts 25% of the way through the video's total length.
double startFraction(Duration duration) {
return start.inMilliseconds / duration.inMilliseconds;
/// Assumes that [duration] is the total length of the video that this
/// DurationRange is a segment form. It returns the percentage that [start] is
/// through the entire video.
/// For example, assume that the entire video is 4 minutes long. If [end] has a
/// duration of two minutes, this will return `0.5` since the DurationRange
/// ends 50% of the way through the video's total length.
double endFraction(Duration duration) {
return end.inMilliseconds / duration.inMilliseconds;
String toString() =>
'${objectRuntimeType(this, 'DurationRange')}(start: $start, end: $end)';
bool operator ==(Object other) =>
identical(this, other) ||
other is DurationRange &&
runtimeType == other.runtimeType &&
start == other.start &&
end == other.end;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(start, end);
/// [VideoPlayerOptions] can be optionally used to set additional player settings
class VideoPlayerOptions {
/// set additional optional player settings
// TODO(stuartmorgan): Temporarily suppress warnings about not using const
// in all of the other video player packages, fix this, and then update
// the other packages to use const.
// ignore: prefer_const_constructors_in_immutables
this.mixWithOthers = false,
this.allowBackgroundPlayback = false,
/// Set this to true to keep playing video in background, when app goes in background.
/// The default value is false.
final bool allowBackgroundPlayback;
/// Set this to true to mix the video players audio with other audio sources.
/// The default value is false
/// Note: This option will be silently ignored in the web platform (there is
/// currently no way to implement this feature in this platform).
final bool mixWithOthers;